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The atmosphere of the living room became somewhat depressing.

Qin Feiyang felt a bit uncomfortable, stood up from his seat, and arched, “4 seniors, Junior. Go out.”

“Qin Feiyang, don’t run wild.”

“This Lin Family, where you should go, and where you shouldn’t, you should be very clear.”

Luo Qianxue four people have not spoken yet, the two youngsters have said one after another, with meaningful meaning.

“many thanks reminder.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, turned and walked out of the living room, wandering aimlessly in the Lin Family.

The people I met along the way were very grateful to him.


Really come forward, few people have opened the mouth and said thanks.

Because they have all seen that Young Master Baili is not so kind to Qin Feiyang on the surface.

As subordinates of the Lin Family, they have to recognize the situation and stand on their side.

Qin Feiyang was born in Emperor’s Family. From childhood he was confronted with intrigue, open strife and veiled struggle. Naturally, the mentality of these people is very clear.

and so.

He didn’t care.

On the contrary, he also sympathized with these subordinates.

Unconsciously, he walked into a path, a hundred flowers blooming on the edge of the flower garden, striving for beauty.

The rich floral fragrance is intoxicating.

But he stopped and looked up towards.

At the end of the trail lies a delicate loft, a clear stream, winding in front of the loft, winding.

In the water.

The beautiful Yu’er, huddled in groups.

The place is quiet and peaceful, full of tranquility and peace.

“How come I came here subconsciously?”

Qin Feiyang whispered.

This is the backyard of the Lin Family.

That loft is where Lin Yiyi lives.

He used to come once.

So he is no stranger to this.

“I knew that some people would not change their lives. No, I really came to look for Lin Yiyi, it was really shameless.”

“Qin Feiyang, Lin Yiyi is not yet married, you are a big man, and broke into her residence without permission. What is it?”

It is at this time.

2 eccentric, ridiculous words, coming from behind.

Qin Feiyang turned around and looked, eyebrows slightly frowned.

The two youngsters who came were Pill Palace and Martial Palace.

Two people walked towards him side by side, expressions were a little fun.

“Isn’t Pill Palace and Martial Palace always at odds with each other? But now, why are you so harmonious?”

“Should you two, what particular craving?”

“For example, cut sleeve?”

Qin Feiyang looked at the two people in a joke.

“There is a kind of you to say it again!”

The faces of the two people gloomy down, and cold light flashes in their eyes.

“Rest assured, I won’t despise you, and will send my sincere blessings, after all, you really love too!”

Qin Feiyang strode to the two people, grinning, and returned without turning back.



2 youngsters heard stared blankly stared blankly.

After returning back to his senses, two people looked at the same time, immediately turned his head, and lay on his side, his stomach was like a river in the sea, and he was retching.

In my heart, almost is crazy!

This damn bastard is really too much!

“Qin Feiyang, stop me!”

“If you don’t make it clear, don’t want to leave today!”

The two people endured the nausea in their hearts and chased Qin Feiyang in an angry manner.

Glancing at the two people, Qin Feiyang raised his lips slightly and quickly returned to the parlor.

Two youngsters followed after gasping for breath.

“You still continue to run!”

“I won’t waste you today, I won’t surname Liu!”

Two people one after the other blocked Qin Feiyang and his face was cold.


Luo Qianxue several people wonder.

Why go out and become so angry?

Qin Feiyang glanced at the two people, turning one’s head looked towards Martial Palace Palace Lord and Third Palace Lord with skeptical expressions, and said, “Don’t you just plan to let the two of them behave here?”

two people got up immediately.

“What are you doing? This is in the Lin Family, so rude, what kind of system, Liu Yun, step down for me!”

Martial Palace Palace Lord shouted.

“Yin Chuan, give me the truth too!”

Third Palace Lord followed suit.

Liu Yun feeling wronged looked at Martial Palace Palace Lord and said, “Master, why do you blame me? It was Qin Feiyang that caused the problem first, and he said that I and Yin Chuan had …”

Qin Feiyang carefree sat on the side seat and played with the taste: “What? You just say it directly so that everyone is happy for you.”

Hear this.

Martial Palace Palace Lord several people looked at Liu Yun and Yin Chuan curiously.

But how can they be embarrassed to say such a thing?

Two people bowed their heads, clenched tightly with their hands, wishing to skin and cramp Qin Feiyang.

“Shall I help you?”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh, the smile was brilliant.

“You don’t bullly intolerably!”

“Qin Feiyang, beware of retribution!”

Two people immediately glared.

Luo Qianxue stood up and rounded the field, said with a smile: “Okay, okay, it shouldn’t be at worst, they all give in.”

“Well, for the sake of Pavilion Lord, I don’t care about you.”

Qin Feiyang said generously.


“Not counting with us yet?”

Liu Yun two people immediately became mad, and his lungs were almost exploded.

Can’t you be so shameless?

“What happened?”

“Why are you mad?”

Lin Family Patriarch, Lin Family steward, Lin Yiyi, and Lin Baili walked into the parlour one after the other, seeing Liu Yun two people’s expression, there was nothing in their eyes.

Third Palace Lord said with a smile: “Well, youngster, there is always friction, don’t care.”

Lin Family Patriarch glanced coldly at Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “Yiyi, not yet saluted to several elders.”

Lin Yiyi said, “I’ve seen 3 uncles and aunt Luo, and I apologize for any poor hospitality.”

Luo Qianxue said with a smile: “Today you are the protagonist, don’t be so polite.”

“Everyone please sit down.”

Lin Family Patriarch sat on the main seat and greeted with a smile.

Lin Yiyi and Lin Baili sit on the left and right 2 sides of Lin Family Patriarch, respectively.

Lin Yiyi’s dress today is very dazzling.

She dropped off her old clothes and wore a snow white floor-length dress.

Originally very beautiful looks, after careful makeup, now it becomes more charming.

3000 Green silk moves with the wind, and the black is beautiful.

Although it is not as bright as before, it has an extra temperament for everyone.

The figure is also exquisite.

After she came in, Liu Yun and Yin Chuan’s eyes had never been removed, and their faces were obsessed.

But Qin Feiyang just glanced flatly and lowered his head, drinking tea each minding their own business.

Lin Yiyi also glanced at him, his eyes were also calm and strange.

Lin Baili got up, glanced at everyone in the lobby, and focused on Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “First of all, I would like to represent the Lin Family. Thank you all for showing your face today and coming to Yiyi ’s 5th birthday ceremony. “

Qin Feiyang frowned.

What is the origin of this person, unexpectedly can represent the Lin Family?

“Originally, Uncle Lin intended to wait until the coming of age ceremony of Yiyi 16 years old, and then entertain everyone.”

“But tomorrow morning, Yiyi will go to Yan City with me. It is estimated that it will take a few years before I have the opportunity to return, and I may not even return to Iron Ox Town for a lifetime.”

“So I negotiated with Uncle Lin, and I just banqueted everyone today, to thank everyone for taking care of my Lin Family over the years.”

Lin Baili said with a smile.

“Yan City!”

Third Palace Lord several people simultaneously looked, and there was a trace of surprise in their eyes.

Luo Qianxue asked, “Baili, are you from the Yan City Lin Family?”


Lin Baili nodded.

“so that’s how it is.”

Several people suddenly realized.

As a few great big shots of Iron Ox Town, it is natural to see far beyond others.

They are no strangers to Yan City Lin Family.

Yan City Lin Family, not only has a strong foundation, but also has been related to Royal Family for generations.

They are supported by the Royal Family, and the Lin Family is very strong in Yan City.

Other families did not dare to compete with them.

And Lin Baili will appear here. Do n’t think about it, the Lin Family of Iron Ox Town is a branch of Yan City Lin Family.

Lin Baili said with a smile again: “Conveniently in passing and tell everyone the good news. When Yiyi turns 16 years old, he will marry the Royal Family. When you do, Iron Iron Town will follow.”

Qin Feiyang suddenly looked up and looked towards Lin Baili.

Seeing Qin Feiyang, Lin Baili’s smile grew brighter.

There is also a clear disdain in expression!

Qin Feiyang clearly captured, took a deep breath, put down teacup, said differentially: “It turned out that you invited me today, just to show off in front of me, how powerful your Lin Family is, but you may be disappointed, I really do n’t It feels like, where is your Lin Family strong? “

When he said this, the audience was silent!

Everyone didn’t expect, Qin Feiyang unexpectedly would say these disdainful words in front of the Lin Family.

Don’t give face in the slightest.

Lin Family Patriarch, Lin Baili, Steward Lin Yong, all look gloomy.

Lin Yiyi lowered her head, remained silent, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Qin Feiyang stood up, turned and looked towards Lin Yiyi, his face was full of disappointment.

“do you know?”

“Since you said you want to cut off your relationship with me, I’ve been thinking, do you have any troubles? Or was you forced by your father?”

“Even I was thinking, is there any way I can help you?”

“Until now, I finally realized that it was just my wishful thinking.”

“It turns out that you, like your father, think that I like you, and I’m afraid I’ll entangle you and prevent you from marrying into the Royal Family.”

“You didn’t even want to frame me and use your handles to beat me. You are really deliberate.”

“Honestly, until now, I will treat you as my best friend and be able to marry into the Royal Family. I am too happy for you, so there is no need to do this.

“Unfortunately, you made a very wrong decision!”

“I swear in public now, I Qin Feiyang and you Lin Yiyi, from now on we will make a two-pronged break and never come back!”

“This thing, I was still hesitant to give it to you, but now it looks good to you, please smile.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, took out the jade bracelet, and threw it at Lin Yiyi’s feet.

Who is present who is not a person with status or status?

You can see at a glance that this is a ground spread.

Use the ground as a birthday gift?

Isn’t this a humiliation of Lin Yiyi, embarrassing the Lin Family?

Lin Family Patriarch tightly clenched with both hands, revealing Murderous intention, if it was not for someone, he would immediately take action and kill Qin Feiyang!

“What kind of people and what kind of accessories, you Lin Yiyi, only match this cheap ground stall.”

Qin Feiyang dropped this sentence indifferently, then turned around and strode out.

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