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“Do you mean, is there something tricky inside?”

Mu Tianyang was surprised.

“I don’t know, I always feel a little upset.”

“I think it’s better to confirm.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark said something, then glanced at Young Master Feng and took out the image crystal stone.

“Who is summoning?”

Mu Tianyang three people looked at him suspiciously.

“Gao Xiaolong.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.

“It’s useless.”

“Because it’s impossible to summoning outsiders here.”

Maniac sound transmission.

“Can’t summoning?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“Will you think too much?”

“Young Master Feng’s personal killing of Feng Zijun is enough to prove his sincerity.”

Mu Tianyang in the dark said.

“I’m not suspicious of changing to someone else.”

“But this person, his position is always unstable, I am a bit worried!”

“And I believe that Gao Xiaolong will never easily disclose such things to Young Master Feng.”

“Take a step back and say that Young Master Feng, even if it’s okay, it’s best to confirm.”

“After all, what we encountered this time is different from the past, and one will lose little life without paying attention.”

“Anyway, be careful not to be wrong.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.

“Jiang Haotian also makes sense, this time we have lost a big deal, otherwise where would we stay in this ghost place?”

Lunatic sound transmission said.


Mu Tianyang in the dark answered.

Young Master Feng glanced at the crystal stone in Qin Feiyang’s hand and wondered, “Big Brother Jiang, what are you doing?”

“It’s nothing.”

Qin Feiyang put away the crystal stone and looked at Young Master Feng said with a smile: “We have known each other for a long time!”


Young Master Feng nodded, said with a smile: “We knew each other before you entered Nine Heavens Palace, and remember that your cultivation base at that time was not as good as mine, and now it has surpassed me.”


“time flies.”

Qin Feiyang is feeling 10000 1000.

Young Master Feng is getting more and more puzzled. What is this saying?

Qin Feiyang’s face suddenly became serious, his hands were imprinted, and an imprint appeared.

Young Master Feng stared suspiciously at 疑 imprint and said, “Big Brother Jiang, you are …”

When Qin Feiyang controlled Dragon’s son, Young Master Feng was also present, but there was no snoring in the crowd.

So know that this imprint is a control-type secret art that has the ability to read the memory of others.

“Although your relationship with Feng Family is not good, it is their family, after all, they definitely know a lot of what they have done.”

“And now, I need to understand these.”

“Say, you can’t finish talking for a while and a half, so I want to read your memory directly.”

“You can rest assured that after reading your memory, I will immediately release my control from you.”

Qin Feiyang said.


Young Master Feng heard that his face changed slightly and he flickered back a bit.

“what happened?”

“I’m not malicious to you, just want to know thoroughly what they have done?”

Qin Feiyang looked at Young Master Feng suspiciously.

“You want to know this, I can find some time to tell you all, there is no need to read my memory!”

Young Master Feng was wary.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Isn’t it all said just now, it’s so efficient, you tell me how long it will take, and there may be forgetting.”

Seeing Qin Feiyang’s insistence on reading his own memory, the panic on Young Master Feng’s face became more apparent.

“Is it really tricky?”

When the lunatic three people saw this, they frowned.

“what’s wrong with you?”

“Don’t just read the memory? What are you afraid of?”

“Is it possible that, what did you do to sorry for me and dare not let me read your memory?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“No no.”

“You are so nice to me, how can I do something that is sorry to you?”

Young Master Feng waved hands again and again.

“Then what are you guilty of?”


With a wave of Qin Feiyang, 傀儡 imprint swept towards the top of the head of Young Master Feng.

Young Master Feng hurriedly aside, said with a smile: “Next time, I still have something to do, I have to go out once, Mad Brother Senior Brother, and ask you to disperse the Divine Force Array.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flashed a flash of cold light, nodded to the lunatic.


The lunatic released pressure and directly put Young Master Feng imprisonment.

傀儡 imprint When in the same stream of light, the top of the head of Young Master Feng.

Young Master Feng immediately held his head, miserable howl.

“What are you doing?”

But it is at this time.

An old voice, like thunder, blasted in jail.

Follow closely.

An old man appears outside the Array.

It’s Old Yun!

I saw Old Yun waved his hand, and the Array under the lunatic cloth broke instantly.

But at the same time.

Qin Feiyang took the crazy people three People and Young Master Feng and disappeared without disappearing without a trace.

Old Yun glanced at the deserted cell and couldn’t help frowned.


Profound Martial World!

Over the medicine field.

Huo Yi frowns saying: “Senior Brother, aren’t you separated by Array? Why can the old man still see?”

The lunatic said: “Array can only be soundproof.”

“This way!”

Huo Yi nodded.

That is, although Old Yun couldn’t hear what they were talking about, he could see what they were doing.

Followed by.

Three people looked towards Qin Feiyang and Young Master Feng.

Young Master Feng had a pain in his face, feeling Divine Soul as if he was being torn.

And Qin Feiyang’s complexion gradually gloomy down.

See you.

Mu Tianyang frowns saying: “It seems that this person really has a problem.”

Huo Yi said with a smile: “If so, I’m afraid Brother Jiang will be angry!”

Qin Feiyang’s appreciation of Young Master Feng is obvious to all.

If Young Master Feng really did something to betray them, it would be chilling.


After a while.

Qin Feiyang’s within the body suddenly burst out of a horrible murderous intention.

The pain on Young Master Feng’s face also disappeared.

But before I can breathe a sigh of relief, I was overwhelmed by murderous intentions, my body and mind trembled, and my whole body became cold.


Mu Tianyang three people looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “The purpose of his coming to jail this time is to try to get Ge Yong out of my mouth.”


three people frowned.

“And all this was directed by Yin Hui.”

“And Gao Xiaolong is dead.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Who killed it?”

Huo Yi complexion changed.

“it’s him.”

Qin Feiyang points to Young Master Feng.


Huo Yi gloomy.

Qin Feiyang sighed: “I knew that Gao Xiaolong couldn’t talk much. It turned out that he was being forced by him. He already knew that Gao Xiaolong was a spy I planted next to him, so he took action to kill him! “

Mu Tianyang said: “In other words, did Young Master Feng really betray you?”


Qin Feiyang nodded, looking at Young Master Feng, saying, “What else do you want to say?”

At this moment, Young Master Feng, like a muddy beach, was paralyzed in void, and his face was full of despair.

For Qin Feiyang’s words, it is also deaf.

Mu Tianyang frowns saying: “What the hell is going on? You can say it clearly.”


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath, looking away from Young Master Feng, watching three people saying: “Feng Wenhai was expelled from Nine Heavens Palace, Feng Zijun was killed, Feng Yuan and the others were hiding from Yin Hui because they Do not want to interfere with Yin Hui cultivation. “

“And after going out of customs, knowing these things, Yin Hui is very angry.”

“But this woman’s city government is extremely deep, holding angry in her heart and investigating one by one in the dark.”

“But because we did so cleanly, she couldn’t find out.”

“Even ready to give up.”

“At the same time, the death of Feng Zijun made her very tired and looked away a lot, and wanted to accept Young Master Feng.”

“So, she found Young Master Feng and said that she would give him mother a name, and then her biological son.”

“She did this because she also considered the issue of succession. After all, the Feng Family now has only a young man like Young Master Feng.”

“Young Master Feng was very pleased to hear this …”

Qin Feiyang said this, and the madman frowns saying, “So he betrayed us?”

“It’s not that simple.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

The lunatic stared blankly, wondering, “What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at Young Master Feng and sighed, “To be honest, I have been looking down on this person.”

The lunatic three people simultaneously looked, and my heart became even more confused.

“After hearing that Yin Hui was going to help his mother with his name and treat him as a biological son, he was happy, and then he suddenly thought of Feng Zijun’s true cause of death.”

“Feng Zijun, died in his hands.”

“What will happen once the matter is revealed? This is a question he dare not think about.”

“After three more reflections, he finally thought of a bold plan to kill people.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Killing and killing?”

Three people raised their eyebrows.


“The goal to destroy our mouth is naturally us.”

“Because of me, I watched him kill Feng Zijun.”

“And you, although not present at the time, have such a good relationship with me and must know this.”

“So he wants to get rid of us all.”

“First Step, he killed Gao Xiaolong, pulled out this spy, and took the initiative to find Yin Hui, and told Yin Hui that Feng Zijun was killed by us.”

“Second Step, the bureau set us in jail. This is to pave the way for Third Step.”

“Third Step is to enter the jail and use the relationship with us to explore the whereabouts of Ge Yong.”

“Because Ge Yong has a close relationship with me, he is worried that Ge Yong also knows that he killed Feng Zijun, so he has to die.”

“And this Fourth Step is to enter the main conference hall and say the cause of Feng Zijun’s death in front of the great big shots, to completely end our lives.”

Qin Feiyang.

“I go.”

“This step is closely linked with one another. It’s seamless!”

“I didn’t really see it before. He unexpectedly has such terrifying thoughts?”

Mu Tianyang three people were shocked.

Qin Feiyang said with a bitter smile: “Don’t say you guys, I didn’t even see it before.”

Mu Tianyang asked, “What did he say to Yin Hui?”

“He told Yin Hui.”

“The night that Feng Zijun was killed, he had something to find Feng Zijun, and then happened to hit me when he killed Feng Zijun.”

“Yin Hui was very angry about Feng Zijun’s death, so he didn’t need to deliberately create illusions. He just made up an excuse and Yin Hui would believe it.”

Qin Feiyang.

“It is true.”

“However, since Young Master Feng said that I bumped into you and killed Feng Zijun, he kept hiding in his heart for a while, and didn’t say Yin Hui was not angry?

Mu Tianyang said.

“Yin Hui also asked him, why not say it earlier?”

“Young Master Feng is also clever, saying that he was afraid of revenge on him, and dare not say.”

Qin Feiyang.

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