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“you shut up!”

Wang Su growled, blood-red eyes, as if to eat people.

“Speaking of your pain, fly into a rage out of humiliation?”

“especially you.”

“It was once a highly respected and respected old man, but now how can it be so unreasonable?”

Qin Feiyang looked at Wang Su, coldly shouted mercilessly.

Wang Su clasped his hands, as one was about to go wild wild beast.

“And you guys…”

Qin Feiyang also looked towards Wang You’er’s parents, saying: “Which parent in the world doesn’t want your children to live well?”

“What about you?”

“Just because of that bit of hatred in my heart, Wang You’er was forcibly restrained.”

“Do you think this is good for her?”


“You are selfish.”

“Frankly, you don’t deserve to be parents.”

Qin Feiyang looked coldly at the two people.

to be frank.

He was also holding his breath in his stomach.

With regard to Wang Yuanshan, he was already benevolent.

Because he missed Wang Yuanshan several times, it was Wang Yuanshan himself who stubborn and always challenged his bottom line.

The few times Wang Yuanshan was let go, it was in the face of Wang You’er and Wang Su.

What can be the result?

These people not only do not appreciate, but also hate him so much, what is this?


“You don’t say this!”

Watching Qin Feiyang count so many three people in Wang Su, Wang You’er was anxious.

“I am telling the truth.”

“If they really love you, they should not impose their will on you.”


“I’m Qin Feiyang, whoever I am, always with a clear conscience.”

“Kill Wang Yuanshan, I never regret it.”

Qin Feiyang looked at the three people of Wang Su and said, “If you have to blame me on the wrong, then I can only say that it was I who presided over you.”

three people face sinking like water.

“That’s all, I don’t want to say anything more? You’er I’ll take it.”

Qin Feiyang grabbed Wang You’er and left.

Wang You’er’s mother, hurriedly in front of Qin Feiyang, angrily said, “Why did you take You’er away?”


“Just because of what she has done to me, I can’t let her continue to be so uncomfortable.”

“Since you can’t take care of her, let me take care of it.”

Qin Feiyang expressionlessly said.

“You, don’t bully intolerably!”

Wang Su stared at him, gnashing teeth staring at Qin Feiyang.

“I didn’t bully you, but you put your own face on the ground and trampled on it.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.


Wang Su was furious into a rage, out of breath.


“I go.”

“This atmosphere is a bit wrong!”

Across the shore.

Wang Zicheng mumbled.

“Let’s see it in the past.”

Venomous Viper said solemnly.

“Don’t mess up in the past.”

Gongsun Bei shook his head.

Whether you can unlock Wang You’er’s heart, it’s up to now.

Wang You’er has always been a younger sister-like existence in his heart, so watching Wang You’er like this all day has made him uncomfortable.


He also tried to enlighten, but it didn’t work.

If Wang You’er and Qin Feiyang can come together, it will be the perfect ending.

But if you can’t come together, as long as you can open the heart knot for many years and let her accept and face it all, it will be a good ending.


“Please get out.”

Qin Feiyang looked at Wang You’er’s mother and said.

Looking at Qin Feiyang, the mother of Wang You’er, there was a bit of fear in his eyes.

Although Qin Feiyang is Junior, she is no longer able to match her both in terms of means and strength.

“You’er …”

Could not help but she looked towards Wang You’er.

If you are afraid of Qin Feiyang, you can only put pressure on Wang You’er.

Wang You’er bowed his head, his painful face was full of struggles.

Qin Feiyang sighed, and said, “Sorry, you’re in a difficult place again.”


Wang You’er looked up at Qin Feiyang with tears on his face.

Qin Feiyang raised his hand and wiped away tears for Wang You’er lightly. Immediately, he looked at Wang Su three people and said, “Don’t really force her any more, you all come to me!”

“it is good.”

“I’ll rush you!”

Wang Su couldn’t bear it anymore, with a roar, like one wild beast, he killed Qin Feiyang and covered himself with murderous aura soaring heaven.


Wang You’er’s face changed instantly.

“do not worry.”

Qin Feiyang smiled at Wang You’er.

But where is Wang You’er worried? I was worried about Wang Su.

Although she doesn’t know Qin Feiyang’s current cultivation base, she can also think that with Qin Feiyang’s innate talent, she must have gone far ahead.

Facing Qin Feiyang before, Wang Su was not an opponent, let alone now.

“This woman…”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and looked up towards Wang Su, with a flash of cold light in his eyes.

“Don’t hurt me grandfather, please …”

Wang You’er begged Qin Feiyang’s arm, begging.

“Then you’re not afraid he hurt me?”

Qin Feiyang asked without looking back.

“hurt you?”

Wang You’er slightly stared blankly, bowed his head, and mumbled, “How can grandfather hurt you with your strength?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed, an imposing manner emerged, pushing Wang You’er lightly away.

Based on this imposing manner alone, Wang You’er judged that the strength of grandfather is not at the same level as Qin Feiyang, and the worry in his heart can’t help being stronger.

Wang You’er’s parents were also nervous.

Qin Feiyang can also be considered as they grew up, so Qin Feiyang’s personality is also clear to them.

if others didn’t offend me, i will not offend others.

If he is annoyed, even if the Old Wang son stands in front of him, he dare to kill.

They were afraid that Qin Feiyang would get angry and kill the Old Master.


“It’s a little bad!”

Across the shore.

Specter Empress whispered.


“Young Master’s temper, who doesn’t know?”

“At that time, Wang Yuanshan had already given the face of Zu Wangsu and Wang You’er.”

“After all these years, Wang Su is still holding on, just like the character of Young Master, I am afraid that it will move True Fire!”

Venomous Viper murmured.

Gongsun Bei is also a bit worried, it won’t be self-defeating!


It’s too late, it’s fast!

Wang Su had already killed Qin Feiyang, his eyes were blood red, apparently he had lost his mind.

this moment.

All the hearts of someone mentioned their throats.


Everyone thought that Qin Feiyang would be angry and killing, but there was no sign of take action.


Wang Su one fist was shot on Qin Feiyang’s chest.


Qin Feiyang spurted blood on the spot, and the whole person retreated back and forth.


So everyone is stiff, unexpectedly has no take action?

Is this Qin Feiyang?

Qin Feiyang is the kind of person who was beaten up?


White-Eyed Wolf frowned.


Wang Zicheng was surprised.

“As for Little Qinzi’s cultivation base, even when standing still, Wang Su never dreamed of hurting him.”

“But now, unexpectedly vomiting blood?”

White-Eyed Wolf is incredible.


Several people hearing this, could not help looking again towards Qin Feiyang.



White-Eyed Wolf yelled.

“What are you doing?”

Wang Zicheng several people were taken aback by White-Eyed Wolf.

“He must have given up all defense, otherwise how could he be injured?”

White-Eyed Wolf coldly snorted.

“Abandoned all defense?”

Several people starred blankly, Venomous Viper wondered, “Why did the Young Master do this?”

“How would I know?”

White-Eyed Wolf stared at him.

Venomous Viper embarrased with a smile.

Gongsun Bei glanced at White-Eyed Wolf, looked up towards Qin Feiyang, and then glanced at Wang You’er, and a clear comprehension gradually rose in his eyes.

With a trace of gratitude on his face, mumbled said, “Thank you.”


Gongsun Bei has realized Qin Feiyang’s intention.


Regarding Qin Feiyang’s attitude of not fighting back, Wang Su himself was stared blankly, but he did not at all converged, and it was one fist exploded towards Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang spit out blood again, and took a few steps back.

“How could this be?”

“Why didn’t he fight back?”

Wang You’er muttered.

Wang You’er’s parents were also confused.

Is this really Qin Feiyang? Is it really not someone else’s pretending?

They have serious doubts.

Because this is far from what they expected.

“You don’t think you will fight back, old man will let you go?”

“Do not!”

“Absolutely not!”

“a debt of blood must be paid in blood !”

“Since you want to die, then the old man will fulfill you!”

Wang Su Roaring at the Vast Sky, with rays of light full of hatred on his face, with a bang, a Battle Sword appeared.

“Grandfather, stop!”

Wang You’er complexion greatly changed, and called out quickly.

But his parents saw the situation, at once advancing, pulling Wang You’er left and right.

“Father, mother, please let go, and go on like this, Qin Feiyang will be killed by grandfather!”

Roared Wang You’er.

“He damn it!”

Wang You’er’s father coldly snorted.


Wang You’er body trembling, his face turned pale.


Look at Wang Su again!

“Old man abandon your Qi Sea first!”

With a sword, head straight for Qi Sea in Qin Feiyang.

Pu chi!


blood light appearing suddenly!

Battle Sword is submerged into Qi Sea by Qin Feiyang, and Qi Sea smashes on the spot.

“What the hell is scoundrel doing?”

White-Eyed Wolf frowned.

insignificant An ordinary Battle Sword, unexpectedly can pierce the Qi Sea in Qin Feiyang?

What’s not to give up all defense?

To know.

Qin Feiyang is not only the cultivation base of Great Accomplishment Nine Heavens Realm, but the fleshhy body has also been tempered by Heavenly Tribulation.

Not to mention an ordinary Battle Sword, even ordinary Divine Artifact cannot hurt Qin Feiyang half.

White-Eyed Wolf couldn’t figure it out, why did Qin Feiyang give up his defense and let Wang Su wantonly?


“Is this unexpectedly still not fighting?”

Wang You’er’s parents, looking at this scene, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Who knows the importance of Qi Sea?

Don’t even smash Qi Sea, Qin Feiyang unexpectedly fight back?

Too abnormal.


“No, please, stop …”

But Wang You’er was crying like rain, constantly shouting at Wang Su, his voice was almost dumb.


Wang Su turned a deaf ear, raised Battle Sword, and cut another sword at Qin Feiyang’s left hand.

Ka-cha !

Qin Feiyang’s left arm broke on the spot, and blood flow was as noted.


“Grandfather, please, stop!”

“Qin Feiyang, why don’t you fight back, at least you hide!”

Wang You’er was already hoarse and his face was full of pain.

God, what did I do wrong? You want to torture me like this?

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