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“This is Ancestor’s heaven defying Divine Artifact?”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes were shaking.

Under this Divine Artifact aura, he felt as small as a ant.

“I know this formidable power of Divine Artifact.”

“We must find Beast God as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to imagine.”

Mu Tianyang said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang wondered, “Isn’t even Blood Blade the opponent of this Divine Artifact?”

“On the level and formidable power, these two heaven defying Divine Artifacts are equal, but Beast God’s cultivation base is stronger than us.”

“The key is.”

“My Blood Blade, like your Ancient Castle and Azure Snow, is sealed with a portion of formidable power.”

Mu Tianyang said.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, frowns saying: “No, since it is sealed, why can you still open Time Law?”

Qin Feiyang.

Mu Tianyang glanced at him and said, “Isn’t your Ancient Castle and Azure Snow still able to open Law Force?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The Law Force of Azure Snow is Space-Time Travel.

The Law Force of Ancient Castle is Time Freeze.

Mu Tianyang said: “Heaven defying Divine Artifact such as Blood Blade, without a seal, is not an exaggeration to say that it is enough to destroy a Great World.”

“So horrible?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly and asked, “What about Ancestor’s heaven defying Divine Artifact?”

“There are also seals.”

“But looking at the aura it emits now, it seems that this seal has weakened a lot.”

“That is.”

“Even if Blood Blade take action, it may not be able to beat it.”

Mu Tianyang said.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “Artifact Spirit, is this why you prevented me from entering the island?”

“Only one side.”

Artifact Spirit responded.

“Only one side, what is the other side?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Artifact Spirit did not answer, saying: “If you really believe in true body, listen to true body, at once withdraw.”


Qin Feiyang murmured, looking at the scorching sun, saying: “Ancestor’s heaven defying Divine Artifact is all here, do you think I will withdraw? If you want to be good for me, come out and help me at once!

“You are so stubborn!”

Artifact Spirit annoyed.

“Stubborn is also good, stupid, anyway, today I have to see Beast God and ask for it!”

Qin Feiyang turned one’s head looked towards Mu Tianyang and said, “Gray Ancient Castle can’t help, now I can only look at you.”


Mu Tianyang takes a deep breath.

铿 clang!

Blood Blade appears again.

“True body has never seen such a counseling heaven defying Divine Artifact?”

The Artifact Spirit of Blood Blade roared, apparently talking about Gray Ancient Castle.

Follow closely.

Blood Blade trembled, blood light surged into a sea of ​​blood, exploded towards the rolling flame, and met instantly.

Hong long!

An imposing manner of world extinguishing was born immediately, and the flow of earth-shattering was all directions.

But neither the blood light nor the flames disintegrated.

The two collided madly in void and could not stand still.

“From the current situation, it should be able to last a while. Let’s go to the middle of the island and find Beast God.”

Mu Tianyang said.

“What about the Blood Blade?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“It will come to us by then.”

“Don’t waste time, quickly go!”

Mu Tianyang shouted.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Sou! !

Three people immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the center of the island.


“Sure enough, it’s a few difficult Brat.”

“However, it’s not enough to get near here!”

Within the valley!

The young man looked at Qin Feiyang three people in the picture, and there was a playful smile in the corner of his mouth.

Roar! !

Outside Sea Domain.

One after another growled loudly.

Qin Feiyang three people stared blankly, looking at the sound, his face changed dramatically.

I saw Sea Domain, one of the huge Sea Beasts, roaring continuously.

“It’s really noisy!”

Huo Yi was pale.

At a glance, boundless.

It is difficult to count how much Sea Beast is over the sea at this moment!

That horrible fearful might, growl all directions.

Beginner Supreme God!

There is Small Accomplishment Supreme God!

There are also Sea Beasts from Perfection Supreme God and great perfection Supreme God!

How amazing it is!

You know, not long ago, it was just those Sea Beasts who became the Supreme God that almost killed Qin Feiyang.

And now.

Unexpectedly, even Sea Beast of great perfection Supreme God, how can this be played?

There is simply no hope of winning.

Huo Yi swallowed saliva and said, difficult to open the mouth and said: “Not only revive heaven defying Divine Artifact, but also summon out so many powerful Sea Beasts, Brother Qin, it is better to withdraw first!”

“To withdraw you.”

Qin Feiyang.

After all, the current situation has developed beyond control, and he cannot force Huo Yi and Mu Tianyang to continue following his adventures.

“Qin Batian’s Divine Artifact is here, and I won’t withdraw.”

Mu Tianyang said.

“Don’t be stupid.”

“Blood Blade was pinned down by the Divine Artifact in the sky. The gray Ancient Castle did not intend to take action at all. With our 3 strengths, how can we fight those Sea Beasts?”

“Even if Brother Qin opens Killing Domain now, it’s too late.”

Huo Yi exasperated.


Tone barely fell, one with a walrus of 1000 zhang or so, roared suddenly. The sea Beast that day was turned into a torrent and flew towards Qin Feiyang and the others.

And that walrus is a giant beast of one great perfection Supreme God!

Huo Yi urged: “Stay here with the green hills, don’t worry about the firewood, don’t hesitate!”

Qin Feiyang glanced at the walrus, and then glanced at the beast tide, and finally locked his eyes on the island center.

to catch brigands, first catch their king!

As long as capture Beast God, then these Sea Beast will naturally not dare to mess up.


Beast God rules this Sea Domain, and it must be stronger.

How difficult it is to capture it!

Qin Feiyang was heartbroken, watching Mu Tianyang two people saying, “You go to Ancient Castle first, I’ll go to Killing Domain!”

prior to.

The 10000 Sea Beasts that became the Supreme God were beheaded and killed by the Blood Blade, and the bodies were sunk into the sea. As long as the 10000 Sea Beast corpses were found and their blood was absorbed, it should be enough to solve the urgent need.

As long as he has enough strength, he can kill these current Sea Beasts, and the blood is naturally inexhaustible.

The formidable power of Kill Character Art will naturally become stronger and stronger!

At that time, do n’t mention the Insignificant Beast God, he will not even fear heaven defying Divine Artifact!

“Can you make it?”

Mu Tianyang asked.

“should be no problem.”

Qin Feiyang glanced down at the Sea Domain.

In the sea water, many blood are mixed, and these blood can still be absorbed.

“That’s it!”

Mu Tianyang nodded.


At this time.

Artifact Spirit reappears, watching Qin Feiyang, said solemnly: “Is that so? No longer thinking?”

“Ancestor’s Divine Artifact is here. What do you want me to think about?”

“I still have the mood to consider these?”

Qin Feiyang exasperated.


“True body goes crazy with you.”

Artifact Spirit took a deep look at Qin Feiyang and sighed.


Qin Feiyang is happy.


“Although you are stupid, your dedication and your feelings for Qin Batian have moved the true body.”

“Blood Blade makes sense, too.”

“True body cannot humiliate the heaven defying divine object.”

Artifact Spirit said.

I heard that not only Qin Feiyang, Mu Tianyang, and Huo Yi are also pleased.

With this guy’s help, plus the Blood Blade, that would be fine.


The Gray Ancient Castle appears, and the Artifact Spirit flies into the Gray Ancient Castle.


A monstrous demon might emerge.


Then Artifact Spirit suddenly shouted, and took Qin Feiyang three people, and continued to sweep towards the center of the island.

As for those Sea Beast, before they were close, they were wiped out by the gray Ancient Castle!

All the way to the road without any delay.

at last.

The valley in the middle of the island, into the sight of Qin Feiyang three people.

“It will be enjoyable!”

Looking at the peach blossoms and the fragrant valley, three people sneered on their faces.


“Look at it, there seems to be a courtyard there!”

Huo Yi suddenly pointed to the center of the mountains valley, startled.

Qin Feiyang and Mu Tianyang looked and saw a courtyard.

And in the courtyard, it seems that there are still 2 people standing!

three people stumbled.

Isn’t this the nest of Beast God?

Why is there still human?

Qin Feiyang said: “Artifact Spirit, go to the center of the valley.”


The Artifact Spirit responded, taking three people straight to the center of the valley.

“It’s a man and a woman …”

As we approached, everything in the courtyard became clearer.


Qin Feiyang’s body froze, his eyes firmly locked on the masked woman standing in the gazebo.

Is this blurred vision?

Why is Fire Lotus here?

Mu Tianyang and Huo Yi were also surprised.

At about the same time, the three people rubbed their eyes vigorously and looked at the gazebo again.

Qin Feiyang’s face was immediately full of surprise.

No blurred vision!

You read it right!

The masked woman is exactly Fire Lotus!

“what happened?”

“Why is Fire Lotus on this island?”

“And the man next to her is who?”

Mu Tianyang and Huo Yi frowns.

Qin Feiyang looked towards Grey Ancient Castle and said, “Should you give me an explanation?”

“Everyone sees it, what else does true body explain? You will understand naturally after a while.”

Artifact Spirit.

Shua! !

After counting the interest!

The gray Ancient Castle took Qin Feiyang three people and landed outside the courtyard.

“Big Brother Qin!”

Fire Lotus hurried out of the gazebo and ran towards Qin Feiyang.

But suddenly.

The young man was standing in front of Fire Lotus, frowns saying, “Don’t forget our promise?”

Fire Lotus lovable body froze, stopped, looked up at Qin Feiyang, lowered his head, and seemed afraid to look directly into Qin Feiyang’s eyes.


Qin Feiyang was also full of joy, but watching the young man stop Fire Lotus, and said the words, his eyebrows were immediately frowned.

Mu Tianyang and Huo Yi are also suspicious.

It seems, why does Fire Lotus seem to be threatened?

“Qin Feiyang, Mu Tianyang, Huo Yi …”

“You guys are very capable, so you stopped, unexpectedly didn’t stop you.”

young man looked at Qin Feiyang three people, said with a laugh.


Qin Feiyang three people stared blankly.

What does this mean, who has been controlling the Sea Beast in the dark?

wait a minute!

Isn’t it only Beast God that can control these Sea Beasts?

Huo Yi glanced at the young man and sound transmission said: “Brother Qin, Brother Mu, be careful, the aura of this person is better than the aura of our Nine Heavens Palace Great Elder!”

Qin Feiyang two people startled, and quickly looked at the young man.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Sure enough, as Huo Yi said, the aura revealed by this person is stronger than Great Elder.

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