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Fu Wenhai Murderous Looking!


“Block him!”

“Don’t let him down!”

Roared an old man at Initial Accomplishment Divine Monarch.

Although the old, weak women and children were settled in advance, there were still many people in the village.

These people are basically powerhouses above Battle God.

Originally they thought that Fu Wentai would bring Battle God from Black Mountain Village together.

But didn’t expect.

Finally brought only Great Accomplishment Divine Monarch.


Now Yunshan Village, except Great Accomplishment Divine Monarch, is not qualified to intervene.

Although Fu Wenhai is just a Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch, but Divine Bow in his hand, that is the top grade Divine Artifact of Geneva.

Kill them all with this Divine Artifact!

Battle God, Half-Step Divine Monarch, Initial Accomplishment Divine Monarch, these all are the pillars of the future of Yunshan Village.

Can’t all die here.


The old man’s words landed, and more than 50 people rose into the air, carrying the terrifying aura and killing Fu Wenhai.

They are both Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch in Yunshan Village!

Master Divine Art and own Divine Artifact.

However, it is basically some High Class Divine Art, High Grade Divine Artifact.

There are even many Middle Grade Divine Artifacts.

Are these Divine Artifacts rivals to top grade Divine Artifact?

Fu Wenhai waved Divine Bow, wherever he went, no one could match!

Pieces of Divine Artifact, constantly broken.

Holding top grade Divine Artifact, let Fu Wenhai kill crazy!

More than 50 Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch in Yunshan Village have been blasted into the ground one after another!

Everyone was carrying deadly wounds.

Most of their Divine Artifact was also destroyed!


“You guys trash!”

“See if you can hurt me!”

Fu Wenhai laughed wildly.

The Divine Bow in your hand is blooming with dazzling brightness!

“Bastard, you must die!”

Someone in the village scolded.

But more is despair.

It’s been a few days, why hasn’t Li Dashan returned?

“Dare you curse me?”

“jié jié !”

“See how I kill you all, Yunshan Village in the blood!”

Fu Wenhai is endless.

铿 clang!

He grabbed the bowstring, and Divine Force surged.


A light arrow formed by the Divine Force, manifested, exuding a sharp edge like the world’s extinguishing.

“destroy for me!”

Fu Wenhai made a long howl, and the light arrow burst out breaking the sky and shot towards the village below.



Those Great Accomplishment Divine Monarchs who are fighting, seeing this scene, immediately exhausted the rant.

Li Yuntai also had a crack in his teeth.

this arrow Going down, will people in the village still have a way to live?

“Dead, die!”

“Go to hell!”

“Since then, there has been no Yunshan Village!”

People on the Black Mountain side laughed wildly.

“Fu Wenhai, you bastard, I fight with you!”


A angry roar sounded.

A gray-haired old woman rushed towards the arrow of light.

She has a cultivation base for Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch.

I have played with Fu Wenhai before, and I also have a blood cave with a big fist on my body.

But she ignored it!

As she approached the arrow, she did not dodge, Divine Force rolled out, and one fist blasted away.

To know.

Divine Bow, but top grade Divine Artifact!

With her cultivation base and fleshhy body, how could it be blocked?

Arm smashed on the spot!

Even half of the body was penetrated!

Blood stains the sky!


She unexpectedly did not retreat, nor did she manage the arrow again, and rushed towards Fu Wenhai like crazy.


“So someone took action together and crushed the arrows!”

There is a big middle-aged man shouted.


People in the village, whether Battle God or Divine Monarch, urged the Divine Force to form a wave of Divine Force, blasting towards the arrow of light.

With a loud bang, the arrow of light finally shattered.


Most of the people in the village were taken off with blood pouring from their mouths.

Those Battle God fell to the ground on the spot and passed out.

But fight, not at all is over!

The white-haired old woman was bleeding all over, and her face was pale, but she didn’t take any healing pill.

She stared deadly at Fu Wenhai, with a smile on her old face!

Fu Wenhai eyebrow raised, said with a sneer: “You really are not afraid of death, well, I will complete you first!”

After speaking, he raised Divine Bow and patted at the old woman.

The old woman with white hair did not evade, blocking Divine Bow with fleshhy body, flesh flew across!

And at the same time!

Her other hand was lifted instantly, holding Fu Wenhai’s waist firmly, rushing out of the village, roaring: “bastard, go to hell together!”

Within the body, a devastating aura burst out.


“He wants Self-destruction!”

People on the Black Mountain side, immediately changed color.

Especially Fu Wentai!

Fu Wenhai is his biological younger brother. Can he not worry?

Therefore, he immediately left Li Yuntai and flew towards Fu Wenhai.

The people in Yunshan Village are sad!

If there was a choice, would the old woman be Self-destruction?

will not!

She just saw that there was no hope, so she took the Self-destruction fleshy body to Yunshan Village and gave everyone a little hope.

Li Yuntai has already become a blood man!

There are 5 or 6 blood caves in the body, the right hand has also been crushed, and the entire person has become extremely weak.

Looking at the white-haired old woman, he was also sad.

But the act of the old woman also completely inspired his determination to protect everyone.

“I won’t let Yunshan Village have anything to do …”

“Even if I fight this old life!”

“Fu Qi, suffer!”

Li Yuntai did not care about the old woman with white hair, and madly killed Fu Qi.


“There is something to say…”

“Brother, help me …”

Fu Wenhai was also frightened at the moment.

How didn’t expect, this old bastard would be so crazy, unexpectedly Self-destruction fleshy body!

Small Accomplishment Battle God Self-destruction fleshy body, how terrible is formidable power?

Even the great perfection Divine Monarch, I’m afraid he can’t escape, let alone him.

He’s just Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch!

He growled, struggled, and cried for help to Fu Wentai.


The white-haired old woman turned a deaf ear and hugged him with all her power.

He even used his mouth to bite Fu Wenhai’s meat.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Two people, like a meteor, rushed into the mountains outside the village.

“Hurry up and drive her!”

“Kill her with Divine Bow!”

Fu Wentai chased wildly, his face was full of anxiety.

Fu Wenhai was scarred out of one’s wits long ago, but he forgot that there was still a top grade Divine Artifact in his hand.

Hearing Fu Wentai’s words, immediately a shivered.

Divine Force billowed out and poured into Divine Bow!

“You trash.”

“If it weren’t for your brother to protect you, I wouldn’t have known how many times I had died.”

“Remembering Divine Bow now?”

“Too late, let’s die together!”

two people have been far away from Yunshan Village.


Without any hesitation.

White hair old woman directly Self-destruction the fleshhy body!

With a deafening noise, a devastating qi wave emerged, sweeping the 8 wastelands!

This land, immediately Collapsing Mountain Splitting Earth, is like a doomsday scene!

Fu Wenhai screamed violently, fleshy body and Divine Soul shattered on the spot.

Even Divine Bow was destroyed!

Fu Wentai complexion changed, without hesitation, turned away in a flash of lightning.

But even so.

He was also shot by qi wave, and the fleshhy body almost split up and in pieces!

“You won’t die for nothing!”

The top of the sky.

Li Yuntai murmured, becoming more and more crazy, changing his life for fate, and defeating Fu Qi.

“Fu Wentai, leave everything else alone, come and help kill Li Yuntai!”

Fu Qi shouted.

Fu Wentai turned to glance at the broken earth, unexpectedly raised a monstrous hostility.

He took out a Life Divine Pill and threw it into his mouth. Immediately turned around and killed the clouds step by step. Shouted: “Take me to the Yunshan Village!”

The dozens of Great Accomplishment Divine Monarch in the Black Mountain village heard the intense cold light in their eyes.


At the same time!

North side.

Over a mountain range.

A red clothed woman walking on air.

In the eyes, there is one strand of milk-white divide light.

What was she looking for?

But suddenly!

She looked up towards Yunshan Village.

“Really strong fluctuations …”

“Like Self-destruction.”

Red clothed woman murmured into a stream of light and flew towards Yunshan Village.


“Li Yuntai!”

“You must die!”

Fu Wentai killed Xiang Yunxiao and stared at Li Yuntai, his eyes were full of loosening.

As the words landed, he appeared like a ghost again behind Li Yuntai.

The dagger in his hand, like a poisonous snake, killed Lee Lee Tai’s sleeveless garment!

“It’s you who are going to die!”

Li Yuntai turned around immediately and grabbed the dagger with his bare hand.

Follow closely.

He one hit Fu Wentai’s forehead.


Two people immediately broke the blood flow, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness broke apart.


Fu Wentai said a miserable howl.

But at the same time, Fu Qi seized the opportunity, twisted the blood axe, and hacked away from behind Li Yuntai!


Li Yuntai screamed immediately.

From the shoulder to the waist, it was split directly by the blood axe.

In other words.

He was split into two and a half!

“Village chief!”

“Yuntai big brother!”

People in Yunshan Village roared.

“Li Yuntai.”

“I have to admit, you are a formidable person.”

“But unfortunately, you Yunshan Village, I am united without Black Mountain Village.”

“If Li Dashan is here today, the outcome of this battle is really hard to say.”

“It’s a pity he’s not there.”

“As soon as you die, the end of Yunshan Village will come!”

“Fu Qi, crush me Divine Soul!”

Fu Wentai stepped back and stared at Li Yuntai, his face was stained with fresh blood imprint, and he looked extremely shy.

Fu Qi hearing this behind Li Yuntai, licked his mouth, immediately raised his blood axe, and hacked at Li Yuntai’s head.

“Village chief …”

“Yuntai big brother …”

The villagers were sadly shouted and unable to stop.

“Fu Wentai, Fu Qi, you dare!”

But it is at this time.

Along with an angry loudly shouted, a dazzling sword light, across the sky like lightning, killed Fu Qi.


Fu Qi and Fu Wentai were shocked.

This seems to be…

“It’s Li Dashan!”

“Brother Shan is back!”

People in Yunshan Village got excited immediately.

At the same time.

A stream of light, grabbed from Li Yuntai’s top of the head.

It’s Li Yuntai’s Divine Soul!

It takes time to kill the sword light.

At this time, with the speed of Fu Wentai’s two people, he could completely kill him.

The fleshy body, which has been split into 2 halves, can’t be kept.

and so.

He can only abandon the fleshhy body and let Divine Soul escape.

As long as Divine Soul is alive, there is hope.

As soon as Li Yuntai Divine Soul appeared, he grabbed the heaven and earth ring and the long black knife, and fled towards the village below without turning back.

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