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“I didn’t know about it.”

“Before, the Dark Lord and Heavenly Martial King came to Heavenly Treasure Pavillion. I gave them tea, and when I entered the room, I heard them talking about it.”

Qin Feiyang mother said.

“so that’s how it is.”

Jiang Zhengyi suddenly realized.

“And they are still talking about Sima Yuan. They suspect that Sima Yuan may have happened unexpectedly.”

“And this matter is also related to Feiyang.”

Qin Feiyang mother said again.

Jiang Zhengyi calmly said: “I also heard something, Feiyang seems to have killed Demon Dragon Island.”

He didn’t dare to say that he actually got in touch with Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang mother said: “That’s why I immediately passed the news to you. At once, you can find a way to pass it to Feiyang.”

“it is good.”

Jiang Zhengyi nodded.

Qin Feiyang mother said: “Demon Capital’s current position is a place called the Dead Sea in the northeast.”

“I at once found a way to tell Feiyang.”

“You have to be careful, too, don’t expose a weak spot.”

Jiang Zhengyi urged.

“I know.”

Qin Feiyang mother nodded, illusory shadow disappears.

“Brother Yan, look, even God helps us, Demon Ancestor, why worry about Inextinuishable?”

Jiang Zhengyi laughed.

Yan Wei also smiled, urging, “Hurry up with your daughter.”



Qin Feiyang stands in void, eyes closed recuperating.

next to.

Tang Hai, Zhao Tailai, and Blood Qilin are all silent.

“Feiyang, Yan Wei and father have heard the news that Demon Capital is now in a place called the Dead Sea northeast.”


Luo Qingzhu’s voice sounded in Qin Feiyang’s mind.


Qin Feiyang was immediately shivered, eyes opened, and two radiances came out.


Zhao Tailai two people and Blood Qilin noticed the change in Qin Feiyang’s expression and were surprised.

Qin Feiyang looked at Blood Qilin and asked, “Do you know the Dead Sea?”

“Dead Sea?”

Blood Qilin stared blankly, nodded and said: “I know, how?”

“At once take us!”

Qin Feiyang.

“it is good.”

Blood Qilin waved his claws and took Qin Feiyang three people and swept northeast.

“Young Master, why are you suddenly going to the Dead Sea?”

Zhao Tailai was suspicious.

Qin Feiyang excitedly said: “Yan Wei, they heard the news, Demon Capital is now at the Dead Sea.”


Zhao Tailai and Tang Hai looked at each other in blank dismay.

These two people can’t be too small, so unexpectedly I asked about the transfer of Demon Capital?

“Qingzhu, did Yan Wei and your father say, how did they find out?”

Qin Feiyang in the dark asked.


Luo Qingzhu’s voice sounded.

Regarding Qin Feiyang mother, Yan Wei and Jiang Zhengyi still chose to keep it from everyone.


To the northeast, there is indeed a body of water.

The water surface is calm and waveless, and no aura of any creature can be sensed in it, and it is extremely wide.

Just talking about the diameter of the water area, it is estimated that it would be enough thousand thousand li.

and so.

It’s no exaggeration to say it’s a dead sea.



Several streams of light came to break the sky like lightning, it was Qin Feiyang three people and Blood Qilin.

But this time on their way, they all converged on Aura.

This is to avoid beating the grass to scare the snake.

Blood Qilin stopped over a mountain, glanced at the waters ahead, and said, “The Dead Sea is ahead.”

“So big?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

I thought, how big can a Dead Sea on the island be? It is estimated that at most a few ten thousand li.

Yet didn’t expect, the size of the Dead Sea is far beyond expectation.

“Before coming to Demon Dragon Island, this Sovereign said that Demon Dragon Island is very large, and the 2 Imperial Capitals can’t add up. It is not surprising that the island has such a large Sea Domain.

Blood Qilin said.

Zhao Tailai glanced at the Sea Domain, frowns saying: “Yan Wei and Jiang Zhengyi didn’t tell us the specific location, such a large Dead Sea, looking for a space-like Divine Object like gray particles, simply needle in a haystack.”

“In the current situation, the two of them can already hear that Demon Capital is in the Dead Sea, which is already very good.”

“I want a specific location, dream about it!”

Tang Hai narrowed his eyes to Zhao Tailai.

“Either way, find Demon Capital!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes saw a flash of solemn light, watching Blood Qilin asking, “Demon Capital has a hidden Soul Stone?”


Blood Qilin shook his head.

“No, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t.”

Zhao Tailai frowns saying.

If Demon Capital incorporates Hidden Soul Stone, even if they search the Dead Sea, they will not be able to find it.

“Now, this Sovereign dares to conclude.”

Blood Qilin said.

“How do you tell?”

Zhao Tailai looked at it suspiciously.

“Because Demon Ancestor has only one hidden Soul Stone, and this hidden Soul Stone, he gave it to Sima Yuan.”

“Now that Sima Yuan is dead in our hands, where can he go to find Soul Stone?”

Blood Qilin said with a smile.

“This is fine.”

Zhao Tailai nodded.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards Tang Hai, saying: “Tang Hai, at that time I let you look at Sima Yuan, did you take away his hidden Soul Stone?”

Tang Hai said: “At that time I immediately seized him, and his heaven and earth bag.”

“Then why don’t you give it to the Young Master?”

Zhao Tailai looked at Tang Hai suspiciously, and suddenly a smirk crawled on his face, and said, “Frankly tell us, do you want to be full?”

Tang Hai immediately stared at Zhao Tailai.

“It seems I guessed it.”

Zhao Tailai evilly smiled, turning one’s head looking at Qin Feiyang, saying indignantly: “Young Master, this kind of person can’t stay, please get rid of it!”

Tang Hai stared blankly, angrily: “Head of Old Zhao, believing or not I slaughtered you?”


“Do you still have reason to be full?”

Zhao Tailai coldly snorted.

“Who said that I was full, I was forgetting when Heart Demon was at the critical moment of the Transcending Tribulation.”

Tang Hai said.

Zhao Tailai pouted and looked at Qin Feiyang. “Young Master, this must be an excuse.”


The anger in Tang Hai’s heart suddenly whizzed whiz whiz whiz.

Qin Feiyang smiled helplessly and looked at Zhao Tailai and said, “Don’t make fun of him, get in a hurry, maybe becoming hostile with you.”

“I like to look at his anxious look.”

Zhao Tailai chuckled.

“Do you like seeing my anxious eyes?”

“Okay, wait for me, kill you sooner or later.”

Tang Hai gloomy smiled, took out a heaven and earth bag from his arms, and a black pull finger.

That finger was made with Hidden Soul Stone.

Qin Feiyang grabbed the heaven and earth bag and sent it to Ancient Castle for Pill King Cai to deal with. Then he looked at the fingers and looked at Tang Hai. “You keep this finger, just in case.”

Tang Hai immediately glanced proudly at Zhao Tailai.

“No, it’s a hidden Soul Stone. What’s so good about it.”

Zhao Tailai coldly snorted.

“Okay, it’s business.”

“Zhao Tailai, you follow me.”

“Tang Hai, you follow Blood Qilin!”

“Let’s go and look for it!”

Qin Feiyang.

Zhao Tailai two people are just the Initial Accomplishment Battle God, letting them act alone, Qin Feiyang is very worried.

two people 一 兽 nodded.

Qin Feiyang took out the armor of Dragon Marked Sword and Qilin and said, “You follow Blood Qilin and Tang Hai, and you must protect them.”

Qilin’s armor is still dilapidated, but at a critical moment, protecting Tang Hai and Blood Qilin can still be done.

Sou! !

2 big top grade Divine Artifact heard, when even sneak into Blood Qilin’s within the body.

Because Qilin Divinity blood helps Qilin’s nail repair.

And Blood Qilin is also very excited.

These are 2 top grade Divine Artifacts. Even if you encounter Sima Kun now, there is no fear of it.


Qin Feiyang shouted.

Sou! !

Three people released Divine Sense as soon as a beast launched a carpet-like search of the Dead Sea.

Not a moment.

Tang Hai and Blood Qilin also disappeared into the sight of Qin Feiyang two people.

There is no hidden Soul Stone, no matter how small Demon Capital becomes, how hidden it is, their Divine Sense can be found.

A dazzling look.

Half an hour passed.


Qin Feiyang expression startled.

“did you find it?”

Zhao Tailai asked.


“However, I found something even more incredible.”

Qin Feiyang.


Zhao Tailai was surprised.

“follow me.”

Qin Feiyang said, then dived down, entered the Dead Sea, and went straight to the bottom of the sea.

Zhao Tailai followed him, and expression was full of vigilance.

Although in the Dead Sea, even the entire Demon Dragon Island, no aura of any creature is sensed, but here is the old nest of Demon Ancestor, after all, there is no expectation that anything will happen.

How deep the Dead Sea is not at all, two people soon entered the bottom.

Into the sight is a sea of ​​mountains and rivers, rolling up and down, without seeing the end.

Qin Feiyang took Zhao Tailai into a small valley.

The moment he entered the valley, Zhao Tailai eyeball glared suddenly, full of unbelievable.

In the middle of the valley, unexpectedly stands a bloody altar!

Two people landed next to the altar, looking at the scarlet altar, eyes full of surprise.

Zhao Tailai said suspiciously, “Young Master, how can there be an altar here?”

Qin Feiyang also had a hint of doubt on his face.

But suddenly!

He remembered what Fire Python had said to him before leaving Gods Vestige.

Fire Python told him that Sea of ​​Reincarnation hid an altar and could enter Gods Vestige.

Is this the altar in front of me?

Think of this.

Qin Feiyang, one shivered, quickly looked towards Zhao Tailai, saying: “Come with me and revive.”

Fire Python also said at the beginning that the altar to Gods Vestige requires a minimum of ten early-stage Battle Gods to recover.

If he and Zhao Tailai cannot recover at this moment, then this must be the altar that Fire Python refers to.

On the contrary, if it can recover, it is not.

“it is good.”

Zhao Tailai nodded.

The Divine Force of the two people rolled out, pouring into the blood-colored altar, and the altar immediately appeared with one strand of blood-rays of light.

“Can it recover?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

If you can recover, where does this altar lead?

Imperial Capital ?

Nine Great Prefectures?

Forgotten Continent?

But it’s not right to think about it.

If there is an altar that leads to Imperial Capital, Nine Great Prefectures, Forgotten Continent, Blood Qilin should have told him right away.


As time passed by, the bloody altar, not at all, fully recovered and remained in its original state.

Discovering this, Qin Feiyang fine God One vibrated.

The incomplete recovery means that he and Zhao Tailai two people cannot recover.

That said, this should be the entrance to Gods Vestige.

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