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Qin Feiyang, with a doubt in his heart, walked towards the end of the plain with Fire Lotus.

At the end of the plain, there is a river.

Wide, about 100 meters.

The river was turbulent.

On the other side of the river, there is a dense jungle with vines entwined and old trees packed.


Qin Feiyang two people came to the river.

There are also a lot of Vicious Beasts lurking in the water, but the strength is far less than those Vicious Beasts I encountered in the mountain range before.

Not to mention, terrifying existence like Blood Python.

Two people rose into the air and were about to be swept across the river, but Qin Feiyang expression suddenly startedled.


Fire Lotus stopped, turning one’s head and looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang groaned a little and said to Fire Lotus: “I suddenly thought of something that might help you.”


Fire Python is suspicious.

“Wait a minute first.”

When Qin Feiyang mysterious smiled, he flickered, entered Ancient Castle, went straight to the sacrificial platform, opened the iron case, and opened Pill Scripture.

He faintly remembered.

When I was looking at Pill Scripture, I seemed to see a medical pill called Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill.

At that time, I was attracted by several medicinal pills from Heavenly Dust Divine Pill. I didn’t pay attention to them in detail.

After opening the Pill Scripture, Qin Feiyang immediately sought the Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill.


On Pill Scripture, there is Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill.

This medical pill allows the undead to reshape their bodies through Heavenly Tribulation baptism.

After reshaping the human body, not only can you shed the body of the undead, but you can also absorb Heaven and Earth essence qi cultivation.

simply speaking.

Take the Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill, the Transcending Tribulation is successful, and the undead can become a real human!

Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill requires a total of 4 medical ingredients.

They are; Deceased Spirit Flower, Death Spirit Fruit, Yinyang Wood, and Sun-thunder-fire.

“It’s also a medicinal ingredient that I have never heard of.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly, closed Pill Scripture, groaned for a moment, left Ancient Castle, and appeared beside the woman Fire Lotus.

“What’s wrong?”

Fire Lotus is suspicious.

Expression is soft and kind, and it looks like a younger sister next door, without any threat.

Qin Feiyang smiled and flew across the river, asking, “Have you ever heard of a medical pill called Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill?”

Fire Lotus followed Qin Feiyang, heard a moment of groaning, and shook his head: “No impression, what good is this Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill?”

“Useless to us living people.”

“But it means a lot to you, the undead.”

Qin Feiyang explained the situation of Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill in a few words.


Fire Lotus hearing this is exciting.

Qin Feiyang nodded again, “And I was thinking, if you shed the body of the undead, you might be able to restore your memory.”

Fire Lotus grabbed Qin Feiyang and begged: “Big Brother Qin, you must help me. The days without memory are too uncomfortable, it is just torture.”

“Big Brother Qin?”

Qin Feiyang’s mouth twitched, said with a bitter smile: “Although I don’t understand your past, I can also think of it, you must have lived for 1000 years, even 10,000 years. Call me a big brother, is it appropriate?”

Fire Lotus stared blankly, covering mouth said with a smile: “didn’t expect you are still such an old-fashioned person, just a name, what’s the matter?”

“I’m old-fashioned?”

Qin Feiyang was speechless, shaking his head and saying, “Okay, whatever you want, but your last sentence made me sad. The days without memories are hard to bear. It is torture …”

“Thinking of Lin Yiyi?”

Fire Lotus asked.


“She should be the same as you. I really hope that she can quickly retrieve her memories and stop suffering.”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.

“You are such a good man.”

Fire Lotus said with a smile.

“Good man?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, helpless said with a smile: “How do I feel, a little ironic?”

“I said this from the bottom of my heart.”

“Although I don’t know much about you, but with your innate talent and strength, I believe there must be many women who like you.”

“But in your heart, there is only one woman, Mermaid Princess.”

“If you are not a good man, who is it?”

Fire Lotus.

“Don’t brag me like this, I will fly to the sky.”

Qin Feiyang touched nose, some sorry.

Fire Lotus jokingly said: “Then you fly, because no matter how high you fly, I can drag you down.”

“You are also very interesting.”

“I really hope that after your memory is restored, we will not become enemies.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.


“We will always be friends.”

Fire Lotus.

“So sure?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Fire Lotus speechless saying: “You one who has just entered Ancient World, what gratitude and grudges can I have with you?”

“This is also true.”

“But there is an old saying that things are unpredictable.”

“I still hope that you and I can remember what was said today.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“I will remember.”

Fire Lotus nodded.

Crossing the river, two people entered the jungle and looked forward.

The jungle occupies an area of ​​several tens of thousands of li.

With Qin Feiyang’s cultivation base for Small Accomplishment Battle God today, scenes other than several tens of thousands of li can be clearly seen.

Just at the end of the jungle, that is, the marginal zone, there is a village of each and everyone large and small.

And there are many people hunting in the jungle.

The battlefield where human and Vicious Beast are fighting can be seen everywhere.

The Vicious Beast in this jungle is not very strong, the most powerful is the Battle Emperor.

of course.

Humans hunting in the jungle are not strong.

“2 Seniors, are you coming from the mountain range across the river?”


A timid voice sounded in the jungle of myself.


Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus both looked at each other, looked down, and saw three youngsters standing on the side of myself, looking up curiously, looking at them.


There was also a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

The three people, almost 20 years old, are all bloodstain and have messy hair.


They also hunt in the jungle.

“Unexpectedly didn’t find them?”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

With such a cultivation base, he can see through the strengths of the three people at a glance, which are all just 1-Star Battle Emperor.

insignificant 1-Star Battle Emperor, unexpectedly can hide his perception?

Not even Fire Lotus found them?


Two people stepped forward and landed in front of three people.

Three people immediately suddenly retreated, and the vigilance on his face became stronger.

“take it easy.”

Qin Feiyang smiled well.

Three people looked at the same time, still uneasy.

Qin Feiyang said, “I ask you, why didn’t I sense you approaching?”

“Probably because of this!”

One of the youths pulled out a jade pendant from the clothes on his chest.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

That jade pendant, he took a closer look and realized that it was made by Soul Sealing Stone.


insignificant 3 Battle Emperor, how can there be a Soul Sealing Stone?

Qin Feiyang in the dark asked, “Fire Lotus, is this Soul Sealing Stone unusual in this Ancient World?”

“I am not sure as well.”

“But last time, I sneaked into the Guo Family and found that many people are wearing Soul Sealing Stone.”

Fire Lotus sound transmission.

“That’s right.”

“Soul Sealing Stone is not a rare thing in Ancient World.”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

Recall that in Great Qin and Forgotten Continent, it was difficult to find a Soul Sealing Stone like scaling heaven.

But here, it ’s like radish, cabbage, and the ground.

The youth who took out jade pendant, again doubted: “Seniors, did you come across the river?”

“Is this important?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.


That youth nodded.

The other two youths are also looking forward to Qin Feiyang’s answer.


“We came from the Land of Deceased Spirit.”

Qin Feiyang.

“So, you crossed that mountain range?”

three people asked in amazement.


Qin Feiyang nodded.


“It is said that in the mountain range, there is a Divine Monarch-level Vicious Beast!”

The three people were shocked.

“Do you know that?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“of course.”

“We live in a village outside the jungle. Although we haven’t been to the mountain range, we have heard from the village elders.”

“They said that the mountain range is a restricted area.”

“And the river here is the dividing line. 10000000 cannot pass.”

“2 Sirs, you can cross the Land of Deceased Spirit. The strength must be strong!”

“Can you take us as a discipline and teach us cultivation?”

The three youths looked at Qin Feiyang two people pleadingly.

“disciple ?”

Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus looked at each other in blank dismay.

“2 Sirs, just accept us, we just want to be stronger.”

Three people looked at the same time, even kneeling on the ground and begging.

“What is this?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

But they just met each other, and they did n’t even know what kind of people he and Fire Lotus were, and unexpectedly wanted to be a teacher?

Fire Lotus stepped forward, said with a smile: “You get up first.”

Three people got up and looked at Fire Lotus with a pitiful look.

Fire Lotus expression is soft, saying: “Tell elder sister first, why do you want to be stronger?”

“We want to protect our loved ones in the village.”


“We don’t want to be oppressed by them anymore.”

Three people clenched their hands, said.


“Who is oppressing you?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

“Guo Family.”

One of them said, eyes of hatred were rays of light.

“Guo Family?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, frowns saying: “Guo Family you say, is patriarch called Guo Zixiong?”


Three people nodded.

Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus looked simultaneously.

Fire Lotus sound transmission: “It looks like this Guo Family is not good.”

Qin Feiyang in one’s eyes radiance flashed, watching those 3 youngsters calmly, saying, “How did the Guo Family oppress you?”

“Guo Family, very overbearing.”

“Hundred thousand li, large and small hundreds of villages are under their control.”

“Usually, we not only beat and scolded us and bullied us, but also required us to hand in 50 Soul Stones to each village every year.”

“Two Sirs certainly know how precious Soul Stone is.”

“In the market, there are basically no prices.”

“Our villages, working hard all year long, can barely make up 50.”

“Sometimes you’re out of luck, you can’t find anything of value, and you can’t make that much.”

The three youth 3 mouths and 7 tongues are all expressions of indignation.

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