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“It’s really hard for them.”

Sighs White-Eyed Wolf.

Although it is so heartless and heartless, it can’t help moving inside.

Although it looks like a trivial matter, it makes more sense to Qin Feiyang than anything else.

There is a saying well.

Want to know if a person is really good to you, look at the small details.

Lu Xiaofei said strangely: “Well, will you put Soul Vein and Jingmai in Butterfly Valley?”

“What do you think?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“I’m not you, how do I know?”

Lu Xiaofei pouted.

“Shut up then you talk the most.”

Qin Feiyang stared at him, landed in the valley, and walked towards the lake step by step.

That dusty memory came to mind.

He has experienced too much in Butterfly Valley.

Because once, whether you go to Imperial Capital or Forgotten Continent, you have to pass this place.

There are too many memories here.

at the same time.

By the lake.

2 sit on the shore and drink tea while fishing.

Two people are Old Master Ren and Zhu Yue.

“I’m puzzled, what am I doing this day?”

“Staying at Imperial Capital is uncomfortable. Will I come back to fish with you? And it’s still early in the morning.”

Zhu Yue frowned.

“It is not good?”

“A dull life, a peaceful day.”

Old Master Ren grinned.

Zhu Yue glanced at him, turning one’s head looked towards, and said, “1000 snow, is breakfast ready?”

“Hurry up!”

The courtyard was filled with smoke, and a gentle voice came out.

The master of this sound is Luo Qianxue!

“The plan for the year lies in spring, and the plan for the day lies in the morning.”

“The air is so good in the morning!”


Another old man came out, stretched lazily lazily, and walked in front of Old Master Ren and Zhu Yue. He was also rude, poured a cup of tea, gu lu lu took a sip, said with a smile: ” Good morning!”

“Good morning?”

“Look at what time is it now?”

“Everyone has been snowing for 1000 mornings. You just got up now.”

Zhu Yue stared at the old man with anger.

“1000 Xue is still young. How can I compare this old bone with her?”

The old man grinned, and grabbed a fishing rod, sitting on a small stool, fishing.

“Old Feng.”

“Shuang’er they won’t be back today.”

Old Master Ren turning one’s head looked towards old man, said.

That’s right!

This person is the grandfather of Feng Ling’er, Feng Cheng!

Although he died in Black Bear City, Qin Feiyang came to Ling Prefecture to retrieve his bones before starting the Gate of Rebirth, and then he was resurrected with Black Bear King father and son.

“Not coming?”

Feng Cheng slightly stared blankly, turning one’s head, looking at Old Master Ren, wondering, “Why?”

“It seems like Sacred Palace is recruiting disciples, so it’s busy.”

Old Master Ren said.

“This way!”

Feng Cheng was suddenly nodded, waving his hand: “youngster, old fogey like us can’t be compared, just be busy!”

“Old Feng, that’s not true.”

“You are old, but we are still young!”

Another laughter sounded.

Jiang Zhengyi and Yan Nanshan came out of each yard with smiles.

“Excuse me?”

“At a young age, don’t build a career and stay with us all these old fogeys.”

Feng Cheng looked scornfully at two people.

Yan Nanshan said with a smile: “Aren’t you afraid of being lonely? So stay here with you, Brother Jiang, do you mean?”


Jiang Zhengyi nodded.

“Since it’s all up, then go and help, and let 1000 Xue be alone in the kitchen?”

Another few people came out of the yard.

They are Ji Xue, Li Zhi, Elder Wang, and Lu Yun.

It was Lu Yun who was speaking, and at the same time he was not angry to stare at Yan Nanshan and Jiang Zhengyi.

“Just stop talking!”

“1000 Snow is a woman, and you are a woman too. Look at the 1000 snows of others. We have 3 meals a day, and she has all-inclusive.”

Yan Nanshan glanced at Lu Yun and pouted.

“what did you say?”

“Say it again?”

Lu Yun immediately stepped forward and pinched Yan Nanshan’s ear.

“Let’s not tell the truth?”

Yan Nanshan mumbled.

“Can you tell the truth in front of a woman?”

Lu Yun coldly snorted and dragged Ji Xue, saying: “Don’t stay with these stinky men, we’ll help 1000 snow, and those who don’t come to help, don’t eat anymore.”

Ji Xue shook his head and laughed.

“Look at it, it’s you two’s fault that offends them. If you don’t have breakfast, wait and see how we find you.

Li Zhi, ten thousand zhang old, stared at Yan Nanshan two people.

“What’s the matter?”

“At worst, let’s get some game, and we’ll have a few drinks.”

Yan Nanshan waved.

“This can be.”

Li Zhi and ten thousand zhang old eyes.

Yan Nanshan sat next to Feng Cheng, watching the float on the water, and said, “Speaking back, Ling Yunfei, brat and Shuang’er, haven’t come to see us for a long time.”

“no way.”

“Who makes a child a child?”

Jiang Zhengyi shook his head.

“You say, this time is passing too fast!”

“In a blink of an eye, the two children of Little Hong and Lu Zheng are so big.”

“Father and Xiaoyan’s child is also Sir.”

“Now, even the children of Ling Yunfei and Shuang’er are 5 ~ 6 years old.

Yan Nanshan shook his head and sighed.


“Recalling when they were young, it seemed like yesterday.”

“The deepest thing in my memory is that when I took Feiyang, Yunfei, Shuang’er, Qingzhu, Ling’er, and the wolf pup, I went to Pan County to compete with the youngster of Pan County.”

“Although they were still small at that time, each and everyone was showing its edge.”

Jiang Zhengyi Feelings.


“It’s not unreasonable that they can achieve today.”

“Just don’t know, Feiyang is alive or dead now?”

Yan Nanshan looked up at the sun and murmured.

“In terms of Qin Feiyang’s mind and means, will it be okay?”

A loud voice sounded.

I saw Black Bear King father and son and came out of a cave next to him.

The bear cubs have grown up, and their size is comparable to that of Black Bear King.


“With Feiyang’s innate talent and character, whatever it is, it is destined to be Dragons Among Humans.”

Yan Nanshan nodded.

“Okay, it’s time for dinner.”

At this time.

A composed and virtuous married woman came out with a bowl of chopsticks.

In the yard, there was a large round table, all around there were ten wooden stools.

Hearing the dinner, a group of Yan Nanshan stood up immediately, walking towards the round table with a smile.

“Wife Sir, hard work.”

Jiang Zhengyi walked to the married woman, her rough face was full of tenderness.

That’s right!

This married woman is Luo Qianxue!

“Knowing I’m hard, don’t you come to help?”

Luo Qianxue glanced at him.

“I’m here to help.”

Jiang Zhengyi laughed.

“It’s all done. What do you need?”

Luo Qianxue said.

“Help with the dishes!”

Jiang Zhengyi said with a smile without looking back.

Luo Qianxue hearing this, immediately shook his head helplessly.

“So happy they are!”

Not distant place.

White-Eyed Wolf whispered.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

They’ve been here for a long time, but they haven’t said a word, stood there and looked at the lovely people.

“Their relationship now is the same as the family.”

“Sometimes, I even envy them.”

Lu Xiaofei sound transmission.

“After all, this is the life that everyone yearns for.”

Qin Feiyang laughed and said, “Let’s go, sip on rice.”


Lu Xiaofei stared blankly and hurriedly said, “Did we not have eaten with grandma?”

“Can’t I eat any more after eating?”

Qin Feiyang smiled and walked towards the yard, loudly said, “Aunt Xue, how many more dishes should I add!”


Luo Qianxue was preparing to return to the kitchen, and suddenly heard the sound, expression immediately slightly stared blankly.

How is this sound familiar?


Feng Cheng, Old Master Ren and the others, were all stunned, immediately turned and looked at the sound.


When seeing Qin Feiyang, White-Eyed Wolf, and Lu Xiaofei walking towards the courtyard, several people were now stiffened.


wolf pup?

This is not a dream!

“What happened?”

Jiang Zhengyi came out with 2 side dishes and looked at the expressions of the crowd. He also followed Qin Feiyang several people. Immediately stayed there too.

Lu Yun and Ji Xue also came out later, holding two dishes in their hands as well.

When I saw Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf, my body was immediately frozen.

Qin Feiyang?

White-Eyed Wolf?

How could they be here?

Illusion, it must be illusion!

Old Master Ren rubbed his eyes and looked at Qin Feiyang again.

People are still …

Isn’t that an illusion?

In other words, Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf are really back?

But this is too sudden!

No mental preparation at all.

Ka-cha !


Jiang Zhengyi’s two small dishes slipped to the ground, and they shattered into pieces, and the dishes also fell to the ground.

It was this snapping sound that awakened everyone.



A group of people ran towards Qin Feiyang.

Ji Xue and Lu Yun also hurried to the round table, put down the plate in their hands, and walked quickly.

“Feiyang, White-Eyed Wolf, is it really you?”

“We didn’t dream?”

A group of people surrounded Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf, and although living people were standing in front of them, they still couldn’t believe it.

White-Eyed Wolf grinned, biting his mouth on Yan Nanshan’s arm, then looked at Yan Nanshan and asked, “Does it hurt?”

“Nonsense, of course it hurts!”

Yan Nanshan exasperated, rubbing his arms.

“Since it hurts, that’s dreaming!”

White-Eyed Wolf.

Yan Nanshan stared blankly, yes!

Pain means not dreaming!

“Old Master, Zhu Yue Senior, Old Feng, Uncle Yan, Aunt Xue …”

Qin Feiyang one after another glanced over, said with a smile: “We are back.”

“It’s really you brat …”

Yan Nanshan at once advancing, fiercely smashed one fist on Qin Feiyang’s chest, and said: “We also mentioned you just now, next moment you brat appeared, is this a surprise for us?”



“We have been here for a long time, but we have been hiding there.”

“How about, surprise enough!”

White-Eyed Wolf evilly smiled.

“Too … surprise.”

Yan Nanshan was agitated incoherently.

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