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Cui Li is even more powerful.

One enemy 6, instead of falling behind, was suppressing white haired old man six people in front.

Myriad Beasts Diagram is truly terrifying!

As for Golden Divine Panther, and Golden Qilin are also inseparable, with different degrees of injuries on their bodies.

Golden Qilin has a High Grade Divine Artifact armor.

But Golden Divine Panther also has Divine Artifact!

This Divine Artifact is the Divine Bow that Qin Feiyang snatched from the monkey faced old man.

This Divine Bow, compared to Wind God Saber, shows that it is also a High Grade Divine Artifact!


It’s getting dark!

But the demon battle on Demon Dragon Island is getting fiercer.

Whether it’s Demon Ancestor’s side or Qin Feiyang’s side, Divine Force is running out quickly.


Ling Prefecture.

Butterfly Valley!

The golden merman stood in void, with 7 pairs of wings slowly fanning, like one Fiendgod, looking down indifferently.

Sou! !


4 divine lights cut through the sky and landed in front of golden merman.

On the back, there are also 7 pairs of wings.

That’s right!

They are the Merman Race, and the 4 Battle Gods.

Black Winged Merman!

White Winged Merman!

“how is it?”

golden merman asked as he watched four people.

One Black Winged Merman said: “The other 8 Great Prefecture transmission altar cannot be turned on.”

“Demon Ancestor what this scoundrel is doing?”

“Such an important passage, why not protect it well?”

golden merman angrily said.

He didn’t know that the Transmission altar of Imperial Capital was what Demon Ancestor had ruined Zhuge Mingyang.

“What should we do now?”

four people looked towards golden merman.

The golden merman groaned for a moment, and the murderous intention surged in his eyes. Gloomy said: “Since you can’t kill Imperial Capital, give me massacre Nine Great Prefectures!”

The four people heard that instead of opposing the terrible approach of golden merman, they all laughed.

With a wave of golden merman, dozens of silhouettes appeared together.

These people have black wings and white wings.

But without exception, there are 6 pairs of wings.

In other words.

These dozens of Merman are all False God!

“You, the time for revenge has arrived, enjoy the slaughter to the fullest!”

Golden merman sneered.


The dozens of Merman immediately spread out 4 times, disappearing in all directions like lightning, all are looking Murderous.

Ling Prefecture Prefecture City, bear the brunt!

One white and one black 2 merman, like a dead God One, descended over the Perfect City.

False God’s pressure, shrouding all directions!

The Prefecture City in the middle of the night was already quiet, but because of the advent of two people, it boiled instantly.


Before they could figure out what was going on, piece by piece of the power of False God, they dropped from the sky.


With one after another desperate and screaming, the entire Prefecture City was instantly destroyed.

No one left in the city was buried!

It’s a bloody night!

Nine Great Prefectures, everyone is mourning, howling …


Imperial Capital !

As soon as midnight arrived, Old Qin couldn’t wait to open the Space-Time Gate and descend over the Prefecture City in Yu Prefecture.

The reason not to come to Ling Prefecture is because people who worry about Merman Race may gather in Butterfly Valley.

After all, Sea of ​​Despair is in Ling Prefecture.

When he descended over Yu Prefecture Prefecture City, a strong bloody smell immediately immediately.

The old body shook suddenly.

Did the worry still happen?

He quickly bowed his head, looked towards the Prefecture City below, and entered the sight like a scene like Asura Hell!

city, all split up and in pieces, broken!

On the street, corpses!

The dazzling blood stained the entire city!

Even void is permeated with a blood mist!


Looking at the scene, Old Qin tightly clenched with both hands, tears flowing in old eyes directly.

“What does this gratitude and grudges have to do with these ordinary 100 names?”

“Why so cruel?”

“What is human nature!”

“Where is the conscience!”

Old Qin towards the sky growled, anger fluttered in void, and rushed out of a monstrous hostility.


Divine Sense emerged, hiding the sky and covering the earth in all directions.

The entire Yu Prefecture was instantly covered by Divine Sense.

The entire Yu Prefecture land is corpses everywhere across the field, blood flow into the river, terrible pictures, horrifying!

He even saw six people fish killing each and everyone’s village frantically.

In those villages, there are mortals who are not bound by chickens. Can this be done?

“Damn, all damn it!”

Old Qin Roaring at the Vast Sky, start teleportation, cross void, and fish towards the six people fish.

Before leaving, Emperor Hong and Emperor once again told him not to be impulsive.

But looking at this scene, Old Qin directly throws the instructions of two people to beyond the topmost clouds.

He can’t stand it!

Now, he has only a single thought head, killing all those bastards that doesn’t have humanity!

“Dead, die!”

Over a mountain.

A White Winged Merman, madly using the power of False God, strikes the village below.

There are more than 100 people in the village, all ordinary people.

But for a moment, they were crushed by the power of False God, skeleton doesn’t exist, and there was no chance to ask why they were killed.


“Silent for 10,000 years, finally Murderous intention can be opened!”

“All the continent people must die!”

“In the future this land, only we merman, there will be no more human!”

The merman laughed, Divine Sense shrouded all directions, and killed the next village.


But suddenly.

He turning one’s head looked towards, a little stunned in his eyes.

There is an aura and it is approaching fast!

And, not the aura of merman, the aura of human!

“Human Battle God!”


He shivered and immediately took out the image of crystal stone.

Next moment.

That golden merman’s illusory shadow is manifested.


golden merman asked.

The White Winged Merman said, “I sensed a human Battle God aura in Yu Prefecture, and I was coming to my side!”

“Give me coordinates!”

“Then run away at once!”

golden merman said.


White Winged Merman nodded.

But just as he told the coordinates to the golden merman, an old silhouette teleported and landed on top of him.

It’s Old Qin!

“You damn it!”

Old Qin glanced at golden merman, and shot directly at the White Winged Merman with one fist.


With a scream, the fleshhy body of White Winged Merman was shattered and blood splattered into the sky!

“Abominable, unexpectedly dare to kill my clansman!”

Butterfly Valley!

The golden merman five people roared again and again, and immediately opened the transmission gate and swept in.

At the same time!

Old Qin also opened a transmission gate and walked in without looking back.

Although at this moment, he is unusually angry, but not at all therefore loses his reason.

The opponent has 5 Battle Gods. If he bumps, he will die.

and so.

He is going to fight a guerilla warfare.

The opponent is Battle God, and he is also Battle God.

The opponent can open the transmission gate, and he can also open the transmission gate.

As long as they don’t confront each other, the opponent can’t take him!


When the golden merman five people came to Yu Prefecture, Old Qin killed a Black Winged Merman again.


Seeing the disappearance of Old Qin, the five people were extremely angry and immediately released Divine Sense, covering the entire Yu Prefecture.

Sensing the Divine Sense of five people, Old Qin resolutely gave up the idea of ​​continuing to kill other Merman in Yu Prefecture, opened the transmission gate, and entered Feng Prefecture.

Because if he stays in Yu Prefecture, sooner or later, he will be surrounded by five people.

After all, Divine Sense of five people has locked him.

And Nine Great Prefectures, every state is big.

Even for the Initial Accomplishment Battle God, the maximum range of Divine Sense can only cover one state.

and so.

Old Qin now moves his position into Feng Prefecture, Divine Sense of five people, and can no longer lock him.

In short!

No matter what, no matter how much it costs, today, he will kill all the merman!


As Old Qin disappeared, golden merman was in anger.

“This is not good.”

“After entering the transmission gate, he did not appear in our Divine Sense again, indicating that he had left Yu Prefecture.”

“In addition to Yu Prefecture, there are 8 other states.”

“How do we find it?”

“He obviously wanted to fight guerrillas with us.”

The other 4 mermans also had sad faces on their faces.

“Looking for each other!”

“Anyway, get him out.”

golden merman shouted, eyes full of resentment.

“Big brother, calm down!”

“Even if we go separately, we can only go to 5 states at the same time.”


“None of us know, is there any other Battle God in Nine Great Prefectures?”

“If by any chance, yes, once we are separated, won’t they be broken by each of them?”

“This method is definitely not reliable.”

“I think we should immediately recall all clansman, gather in Butterfly Valley, and wait for him to walk right into a trap!”

One Black Winged Merman.

“I agree.”

“Nine Prefectures Eighteen Counties, has almost been massacred by our clansman, he will certainly not give up, he will definitely find a way to kill us for revenge.”

Another Black Winged Merman followed.

The golden merman calmed down and groaned a little, nodded and said: “Okay, as you said, at once go to the Great Prefectures, and let clansman meet at Butterfly Valley.

Let me talk about it.

He added: “The sound must be loud, let the Old Guy know, we went to Butterfly Valley!”


Four people immediately opened the transmission gate and disappeared.

“All clansman, go to Butterfly Valley now!”

For a time.

Over Nine Great Prefectures, a loud roar sounded after one after another, spreading all directions.

In a remote corner of Feng Prefecture, Old Qin stood on a ruin, a blood-stained coat, hunting in the wind.

And just under his feet, Black Winged Merman, lying on three False God Levels, was dying.

Apart from this, there are dozens of villagers, but they are also dead.

“Go to Butterfly Valley …”

Old Qin looked at the distant sky, heard the echoing sound between Heaven and Earth, and the pumps blood light flickered.

Also know the recall of clansman, these Merman are not stupid!

If he continues to guerrilla like this, he is confident that it won’t be long before he can kill all the Merman of False God Level.


It’s really not easy at this time.

All merman, all in Butterfly Valley.

And there is no cover up.

It is clear.

These merman are telling him intentionally, we are all in Butterfly Valley, you can come if you have the ability.

After half a ring.

Old Qin retracted his gaze, glanced at the dead villagers in front of him, and murmured: “Feiyang, Emperor Hong, Your Majesty, you 1000 jingle 10000, tell me not to be impulsive, you can see such a picture, how can I remain indifferent?”

Old Qin opened the transmission gate again and entered He Prefecture.

Divine Sense emerges, covering all directions.

All you can see are the broken mountains and rivers, the blood-red earth, and the endless sea of ​​corpses!

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