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Go home.

Qin Feiyang glanced all around and saw Uncle Yuan fishing in a shaded place by the lake.

He sorted out his emotions, walked with a smile, and asked, “Uncle Yuan, have you got anything?”

Uncle Yuan said with a smile: “I don’t know what’s going on, Yu’er doesn’t always hook.”

Qin Feiyang said, “Don’t fish. I’ll go and smoke the Black Ox that I brought back last night, so that we can eat for a while.”

“No, go and do yourself!”

Uncle Yuan laughed, turning one’s head glanced at Qin Feiyang, and asked, “Feiyang, do you have any worry?”


Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Uncle Yuan said: “foolish boy, Uncle Yuan is watching you grow up. What can you do to keep Uncle Yuan from hiding?”

Qin Feiyang scratched his head and talked about Lin Yiyi simply and clearly.

Uncle Yuan was silent for a moment, said with a smile: “In this matter, Uncle Yuan does not intervene, you take care of it yourself, Uncle Yuan just says, you can’t just look at the surface of everything.”

Qin Feiyang said: “Uncle Yuan means, Lin Yiyi has troubles?”

“This, Uncle Yuan doesn’t know. You have to judge for yourself and discover.”

Uncle Yuan said with a smile without looking back.

Some things ca n’t be directly explained, and Qin Feiyang needs to think about it slowly, otherwise dependency will arise.

Qin Feiyang groaned a little and took a deep breath.

No matter what you do, you need great strength.

So instead of guessing here, it is better to make yourself stronger as soon as possible.

Qin Feiyang was about to retreat, but turned around to remember that the little wooden house had been burned to ashes.

He glanced at the ruin and wondered, “Uncle Yuan, why not rebuild the wooden building?”

Uncle Yuan said with a smile: “Not necessary, because soon you will leave Iron Ox Town.”

“go away?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

Uncle Yuan did not explain, said with a smile: “If you want cultivation, you can find a place, Feiyang, and there are 2 days to your 5th birthday. What gift do you want?”

Qin Feiyang said, “What Uncle Yuan gives me, what I want.”

“Ha ha.”

Uncle Yuan slightly smiled, no longer snoring, watching the floating on the lake, his eyes flashing inexplicable radiance.

Qin Feiyang also sat aside, whispering, “This time, I’m going to hit 9-Star Martial Artist in one shot.”

He took out 20 Body Tempering Pills and took them all in one breath.

The majestic energy is almost about to burst his fleshhy body!


at dusk.

The news of the Black Demon Fort being burned went viral in Iron Ox Town.

But apart from shock, people are most happy.

Someone even beat the gongs and drums and set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Black Demon Fort is already infamous in this region and everyone hates it, but because Black Demon Fort is too powerful, no one dares to move them.

This time, it was a setting on fire, and it was very pleasant.

Pill Palace.

Ma Hongmei was leaning against a seat, closed her eyes and wounded.


A knock at the door sounded.

“Come in.”

Ma Hongmei said, opening his eyes.

The door opened, and a 15 or 16 years old black clothed youth hurried to Ma Hongmei and mumbled a few words.

“What? The news is true?”

Ma Hongmei stood up, her face was incredible.

Black clothed youth nodded and said: “The town has spread wildly. It is said that it was a few hunters. When they hunted near Black Demon Fort in the afternoon, everything was burned to ashes.”

Ma Hongmei asked, “What about the Black Demon Fort?”

black clothed youth shook his head.

“How come, Black Demon Fort has two great Martial Masters, and all around is a trap. Even me, I dare not stubbornly rushing …”

Ma Hongmei whispered, his eyes flashed, instructed: “Bao Chuan, you go to the Black Demon Fort at once to find out if there is a live mouth.”

“Disciple go here.”

Bao Chuan finished and turned away.

“No need to go.”

But it is at this time.

A hoarse voice sounded.

Follow closely.

An old man in black clothed walked into the great hall staggeringly, his face was completely white, and there was a knife wound on his lower abdomen, which was seeping blood!

“Xiang Wu!”

Ma Hongmei body trembled, hurriedly: “Bao Chuan, hurry up and help him!”

Bao Chuan ran up, hugged the black clothed old man, and sat on a seat.

Ma Hongmei strode to the black clothed old man, took out a Healing Pill, and let Bao Chuan serve him.

After the black clothed old man served Healing Pill, Ma Hongmei hurriedly asked, “Xiang Wu, what is going on?”

“It’s Qin Feiyang …”

“He and one White Wolf … in the middle of the night, sneaked into the Black Demon Fort and killed everyone …”

“Fort Lord died in their hands …”

black clothed old man on and off.


“How can it be?”

Ma Hongmei master and disciple bewilderement.

“1000 is 10000 indeed!”

black clothed old man said word by word, old eyes filled with loathing.

Ma Hongmei was stunned and incredible.

Bao Chuan asks, “Master, do you say this Qin Feiyang, do you usually pretend?”

Ma Hongmei shook his head: “Impossible, in the past 5 years, he has come to Pill Palace countless times to seek Cleansing Marrow Pill, so I know him very well, it is definitely not a pretense, only one explanation, his disease has been eradicated!”

“Even Black Demon Fort dares to burn, Master, this person must not stay!”

In Bao Chuan’s eyes, the Murderous intention flickered.

Ma Hongmei knows this better than anyone.

As long as Qin Feiyang rises, she will start with her sooner or later!

“You take someone right away and bring me his head!”

Ma Hongmei instructed.


Bao Chuan bowed.

“Wait a minute.”

The black clothed old man reached out to stop, gloomily smiled: “I have a way to solve Qin Feiyang without Elder Ma in person.”

“any solution?”

Ma Hongmei hurriedly asked.

It would be best if she did not show up in person.

The black clothed old man said: “Fort Lord has a son, Cao Lang, who has entered Martial Palace as early as 2 years ago and is now said to be 1-Star Martial Master.”

“Cao Lang?”

Ma Hongmei stared blankly, surprisedly said: “This child I have also heard, extraordinary natural talent, extremely monster, didn’t expect unexpectedly would be his son.”

The black clothed old man said: “Martial Palace has always disliked Black Demon Fort, so Cao Lang’s identity has always been hidden.”

Ma Hongmei suddenly realized, and asked, “Do you want Cao Lang to deal with him?”


“If Cao Lang can kill Qin Feiyang, it’s best, lest we make a move again.”

“But if Cao Lang is killed by Qin Feiyang, we will tell Martial Palace about Cao Lang’s death …”

“By that time, Martial Palace Palace Lord was furious, Qin Feiyang had ten lives and was not enough to kill!”

black clothed old man laughing evilly again and again.

“Good idea. It will be good for us whether Cao Lang is successful or not.”

“Bao Chuan, you go to Martial Palace at once to find Cao Lang and tell him the death of father. As for how to say, I shouldn’t teach you!”

Ma Hongmei said with a laugh, the words were full of bitter coldness.

“Disciple understand.”

Bao Chuan sneered.


late at night.

Qin Feiyang, sitting on the floor, suddenly broke out of a strong imposing manner.

8-Star Martial Artist!

His eyes opened, and two brilliant radiances shot out.

“Come on, eat something.”

Uncle Yuan’s voice came into his ears.

Qin Feiyang looked.

Beside the five meters, there is a pile of bonfire burning.

Uncle Yuan is sitting next to bonfire, grilling 2 big fish.

“gu lu !”

The scent of fish smelt and made his appetite shake.

He got up and walked over, sitting next to Uncle Yuan, said with a smile: “2 big fishes, Uncle Yuan, what a good harvest!”

Uncle Yuan said with a smile: “As long as you have patience and you can calm down, there will always be gains.”


“Meditate …”

Qin Feiyang groaned for a moment, like enlightenment, nodded and said: “Uncle Yuan, I will remember your words.”

“Hurry up!”

Uncle Yuan laughed and passed 2 fish to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang grabbed 2 fish and then gobbled up.

Uncle Yuan said: “Eat slowly, don’t get caught in fishbone.”

Qin Feiyang pondered this sentence again, and looked up at Uncle Yuan strangely, and said, “Uncle Yuan, how do I feel, every word you say now seems to hide some big argument?”

“That’s what life is all about.”

“A lot of bland words or bland things can end up giving you a different chance.”

“So in the future, no matter where you go, you have to listen, watch, think, but don’t talk.”

“What should be said, not what should be said.”

Uncle Yuan urged.

Qin Feiyang nodded, memorizing this sentence in my mind.

2 fish, which were quickly eaten by Qin Feiyang.

Throw away the fishbone, Qin Feiyang said: “Uncle Yuan, I continue to cultivate, if you are tired, go to rest.”


Uncle Yuan nodded.

“Qin Feiyang, get out of me!”

But at this time.

A murderous looking roar came from the entrance.


Qin Feiyang frowned, looking up towards the entrance, and immediately saw a dark shadow, galloping towards this side.

“Uncle Yuan, let me see.”

He left a word in a hurry and ran towards the shadow.

Under a willow tree.

Two people meet.

Stop at the same time, looking at each other across 3 meter away.

“You are who?”

Qin Feiyang wondered.

Opposite it is a black clothed youth, with a fifteen-sixteen left and right, a height different from ordinary people, 1.85 meters in height, a burly body, and full of sturdy air.

But to this person, Qin Feiyang didn’t have a slight impression.

The black clothed youth did not answer, asking, “Did you burn the Black Demon Fort?”

“I burned it.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“pay with your life !”

Black clothed youth yelled, bullied him, and one fist shot at Qin Feiyang.


Actually True Qi emerged!

“Martial Master!”

Qin Feiyang bewilderement, hurried out step by step, avoiding that fist dangerously, shouted: “Can you make it clear before you make a move!”

“Father ’s revenge, ca n’t live under the same sky, I wo n’t break your body today for 10000 segments, I swear!”

black clothed youth seething in anger, like one crazy wild beast, rushing towards Qin Feiyang madly.

Qin Feiyang quickly suddenly retreated, and his thinking was moving at a high speed.

Black Demon Fort …

Fate of Killing Father …

Is this person…

He flashed in one’s eyes radiance and said, “Is your name Cao Lang?”


Black clothed youth frowned, stopped and looked at Qin Feiyang. “How do you know?”

“Sure enough, he!”

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart, saying, “You father told me personally, I certainly know.”

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