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Full Moon High in the Sky, the night is hazy, and the ground is covered with silver.

And just in a valley, a mysterious power suddenly appeared.

This power is invisible and colorless, like a ghost, sneaking into the within the body of nearby Vicious Beast, plundering their blood qi.

The most weird thing is.

Blood qi was plundered. These Vicious Beasts were unexpectedly unaware.

But soon.

With one head Vicious Beast falling down and turning into a corpse, when even caused an unprecedented panic.

Countless Vicious Beast flees.

The Beast Sovereign in the nearby Great Regions rushed to find out, but the major Beast Sovereign fled in a difficult situation.

According to them, it was impossible to approach the valley.

Because the closer to the valley, the more terrible mysterious power is, and with no opportunity, even Battle God cannot stop it.

A little bit over time.

That mysterious power shrouded in scope, getting bigger and bigger.

At first, it was just near the valley.

But now, the land of several tens of thousands of li has shrouded, and it is still expanding, and it is not known when it will be the head.

In short.

Vicious Beast in this area is escaping.

A dazzling look.

The horizon gradually turned white.

The early sun rises slowly.

Qin Feiyang entire group snoring, talking and laughing, entering a vast lake.



distant place void, ringing one after another shrill beast roar.

Hong long long !

Follow closely.

Both the earth and void shook at this moment, like an unprecedented earthquake ahead, approaching.

“what happened?”

The entire group looked at the sound, his face full of suspicion.

Hong long!

The sound grew louder.


An extremely spectacular picture appeared under the eyes of several people.

The sky, the earth, all Vicious Beast.

There is Battle Saint and Vicious Beast for Emperor Level.

Vicious Beast with False God Level.

Beast Sovereign against Divine Level!

There are big Ruoshan, small Ruopanshi.

Densely packed, boundless, rushing frantically this way, the fear of expression is permeated!

“How come beast tide?”

Qin Feiyang and the others are surprised.

Groups of Vicious Beast rushed forward, Qin Feiyang several people and Golden Divine Panther kept dodging.


Qin Feiyang saw one Beast Sovereign in the herd.

It’s one Black Eagle, which is as big as a mountain and has a cultivation base for the Small Accomplishment period.

“Don’t stand in the way of this Sovereign, get away!”

While flying, it roared at the herd in front.


Qin Feiyang stepped out and crossed in front of Black Eagle.

“courting death !”

Seeing unexpectedly a human suddenly ran out of the way, Black Eagle immediately became aggressive.

But when seeing Qin Feiyang’s face clearly, his pump shrank sharply, and quickly converged fearful might, said with a smile: “It turned out to be Brother Qin. It’s offending a lot, and we still forgive.”


Qin Feiyang waved his hand, wondering suspiciously, “Brother, what are you doing?”

“oh! ”

“You don’t know.”

“Just last night, a strange power suddenly emerged from within the valley.”

“As soon as this power appeared, it plundered everyone’s blood qi.”

“And even this Sovereign cannot stop the erosion of that power, so we have to flee as a last resort.”

Black Eagle sighed.

“Is there such a thing?”

Mysterious Madam and Ye Shu heard that, their faces were shocked.


Qin Feiyang, Zhao Tailai, Tang Hai, Golden Divine Panther looked simultaneously, and a flash of cold light flashed inconsistently in his eyes.

Weird power …

Can plunder blood qi …

with no opportunity ……

Isn’t that what happened when Zhuge Mingyang rebirth?

Qin Feiyang looked towards Black Eagle and asked, “Where is the valley?”

“Look in the direction we fled, about half a day away.”


“You are still only False God. It will take 2 to 3 days to arrive.”

Black Eagle Road.

mysterious Madam asked, “Feiyang, do you know anything?”


Qin Feiyang nodded, looking at Black Eagle and saying, “Brother, can you help me and drive us over?”

Black Eagle eyeball immediately glared, angrily: “Don’t you let this Sovereign die?”

Qin Feiyang said: “You can rest assured that I will never let you be okay.”


Black Eagle hesitated.

Qin Feiyang said: “Trust me.”

Black Eagle raised an eyebrow, bit his teeth, and shouted: “Come on this Sovereign’s back.”

“Thank you guys.”

Qin Feiyang thanked him and jumped up, landing on Black Eagle’s back.

Mysterious Madam, Ye Shu, Tang Hai, Zhao Tailai, Golden Divine Panther, also successively jumped onto the back of Black Eagle.


Follow closely.

Black Eagle made a high-pitched scream, spread its wings, and broke the sky with lightning.

Wherever they went, the herd gave way.

“Old Black, where are you going?”


A few more Beast Sovereign came on, and looked at Black Eagle with a suspicious look and asked.

Black Eagle said: “Qin Feiyang is going to the valley to see, I will send them over.”

“Qin Feiyang?”

Those few Beast Sovereign stared blankly, looked towards the back of Black Eagle, and when they saw Qin Feiyang, they shouted enthusiastically: “Brother Qin!

“Hello guys.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Brother Qin, that mysterious power is not childish, we advise you not to go.”


“Look, even we are escaping, let alone you!”

“Brother Qin, 10000000 Don’t get me wrong, we didn’t look down on you.”

Several Beast Sovereign chirp chirp twitter twitter.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “I know, several older brothers are concerned about this Qin.”

“That’s good.”

A few Beast Sovereign relaxed.

Black Eagle glanced at those few Beast Sovereign, and the eyeball turned around, saying uncontrollably, “Will you go with us?”

“No, no.”

“Brother Qin, let’s just stop there and take care.”

When the Beast Sovereign heard Black Eagle’s words, they did not continue to persuade Qin Feiyang, and immediately turned to slipping away.

“Really a group of terrified people.”

Black Eagle scorned, taking Qin Feiyang several people, and continued to fly forward.

mysterious Madam frowns saying: “Feiyang, what the hell is this?”

“Zhuge Mingyang.”

Qin Feiyang said word by word.

“Zhuge Mingyang?”

“Really dead?”

Mysterious Madam and Ye Shu looked simultaneously, eyes full of suspicion.

Zhao Tailai said, “Young Master, this is not the case!”

“Where is it wrong?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“Zhuge Mingyang has said before that he can only rebirth if he dies in your hands?”

“But this time, he died in the hands of your older cousin brother.”

Zhao Tailai said.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “This is where I can’t figure out.”

“Will he lie to us?”

“Actually, whoever kills him, can he be resurrected?”

Tang Hai suddenly said.

Qin Feiyang said: “At present only this explanation is more reasonable.”

“Another point.”

“From the previous times, where he died, it should be where he was resurrected.”

“This time, Lu Jiajin killed Mu Tianjun and Demon Ancestor where he was sealed.”

“But now he is resurrected elsewhere.”

“Although we haven’t reached that valley yet, we also know from the direction that the distance between two places is 2 li!”

“What is going on here?”

Zhao Tailai said.

Qin Feiyang bowed his head and groaned.


His eyes lightened.

Zhao Tailai asked, “Did you think of it?”

Qin Feiyang: “Demon Ancestor’s Divine Sense …”

“Divine Sense by Demon Ancestor?”

Zhao Tailai was suspicious.


“I thought that Devine Ancestor’s Divine Sense had been worn away by the big cousin brother.”

“But it looks like this may not be the case.”

Qin Feiyang.

“What is that?”

Zhao Tailai said.

“I think it should be Devine Ancestor’s Divine Sense, and before Zhuge Mingyang was dying, he took away things that would allow him to rebirth.”

“And driving the Space Divine Object, rescue the Imperial Preceptor and Emperor Hong, and those who stole you, it should be Demon Ancestor.”

Qin Feiyang looked at Zhao Tailai, said.

Zhao Tailai hearing this, groaning for a moment, nodded and said: “It seems that only this explanation can really make sense.”

“Now youngster, why is it more difficult than one? Young Master is like this, so is Zhuge Mingyang, is it all cockroach reincarnation?”

Tang Hai said.

“Can you speak?”

Qin Feiyang’s face turned dark.

Say Zhuge Mingyang is all right, why bother with him?

cockroach reincarnation?

Don’t know if this is cursing?

“It’s always true.”

Tang Hai indifferently said.

“I will endure!”

Qin Feiyang fiercely stared at Tang Hai and took a deep breath.


Time flies, blinking away.

After the hour.

Qin Feiyang suddenly noticed that unexpectedly, the blood qi within the body is also passing away.

Realizing this, Qin Feiyang sank and said, “Look at your blood qi, is it passing?”

Several people and Golden Divine Panther immediately closed their eyes and looked inside the body.

“It’s gone!”

Zhao Tailai opened his first eyes and looked at Qin Feiyang.

“me too.”

“me too.”

Mysterious Madam, Ye Shu, Golden Divine Panther, Tang Hai also opened their eyes in succession, watching Qin Feiyang say.

Black Eagle: “Brother Qin, do you have a way to stop this force from eroding?”


Qin Feiyang shook his head.


Black Eagle’s eyes shook, and anxiously said, “Well, don’t we all have to die?”

“There is actually a way to enter Ancient Castle, or Profound Martial World.”


“If you enter Ancient Castle and Profound Martial World, it will slow down.”

“By the time we get to the valley, Zhuge Mingyang may have rebirth.”

Qin Feiyang.

Because after entering Ancient Castle and Profound Martial World, he took everyone to hurry. With his current cultivation base, the speed is far less than Black Eagle.

“Then you give Ancient Castle to us!”

“Our cultivation base is not as good as Black Eagle, but it is better than you. You will be able to control Ancient Castle faster than you.”

Zhao Tailai said.


“Ancient Castle is now sealed and can only go in and out, and cannot be passed on to others.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“What should I do?”

“In the beginning, Zhuge Mingyang said, rebirth again, he can step into Battle God.”

“So we have to get rid of him before he rebirth.”

Zhao Tailai said.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered.


He looked towards Zhao Tailai, Tang Hai, mysterious Madam, Ye Shu, and respectfully said: “Dear me, please help me.”

“What do you mean?”

Four people looked suspicious.

Just help, not an outsider, why are you so polite?

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