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By the lake.

Uncle Yuan leans back on the willow tree, eyes closed recuperating.

Beside, a pile of bonfire, hunting and burning.

Qin Feiyang ran back all the way.

Seeing that Uncle Yuan was resting, he put down Azure Snow and heaven and earth bag, went lightly into the lake, and washed his blood.

“Heavy bloody smell …”

“Since the poison of the Distressed Spirit Pill has been cleared, this child has not been calm down for a day …”

“Also stronger every day.”

Uncle Yuan eyes opened, watching Qin Feiyang in the lake, muttering to himself.

In his eyes, a smile gradually climbed.

He closed his eyes again and continued to rest.


Qin Feiyang emerged from the surface, the cool lake water, penetrated the cells of the whole body, and felt that the spirit shivered and was extremely comfortable.

Quickly go ashore, change into clean clothes, then sit by bonfire and start counting the spoils of war.

Gold Coin, 3000!

Healing Pill, 50 pieces.

Bone Replenishing Pill, 50 pieces.

Body Tempering Pill, 300 pieces.

Qi Gathering Pill, 80 pieces.

Various weapons, such as swords and halberds, total more than 30 pieces.

That’s all Black Demon Fort has saved over the years!

Looking at these treasures in front of him, Qin Feiyang was full of joy.

If it was 5 years ago, he would certainly not have entered the law.

But today is different.

For him now, this pile of treasure is simply a treasure!


He took a few deep breaths, calmed down his turbulent mood, packed all the treasures into the heaven and earth bag, then sat cross-legged, and began to impact the 9-Star Martial Artist.

time flies.

early morning.

The air is exceptionally fresh.

The weather is also exceptionally cool and refreshing.

Early in the morning, some hunters left Iron Ox Town and went deep in the mountains to hunt.

Dirt pits are the way to go.

So Cao Lang and Bao Chuan were quickly discovered and spread quickly in Iron Ox Town.

No suspence.

Raised a tempest!

Within a few hundred breaths, the mounds of pits gathered around a sea of ​​people.

“Step aside!”

A cold loudly shouted sounded.

The crowd separated. Ma Hongmei walked to the pit and looked at Bao Chuan inside, her face gloomy like water.

Not a moment.

Another middle-aged man came to the pit.

He was wearing a purple clothed, black hair shawl, those godly eyes, and one amazing strand of cold light through one strand.

This person is Martial Palace Palace Lord!

Even the Palace Lord came in person to see that Cao Lang was highly valued at Martial Palace.

“Ma Hongmei, what would you explain?”

Martial Palace Palace Lord looked up towards Ma Hongmei with a gaze.

“What do you mean by this?”

Ma Hongmei frowned.

Martial Palace Palace Lord said: “Just now, I asked the guards and they told me yesterday that your disciple Bao Chuan went to Martial Palace to find Cao Lang. Now they are dead together again. Don’t you dare say that it has nothing to do with you?”

Ma Hongmei pupil contracted, bowed his head and said nothing.

“Elder Ma, Palace Lord, we found a dead body next to the stone over there.”

At this time.

Several hunters, gasping for breath ran over.

Martial Palace Palace Lord asked, “is who?”

“Looks like Black Demon Fort.”

One of them said in a panic.

Ma Hongmei body trembled, hurried toward the big rock.

Martial Palace Palace Lord’s eyes flickered and he quickly followed.

“Xiang Wu!”

When he came to the big rock and saw the corpse, Ma Hongmei immediately couldn’t help changing his color.

Martial Palace Palace Lord looked closely at the corpse, and frowned slightly, saying, “The stab wound on his back is exactly the same as that of Cao Lang and Bao Chuan. It should be caused by a dagger.”

“Is it him …”

“Impossible, Cao Lang said last night that he had been killed …”

Ma Hongmei muttered to himself, his eyes full of suspicion.

“Is who you say?”

Martial Palace Palace Lord looked towards Ma Hongmei, asked.

Ma Hongmei said: “Qin Feiyang!”

Martial Palace Palace Lord said, “Give me the details.”

When Ma Hongmei finishes speaking, Martial Palace Palace Lord groans a little, mumbled: “Dare to run to setting on fire Black Demon Fort. This child is by no means so simple. It seems necessary to confirm whether he is dead? “


He stepped into the jungle one step and disappeared quickly.

After a moment of hesitation, Ma Hongmei followed.

Qin Feiyang is a thorn in her heart. If you do n’t get rid of it, it ’s hard to sleep and eat, so she has to check it in person.

at the same time.

Lin Family Assembly Hall.

Lin Baili, holding a teacup, asked, “Uncle Lin, how did you die, Cao Lang and Bao Chuan, and Xiang Wu?”

“Bao Chuan doesn’t say anything, because he is only a 9-Star Martial Artist, but Cao Lang and Xiang Wu two people are both 1-Star Martial Masters. Iron Ox Town has the ability to kill them, no more than ten people, but in the end is Who, I dare not make a conclusion. “

Lin Family Patriarch frowns, also 100 puzzled.

Lin Baili lightly said with a smile: “Although this Iron Ox Town is just a small town, it is undercurrent and not calm at all.”

“Do not.”

Lin Family Patriarch shook his head and said, “Iron Ox Town has been very peaceful all these years, but the past few days, things happened one after another. Is it related to Qin Feiyang?”

“Qin Feiyang?”

Lin Baili was slightly stared blankly, with a look of speculation in his eyes.

Da da!


With the sound of footsteps, an old man in white clothed strode into the hall and arched, “I’ve seen Young Master Baili.”

Lin Baili said with a smile: “Steward Lin no need to be so polite.”

The white clothed old man is called Lin Yong, is the steward of the Lin Family, and is also a trusted aide of the Lin Family Patriarch.

“Is it found?”

Lin Family Patriarch asked.

Lin Yong shook his head and said, “I searched everywhere and found Lin Guo and Lin Gu. For two days, nobody saw them. I suspect they may have died under Vicious Beast’s claws.”


“With their strength, Vicious Beast in this region can’t hurt them.”

“Unless they went to Iron Ox Ridge.”

“But Iron Ox Ridge is a forbidden area in this region. It is so famous that they are afraid to break in.”

“You’ll check again, must find out!”

Lin Family Patriarch.


Lin Yong answered respectfully, then turned and left quickly.

“The past few days, what’s going on?”

Lin Family Patriarch was extremely angry, turning one’s head looked towards Lin Baili, and asked, “Baili, when are you going to go back?”

Lin Baili said: “Tomorrow will be Yiyi’s 5th birthday, and when she is happy with this birthday, I will take her back.”

Lin Family Patriarch said with a smile: “When you go back, I will bother you and take care of Yiyi.”

“This is nature.”

Lin Baili laughed, but the rays of light flashing in his eyes.


By the lake.

Uncle Yuan is still the same, fishing in the shade.

Qin Feiyang has been cultivation.


Uncle Yuan looked towards the entrance, in one’s eyes radiance, mumbled: “The fish didn’t catch, but they brought 2 big fish.”

He put down his fishing rod, got up and walked to Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “Feiyang, let’s change places first.”

“Change place?”

Qin Feiyang eyes opened.

Uncle Yuan didn’t explain, grabbed Qin Feiyang, and then it rose into the air, turned into a stream of light, and swept into the mountain range at the back.

“Spatial flight?”

Qin Feiyang was stunned as he watched the retreating mountains and rivers below.

Uncle Yuan unexpectedly can fly?



Uncle Yuan took Qin Feiyang and landed on a hill.

“You continue cultivation.”

Uncle Yuan told him, turned around and turned back, standing on the branch of a large tree, looked towards the lake below.


Martial Palace Palace Lord and Ma Hongmei are standing by the lake, glancing all around.

“It seems they are really dead.”

See 4 under nobody, Ma Hongmei said with a smile.

“They are not dead.”

Martial Palace Palace Lord shook his head.


The smile on Ma Hongmei’s face froze.

Martial Palace Palace Lord glanced at the pile of bonfire, strode under the willow tree, grabbed the fishing rod and raised it, immediately revealing radiance.

“See? The bait is still there.”

“Bonfire hasn’t completely gone out.”

“Besides, there are 2 different footprints.”

“Obviously, they only left shortly.”

“It seems that, as you guessed, it was Qin Feiyang who killed Cao Lang three people.”

Martial Palace Palace Lord.

Ma Hongmei one after another looked, his face gradually gloomy.


“Ma Hongmei, tomorrow is your time of death!”

Uncle Yuan in one’s eyes cold light flashed, turned and cut through the sky, landed on that hill, and saw Qin Feiyang still in a daze. He couldn’t help shaking his head and smirked. “Cultivation soon, I will tell you the truth tomorrow.”

“Really tell me?”

Qin Feiyang expressed doubt.

Uncle Yuan said: “It will, but only if you break Martial Artist Extreme Realm before dawn.”

“Martial Artist Extreme Realm!”

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Uncle Yuan asked, “What? Unsure?”

Qin Feiyang said with a bitter smile: “The Great Qin Empire has innumerable Martial Artists, and there are countless monsters, but from ancient times to now, there is only one person who breaks the Martial Artist Extreme Realm. I am not confident that it is normal! “

Uncle Yuan said: “Every Martial Artist wants to break the Martial Artist Extreme Realm, don’t you want it?”

“Of course I think, but …”

Qin Feiyang talked about this, sealed the memory in the depth of one’s soul, and actively came out of his head.

At the age of 7, when he stepped into 9-Star Martial Artist, he thought that with excellent aptitude and innate talent, he would definitely break Martial Artist Extreme Realm.

But what happened?

No matter how hard he tried, no matter what method he used, he didn’t succeed.

Uncle Yuan said: “Feiyang, since Great Qin Empire someone does it, then you have to believe in yourself, you can do it, you can’t be a coward!”

“Who said I was a coward!”

Qin Feiyang stood up straight, and the fighting spirit and enthusiasm lurking in his heart were completely inspired. “Uncle Yuan, rest assured, I will work hard!”


He sat cross-legged and continued to sprint to 9-Star Martial Artist.

There was a smile on Uncle Yuan’s face, mumbled: “foolish boy, don’t even think about it, if Uncle Yuan doesn’t have certainty, will it force you to break Martial Artist Extreme Realm? Rest assured, Uncle Yuan will help you.”

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