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5 days passed.

Qin Feiyang has been in Yunshan Village for ten days.

One day outside, ten years inside.

In other words.

Qin Feiyang has been cultivation in Ancient Castle for 100 years.

Calculating carefully, he entered Divine State for almost a month.

Late that night!



A terrifying aura came.

Follow closely.

A dreary green dagger, such as Divine Weapon from the sky, carrying the devastating aura, killing towards Yunshan Village.


People in the village are either resting or cultivation.

When he felt the power of the dagger, he ran out of the house immediately.

“How can it be?”

“Isn’t that Fu Wentai’s Divine Artifact?”

People were amazed at 10000 points, looked towards the sky, and saw a black clothed man standing in void, with a strong murderous aura in his eyes.

“It’s Fu Wentai!”

“Why is he alive?”

“Black Mountain Village, haven’t they been killed by Li Dashan?”

“What does he want to do?”

“Destroy our Yunshan Village?”

People’s eyes widened.

“jié jié ……”

“Give me to die!”

Fu Wentai stood high and laughed like a wild wild beast.

“Fu Wentai, how dare you come!”

Along with a loudly shouted, the Li Dashan couple rose to the sky, took out their respective top grade Divine Artifact, and exploded towards the dagger.

铿 clang!

Sparks 4 splash!

The dagger was immediately blown out.

On top of that, there are 2 gaps!

Fu Wentai waved his big hand, the dagger fell into his hand, and looked at Li Dashan shouted, shouting, “Li Dashan, today I want massacre you Yunshan Village!”

“Just by you?”

Li Dashan sneered.

“Dashan, what’s going on?”

“Why didn’t he die?”

Several elderly elders looked at Li Dashan and asked.

“That day, when we were in Massacre Black Mountain, Fu Wentai escaped without our attention.”

“I don’t tell you, I’m afraid of causing panic.”

Li Dashan said solemnly.

“It turned out to be the case.”

The villagers suddenly realized.

Although Li Dashan concealed them, he was also out of kindness.

Someone asked, “What about Fu Qi? He won’t die!”

“You can rest assured.”

“Fu Qi is dead.”

“Everyone else in Black Mountain Village is dead.”

“That’s Fu Wentai!”

“I’ll kill him now!”

As soon as Li Dashan waved the 3-foot Battle Sword in his hand, he turned into a stream of light and killed Fu Wentai.

“If it wasn’t for Li Yuntai’s fate, and he and Fu Qi were seriously injured, could you massacre my Black Mountain village?”

“No matter how powerful you are, it’s always worse than Li Yuntai!”

“Today, I will let you a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

Fu Wentai growled.

“To shut up!”

Li Dashan was also furious.

You can say anything, but you can’t say that he is inferior to Li Yuntai!

“haha ……”

“Speaking of your pain?”

“What kind of virtue do you have in Dashan, Fangyuan million village, who doesn’t know?

“You are a trash!”

Fu Wentai laughed.

“You wait, I will slowly kill you, let you taste the taste of better die than living!”

Li Dashan spoke every word, full of baleful qi.

Clang! !

The 3-foot Battle Sword in his hand was also trembling violently, making a harsh noise.

He was one of the angry wild beasts and killed Fu Wentai in front of him.

10000 1000 sword qi, crush all directions!

But for that.

There was a hint of taunt in Fu Wentai’s eyes.

Extremely angry Li Dashan didn’t notice it.


铿 clang!

Right now!

Three sword lights emerged out of nowhere, killing Li Dashan.

Not only did Li Dashan fail to anticipate this, but the villagers below were also unexpected.



Li Dashan screamed, and the whole person was directly blown out. The 3 foot Battle Sword in his hand came out with a bang.

And on his body, there were three wounds with deep visible bones.

It was almost unloaded 3 blocks by 8 sword lights!

Qi Sea was also split by a sword light, which was covered with blood!


black clothed married woman return back to his senses, hurried up into the air, and flew towards Li Dashan.

“You are going to die too!”

Fu Wentai sneered.

As the voice landed, three more sword lights appeared, killing the black clothed married woman like lightning.

The black clothed married woman changed color, quickly took out the dagger to fight back, but was also bombarded by the sword light.

Qi Sea is destroyed.

Sea of ​​Consciousness Shattered!

Like a meteorite, smashed into the village below.


Li Dashan held his body and glanced at the black clothed married woman, staring at void with hostility, roaring, “is who?”

“Li Dashan, I haven’t seen you for years, I trust you have been well since we last met!”

2 Man and woman manifested in void.

The three people are all middle-aged, each holding a Battle Sword in their hands, with a strong Murderous intention in their eyes.

And the cultivation base of the three people has arrived at the Perfection Divine Monarch!

Divine Artifact, also top grade Divine Artifact!

“It turned out to be you!”

“My Yunshan Village and your Tianyu Village have no gratitude and grudges. Why do you help Fu Wentai?”

Li Dashan angered.

Tianyu Village is also a nearby village.

However, the overall strength of Tianyu Village is stronger than Black Mountain Village and Yunshan Village.

Because Tianyu Village has 3 Perfection Divine Monarchs.

These are the two men and one woman in front of me.

So until now, when seeing the people in Tianyu Village, Yunshan Village would retreat for 3 rounds and never complained.

“Because Divine Level Soul Vein.”

“Fu Wentai said, as long as you help him slaughter your Black Mountain village, that Divine Level Soul Vein belongs to us.”

“of course.”

“And your treasure from Yunshan Village.”

“And also promised us to join me in Tianyu Village when it was done.”

“He is not weaker than us.”

“When he joins us in Tianyu Village, the strength of my Tianyu Village will undoubtedly increase a lot.”

“How good is it to get both Soul Vein and your treasure, and a Perfection Battle God?”

One of the middle-aged man, said with a smile.

“Fu Wentai, you are so despicable!”

“I ca n’t fight with Yunshan Village, so I’ll ask someone for help!”

Li Dashan was furious.

“However, it’s normal to find someone to help. Is this considered mean?”

“It’s useless not to talk to you.”

“Li Yuntai’s fleshhy body was destroyed, and his strength has plummeted. Only your couple are left.”

“And now, your Qi Sea is also destroyed.”

“I want to ask, now who else in Yunshan Village, who can block us 4 great perfection Divine Monarch?”

Fu Wentai laughed.

As soon as the Li Dashans heard this, the expression couldn’t help panic.

Other villagers also lose one’s head out of fear.

They Yunshan Village, after all, can’t escape it?

In the eyes of Fu Wentai, Murderous intention flashed, laughing evilly said: “3, kill!”

Tianyu Village three people nodded.



Fu Wentai killed Li Dashan.

Three people in Tianyu Village took Divine Artifact and killed the villagers below.

“How to do how to do?”

“4 great perfection Divine Monarch …”

“Who can help us?”

The villagers roared.

Although there are many Great Accomplishment Divine Monarch and Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch in Yunshan Village, these people, in front of the three people in Tianyu Village, are basically unable to withstand a single blow.

Because of them, they have a top grade Divine Artifact.

“hmph! ”

When everyone was desperate, a coldly snorted sounded suddenly.

Follow closely.

Halfway up the mountain, a silhouette rushed out like lightning and ran across the village.

“Village chief!”

“Yuntai big brother!”

The people in the village are immediateely like catching a life-saving straw.

That’s right!

This person is Li Yuntai!

“Li Yuntai?”

“You a Divine Soul, dare you run out?”

The three people in Tianyu Village stopped at void and looked at Li Yuntai suddenly.

Fu Wentai also sneered.

But then.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

It seems that the current Fu Wentai is a little different?

wait a minute!

That’s not Divine Soul, it’s the real body of flesh and blood!

How can this be?

He stared at his eyeball suddenly and exclaimed, “How can you reshape your fleshhy body so quickly?”


“Already reshaped the fleshhy body?”

The three people in Tianyu Village, the Li Dashan couple, and the villagers in Yunshan Village, expressions could not help stared blankly, again looked towards Li Yuntai.


Everyone’s face climbed up incredible.

Li Yuan is also in the crowd.

The same is stunned.

What is the situation?

It’s only been 5 days, why did Li Yuntai reshape the fleshhy body?


Li Yuntai looked at Fu Wentai indifferently and said, “didn’t expect it!”

“I didn’t expect it.”

“How did you do it?”

Fu Wentai shook his head and could not accept this fact.

“There are so many things in the world that you can’t imagine, including me.”

“In this vast world, we are just a frog in well.”

Li Yuntai said.

For decades when Profound Martial World was closed, he thought the village would change a lot.

However, didn’t expect. After exiting the customs, Qin Feiyang told him that it was only a few days outside.

A few days outside, decades at Profound Martial World?

What an incredible thing.

But that’s the truth!

of course.

Li Yuntai did not know that it was Profound Martial World, let alone that it was an independent Tiny World.

I just thought it was a more amazing Space Divine Object.

After hearing about stared blankly, Fu Wentai shouted, “I don’t care how you do it, you all die today!”

“That may not be.”

Li Yuntai coldly smiled and looked at the three people in Tianyu Village, saying: “I Yunshan Village and you have never met, but now unexpectedly help Fu Wentai to deal with us!”

“so what?”

“Do you think that if you reshape the fleshhy body, you are eligible to fight with us?”

The middle-aged woman sneered.

“Of course I don’t have that qualification.”

“After all, you have 3 great perfection Divine Monarch.”

Li Yuntai said.

Middle-aged woman shouted: “That’s not yet once kneeling on the ground, bend one’s head to be taken prisoner!”

“haha ……”

Li Yuntai laughed, his eyes full of sarcasm.

“Why are you laughing?”

The middle-aged woman stared, feeling prestige provoked.

“I laugh that you guys are also a frog in well.”

“I thought it was very difficult to deal with, but in fact, it was just clown.”

“Well, nothing!”

“I’ll give you a chance.”

“Apologize to us now, and then leave Yunshan Village, I’ll assume this has not happened, otherwise …”

When Li Yuntai said this, there was a touch of cold light in his eyes.

“How else?”

The middle-aged woman was curiously asked, completely missing her heart.


Fu Wentai, Li Dashan couple, and Li Yuan and other villagers all looked at Li Yuntai in horror.

This is too calm!

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