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Qin Feiyang starred blankly slightly, looked at the woman in yellow clothes, looked at the black clothed youth, and asked, “Are you afraid of death?”

“Of course afraid.”

“But I don’t want Xiao He to be okay.”

black clothed youth.

Qin Feiyang couldn’t help but laugh, saying, “Since you’re afraid of death, what else do you come to do?”

“I didn’t want to come.”

“It’s Xiao He’s coming.”

black clothed youth said, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards Woman in Yellow, asking, “Why are you here?”


“I want to see if you die.”

The woman in the yellow clothes shouted.

“See if I die?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, frowns saying: “So, do you remember the heaven and earth ring on me? If I die, it would be cheap for you?”

“No, no.”

“I didn’t think so …”

“I just want to see if I can save your life …”

The woman in yellow quickly waved.

“help me?”

Qin Feiyang stumbled.

This answer was simply unexpected, suspiciously: “Why are you trying to save me?”

The woman in yellow lowered her head and did not dare to look at Qin Feiyang’s eyes.

Black clothed youth guarded her, watching Qin Feiyang saying, “Xiao He is such a kind-hearted girl.”


Qin Feiyang was stunned immediately.

If you are not a relative, you do n’t know if he is a good person or a bad person, unexpectedly came to save him?

If the black clothed youth doesn’t fool him, she is really a kind girl.


Will there be such a kind person in the world?

Qin Feiyang, accustomed to intrigue, crafty plots and machinations, can’t believe it.

But at this moment, the woman in yellow took out a Spirit Sea Pill and Life Divine Pill, and the cowering handed it to Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang fell into awe again.

“You are seriously injured. If you don’t treat it quickly, it may affect foundation …”

The woman in yellow whispered.

Qin Feiyang looked at the woman in yellow, and then looked towards Life Divine Pill and Spirit Sea Pill in his hands, and it didn’t return to God in half a ring.

Unexpectedly gave him the medical pill?

It really looks like a good-looking Miss.

Qin Feiyang smiled suddenly and reached out to take the medical pill.

The two medicinal pills each have only three Pill Marks. In normal use, he would not even look at them.

Because he took out a medical pill, he had more than this Pill Mark.

But he took it and threw it into the mouth without the slightest hesitation.

He didn’t want to reject this kind offer.

“Thank you.”

Qin Feiyang thanked him, his complexion completely eased, and his smile was restored.

two people stared blankly.

This seems to be less terrifying!

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile: “What’s your name?”

“My name is Li Feng.”

“Xiao He’s full name is Li He.”

black clothed youth.

“Li Feng, Li He?”

Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, how can I have the same surname as Li Dashan?

Qin Feiyang said, “When did you come here?”

“Xiahe and I have been training around here.”

“Before, I suddenly felt the fluctuation of the battle, so I came to see it with curiosity.”

Li Feng said.

Li He is still hiding behind Li Feng.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Did you all see it?”

“I saw it all.”

Li Feng was nodded and hurriedly waved, “Senior, don’t worry, we will never say it.”

“Why nervous?”

“It’s nothing to see.”

Qin Feiyang is speechless.

So timid, dare to run here to experience, really admire the courage of these 2 Little Brat.

Li Feng stared blankly. After thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing unsightly, so he smiled embarrassingly at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang said: “Do you know the couple just now?”

“We are from a village, of course we know each other.”

Li Feng is nodded.

“A village?”

Qin Feiyang was wrong again.

Shouldn’t the people in a village be acquainted with the enemy?

Instead, he ran to save him.

What are you thinking about?

If this is known by the Li Dashan couple, I’m afraid they will scold immediately, 2 small sconerels eating and eating.

Li Feng added: “However, I don’t like them very much.”

“me too.”

Li He followed.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly and looked curiously at two people.

“Their character is not good, relying on the cultivation base is better than everyone, they always bully everyone.”

“Even Li He’s father, they dare to collide.”

Li Feng said in disgust.

“You father?”

Qin Feiyang looked towards Li He.

“My father is the village chief of the village. His cultivation base is strong. He is a Perfection Divine Monarch.”

Speaking of father, a hint of pride emerged from Li He’s face.

“Perfection Divine Monarch …”

Qin Feiyang murmured, “Isn’t that similar to Li Dashan?”

“The cultivation base is similar, but the character is different.”

“I father, never bully people in the village.”

Li He glared at Qin Feiyang, thinking that Qin Feiyang was saying that her father and Li Dashan were all the same.

“Don’t get excited, don’t get excited.”

“I didn’t say that your father is not good, I just said that they are the same cultivation base.”

Qin Feiyang is speechless.

Li He staring blankly, and quickly said: “Senior, sorry, sorry, I …”


Qin Feiyang waved.

This little girl is really terrifying.

But this is pure, not necessarily good deed.

Fortunately, I met him today. If I meet someone who has a bad heart, it is difficult to imagine what would happen.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Is your village far from here?”

“Not far.”

“Just outside this mountain range.”

Li Feng said.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Go ahead, take me to your village.”

“What are you going to our village?”

Li Feng was immediately alert.

It can be seen that he is more alert than Li He.

Qin Feiyang said: “Look at my injury, you must find a place to cultivate!”


Li Feng looked at Qin Feiyang with some doubts.

But Li He, glanced all around, nodded and said: “There are too many Vicious Beasts in this mountain, it is really dangerous.”

“Xiao He …”

Li Feng frowned, staring at Li He.

“What did I say wrong?”

Li He looked at Li Feng for unknown reasons.

Li Feng shook the head and looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “Senior, you go to our village. I have no opinion, but you must agree to me first, and you cannot hurt everyone.”

“Do I look like a bad guy?”

Qin Feiyang is very depressed.

He has worked very hard to show an amiable look, so why still be so alert?

Does it have anything to do with his current appearance?

That’s right.

It must be like this.

After adjusting one’s head and turning one’s face, there was a bit more fierce appearance.


Qin Feiyang followed the two people and flew out of the mountain range.

en route.

I know a little bit about the village of two people.

The village where the two people live is called Yunshan Village. There are about 2 households. The strongest person in the village is the village chief and Li Dashan, and two Perfection Divine Monarchs.

As for Half-Step Divine Monarch, Initial Accomplishment Divine Monarch, Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch, Great Accomplishment Divine Monarch, they add up to several hundred.

Battle God Tweezers

杩 欎 篃 鏄 疩 in Feiyang 娌 ℃ 湁 鎯 冲 埌 镄 勩 €

In a small village, unexpectedly there are two Perfection Divine Monarchs. What about the entire Divine State?


Obsolete our Great Domains

About half an hour passed.

at last.

 沩 搴 勮 繘 鍏   沩 搴 勮 繘 鍏  Fe in Feiyang pants

鏉 戝 箪 鍧 愯 惤 鍦 ㄥ 北 闂 达 纴 妤 炸 彴 鏋 楃 珛 銆

鏉 鏉 鏉 浔 灏 忔 浔 灏 忔 浔 灏 忔 浔 灏 忔 锛 岄 镌 镌 镌 楂 楂 楂

There are also bluestone pathways, which connect to each household.

鏀 剧 溂 chain 涘 幓 锛 屽 埌 澶 勯 兘 鏄  竴 鐗 噂 reen hills and clear water 銆

灞 Distinguishes 锛 岃 缮 锛 岃 缮

杩 欐 沩 搴 勶 纴 璺 烸 in Feiyang

 镄 勬 埧 灞 嫔 熀 у 镄 勬 埧 灞 嫔 熀  兘 鏄  爢 鍦 ㄤ 竴 璧  兘 鏄  爢 鍦 ㄤ 竴 璧  兘 鏄  爢 鍦 ㄤ 竴 璧  兘 鏄  爢 鍦 ㄤ 竴 璧 € ﹄ 笉 澶 ﹄ 笉 澶 殑 鍦 殑 鍦 殑 鍦

But here.

In the world, it’s time to learn more.


鎴 鎴 眿 涔 熶 笉 鏄  眿 涔 熶 笉 鏄  眿 涔 熶 笉 鏄  眿 涔 熶 笉 鏄  沩 瀛 愮 殑 鎴 眿 锛 屾 槸 眿 锛 屾 槸 眿 锛 屾 槸Book

Qin Feiyang 鐪 嫔 缑 鍏 ョ  銆

What does this village look like? Simply is a piece of Human World Immortal Realm.


Qin Feiyang (鍦 ㄦ 沩 鍙 g 暀 镒 忓 埌) 闱 tone tablet 銆

The stone tablet is dark, reaching a dozen meters in height, and is very eye-catching. It is engraved with three powerful characters.

-Yunshan Village!

Qin Feiyang 鏀 跺 洖 鐩  厜 锛 屾 壂 浜 嗙 溂 鏁 翠 灞 灞 沩 锛 岀 湅 镌 € 鏉 庤 嵎 two people 锛 宻 aid with a smile 锛 气 滀 簯 灞 滀 簯 灞 滀 簯 灞泤 锛 屼 綘 浠  介 泤 锛 屼 綘 浠  umbrella

“Senior wins.”

 € ¢ Umbrella, bee, 埂, 锛 屽 摢 鑳, 瘮, 锛 屽 摢 鑳, 瘮, 瘮, 闾 (簺 璞  崕 鍩 庨 晣 锛 熲)

鏉 庡 璇 璇 锛 岀 溂  湁 镌  湁 镌  湁 镌 涓 涓 涓 € 濆 悜 濆 悜 濆 悜 濆 悜 濆 悜

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

究 交 鍟 婏 纴 娌 ‘粈 涔 堢 粡 铡 嗭 纴 岖 劧 鍝 ﹄ 岖 劧 鍝 ﹄ 岖 劧 鍝 ﹄ 钖 戝 钖 戝 澶 栭 澶 栭 澶 栭 鍩 庨 晣 镄 勭 敓 娲 鍩 庨 晣 镄 勭 敓 娲

鍏 跺 疄 璁 Coupling with Qin Feiyang

鐢 氲 呖 鍙  兘 姣 旀 潕 宄 Board

After all, Li Feng is already an Initial Accomplishment Battle God.

two people 镄 勫 尯 鍒 NH 鍦 ㄤ 簬 锛 孮 in Feiyang

浠 栧 鎯 鎯 垒 垒 € ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ Umbrella 镙 wind 殑 鍦 version 锛 屽 锛 屽 锛 屽 骞 骞 纴 瀹 夊 畨 闱 欓

嶅 悓 锛 屼 嶅 悓 锛 屼 嶅 悓 锛 屼 鐢 熺 殑 鐩  爣 鐢 熺 殑 鐩  爣 鐢 熺 殑 鐩  爣 鐢 熺 殑 鐩  爣 鐢 熺 殑 鐩  爣 ︻ 劧 涔 熷 ammonia

鎴 栬  绛 夊 摢 澶 ╋ 纴 鏉 庡 ridiculed 璧 板 嚭 鏉 戝 箪 锛 岄 棷 嚭 鏉 戝 箪 锛 岄 棷Elder sister

“Who is who?”


A loud voice sounded.

Qin Feiyang three people 庡 ご 鐪 嫔 幓 锛 屼 佷 竴 究 佷 竴 佷 竴 middle-aged man 锛 屼 粠 嬫 嬫 灞 灞 灞 灞 灞 鍜 屾 潕 鍜 屾 潕Qin Feiyang 銆

 € 滃 埆 у 鏉 庡 ぇ 灞 眛 wo people 镄 勪 簨 銆 傗 €

Qin Feiyang spoke to Li Feng’s two people sound transmission, and then looked at the big middle-aged man. This person’s strength is also good, Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch.

“it is good.”

鏉 庡 ridiculous in the dark 搴 斾 简 澹 帮 纴 鐪 嬬 潃 big middle-aged man 锛 宻 aid with a smile 锛 气 € 滃 师 鍙 旓 纴 浠 栨 槸 鎴 戜 滑 鍒 鍒 垰 浠 庡 北 屾 屾 清 锲Slick

鏉 庡 师 钖  椈 锛 宔 xpression 镞 犳 瘮 阌 欐 镞 犳 瘮 阌 欐 锛 屼 粩 缁 嗙 湅 浜 嗕 镞 犳 瘮 阌 欐 Qin Feiyang 锛 宼 urning one’head綘 浠  ‘瀹 氭 病 鎼 是 敊 锛 屾 槸 敊 锛 屾 槸 犱 滑 鏁 戜 简 浠 栵 纻 ”

Qin Feiyang’s Qi Sea has been repaired.

Therefore, Li Yuan can see through Qin Feiyang’s cultivation base, and like him, it is also a Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch.

Dignified one Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch, need a False God and an Initial Accomplishment Battle God?

Isn’t this a joke?

Gallium is not suitable for this purpose.

鐢 氲 呖 鐤 € 鐤 戏 纴 鏄 疩 in Feiyang 鍦 ╥n the dark


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