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North Sea.

After hundreds of years of training, Sea Beast at Sea Domain has proliferated a lot.

But Great Island, with the exception of individuals who ventured into the North Sea, can hardly find traces of human activity.

To know.

There used to be a large number of humans living on most of the islands.

They were in that catastrophe, and all died.

In this regard.

Qin Feiyang has also fallen into endless blame.

But there is no way, because this is war.

That is, at that time, Qin Feiyang truly realized the horror of the full recovery of heaven defying Divine Artifact.

Oh la la !


On the surface of the sea, the waves billow, and from time to time Sea Beast growls.

Occasionally, a beating between Sea Beast can be seen.

Arguably, Sea Domain is the most dangerous place.

Because you don’t know when it will run out of a powerful Sea Beast.

On the edge of the North Sea, not a distant place over an island, Qin Feiyang and Ye Cheng stand up to the wind.

The island is not large, and there is a group of Sea Beast on it, and vicious aura is soaring.

At the moment, however, these Sea Beasts are shiver coldly.

All this comes from Qin Feiyang.


The bloody battle between Qin Feiyang and Dragon Race has long been spread between Sea Beast in the North Sea.


All the Sea Beasts here basically know Qin Feiyang.

They are fearful, but also confused.

Why did this murderer reappear in Beihai?

“Wait here, there may be a battle, you guys go quickly!”

Qin Feiyang glanced down at those Sea Beasts, smiling slightly.


A group of Sea Beast heard that pump shrank slightly, and quickly turned around and ran into the sea, disappeared.


This human, unexpectedly laughing at them?

And he smiled so sincerely.

Is this still Qin Feiyang?

“No way!”

“The murderer came to the North Sea?”

“Run away, how far away.”

News of Qin Feiyang’s appearance in the North Sea soon spread among Sea Beast.

Nearby Sea Beast, fleeing towards the distant place.

Less than half an hour.

With a radius of 100000000 million miles, even a small shrimp cannot be found.

Ye Cheng released Divine Sense, watching this scene, extremely speechless.

This movement is like seeing the devil.

It seems that not only in the world of human, but also in the world of Sea Beast and Vicious Beast, Qin Feiyang is also notorious.


When Qin Feiyang waved his hand, two figures appeared. It was Huo Yi and Five Clawed Golden Dragon.

“It’s best to wait for Gen Zun to come without war, but once it starts, you must do it quickly.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Do it quickly?”

“You guy are kidding me!”

“You need to recognize that now we are not in Pluto Hell.”

“With her cultivation base of Great Accomplishment Inextinguishable Realm, how can she want to take her down quickly?”

Huo Yi pouts.

“Outside, better solution.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, secretly thought: “Fire Lotus, let that brat, give me heaven defying Divine Artifact.”


Fire Lotus responds.


Not a moment.

铿 clang!

With the wave of Qin Feiyang, ten Divine Artifacts appeared.

It is the top ten heaven defying Divine Artifacts such as the sunset Divine Bow.

Over the years, the aura emitted by the top ten heaven defying Divine Artifact is stronger than before.

This intensity is like the formidable power at the beginning of the fusion of Ancient Castle and Profound Martial World.

At the beginning.

After the fusion of Ancient Castle and Profound Martial World, the formidable power of Ancient Castle is higher than heaven defying Divine Artifact.

To this day, Qin Feiyang still remembers that at that time, he fought at Star River and the sunset Divine Bow and other heaven defying Divine Artifacts were still in the hands of Dragon Race.

But even so, in the end, Ancient Castle is trying to overpower the major heaven defying Divine Artifact.

Can be imagined.

How strong is the formidable power of Ancient Castle.

And now, the formidable power of the heavenly defying Divine Artifact of the sunset Divine Bow has been unexpectedly comparable to the ancient castle of the time.


Ye Cheng, Huo Yi, Five Clawed Golden Dragon, and even Qin Feiyang himself were a little stunned.

each and everyone unexpectedly have become so strong?

“Are you surprised?”

Said Divine Bow’s Artifact Spirit proudly.

Qin Feiyang stumbled: “This place is so amazing?”

“People like you who are cultivation base don’t know how powerful the place is.”

The setting sun Divine Bow despised.

“Can’t I talk well?”

Qin Feiyang is helpless.

“If you go to kill Dragon Island, I will admit that you are really awesome.”

Huo Yi pouts.


The setting sun Divine Bow staggered.

“Have a face!”

“Don’t let you get it, you don’t believe it.”

Artifact Spirit taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Sunset Divine Bow embarrased said with a smile: “God Dragon Island still dare not go, after all there is ruler Divine Weapon.”

“Then what do you have to do?”

Huo Yi scorned.

The sunset Divine Bow is awkward.


“Hidden first, and give Yunzun a disappointment.”

Qin Feiyang waved.

“God Dragon Island, we dare not go, but Genting respects her and resolves her in minutes.”

The setting sun Divine Bow smiled proudly.

“Yes yes yes.”

“You are the best, hide it!”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

didn’t expect this sunset Divine Bow, but also a narcissistic guy.

Sou! !


The ten heaven defying Divine Artifact convergence point aura disappeared into the sea all around the island.

“With them, I think there should be no need to wait for a fight!”

Ye Cheng said with a smile.

“So much the better.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.

The top ten heaven defying Divine Artifacts have all become so strong, totally unexpected.

Now there is no place other than Dragon Island, which he dare not go?

Shua! !


4 Tao came to the seaside.

It is Ye Zhong, Yun Zun, and Yang Li and Wang Ming’s Divine Soul.

“Ye Zhong, who the hell are you taking me to? Run so far?”

Gen Zun glanced at the sea, frowns saying.

Wang Ming and Yang Li were also puzzled.

“You will know later.”

Ye Zhong glanced at the Star River outside the sky, Divine Sense rolled out.


He found Qin Feiyang over the island in a distant place.

at the same time.

Qin Feiyang also sensed Ye Zhong’s Divine Sense, because Ye Zhong did not cover up.

“Master is here.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered a little, and he turned on the hidden decision.

Four people are now hidden in void.

Sou! !

Not a moment.

Ye Zhong took Genting Three People to the sky above the island.


Yunzun glanced at the island, his doubts intensified.

“Senior Pavillion Lord, haven’t seen each other for years, how are you doing?”


A light laughter sounded in void.

“This voice…”

Genting was immediately shivered, looking towards the place where the distant place sounded.

Wang Ming and Yang Li looked simultaneously looked, and in their eyes, they climbed up in surprise and looked at each other.

Just under the eyes of three people, Qin Feiyang four people emerged.

“It’s you!”

Genting bewilderement.

“Not bad.”

“It’s us.”

Qin Feiyang opens.

“What is going on?”

“Aren’t you in Pluto Hell? Why are you in Divine State?”

Head Pavillion Lord in surprise.

“You can be in Divine State, why can’t I be in Divine State?”

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

“Don’t say nonsense.”

“How did you come out?”

“I don’t believe this is your Divine Soul.”

Head Pavillion Lord said solemnly.

“Of course it can’t be Divine Soul.”

“As for how I came out …”

“Wait for you to acknowledge allegiance me, I will naturally tell you.”

Qin Feiyang.

“acknowledge allegiance !”

Head Pavillion Lord’s eyes fluttered, turning one’s head looking at Ye Zhong, and roared, “You unexpectedly betrayed me!”

“Bet on you?”

“You don’t think the old man knows that you are the Gen Zun, one of the 4 Great Emperor of the Dragon Palace.”

Ye Zhong sneered.

“How come you know?”

Head Pavillion Lord was shocked, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, and asked, “Did you tell him?”

“Is this important?”

Qin Feiyang asked.


“Is who said, no matter what happens, the interests of the Dragon Palace cannot be destroyed.”

“You tell Ye Zhong my identity now, what does this mean?”

Head Pavillion Lord growled.

“So what do you hide behind Dragon Island?”

Qin Feiyang teased.

“I’m not hiding in God Dragon Island, I’m inquiring about Dragon Race in God Dragon Island!”

Head Pavillion Lord exasperated.

“is it?”

Qin Feiyang is full of fun.

“it is good.”

“You’re unkind, don’t blame me for wrongdoing.”

Head Pavillion Lord gloomily smiled, watching Ye Zhong said: “Know who your disciple 2 is who? He is Qin Feiyang!”

Ye Zhong froze with his hands, gloomy glanced at Qin Feiyang, nodded and said: “old man knows.”


“you know?”

Head Pavillion Lord staring blankly.

“Not bad.”

“In the Valley of the Fallen, after the lunatic killed you, we went into the deepest part of the Valley of the Fallen.”

“At the time, Qin Feiyang had confessed his identity to the old man.”

Ye Zhong expressionlessly said.

“Frankly …”

Head Pavillion Lord murmured and roared: “Why didn’t you tell Dragon Supreme? Didn’t you … have submitted to Qin Feiyang?”

“Return to these two words is not suitable!”

“He is my Master, and I should honor him.”

“Master, you’re right!”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Ye Zhong coldly snorted, saying: “People, old man has already been brought, it depends on your own.”

“Thank you Master.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled, looking at Yunzun, saying: “You have no choice, just make a decision!”

“What decision?”

Genzun raised an eyebrow.

“You’re not asking to a question, when already knows the answer?”

“Acknowledge allegiance me, obey me, work for me.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Just by you?”

Yunzun smiled angrily.


Ye Zhong frowned as he looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “Don’t we say yes, are we going to kill her?”

“Master, disciple didn’t agree.”

Qin Feiyang.


Ye Zhongmei Yuma immediately burst into anger.

When I think about it carefully, when he said that when killing Yunzun, Qin Feiyang really didn’t respond positively.

“You don’t get angry.”

“Genting is, after all, the Great Accomplishment Inextinguishable Realm, which is very helpful in destroying Dragon Race.”

“You said that it would be a pity to kill such a powerhouse?”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.

Ye Zhong resisted the anger in his heart, and Gloomy said, “If you still use the old man as the master, kill the old man for her!”

“it is good.”

“As long as you’re willing to leave Dragon Race, Master will kill her now.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Ye Zhong eyes gloomy.

At this moment, he found that in front of this disciple, he was unexpectedly helpless.

“Really treat a true body as a lamb?”

Hearing the conversation between Qin Feiyang and Ye Zhong, Head Pavillion Lord was angry and sounded, “Sound transmission, Wang Ming, Yang Li, wait for me to escape and I will definitely come to your rescue.”


Divine Soul hearing this by Wang Ming and Yang Li, expression cannot be stared blankly.

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