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“Eldest Prince …”

Qin Feiyang lowered his head and groaned, and asked, “Do you know Eldest Prince’s cultivation base?”

“do not know.”

fatty two people shook their heads.

Qin Feiyang got up and said, “I’ll go to the Great Cultivation Palace and wait for Steward Li to come and you can ask him about the rules of competition, the more detailed the better.”

Lu Hong black eyebrows froze and said, “You rushed back in covered dust, and go to rest first, I’ll tell Feng Ling’er.”

Fatty nodded.

It can be seen that although Qin Feiyang is very strong on the surface, he is actually very tired.

They want to share a little for Qin Feiyang.

“It’s okay. Inventorying the heaven and earth bag has helped me a lot.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, turned and walked out of the attic, straight to the Great Cultivation Palace.

2 Deacon Elder, keeping watch here.

One wondered, “What are you doing here?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Junior wants to meet Feng Ling’er.”

“I guessed, you’re looking for Feng Ling’er.”

“She’s the No. 1 Cultivation Room, you go in yourself, remember to hold back.”

Two people said with a smile, very ambiguous.


Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

Did he forget that he was still a minor?

But without explaining, they arched at the two people and walked into the Great Cultivation Palace.

In front of No. 1 Cultivation Room.

Qin Feiyang looked at the stone gate and didn’t knock.

Because he could imagine how bad Feng Ling’er would be when he learned of Feng Cheng’s death.



He exhaled for a long time, and reached out and knocked gently on the door.

But after waiting for a while, Feng Ling’er did not open the door.

“not here?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

As he was about to turn around and leave, the stone gate slowly opened and a pale face came into Qin Feiyang’s sight.

Qin Feiyang looked at Feng Ling’er. He had unwrapped tear marks on his cheeks, and his eyes were a little bit swollen.

A trace of confusion rose on his face and asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Can I help you?”

Feng Ling’er didn’t answer the question, her voice was a little hoarse.


Qin Feiyang said to his mouth, and closed it back.

“Leave it all right, I have no mood to entertain you now.”

After Feng Ling’er spoke, he reached out and closed the stone gate.

“Always say everything.”

Qin Feiyang secretly sighed, reached out and pressed the stone gate, watching Feng Ling’er said: “You grandfather …”


Feng Ling’er was trembling.


Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, asking, “You already know?”


“Just now Elder Ji came to me and told me personally.”

Feng Ling’er nodded, tears crash-bang.

Qin Feiyang surprisedly said: “How does she know that the Palace Lord is back?”

“I don’t know anything. I want to be alone.”

Feng Ling’er shook his head and snorted, closing the door firmly, and there was a faint sob.

Qin Feiyang stood at the door, a little overwhelmed.

“Haotian, the entire Martial King Palace, you have the best relationship with Ling’er, so please comfort her.”


An old voice affected behind him.

Qin Feiyang was startled, turning one’s head, and he saw Elder Wan standing behind him, his face full of sadness.

Qin Feiyang angrily said, “Senior, can you walk a little bit?”

Elder Wan laughed, but very stiff.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Is Palace Lord back?”

“On the way back.”

“Conveniently in passing tells you bad news, Zuo An has run away.”

Elder Wan.

“This should be good news.”

Qin Feiyang sneered at the corner of his mouth.


Elder Wan frowned, said with displeasure: “What are you talking about?”


“With the low person like Ma Cheng, it’s hard not to fail.”

“By the way, did you tell Feng Ling’er that Feng Cheng really died?”

Qin Feiyang asked.


“She is very sad now, and still so small, we don’t want to carry her too much.”

“Don’t tell her either.”

“Also, Palace Lord has reached an agreement with Ma Cheng and Pill King Palace will not target you anymore.”

“But ahead of time, you can’t publicize Ma Cheng’s behavior in Black Bear Mountain.”

“Especially that fatty, tell him to control his mouth.”

Elder Wan’s face sternly clanked.

“Since he dares to do it, is he afraid of people talking?”

Qin Feiyang exasperated.

“After all, he is the Palace Lord of Pill King Palace, and fame is important.”

“We Palace Lord, King Yan, Palace Lord Jiang, also have to think about the big picture.”

“In this complex environment, many things are not what you want to do.”

Elder Wan face was also full of helplessness.

Qin Feiyang laughed at himself: “Take the death of Feng Cheng and Black Bear King in exchange for the peace of all of us. This sale is really a good deal.”

“oh! ”

Elder Wan sighed, pats his shoulders, and comforted: “If you die, you can’t be born again, don’t be too sad, live well in the present.”

Let me talk about it.

Elder Wan turned and left.

He came here to actually comfort Feng Ling’er.

But now, it seems that he does not need to comfort him.

“Ma Cheng …”

Qin Feiyang clenched tightly with both hands, his eyes became aggressive.

Although Ma Cheng can’t help it now, he will slowly collect interest.

turning one’s head glanced at the Cultivation Room and he was about to leave.

But this time.

Feng Ling’er opened the stone gate and walked out of the Cultivation Room. Indifferently said: “Follow me.”

Qin Feiyang in silence followed along.

Now that Feng Cheng has been promised, it must be done naturally.


Feng Ling’er is going to borrow alcohol to sorrow.

By midnight, she was already drunk.

Qin Feiyang hugged her and returned to Meditation Lake.

fatty two people greeted immediately.

On the second floor, Qin Feiyang went into a room and placed Feng Ling’er on the bed.


He got up and looked towards Lu Hong, said with a smile: “Go to Duanpenshui to wipe her, and then change her into clean clothes. During this time, you do n’t have to do anything. You are responsible for staying with her and going out. Walk around and talk. “


Lu Hong nodded.

“Working hard.”

Qin Feiyang laughed and said to fatty, “You come down with me.”

Two people quickly went downstairs and sat by the coffee table.

Qin Feiyang said: “What about the medicinal ingredient?”

fatty pulled out 2 heaven and earth bags, excidly said: “Do you know what Fat Master found in the treasure of Black Bear King? 2 Scarlet Fire Glaze Trees, a total of 6 leaves, 7 Fire Ginseng, and 2 Blood Ginseng, a Nine Yang Flower, and a Snow Crystal. “


Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Unexpectedly is there such a rare medicinal ingredient?

Fat said: “In addition to these, there are many other more precious medicinal ingredients. As for Gold Coin, there are not many, only more than 100 and 10000.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Are there those medicinal ingredients, will we still lack Gold Coin?”

I am very grateful to Black Bear King.

But at the same time, it is even more blame.

How could Black Bear King die if he didn’t tell King Yan and the others?

Fat frowned, angrily: “Boss, you don’t take any responsibility on yourself, this is putting pressure on yourself. If you blame it, blame Ma Cheng’s old scoundrel!”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “I’m fine.”

“oh! ”

fatty sighed, said with a smile: “Fat Master has sorted it out. Potential Pill’s medical ingredient has 3 copies. Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill’s medical ingredient has 6 copies, all in this heaven and earth bag. “

fatty pointed to the heaven and earth bag on the left.

“3 copies!”

Qin Feiyang is overjoyed, turning one’s head looked towards fatty, his eyes flickering.

Fat touched nose and chuckled, “Why do you look at Fat Master like this, don’t you also be fascinated by Fat Master’s handsomeness?”


Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes and said with a smile: “I’ll leave all the medicinal ingredients and Gold Coin to you for safekeeping.”

fatty slightly stared blankly, evilly smiled, “Are you not afraid that Fat Master is full?”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “It doesn’t matter, anyway, I’ll ask you for the medicinal ingredient.”

“You want to be an arm-flinging shopkeeper!”

Fat look helpless.

“Honestly, both the medicinal ingredient and Gold Coin are on the Fat Master, which is a bit unsafe. If by any chance Fat Master has been ransacked?”

“So it has to be separated. The medical ingredient is Fat Master. Gold Coin is managed by Lu Hong.”

“Boss, what do you think?”

Fatty asked.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “It’s quite thoughtful. You take care of it yourself. I’ll go to refining Potential Pill first, and arrange it for heaven and earth bag, and give it to me, remember to leave me some pocket money.”

“Wishful thinking, Fat Master will not leave you a Silver Coin.”

fatty treacherous.

Qin Feiyang glanced at him, grabbed the heaven and earth bag on the left, and prepared to enter Ancient Castle.

“Boss, wait a minute, what about this?”

Fat hurried to catch him and took out a piece of paper.

Qin Feiyang took a look and his face was immediately dark.

This is a promissory note!

It reads that Qin Feiyang owed Treasure Pavillion, 30,000,000 Gold Coin, which was not paid off within one month, and charged 1000 Gold Coin interest every day.

“30,000,000, where do we go?”

“Grandma, Steward Li’s old scoundrel, why not grab it?”

Fat looked angry and had a terrible headache.

Qin Feiyang asked, “How many Gold Coins do we have now?”

Fat said: “More than 400 and 10000.”

“It’s only more than 400 and 10000. It’s really a cup of water on a burning cart. When I refined Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill and used it for deduction.”

Qin Feiyang threw the promissory note to fatty, and disappeared without a trace.

Not a moment.

Lu Hong went downstairs.

fatty asked, “how is she?”


Lu Hong laughed and asked, “What did you just say underneath?”

Fat said, “Boss said that in the future Fat Master will manage the medical ingredient and you will control Gold Coin. That is to say, now Fat Master has the power to control the material and you have the power to finance.”

Lu Hong said with a smile: “This is good deed, it means he trusts us very much.”

“So, you have to work hard, don’t let Boss down.”

“How about, let’s meet for a candlelight dinner and celebrate?”

Fat lecherous stared at her.

Lu Hong’s face immediately climbed up a frost, his neck narrowed, and she hurriedly slipping away.

at the same time.

One of the Royal Palace is inside the great palace.

Lin Hao frowns saying: “Your Majesty, the knockout will start tomorrow. Jiang Haotian hasn’t registered yet. Do you think he will come to participate in the competition?”

Eldest Prince said, “I want to know, will I still worry about here?”

Lin Hao said: “Let’s just increase the reward.”

Eldest Prince’s gaze was a good idea.

“it is good.”

“You will announce it tomorrow morning.”

“First prize, a Nine Yang Flower, a Snow Crystal.”

“Prize for 2nd place, 3 leaves of Scarlet Fire Glaze Tree.”

“No. 3 prize, Fire Ginseng.”

“This Highness wouldn’t believe it, and could not lead him out!”

Eldest Prince sneered, in one’s eyes cold light blinking.

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