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“You came.”

Qin Feiyang said carefully.

He was too familiar with this voice.

It was the mysterious voice that appeared 2 degrees.

“You are all like this, can I not come?”

mysterious person said.

“What’s wrong with me?”

Qin Feiyang.

“What do you say?”

“It was so difficult to get to this step. Wouldn’t it be a pity to give up?”

mysterious person said.


Qin Feiyang murmured and sighed, “I didn’t give up, I was just too tired. All kinds of pressures were quickly overwhelming me.”

“Who has no pressure in the world?”

mysterious person said.


“There is stress.”

“But, are they under pressure as much as I am?”

“Mother, maternal grandfather, big cousin brother, Azure Snow, beloved woman, are waiting for me to rescue.”

“Mu Tianyang, Demon Ancestor, Imperial Preceptor, Head Pagoda Lord are also waiting for me to solve.”

“And my relative, Emperor Hong, not only didn’t help me, but looked at my enemy.”

“What the hell am I doing wrong? God wants to give me so much suffering? Can’t it make me easier?”

Qin Feiyang.

Mysterious person groaned for a moment, and sighed, “I admit that it is unfair to you to carry so much, and you are so young, no matter how good the temperament, there will be times when you are tired, it is completely understandable.

“Thank you.”

Qin Feiyang.

To be honest, he really couldn’t carry it anymore.

“However, you can’t solve the problem by escaping.”

“You have to face these things.”

mysterious person said.

“I know.”

“I just can’t figure out why my enemies are so powerful?”

“I can’t figure it out. Scarlet Sword Soul and Nine Leaves Fire Lotus are so powerful. Why can’t I use them?”

“Battle Soul, isn’t it controllable?”

“But how do I feel, these Battle Soul of mine are all uncles, if you want to show your prestige, it depends on their mood.

Qin Feiyang said bitterly.

“Scarlet Sword Soul, Nine Leaves Fire Lotus, is not ordinary Battle Soul.”

“They can’t show their strength right now, because your cultivation base is not enough.”

“So is Six Characters Divine Art.”

“It can be said that Six Characters Divine Art is in a very awkward position now.”

mysterious person said.

“Because of my cultivation base?”

Qin Feiyang asked.


“To play the true formidable power of Six Characters Divine Art, you must have Divine Force as support.”

“And now, you are just the power of False God.”

“When you step into Battle God, the fangs of Six Characters Divine Art will naturally show up.”

“Don’t doubt the power of Six Characters Divine Art.”

“You think, just by using your current False God’s cultivation base and using Six Characters Divine Art, you can compete against God One in the early stages. Isn’t that enough to prove the extraordinaryness of Six Characters Divine Art?”

“And for your first question, why are your enemies so powerful?”

“Actually you can think like this, is it because of the power of these enemies that makes you appear to stand out from the masses with others?”

mysterious person said.

“You are really comforting!”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

“I’m telling the truth, not to comfort you.”

“Frankly, playing against Battle God is really too reluctant for you now.”

“But you are not fighting alone!”

“You have subordinates.”

“They are loyal and devoted to you, and are even willing to pay for your life.”

“You have relatives other than Emperor Hong, and they are supporting you in silence.”

“Like Lu Jiajin, didn’t he just stand in front of you and save his life before you?”

mysterious person said with a smile.

“Big cousin brother …”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

“Cheer up!”

“No matter what setbacks you encounter, don’t lose confidence in yourself.”

“Think of that battle between you and Emperor Hong.”

“He’s also a Battle God, didn’t you defeat him the same way?”

mysterious person said.

“Emperor Hong was not defeated by me.”

“It was Ancestor’s divide statue that shocked him.”

“If I hadn’t evolved Emperor at the time, I might have a different ending.”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.

“I don’t deny this.”

“But anyway, he is always lost to you.”

“This shows that you do have the ability to fight God One.”

“Hurry up and complete this battle that belongs to you.”

“Your potential is much more than that.”

“What you have to do is not to hate the fierce battle, but to enjoy the battle.”

“Because you can only enjoy the battle and only continuely to fight, you can sublimate in the battle and inspire your true potential.

“Fighting is the fastest way to improve your strength.”

“As for the Seal of Ancient Castle, it is actually a good opportunity for you.”

mysterious person said.

“The opportunity?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.


“Before Ancient Castle was sealed, you encountered a powerful enemy, and you immediately thought of Ancient Castle.”

“Of course, you are right.”

“Because it will be done by anyone.”

“However, the enemy has to solve it by himself to have a sense of accomplishment.”

“Now Ancient Castle is sealed, and the back road is cut off. You can only fight by yourself.”

“Isn’t this a chance to make yourself stronger and make you change?”

“Let’s go!”

“It’s OK if you don’t, but you can’t make a living and leave regrets.”

mysterious person said.

“Enjoy the battle …”

“Keep fighting …”

“Don’t let people live, leave regrets …”

Qin Feiyang murmured to himself, slowly moving away from his big hand, and looking at the sky above, the confusion in his eyes gradually dissipated.

“I’ve known you for so long, I don’t know how to call you! Can you tell me your name?”

Qin Feiyang.

mysterious person said with a smile: “You call me Wuying Ren!”

“Shadowless Man …”

“Disappear without a trace …”

“It’s really good for you.”

“Thank you, and thank you for your company.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“I haven’t been with you.”

mysterious person said.

“is it?”

“Then how did you know the battle between Emperor Hong and me?”

Qin Feiyang.

“This one……”

mysterious person is stuffy.

“Okay, you can rest assured, I won’t question your identity, let me show you.”

Qin Feiyang.

“The future is long, we will meet sooner or later.”

Mysterious person laughed, and his voice went down.


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath, and a little harder, he jumped from the ground, cold light flashing out of his eyes, and murmured, “Let me end it!



He was like a streak of divine light, swept upwards.

high altitude!

monkey faced old man looking down at the deep pit, seeing that Qin Feiyang was not showing up for a while, a sneer rose from his face, and said, “It must be dead now!”

He turned and was about to kill Golden Divine Panther again.


However at this time.

In the deep pit, a heaven overflowing battle intent erupted suddenly.


Black face old man eyebrow raised, looking down again towards the deep pit, unexpectedly not dead yet?

This Life Strength is a bit too tenacious!

Next moment !

The murderous intention surged in his eyes.

Divine Force rolled out, like a waterfall cloth, blasting towards the pit.

Hong long!

Ka-cha !

The earth is frantically broken and crumbled!

one after another loud, shocking.

Fang Yuan ten thousand li, dust flying upward, filled with a terrifying aura.

“Young Master!”

Cui Li and the others heard the movement, and bewilderement where turning one’s head looked towards monkey faced old man strikes.

Golden Divine Panther couldn’t help worrying.

Although Qin Feiyang’s ability is very strong, can it really be carried down in the face of such wild bombing?

“Bastard, unexpectedly ignore the existence of the old man!”

Seeing that Golden Divine Panther was only concerned about the safety of Qin Feiyang, aquiline nose old man couldn’t help seeing in anger.


Divine Art is now exploded towards Golden Divine Panther.

Golden Divine Panther smashed into the ground, and the fleshhy body almost all split up and in pieces.


It doesn’t die at all.

“Scoundrel scoundrel!”

aquiline nose old man angry into flying into a rage.

He tried everything, and Golden Divine Panther was really seriously injured.

But this guy just doesn’t die.

Golden Divine Panther in a difficult situation got up and continued to look at the deep pit.



An aura changed from weak to strong, and continued to flow outward.

“This Sovereign knows that you are not so easy to die.”

Golden Divine Panther grinned.

The master of this aura is exactly Qin Feiyang.

Sensing the aura of Qin Feiyang, it was completely at ease, looking up towards aquiline nose old man, said with a smile: “Old Guy, unbridled is enough!”


aquiline nose old man surprised.

“Unbridled is enough, it’s time to turn this Sovereign on!

Golden Divine Panther towards the sky roared, a towering fearful might roared from within the body.

For a moment.

On the sky, rising winds, scudding clouds, natural phenomena occur frequently.

“this is……”

aquiline nose old man looked up at the sky, his face gradually changed.


“This is a natural phenomenon of Breakthrough Battle God!”

Roared Golden Divine Panther.

Soaring in an imposing manner.

The power of False God is rapidly changing.


“Unexpectedly breakthrough at this time!”

With a roar of aquiline nose old man flustered and exasperated, Divine Force and Divine Art slammed Golden Divine Panther for no money.

Golden Divine Panther immediately faced the same situation as Qin Feiyang, was bombarded violently, and fell into the ground of ten thousand zhang.

“You can’t kill this Sovereign!”


Golden Divine Panther growled.

In an imposing manner, it soared unstoppably to the Battle God Realm.

A pure divine power, like a volcanic eruption, rushed to all directions in 4 directions.

“This Sovereign said that in less than half an hour, I can get rid of you, realize it!”

Golden Divine Panther stepped forward, teleported to the front of the aquiline nose old man, and the thick claw Divine Force rolled, killing him away.

void, collapse immediately!

Broken void, teleportation, this is the best proof of Golden Divine Panther, being God.

“Damn, damn it!”

aquiline nose old man shouted, angry one fist went away.

Hong long!

Fist and claws met instantly.

aquiline nose old man was shocked on the spot, torn skin and gaping flesh on his arm, and divine blood drifted into the sky.

“So terrifying!”

He was terrified.

“This is the strength of Battle God.”

“Too much stronger than False God.”

Golden Divine Panther looked at the paw, and there was indescribable excitement among expressions.


It looked up towards aquiline nose old man, said with a sneer: “Come on, let this Sovereign see, what can you do?”


It started teleporting, and vicious aura slammed away at the aquiline nose old man.

“It just broke through, what are you crazy about?”

aquiline nose old man angered.

Hong long!

a man and a beast immediately collided together, killing all the way to the sky, the sky splitting Earth, the wind and clouds surging, like a mirror image of the end of the world.

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