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Between conversations.

Python’s missing tail has been fixed.


But suddenly.

It growled.


Zhuge Mingyang several people were startled and looked at it suspiciously.

With a wave of python giant tail, the entire group immediately disappeared.

The next moment.

They descended over a mountain.

Mountains and rivers as far as the eye can see.

The mountains are heavy and majestic.

The mangosteen is lush and green.

A wide river, like a giant dragon, runs from north to south.

The river flows slowly and is extremely clear.


Just by the river.

On a piece of grass, a few 4 4 square stones were built into a stone stove with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Above, there is a big iron wok.

The wok is filled with water.


A group of people were busy around a giant tail.

Some people use Divine Artifact to scratch snake scales on a giant tail.

Others grabbed Divine Artifact, chopped the giant tail into large pieces, washed them with river water, and put them in a large iron wok.

That’s right!

They are a group of Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang and Liu Mu did not join in the fun, stood aside, full of smiles watching everyone busy.

“What are they doing?”

The middle-aged man stared at the scene stupidly.

“Nonsense, obviously to stew the snakehead.”

Zhuge Mingyang rolled his eyes and looked at the snake meat in the wok, unable to help swallowed saliva and said.

“Really stew?”

“And so brazen?”

The middle-aged man was stunned, glanced at the python aside, and saw python at this moment, so angry that his body was shaking, his eyes were shooting fire.

“This guy really dares to do it!”

Mu Tianyang is speechless.

“Honestly, I want to taste it too.”

Mu Qing mumbled, but also drooling.

Python suddenly glanced at Zhuge Mingyang and Mu Qing, angrily: “What are you doing?”


Two people quickly shook their heads.

Python gloomy said, “How can the true body hear the sound of swallowing?”

“Have it?”

Two people look innocent.

Zhuge Mingyang said: “We are angry.”

“Yeah yeah!”

“These scoundrel, unexpectedly brazenly stew your meat, can’t be angry!”

Mu Qing also roared with indignation.

“Hey hey hey, why are you all standing on it?”

“Everyone is an old friend. Let’s come and taste it together!”

“This snake flesh stewed by divine flesh is delicious on earth and it is rare to see it for ten 10,000 years.”

Qin Feiyang looked up at Python and Zhuge Mingyang and the others, grinning with a smile.

Aura for Python, no cover up.

and so.

As soon as Python appeared, everyone knew it.

However, they ignored it and went on with their own work, annoying the bastard.

After hearing Qin Feiyang’s words, python immediately became angry.

But suddenly!

There was a sound of drooling beside.

Python fly into a rage out of humiliation, staring at Zhuge Mingyang.

Zhuge Mingyang waved his hands quickly and pointed to Mu Qing: “It’s not me, it’s him!”

“You don’t venomous slander, obviously you!”

Mu Qing angered.

“How could I want to eat the meat of Sir Protector? Isn’t that disrespectful!”

“Look at you again, the saliva is coming out, and it’s not you?”

“Thank you for being a man, dares to do, but not acknowledge.”

Zhuge Mingyang disdain.

Gu lu !

However, the voice did not fall, and Zhuge Mingyang’s belly suddenly rang.


Zhuge Mingyang stumbled.

Mu Qing sneered, looking at python and saying, “Sir, do you see? It’s him.”

Python glared at Zhuge Mingyang.

Zhuge Mingyang embarrased with a smile.

It was embarrassing to betrayed by the stomach.

Qin Feiyang smiled and asked, “Don’t you really come down and taste it? A rare and delicious dish, it will be gone after you miss it!”

middle-aged man, Mu Tianyang, Mu Qing’s face was dark.

Can you stop tempting them?

Did n’t you see the Lord is right there?


“Sure to try.”

Zhuge Mingyang grinned suddenly and flew towards Qin Feiyang.

“what’s going on?”

Qin Feiyang stunned instead.

Liu Mu and the others were also looked at each other in blank dismay.

This person’s brain isn’t bad?

I don’t see python is about to run away?

Mu Tianyang three people are also shocked.


Zhuge Mingyang stopped suddenly and looked up at Python and Mu Tianyang three people, saying: “You don’t have to wait for me, let’s go!”

After that, regardless of the ugly expression of python, I did not fall back beside Qin Feiyang.

“Are you okay?”

Qin Feiyang looked at Zhuge Mingyang staggered.

Zhuge Mingyang frowns saying: “Did you not ask me to come down? Why? Now you want to repent?”

“no no.”

Qin Feiyang quickly waved his hand and said, “I mean, aren’t you afraid to offend Guardian?”

“Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. What am I afraid of?”

Zhuge Mingyang grinned, walked to the iron pan, sniffed hard, and said, “Although it hasn’t been cooked yet, I seem to have smelled the meat.”

Hearing this, Ning Minghe and Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord and the others couldn’t help twitching their faces.

This person’s mind, is it really okay?

Python couldn’t bear it anymore, and the anger burst out, growling, “Give it to this Eminence!”

A stream of power of law, immediately dropping from the sky, blasted towards a group of people.

“Protect divine flesh!”

Zhuge Mingyang complexion changed, and shouted quickly.

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow.

python angry take action, this person immediately thought not to save lives, but to protect divin flesh?

What does he want to do?

But doubts come to doubts. Divine flesh does have to be protected, otherwise the snake will have to simmer.

Qin Feiyang waved, and brought everyone, including snake meat and cauldron, into Ancient Castle.

But instantly, only Zhuge Mingyang was left on the scene.

“And me!”

“How could you leave me?”

Zhuge Mingyang angered.

Python stared at Zhuge Mingyang, said with a smile from Gloomy: “Eat and eat, die without regret!”

Power of Law, carrying the devastating aura, killed Zhuge Mingyang.

“It’s over. It’s over.”

“If i had known earlier, you shouldn’t be greedy.”

“Qin Feiyang, I hate you, unexpectedly tempted me like this.”

Zhuge Mingyang was angry.

Follow closely.

He disappeared.

There are no signs.

There are no traces, like evaporation on earth.


Mu Tianyang three people eyeball glared, glanced at where Zhuge Mingyang disappeared, his face full of suspicion.

Hong long!

power of Law falls.

With a loud noise, the square tens of thousands of li was razed to the ground in an instant, leaving no trace of grass.

Python glanced at the broken earth, coldly snorted and said: “Let you guys be unbridled first!”

Anyway, he disappeared with Mu Tianyang three people.


Qin Feiyang, Liu Mu, Ning Minghe, Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord appeared, looked up over the sky, then looked towards where Zhuge Mingyang disappeared, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

Qin Feiyang said: “Find it with Divine Sense.”


The voice has not fallen.

Zhuge Mingyang appeared out of thin air and said, “I don’t need you to find it, I will come out myself.”

“Do you also have Space Divine Object?”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow.

Zhuge Mingyang stared blankly, suspiciously: “Did I say that I didn’t?”

“Do you have it before?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Zhuge Mingyang said, “Then you didn’t ask it before!”

Qin Feiyang could not help but burst into flames.

He really didn’t know that there was Space Divine Object in Zhuge Mingyang.

Previously, he also thought that it was impossible for Zhuge Mingyang to have a Space Divine Object.

But now.

Suddenly a Space Divine Object appears, why isn’t he unexpected?

After Qin Feiyang calmed down, frowns saying, “This is why you dare to impudent in front of python?”

“Isn’t this obvious?”

Zhuge Mingyang smiled.

Qin Feiyang took a deep look at Zhuge Mingyang, and then glanced at the broken earth, looking towards Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord and Ning Minghe, saying: “Changing somewhere.”

“let me see.”

Ning Minghe lowered his head and groaned a little, and said, “Just go to our 10000 ancient city!”

“You mean the city outside Soul Sealing Valley?”

Qin Feiyang asked.


Ning Minghe is nodded.


Qin Feiyang.

Liu Mu even opened the transmission gate.

Several people went in one after another, and Zhuge Mingyang eyes flashed, and their faces followed along.

city ​​has not changed at all.

When it came down over the city, Ning Minghe landed directly on a square in the center of the city.

The square is very large, with a size of 4 square meters, enough to accommodate up to 4 people.

Qin Feiyang also followed in the center of the square, glanced all around, and detained someone, including dive flesh and the big iron pot, from inside Ancient Castle, said with a smile: “Continue.”

A group of people began to get busy again.

Zhuge Mingyang looked around and was idle and ran to help.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Zhuge Mingyang, walked to the corner of the square, took out a coffee table and 4 wooden chairs, and laid it on the ground.

Qin Feiyang sat on one of the wooden chairs, took out the ‘Beauty of Azure Sea’ and started making tea.

“this is……”

Ning Minghe looked at the Beauty of Azure Sea, his eyes were immediate and asked, “Young Master, is this a tea set made with Azure Sea Soft Jade?”

Qin Feiyang nodded, said with a smile: “Do you like tea too?”

“Like, of course.”

Ning Ming He is nodded again and again.

Liu Mu next to him, glanced suspiciously at the ‘Beauty of Azure Sea’, and asked, “What is different about this tea made by Azure Sea Soft Jade?”

“As soon as you hear that, you know you’re an outsider.”

“This tea set made by Azure Sea Soft Jade can completely remove the impurity from the tea and make the tea aroma stronger and stronger.”

“And even the most common tea leaves can be brewed with top grade tea as long as they are brewed with the Azure Sea Soft Jade tea set.”

Ningming Crane Road.

“This way!”

Liu Mu suddenly realized.

Qin Feiyang laughed, looked up towards three people, and said suspiciously, “What are you all standing for? Sit all!”


Ning Minghe and Liu Mu looked at the same time, both expressions were a little scared.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “Follow me, I don’t have to be so restrained, just get along with friends.”

“Then we’d better respect it.”

Ning Minghe three people smiled and took their seats one after another.


The strong aroma of tea came out.

There is also a sweet scent of one strand medicinal ingredient in the tea fragrance.

Ning Minghe smelled it, wondering, “Why does this tea smell of a medicinal ingredient? And it smells, it is not a normal medicinal ingredient.”

“This was given to me by an Old Senior.”

“These teas were carefully cultivated in the medicine field, and they can not produce much in a year.”

“It’s precious.”

“You taste it.”

Qin Feiyang poured a glass and handed it to Ning Minghe.

Ning Minghe took the teacup and tasted it carefully. His eyes were instantly bright, nodded and said: “Good tea, I have seen such a special tea for the first time after so many years!”

“Is there such an exaggeration?”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord glanced at him suspiciously, and poured a glass. He tasted it, and his eyes glowed immediately. He praised: “It is indeed the top grade of the top grade.”

Liu Mu also tasted it, wondering, “How do I feel no different from other teas?”

“You are the typical layman.”

Ning Minghe shook his head and glanced at Zhuge Mingyang, who was not in a distant place, and whispered, “Young Master, this Zhuge Mingyang is not easy, especially his Space Divine Object.”

“How to say?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, well strangely said.

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