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Early next morning.

Qin Feiyang came out of Ancient Castle.

Turn on the 2nd-Layer of the Gate of Potential, plus no longer write Six Characters Divine Art, plus the top grade Qi Gathering Pill is refined, his cultivation speed has increased greatly.

In just one night, the cultivation base has improved a lot.

Get out of the attic.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he turning one’s head looked towards the terrace next door, said with a smile: “Elder Shi, morning!”

Although all crises have now been lifted, Yan Nanshan still allows Shi Zheng to continue protecting him.


Shi Zheng laughed.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Wait for Elder later, take us to Treasure Pavillion.”


Elder Shi nodded.

“Big Brother Feiyang.”

It is at this time.

Lin Yiyi walked quickly out of the attic.

On her body is a long snow white skirt, her cheeks radiant and youthful.

“Slept well last night?”

Qin Feiyang stepped up, said with a smile.

Lin Yiyi nodded, naturally holding Qin Feiyang’s arm.

Fat and Lu Hong followed them and saw Lin Yiyi’s dependence on Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked at Lin Yiyi with an eyebrow and a smile, and there was something in her heart.

He took out one Potential Pill and two Flame Phoenix and gave them to Lu Hong, saying, “Send them to Ling Yunfei and Feng Ling’er.”


Lu Hong nodded.


Qin Feiyang took out an Illusory Appearance Pill and let Lin Yiyi take it. He changed his appearance at will, and looked up towards Shi Zheng, said with a smile: “Elder Shi, tired.”

Shi Zheng got up, jumped off the terrace, and led Qin Feiyang two people, galloping outside.

“Big Brother Feiyang, where are we going?”

Lin Yiyi is puzzled.

“Go to Treasure Pavillion.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, without further explanation.

Shortly after three people left Martial King Palace, Lin Chang came to the gate of Martial King Palace.

Elder Qu leaned in front of him, frowns saying, “What are you doing here?”

Lin Chang is now a celebrity in Yan City.

It’s just notorious.

Lin Chang bowed, “I want to see my daughter, and ask Sir to be comfortable.”

“Your daughter is not at Martial King Palace, at once get out!”

Elder Qu expressionlessly said.

“No way, my daughter is with Qin Feiyang. Where is she not at Martial King Palace? Isn’t Qin Feiyang stumbling through it?”

Lin Chang exasperated.

“Qin Feiyang is not only a top grade Alchemist, but also a Martial Dao monster with the Mark of Potential. Future prospects are unlimited.”

“As long as he says a word, all Yan City people will not let you go. Is it necessary to make trouble?”

“Get out, or don’t blame Ben Elder! You’re welcome!”

Elder Qu shouted sharply.

Lin Chang body trembling, looked unwillingly into the depths of Martial King Palace, turned and strode away.

Not a moment.

Shen Qiang is here again.

As a result, he was stopped outside by Elder Qu.

Shen Qiang complexion sank, asked, “Elder Qu, what do you mean?”

Elder Qu indifferently said: “Last night, the Palace Lord has personally ordered you to be expelled from Martial King Palace, so you are no longer a disciplinary of Martial King Palace and you are not eligible to enter Martial King Palace again.”


“Is it just because I’m on the field and I didn’t join forces with Qin Feiyang?”

Shen Qiang trembled physically and mentally, roaring again and again.

He had intended to enter Martial King Palace to investigate Lin Yiyi’s whereabouts, but didn’t expect usher such a bad news.

“Eldest Prince gave you Overlord Fist. What else do you want to quibble on?”

“Come on, my Martial King Palace doesn’t have the kind of dog you eat.”

“By the way, give in the identity token.”

Elder Qu indifferently said.

Shen Qiang took out the identity token and smashed it vigorously. Loathing glanced at Martial King Palace and turned away without turning back.

Inside an alley.

Seeing Shen Qiang coming in, Lin Chang hurriedly said, “How about? Did you find out?”

Shen Qiang gloomy said: “I was evicted from Martial King Palace.”

“What should we do now? We only have 3 days.”

Lin Chang was anxious.

“Don’t worry, I have Illusory Appearance Pill here. I can easily look like another disciple and mix it into Martial King Palace. You are here for me.”

Shen Qiang took out an Illusory Appearance Pill and threw it into his mouth, turning into a youth robust man, gloomily smiled, and headed towards Martial King Palace again.

But when he entered the gate.

Elder Qu appears again, shouted: “Stop me, take out the identity token.”


Shen Qiang’s body was stiff, turning one’s head looked towards Elder Qu, said with a smile: “Elder, it’s me, Li Fei.”

Elder Qu lightly said with a smile: “I know it’s you, but I also need to bring out the identity token and let me confirm it, because the Palace Lord ordered that from today, everyone who enters the Martial King Palace should be investigated.”

Shen Qiang frowns saying: “Why do you do this?”

“I’m not worried yet. Someone can easily become the person of our Martial King Palace. It’s bad for Qin Feiyang to mix in.”

Elder Qu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Now this Qin Feiyang is just the heart of Palace Lord, afraid of melting in his mouth, and afraid of falling in his hand.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Shen Qiang suddenly realized, and frowns saying, “Is this necessary? Who dares to move Qin Feiyang now?”

“It’s necessary to be deterrent, after all, Qin Feiyang offends too many great characters, especially Pill King Palace.”

Elder Qu lightly said with a smile.

Shen Qiang sank, and said a little bit embarrassed: “Elder Qu, my identity token is placed in the Cultivation Room. I forgot to take it. Can you make it easy?”

“Forgot to take it?”

“Every new disciple, when I enter the Martial King Palace, I will explain that the identity token must be carried with me.”

“You have been to Martial King Palace for a few years, why can’t you remember that?”

Elder Qu exasperated.

“Elder, I didn’t mean it, it was because I went too fast and forgot.”

Shen Qiang bowed his head.

“In this case, test it with Heavenly Eye Stone. After all, this is a command from the Palace Lord, and Ben Elder didn’t dare to be sloppy.”

Elder Qu takes out a Heavenly Eye Stone.


Shen Qiang was shocked.

Unexpectedly, even Heavenly Eye Stone was taken out, what should I do next?

“Elder, disciple suddenly remembered that there was something to do, and I went out again.”

He quickly found a reason and turned to leave.


Elder Qu frowned.

How do you feel, this person is a bit abnormal today?

“You stand!”


He suddenly shouted.

In fact, he was only tempting.

Shen Qiang panicked, immediately soles of the feet anointing, fleeing wildly!

“There is a problem!”

Elder Qu’s gaze was cold, Battle Qi emerged, he caught up in a few steps, grabbed Shen Qiang’s arm, and pressed it on Heavenly Eye Stone.


Heavenly Eye Stone immediately bloomed one after another brilliant light!

Shen Qiang returned to true appearance at the next moment.

He panicked, hurriedly kneeling on the ground, begging: “Elder, forgive me, I just want to go in and take away what belongs to me, there is no other attempt.”

“hmph! ”

Elder Qu coldly snorted, lifted Shen Qiang, as if he was screwing a chick, and walked towards the great reception hall.

Lin Chang hiding in the alley, immediately escaped in a panic.

at the same time!

Treasure Pavillion.

VIP lounge.

Steward Li and Jiang Zhengyi are here.

Jiang Zhengyi said with a smile: “Come to us so early, is there something wrong?”

Qin Feiyang said: “What about Qingzhu and Shuang’er?”

Jiang Zhengyi said: “They are in the auction house. Would you like to check it out?”

“I’ll forget it.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed, turning one’s head looked towards Yiyi, lightly said with a smile: “I and 2 Seniors have something to discuss, you go get together with them, Elder Shi, please take a trip with her.”

Shi Zheng nodded.

Lin Yiyi glanced at Qin Feiyang suspiciously, but didn’t ask much. He saluted Jiang Zhengyi two people and left Shi VIP with VIP.

Qin Feiyang turned around and closed the door, walked to the coffee table, and arched to Jiang Zhengyi: “Senior, I want to ask you something.”

“Say it!”

Jiang Zhengyi said.

Qin Feiyang said: “I want Qingzhu to take Yiyi to Martial King Palace in Star Moon City.”


Jiang Zhengyi and Steward Li looked at him at the same time, both looking at him in confusion.

Isn’t Martial King Palace better in Yan City?

And with this achievement of this child, Yan Nanshan will definitely not refuse as long as he speaks.

Qin Feiyang grinned bitterly, arching: “This is the privacy of Junior, and please ask 2 seniors not to ask more.”

“Other youngsters are trying their best to hook up with the beautiful girl, but you are desperately pushing outside. I really don’t know what is in your head all day long.”

Jiang Zhengyi shook his head silently, nodded and said: “Okay, anyway, I will go to Star Moon City anyway, so I will take Lin Yiyi by the way, but I have a condition.”

“What conditions?”

Qin Feiyang is overjoyed.

With Jiang Zhengyi, there will definitely be no problems along the way.

Jiang Zhengyi is a little silent, said with a smile: “It seems that your relationship with 1000 snow is not ordinary. Have a chance to help me with a few words of good words. If you can let her forgive me, I promise, your benefits will be indispensable.”


Qin Feiyang stumbled, how didn’t expect, Jiang Zhengyi would come up with this condition.

Just when he wanted to ask why, Jiang Zhengyi shook his head: “This is also my personal privacy, so don’t ask me more.”

“Well, I try my best.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“I like the refreshing youngster.”

Jiang Zhengyi laughed and wondered: “brat, give me a thorough look. What is the name of the medical pill that you and Wolf King took? What have I never seen?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Potential Pill, you also saw the effect, which is to open the Gate of Potential.”

Steward Li radiance Chanchan asked: “Is that the medicinal ingredient refining of Nine Yang Flower?”

“If I say yes, you still have to increase the price at once?”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

Steward Li looked upset and angered, “Is old man like that? Don’t worry, even for the medicinal ingredients of Nine Yang Flower, old man still gives you the last price.”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him and said, “Yes, that’s the 33 medicinal ingredients.”

“Old man knows!”

Steward Li slaps his thigh, his face irritated.

If if i had known earlier these medicinal ingredients could refining such amazing medicinal pill, he would sell 40 million to Qin Feiyang?

Don’t even think about it!

This scoundrel brat is really treacherous, and has kept it hidden, so much cheap.

“All right.”

Jiang Zhengyi got up and looked towards Steward Li. “Yan City will work hard for you, and give me summoning if there is anything.”

“Go now?”

Steward Li stared blankly.


Jiang Zhengyi nodded and looked at Qin Feiyang again: “If you want to sell Potential Pill, must pass through my Treasure Pavillion, otherwise you will want the medicinal ingredient, and there is no door.”


Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

Although Jiang Zhengyi is strong, he does qualify.

Because of the lack of Treasure Pavillion’s help, let alone a large number of medical ingredient, I’m afraid he can’t even get a medical ingredient.

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