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“Knockout, start!”

As Commander Xu’s words fell.

Everyone rose to full power and blasted towards the people around them.

“Bang, bang!”


someone wins.

Someone is bound to lose.

For a moment, the screams here were endless!

One youngster kept falling.

Almost only in the blink of an eye, half of them were eliminated!

The battle was cruel.

Especially this kind of melee will be attacked by sneak attack and lose the qualification to continue.

at the same time!

Qin Feiyang two people were also under siege.

Ling Yunfei fought against dozens of people alone, and prevailed!

Qin Feiyang never made a move, stood in the field, glanced at the chaotic crowd, his eyes calmed down.

“Dare such an arrogant on the melee field, really a courting death!”

A big, burly person noticed Qin Feiyang’s eyes, and his eyes were immediately immensely fierce.

Seeing Ling Yunfei being entangled by two people more than ten meters away, he took a step forward, carrying a rolling Battle Qi and killing Qin Feiyang!


Didn’t wait for him to approach.

Ling Yunfei actually appeared in front of him like lightning, one fist shot, and the afterimages of 9 big hands were thrown at him!

It’s Illusion Extermination Palm!

As soon as Ling Yunfei entered Martial King Palace, he became Core Disciple and had already studied Illusion Extermination Palm.

“How can it be?”

That big person’s face is incredible.

It was still entangled by people before, but rushed over in an instant, this speed is too fast!

“Just your ability to dare sneak attack him!”

Ling Yunfei disdain, one fist fell on the chest of that big person.


A big person screamed, was blown out on the spot, mouth spouting furious blood, and several bad luck eggs in the rear were also seriously injured and fell into a piece.

“Abandoned him!”

All around a group of youngsters, immediately embraced Ling Yunfei.

“Abandoned me?”

“That being the case, don’t blame me for vicious and merciless!”

Ling Yunfei smiled coldly, Heart Sealing Slaughter Fist blasted out, a youngster broke his heart, and immediately fell dead!



The others trembled physically and mentally, and their faces turned pale.

“The battlefield will be irrigated with blood!”

“Fart till any point!”

Ling Yunfei’s long hair of one azure is like a waterfall fluttering in the back of his head, exuding an amazing spirit!

He pedaled the Returning Origin Step, like a hungry wolf breaking into the flock, and Heart Sealing Slaughter Fist blasted out again and again.

For a time.

This place people turn their backs.

Without exception, anyone who was bombarded by him would be killed or injured!

He was stained with blood, like one blood-soaked asura, everyone around was scared out of one’s wits, and fled!

On the high platform.

Eldest Prince’s shock was clearly written on his face.

Until now, he didn’t look at Ling Yunfei as if it was a little trash.

But absolutely didn’t expect, the strength was unexpectedly so strong!

It is also at this time.

Qin Feiyang, who has been slow to move, shook his head and said, “But that’s all.”


He is watching everyone’s strength.

He wanted to see what kind of opponent Eldest Prince had prepared for him?

The result made him disappointed.

More than 1300 people, none of them are Martial Ancestor, the highest is 9-Star Martial Master.

Even 9-Star Martial Master can be counted on one’s fingers.

But think about it.

In the small place of Yan County, people who stepped into Martial Ancestor less than 18 years old are really as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Only Martial Dao monsters like Feng Ling’er can do it.

Without Martial Ancestor, there is no need to worry.

“It seems that this fight no longer requires me to take action.”

Glancing at Ling Yunfei, Qin Feiyang mumbled, turning one’s head looked towards Luo Qingzhu two people, his face couldn’t help twitching.

Luo Qingzhu and Zhao Shuang’er stood there motionless, but all around them seemed as if they hadn’t seen it, and none of them took action on them.

Qin Feiyang has a sense of 10000 1000, and a beautiful woman is treated differently.

But he also knows that the biggest reason is due to the identity of Luo Qingzhu, pearl in the palm of Treasure Pavillion Head Pavillion Lord, who dares to attack?

Once blacklisted by Treasure Pavillion, it is more miserable than the end of Pill King Palace, Martial King Palace, Royal Family banning.

After all, as long as you are a Martial Artist, you need wealth and resources.

Treasure Pavillion is undoubtedly the source of wealth and resources.

“Jiang Haotian, there is a battle!”


A roaring cold loudly shouted exploded.

I saw a purple clothed youngster, who behaved extremely stoutly, and walked towards Qin Feiyang like no one else.

“Hiding behind Ling Yunfei, what a man!”

“If you think that this will make it to the finals, I can tell you very seriously, dream!”


There are also three Chinese-style youngsters, like three human shaped T-rex heads, who continuously bombard one after another in front of them, exuding a strong imposing manner, and constantly pushing towards Qin Feiyang.

Eyes are extremely sharp!

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, turning one’s head one after another looked.

The four people’s looks are slightly mature, obviously 18 years old, and they have the strength of 9-Star Martial Master.

In Yan City, it can be regarded as a genius.

See you.

Zhao Shuang’er playful said with a smile: “Jiang Haotian, do you need help?”

“What do you think?”

Qin Feiyang grinned.

“You guy, it’s still arrogant.”

Zhao Shuang’er glared at him, but such a man is more attractive.

“hmph! ”

Ling Yunfei came coldly snorted, quickly came to Qin Feiyang, glanced at those four people, dismissed: “4 trash, I don’t need you to take action, I’ll deal with it.”

“arrogant !”

The four people pupils cold light surged.

“Ling Yunfei, unbridled will pay, we will battle with you!”

At this time.

Xie Fang and Wang Xia rushed out of the crowd, stepping on the shoulders of the crowd and rushing forward.

Ling Yunfei said: “It looks like this several people have been bought by Eldest Prince.”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “As early as expected, not only them, those who have just taken action on us, are expected to get a lot of benefits.”

“Putting it that way, we don’t need to show mercy.”

Ling Yunfei sneered.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed. Looks like this guy hasn’t been merciless? Asked, “Your strength seems to be stronger?”

“I forgot to tell you that yesterday I stepped into the 9-Star Martial Master and finally surpassed you.”

Ling Yunfei smiled smugly.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, with a hint of playfulness in his mouth, said with a smile: “Tell you a secret, I was already a 9-Star Martial Master before going to Black Bear City.”


Ling Yunfei was stunned.

In my heart, I was filled with loss instantly.

It is his wish to surpass Qin Feiyang that he had until now and thought he had done it this time.

But didn’t expect, the other party was one step ahead of him.

This taste is really uncomfortable.

“I want to die, I’ll do you all!”


He yelled, the unwillingness and loss of his heart, turned into a heaven overflowing battle intent, and welcomed Xie Fang two people!

Although it can’t compare with Qin Feiyang, he is going to be a Number One Person under Qin Feiyang!

What Xie Fang?

What is Wang Xia?

Step on all feet!

Bang bang bang!

Three people are madly fighting together.

When others saw this, they stepped back, leaving them a wide battlefield.

“It’s also a 9-Star Martial Master, but this child is facing 2 opponents by himself, and he still faces the same, the battle intent is infinite!”

“This Ling Yunfei is very likely to become the second Feng Ling’er!”

“Less than 17 years old, you’re in Martial Ancestor!”

“Yan County future son of heaven!”

The crowd on the court whispered, their eyes were full of shock.

Shi Zheng is also unexpected.

For Ling Yunfei’s perception, he only knows that innate talent is not bad and has a good relationship with Jiang Haotian.

But unexpectedly, innate talent would be so heaven defying!

It ’s been less than a year since I came to Martial King Palace, I have such strength, maybe I will surpass Feng Ling’er in the future.

Zhao Shuang’er came to Qin Feiyang and said strangely, “Where did you find this helper?”

Luo Qingzhu said: “He is a member of the Black Bear City Ling Family. When I went to Black Bear City before, I heard of him and was called a trash, but now it seems that the word trash 2 is a bit of a misnomer.”

“If from Family, the Ling Family cultivates him with full power, and today’s achievements, more than that?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and satirically.

I am afraid that the Ling Family did not realize how valuable Ling Yunfei was until its demise.

With his aptitude and potential, even if it is placed in Imperial Capital, it also belongs to the first-class Martial Dao genius, even Feng Ling’er cannot compare with him.

Luo Qingzhu turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, the beauty in one’s eyes strange light blinked.

If you haven’t met this person, the current Ling Yunfei will definitely be the trash of Black Bear City, and today I have no chance to put splendor here.

It can be said that this person is the Bole of Ling Yunfei.

But she was curious. Ling Yunfei has lived in Black Bear City for more than ten years, and no one has discovered his potential, but why did he discover it at a glance?

Is it because he sees people accurately?

Or is it because he has seen so many geniuses that he can’t count them?

At this time.

Those 4 Chinese youngsters gathered around.

Glancing at Luo Qingzhu two people, one of them said coldly, “You get out!”


Zhao Shuang’er refreshedly nodded, pulled Luo Qingzhu, and stepped aside.

To what extent has this guy grown up after a year?

I really look forward to it.

The four people spread out, each on its own side, and surrounded Qin Feiyang in the middle.

That purple clothed youngster said with a sneer: “Jiang Haotian, this Young Master would like to know if your strength is comparable to your Technology of Pill Refinement!”

“I don’t think you will be disappointed.”

Qin Feiyang carried his hands on his back and smiled lightly on his face.

“Returning Origin Palm!”

Purple clothed Young Master complexion turned cold, one fist waved violently, blowing a hurricane, and when he blew it onto his face, he had a kind of skin tearing pain.

This one fist.

It’s great.

There are ten power of 3 savage elephants!

“People in the Lin Family?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised. He couldn’t think of Lin Family, and there was such a genius hidden.


He stepped back, his clothes hua hua rang, and his expression was as plain as water.

“Illusion Extermination Palm!”

See you.

The youngster behind Qin Feiyang, one fist without the slightest hesitation.


Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, stepped towards the ground, moved to the left, turned around very calmly, looked suspiciously towards that person.

“Don’t say I eat inside and outside.”

“Because you are not a discipline of Martial King Palace, I don’t need to help you.”

“Because your threat is the greatest, I can only work with them and eliminate you first.”

That youngster sneered.

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