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The mountains and rivers are undulating.

In the mountains, Vicious Beast runs rampant.

The weakest Vicious Beast is Battle God.

Hardly found under False God.

However, under the deterrence of Qin Feiyang, no one Vicious Beast dared to jump out of the way.

But Qin Feiyang was a little confused, looking at Li He and Li Feng and asking, “Vicious Beast in Divine State, is the weakest Battle God?”

“No no……”

Li Feng quickly waved.

“Then why did you come this way, not even Vicious Beast below one Battle God?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Li Feng said: “Because Vicious Beast all around our village is generally stronger.”

Li He asked, “Tall brother, don’t you know what happened half a month ago?”

“Half a month ago?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

Half a month ago, wasn’t it the time he entered Divine State and wrestled with Dragon Race?

“Half a month ago.”

“I don’t know what happened, there was a terrible fighting wave in the North Sea.”

“That was the most terrifying scene in my life.”

“Everywhere the battle waves go, mountains and rivers are broken, living creatures are coated with charcoal.”

“We were extremely scared at the time, and the whole village was preparing to flee.”

“But just when the battle was about to reach Yunshan Village, the mountain we met, it started to calm down.”

“Yunshan Village has finally escaped.”

“Behind it, the battle was volatile, and it never happened again.”

Li Feng said as he shivered, his eyes were full of fear.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Qin Feiyang was suddenly nodded, saying: “That is to say, the people below Battle God and Vicious Beast basically died in that catastrophe?”


“From our Yunshan Village to Beihai, I don’t know how many villages there are, human, Vicious Beast.”

“And just half a month ago, all died tragically.”

“Everyone is still talking about what happened in Beihai?”

Li Feng said.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Is there anyone there to check in Beihai?”

“Who dares to go?”

“Such terrifying fluctuations must be certain peerless powerhouses, or terrifying Vicious Beasts fighting.”

“If by any chance, unfortunately meet them, is not dead end?”

Li Feng said.

“It makes sense.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Li Feng said: “It is because of that disaster that now we have become a forbidden area in the Northern Section from our Yunshan Village to Beihai.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark sighed.

He did not intend to involve these innocent people, but many times, it was not his decision.

This is war.

It’s cruel and ruthless.

No longer thinking about these issues, Qin Feiyang looked at two people, said with a smile: “Where are you going?”

“Don’t worry, you will arrive soon.”

Li Hexi said with a smile, with bright eyes, there is a trace of expectation and longing.

Qin Feiyang looked in his eyes, but was silent.

About half an hour passed.

In front of it, a mountain rising into the cloud, shaped like a python, appeared in sight.

It is also at this time.

Li He quickly looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “Tall brother, stop!”

Qin Feiyang took a sudden brake and stopped two people in void.

Li Heyao pointed to the mountains and said, “Tall brother, that’s where we are going.”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly and looked up at the mountains.

The mountains are full of several hundred li long and undulating, with lush vegetation and countless Vicious Beasts.


Somewhere in the mountains, he also sensed a fearful might of a great perfection Divine Monarch.

“Wait a minute!”


He frowned, glanced at void, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

He felt that the essence qi was particularly strong here.

“Under the mountain, there is a Level 9 crystal vein, but it is dominated by one Vicious Beast.”

“Tall brother, you are so strong, can you help us drive it away?”

Li He looked up at Qin Feiyang, his eyes full of pleading.

“Level 9 crystal veins?”

Qin Feiyang expression startled.

No wonder the essence qi here is so rich that it originally hides a crystal vein.

After returning back to his senses, Qin Feiyang looked at the two people and asked, “How did you know that there are crystal veins here?”

“I discovered it by father.”

“But because there are too many Vicious Beasts here, and Beast King of one great perfection Divine Monarch, father has always been helpless.”

“So in the morning, I thought about asking you to help.”

“I’m tired of working for the village. It’s not easy. I want to help him, but my ability is not enough.”

“Tall brother, please, can you help me?”

Li He begged and looked at Qin Feiyang.

“Tall brother, Xiao He’s request is really too abrupt, but she also wants to be good for the village. I also ask you to help us.”

Li Feng glanced at Li He, looked at Qin Feiyang, and begged.

“Wait a minute first.”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly reached out to stop two people, frowns saying, “Are you too naive?”

two people looked at each other in blank dismay, what does this mean?

“Level 9 crystal veins are already rare treasures.”

“You never thought I sawing riches provokes evil designs, killed you, and swallowed this crystal vein?”

Qin Feiyang.

“This is it.”

Two people suddenly realized.

Li He simply said with a smile: “Tall brother, you are a good person, you won’t.”

Qin Feiyang was angry and wanted to laugh.

How long have you known each other, unexpectedly asserted that he was a good man?

This simple, too terrifying.

If things go on like this, something will happen.


Qin Feiyang complexion sank, looking at two people, said, “You two, now, raise my ears and listen carefully.”

Two people nodded, looking at Qin Feiyang in silence.

“In the future, no matter who you meet, no matter how easy-going the other person is, you cannot easily believe it.”

“Because of the human heart, it is very complicated.”

“If you don’t pay attention, you will lose little life, understand?”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

“Thank you for teaching, understand.”

Li Feng heavily nodded.

“What about you?”

Qin Feiyang looked towards Li He.


Li He is also nodded.

Qin Feiyang shook the head, Li Yuntai kept her in the village to protect the daughter.

But as everyone knows, this is also hurting her.

To survive in today’s environment, you must learn to be independent.

Because no one can protect her for life, sooner or later have to face this cruel way of the world.



Qin Feiyang exhaled and said, “You two are here.”

two people nodded.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, a Divine Force Array appeared, protecting two people.

Follow closely.

He turned and flew towards the mountains.

“Will the tall brother be okay?”

Looking at Qin Feiyang’s back, Li Feng could not help raising a hint of worry.

“rest assured.”

“Even that golden Falcon is a big brother’s opponent, and it will be fine.”

Li He is full of confidence in Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang flew over the mountains.

The aura of Vicious Beast is also more obvious.

In addition to the Vicious Beast of the great perfection Divine Monarch, there are more than a dozen Vicious Beasts of the Perfection Divine Monarch.

Great Accomplishment, Small Accomplishment, Initial Accomplishment Divine Monarch’s Vicious Beast, even more than 100.


A terrifying group of Vicious Beasts will never be defeated for Yunshan Village.

But for Qin Feiyang, it’s nothing at all?

“Here’s the crystal vein, I accepted it, don’t want to die, at once leave!”

sound like a great bell, ringing through the sky.

“Is it so unbridled?”

Li Feng was stunned.

I thought that Qin Feiyang might think of a plan, but didn’t expect it to be so direct and violent.

Look at that domineering silhouette, Li He’s eyes are also staring at him.


With a loud noise, a black python vacated the air.

It has a body size of hundred zhang or so.

Body covered with snake scales.

2 huge pumps, staring at Qin Feiyang, flashing amazing cold light.

Qin Feiyang looked at black python and said differently: “I don’t want to hurt you, don’t force me to make a move, please take the initiative to leave.”

“impudent !”

“Where are you here?”

“Fangyuan several tens of thousands of li, there has never been a human, dare to provoke this Sovereign!”

black python immediately furious.



Qin Feiyang turned a deaf ear and counted every word.

“It’s really courting death!”

“Come out for this Sovereign and kill him!”

With the loudly shouted landing of black python, under the mountain range, a large slice of Vicious Beast emptied into the air.

Big Ruoshan, Little Ruopanshi, all kinds of Vicious Beast, densely packed, fearful might shroud all directions!

Although Li He two people are protected by Qin Feiyang’s Array, at this moment, looking at that Vicious Beast like beast tide, the scalp can’t help numbness.

As soon as the number of 100 Vicious Beasts appeared, Qin Feiyang scrambled to show his fangs!


Qin Feiyang sighed.

He is already working very hard to control the killing.

Because he really didn’t want to be a cold blooded person.

But these Vicious Beast did not give him this opportunity.

Divine State’s Vicious Beast, like Dragon Race, treats humans as grass mustards, ants, and food.

Without killing them, they will kill you.

Even swallowed live!

铿 clang!

With the wave of his hand, 8 ten sword shadows were born, and the world was extinguishing!

Roar! !

But instantly.

Vicious Beast below Perfection Divine Monarch, with one after another mourning, all blood splattered into the sky.


The black python was furious, and personally led the dozens of Perfect Divine Monarch’s Vicious Beast to kill Qin Feiyang.

And black python has a perfect Divine Art.

Battle Soul is also turned on.

Strength is also extremely terrifying!

Switching to another Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch will undoubtedly die.

But Qin Feiyang has no fear!


A strange and intangible power roared out of him within the body, like a tide, pounced on the black python.

black python is full of contempt.


As it was drowned by that invisible force, it immediately panicked.

Because it found that this force, unexpectedly, could ignore all defenses and head straight for its Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Next moment !

With a wailing black python, the huge body fell down weakly.

Since then, those Vicious Beasts from the Perfection Divine Monarch have seen 10000 points.

What is this means?

Unexpectedly, not even a skin trauma could be found.


They dare not continue to charge forward and stop at void, shiver coldly.

“Not yet!”

Qin Feiyang shouted.

“Yes yes yes.”

A dozen Vicious Beasts were nodded, and then turned and fled.

Qin Feiyang looked back and swept down to the mountain range.


The black python fell, and a section of the mountain was smashed into pieces.

Those relatively weak Vicious Beasts still lurking in the mountains, seeing this scene, also fled.

Less than ten breaths.

Fangyuan ten thousand li fell into a deathly stillness, not even a mosquito.

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