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As soon as this might appeared, Nether Sovereign’s body was immediately shiver coldly.

“what happened to you?”

Liu Mu noticed its anomaly and wondered.


Nether Sovereign turned a deaf ear and stared at Fire Dragon with eyes full of fear.


The next moment.

Along with a shocking Dragon’s roar, a giant dragon dazzling around the fire, burst out from the dragon body of the fire.

dragon might mighty, shocking all directions!

“this is……”

Liu Mu and the others were surprised.

This giant dragon is also a Fire Dragon.

But the dragon might emanating from it is several times more terrifying than Fire Dragon itself.


The Purple Gold Dragon Soul in Qin Feiyang Qi Sea also actively opened his eyes, and two divine lights came out.

Follow closely.

A more startling scene appeared.

Purple Gold Dragon Soul unexpectedly swept out of Qi Sea, hovering above Qin Feiyang’s head, and looked at the giant dragon on the opposite side.

“what’s the situation?”

Sudden changes made Qin Feiyang completely unprepared.

This is the first time that Purple Gold Soul has appeared on its own.

What exactly is the giant dragon across? Unexpectedly interested Purple Gold Dragon Soul?

“You unexpectedly … turn on Zulong Battle Soul!”


A voice sounded.

Exactly the sound of python.

Qin Feiyang and the others immediately looked, and saw that python looked up at that giant dragon, and the large pump was full of panic.

“Zulong Battle Soul?”

Liu Mu frowned.

“That’s right, that’s Zulong Battle Soul!”

Nether Sovereign said solemnly.

“What is Zulong?”

Cui Li asked.

“The ancestor dragon is the first one dragon born in the world.”

“Whether it is Golden Dragon, Fire Dragon, Tulong, Water Dragon, Ice Dragon, Black Dragon, White Dragon, Silver Dragon, Purple Gold Divine Dragon wait a minute, any first one born is called an ancestor dragon. “

“It means that these ancestor dragons are the ancestors of various Divine Dragons.”

“In future generations of Divine Dragon, when facing the ancestors, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, there will be an oppression from the soul.”


“The emergence of Zulong will have a great sense of oppression for our snakes, just like me and python now.”

“This is an instinctive fear.”

Nether Sovereign said.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Liu Mu suddenly realized.

Qin Feiyang looked up towards Purple Gold Dragon Soul. It turned out that it was the Zulong that met Purple Dragon Soul.

“This Fire Dragon is not easy. It unexpectedly turns on Dragon Soul.”

“It is rumored that as long as the Divine Dragon that starts Battle Soul, it will eventually become a level of existence with Zulong.”

Nether Sovereign said.

“How to tell if the other party is Zulong?”

Cui Li curiously asked.

Nether Sovereign said: “Look at its brows, there is a cluster of fire patterns.”

Qin Feiyang and the others looked towards the brows of the ancestor Battle Soul. In the middle of the brows of Battle Soul, he found a cluster of slap fire patterns, like a Fire Lotus, exuding an amazing charm.

It’s just that the Sacred Fire pattern and the Dragon Soul’s dragon scales are the same color. It’s hard to find them without looking carefully.

Fire Dragon contempt looked at python and said, “This Sovereign is the most honorable Divine Dragon in the world, and you, but just a Stinking Insect, what qualifications are there to show off one’s military strength on this Sovereign’s head all day?”

Python’s eyes were shaking.

Zulong’s aura, let it fear, fear, and can not afford the courage to fight at all.

This is the oppression from the soul.

“Small insect, get ready to die!”

Fire Dragon laughed loudly.

Zulong Battle Soul, dived down.

As if one venerable of myriad beasts came, the terrifying aura shook python.

Even forgot to resist!

At the crucial moment, it shivered suddenly, shouting: “How noble is your bloodline? True body masters power of Law, above heaven under earth Only I Am Supreme, killing you like a dog!”

As python’s voice fell to the ground, an instant loudly blasted a loud noise on the sky, a piece of power of Law, like a torrent, pouring down from the sky.

Terrible aura, enough for world extinguishing!

The Fire Dragon pupil contracted and shouted quickly: “Qin Feiyang, block power of Law!”

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, saying: “Give me Wang You’er first.”

Fire Dragon anxiously said: “When you kill python, this Sovereign will naturally give her back to you.”

“Your words, untrustworthy.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.


Fire Dragon is so angry.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “Don’t give me Wang You’er, I’ll take you back to Profound Martial World now!”

“Do you know what the situation is now?”

“Insignificant a woman, is Guardian important?”

Fire Dragon flustered and exasperated, roaring again and again.

But in the current situation, it dare not really offend Qin Feiyang.

Since this step has been reached, Python must be removed, otherwise it will be a disaster.


It clenched the teeth, and in front of it void shocked, Wang You’er appeared, and immediately released Divine Force to protect Wang You’er.


It took a breath, a storm immediately appeared, rolled Wang You’er, and flew towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang stepped up and caught Wang You’er. Without saying a word, he sent to Profound Martial World.


Fire Dragon hastened.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the Fire Dragon, and immediately took Ancient Castle to welcome the power of Law.

Zhao Tailai and the others followed him all the time, and Divine Force and False God continued to flow into Ancient Castle.

The power of Ancient Castle has risen to an extreme.


With a loud noise, Ancient Castle and power of Law met.

power of Law shattered immediately.

“Do not……”

Desperate roar.

at the same time!

Ancestral Battle Soul.

Python screamed, fleshy body split up and in pieces on the spot, blood splashed into the sky.

“haha ……”

“Didn’t expect it. In the end, you still die in the hands of this Sovereign. Give this Sovereign a complete disappearance!”

Fire Dragon towards the sky laughed.

Open wide.

This piece of Heaven and Earth was immediately violet wind erupted.

Follow closely.

Flesh of Python was inhaled by Fire Dragon and swallowed all up.

This scene made Qin Feiyang scary.

Python’s fleshhy body, although all split up and in pieces, will not be killed by its cultivation base.

and so.

Fire Dragon is equivalent to swallowing one Battle God.

As soon as python died, a power of law descended on the sky once again, firmly locking Qin Feiyang and the others.

But this power of law is not to kill them, but to send them to 2nd-Layer.

Qin Feiyang looked up at power of Law, took a deep breath, and looked towards Fire Dragon. “It is Guardian, after all, are you not afraid to anger the creators of Little Beast and Gods Vestige?”

“Creator Sir is not at Gods Vestige at all.”

“And Sir Beast God, who is currently studying Azure Snow at 3rd-Layer, doesn’t care about it at all.”

“As for the death of python …”

“Sir Beast God will be held down then, this Sovereign can tell it, you killed it.”

Fire Dragon said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang said with a sneer: “dignified Battle God, unexpectedly thinking about doing some framing framed work, it is really admirable!”

But in the face of such fringe irony and scorching satire, Fire Dragon is not angry at all.

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “Then why did you kill it?”

Fire Dragon said: “Because of it, it took my place as a Guardian.”


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“Previously, this Sovereign was the Guardian of Gods Vestige.”

“But because of something, python ran to tell Sir Beast God, and when Sir Beast God was furious, Deprivation gave me the power of Guardian.”

“And order this Sovereign to guard the entrance to Profound Martial World.”

“This thing makes this Sovereign upset.”

“You should also see that, in fact, this Sovereign is much stronger than it.”

“But because it replaced this Sovereign, became a new Guardian, and can control power of Law, this Sovereign has never dared to make a move on it.”

“And this time, it unexpectedly saw this Sovereign in front of this Sovereign, saying that this Sovereign is a fool? It’s simply not angering!”

Fire Dragon said with a smile.

“So, you just use my hands to get rid of python, and you can get the attention of Little Beast again and become the Guardian of Gods Vestige.”

Qin Feiyang.


“You now control Profound Martial World too. You should be able to understand what it is like to control power of Law!”

“The one who controls power of Law is the true God!”

Fire Dragon said.

At this point, Qin Feiyang did not deny it, took a deep breath and said, “Wang Yuanshan, Underworld Palace, and Heavenly Yang Empire, where are they?”

“I want to know?”

“Go find it yourself!”

Fire Dragon laughed a little, then put away the ancestor Battle Soul, turned and cut through the sky, disappeared like lightning.

Zhao Tailai stared at the direction in which Fire Dragon disappeared, his murderous intention flashed, and said, “Young Master, why not just kill it?”

“Power of Law at once came, how to kill?”

Qin Feiyang shook the head, also put away Purple Gold Dragon Soul and Ancient Castle, and took Zhao Tailai three people and Nether Sovereign into Profound Martial World.

“Little cousin brother, what’s the result?”

“Why do Fire Dragon and python kill each other?”

Over the disappearing 10000 ancient city.

Watching Qin Feiyang several people appear, a group of Lu Zheng immediately surrounded them, and asked with 7 mouths and 8 tongues.

“Python is dead.”

Qin Feiyang.


Everyone is jealous.

Qin Feiyang briefly explained the situation.

“It turns out there are still such gratitude and grudges, and it’s no wonder that Fire Dragon will sneak attack python.”

“Is power really that important?”

After listening, Lu Hong shook his head and sighed.

“Hong’er, after so many things, don’t you understand? For some people, power is more important than life.”

Lu Zheng said.

“Well, I wish we could live in a world without disputes and desires.”

Lu Hong is deeply sighed.

“This is impossible.”

“It’s like this Profound Martial World.”

“Even if he is controlled by the little cousin brother, he can never create a world without disputes and desires.”

“In short, as long as someone has a living creature, there must be killing and death.”

“Little cousin brother, you’re right!”

Lu Zheng looked at Qin Feiyang, Tao.

Qin Feiyang nodded.


A scent of incense smelt.

Follow closely.

Then I saw a beautiful shadow, ran out of the crowd, and threw it into Qin Feiyang’s arms.

It’s Wang You’er!

See you.

Everyone else discreet’s silence went on.

“Sorry, it is my fault……”

“I always trouble you …”

“If this time, you really have something 3 long and 2 short, I will hate myself …”

Wang You’er hugged Qin Feiyang tightly, afraid that if she let go a little, Qin Feiyang would disappear in front of her eyes, and her face was full of blame.

Qin Feiyang raised his arm and wanted to hold Wang You’er, but he didn’t know, should he do it?

Very hesitant.

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