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Profound Martial World!

Fire Lotus, Ye Zhong, Qin Batian, White-Eyed Wolf, Mermaid Princess wait a minute, and have been watching the battlefield outside.

Everyone’s face is full of pride and worry.

How terrible is ruler Divine Weapon?

Can Qin Feiyang and ruler Divine Weapon reach this point, as friends, as brothers, as elders, as lovers, as masters, as subordinates, can they be proud?


Faced with such terrifying ruler Divine Weapon, they were also worried.

I’m afraid Qin Feiyang will happen unexpectedly.

“Miss Fire Lotus!”


Two figures rushed into Demon Ghost Land, and when looking at the high-altitude picture, they were immediately overshadowed.

Two people are Li 2 and Wang San.

They came with 2 slices of blood, which they collected.

“You are here.”

Fire Lotus looked towards two people said with a slight smile, but smiled reluctantly.


“I’ll send you blood.”

two people nodded.

“Working hard for you.”

Fire Lotus looked at two people gratefully.

“Not hard.”

Two people shook the head, looked again towards the picture above, and asked, “What is Divine Artifact? So powerful?”

“Beyond heaven defying Divine Artifact’s ruler Divine Weapon!”

Fire Lotus.


two people immediately sucked in a breath of cold air.

Absolutely didn’t expect, Qin Feiyang unexpectedly was fighting this horrible existence.

The key is.

Even in the face of this level of Divine Artifact, Qin Feiyang has not given up. Who in the world has such a spirit?

“Ruler Sir did not give up, neither can we give up!”

“Wang San, let’s go ahead and let all living creatures at Profound Martial World contribute their power!”

Roared Lee 2.

“it is good!”

Wang San nodded.

Two people immediately put down two seas of blood, and turned away with lightning flashes.

“Li 2 they are right!”

“None of Qin Feiyang has given up, let alone let us give up!”

“Someone obey the order of the Dragon Palace, at once donate your blood!”

“This battle can only win, not defeat!”

Lu Zheng Yang shouted.



Despite the protection of Killing Domain, Qin Feiyang is also bruised and bloody.

But he didn’t take a step back!

Start Battle Character Art, travel Character Art, hold Blood Sword, and battle Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword crazy!

铿 clang!


With a bang, the gap of Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword cracked again.

“you are courting death !”

Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword was furious.

This is the second time!

Although it can be quickly repaired as a ruler Divine Weapon, it is undoubtedly a shame for it!


Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword’s sharpness and imposing manner soared again.

Follow closely.

It slashing towards Qin Feiyang.

With a loud noise, the Scarlet Long Sword immediately broke from it!

Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword’s sword qi, like a hot knife through butter, slams into Killing Domain!

Ka-cha !

Killing Domain also cracked, a sword qi ran into Killing Domain, exploded towards Qin Feiyang!



Qin Feiyang flew out, blood dying the vast sky, and the Battle Armor transformed by Battle Character Art was also broken on the spot.

“No matter how strong the Killing Domain is, it won’t stop the sharpness of the true body!”

“This is ruler Divine Weapon!”

Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword coldly shouted, releasing 10000000 sword qi, turned into a torrent, and headed towards Qin Feiyang hiding the sky and covering the earth.

“It’s too early to be proud now!”

Qin Feiyang suddenly shouted, and disappeared instantly.


“Big Brother Qin, you can no longer absorb it, otherwise this blood-reeking qi and murderous aura will sooner or later occupy your consciousness and reason.”

When Qin Feiyang appeared in the blood and sea of ​​the Western Regions, Fire Lotus also appeared immediately, shouted.

“never mind.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head. With the shock of his body, the blood in the blood below was pouring into the Killing Domain madly.

The cracking Killing Domain immediately heals!

The broken Blood Sword is also repaired instantly.

And with the influx of a lot of blood, formidable power becomes more and more scary!

But Fire Lotus noticed clearly that Qin Feiyang’s complexion was getting more and more pale, like one wild beast.

Eyes are condensed like blood, exuding unprecedented indifference!

And the blood-reeking qi on him has reached an amazing point!

The killing god bathed in blood said Qin Feiyang at the moment!

She was worried.

But she couldn’t stop it.

Because this step has been reached, no matter if it is changed to is who, it is impossible to give up easily, let alone Qin Feiyang.

Even if he knew that absorbing the blood would eventually make him bedevilment, he wouldn’t care.


When the formidable power of the scarlet long sword soared to another height, Qin Feiyang left the Profound Martial World without the slightest hesitation.

Although Profound Martial World has passed a long time ago, it’s only moments outside.

The sword qi of Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword came into being.

Qin Feiyang pupils blood light torrential, like a 2 round blood moon, revealing a ruthless indifference!

Former Qin Feiyang, no matter how indifferent the expression, there is always a trace of compassion in expression.

but now!

This mercy is gone.

Absorbing too many blood has made him completely cold blooded.

Now in his eyes, there is only kill!

铿 clang!

His arm holding the scarlet long sword raised sharply and chopped down at the torrent that sword qi turned into.



A loud noise exploded here, shocking!

The imposing manner of world extinguishing swept Heaven and Earth!

The torrent of sword qi collapsed on the spot in void.

Follow closely.

Qin Feiyang stepped out, bloody long sword smashed all directions, full power slashing towards Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword!

铿 clang!

When the two collided, they sharked back.

just now.

Qin Feiyang does not know to what extent the formidable power of the Scarlet Long Sword has been superimposed.

He doesn’t care about it now, there is only single thought in his mind, that is to destroy Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword, at all costs!

“Give me kill!”


Qin Feiyang angry roar, another sword kills Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword, the whole person is like one crazy wild beast!

That bloody expression is trembling!

铿 clang!

Two pieces of Divine Weapon collided again, and as a wave of world extinguishing rolled out, another gap suddenly appeared on the blade of Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword.

And it’s several times bigger than the previous two gaps!

“Human, you are completely angry with the true body!”

Artifact Spirit growls at Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword.

As ruler Divine Weapon, unexpectedly 3 and 1 were injured by a human, which is simply a shame.


With a sharp cry, a terrifying imposing manner growled suddenly.

That all around of Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword, a large sky dragon phantom emerges.

One …

5 …

Ten …

50 …

A total of 99 sky dragon phantoms, surrounded by Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword, roar, roar, dragon might be dazzling!

this moment.

The crisis felt by Qin Feiyang is stronger than ever!

The sky dragon phantoms are like one God Death God.


A terrible oppression came.

His body, as if by Icebound, could not move.

And under the impact of that sharp and imposing manner, the Scarlet Long sword and Killing Domain are also shaking and cracking.

And he himself is blood flowing directly, and the fleshhy body seems to be crushed!

“So strong!”

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Is this all the formidable power of ruler Divine Weapon?

Even if it is the Killing Domain now, the scarlet long sword now cannot block this Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword at the moment!

This oppression and this crisis …

He only appeared when facing Golden Little Beast and Ice Dragon!

Is it…

Ruler Divine Weapon’s strength after full recovery has reached the level of Little Beast and Ice Dragon?

He couldn’t help panic.

Golden Little Beast and Ice Dragon are his hatred, but also their weakest opponents.

If ruler Divine Weapon’s formidable power can really match them, is there any hope for battle?

Do not!

If he gives up, not only himself, the living creature of Ancient World will be retaliated by Dragon Race …

The fighting spirit in his heart appeared again!

But just then, another voice appeared in his heart.

“What do the living creatures of Ancient World care about you? You are now insecure yourself, and you still care about their lives?”

The voice was ruthless and indifferent.

“I didn’t do this to protect them? Did you give Ancient World a peace?”

Qin Feiyang roared in his heart.

“Tai Ping?”

“Do you think there is peace in this world?”

“Look at the big Qin today …”

“How much did you pay for Great Qin that year, but what happened? Isn’t there a constant dispute?”

“Like your younger brother younger sister, which one is not longing for power and status?”

“So what you give is not necessarily what you want.”

“Don’t be too emotional, these are pure burdens and burdens for you.”

Another voice sounded.

“To shut up!”

“I can give up everything, only these emotions!”

“If you let me be an indifferent ruthless person, it might as well let me die!”

“A man is alive. If there is no emotion at all, what is the difference from wild beast?”

Qin Feiyang snarled in his heart, shook the voice directly, and then looked up towards Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword, shouting, “I won’t give up, never!”


Battle Character Art opens again.


Pieces of blood, continually emerged in Killing Domain, towards the bloody long sword crazy wildly rushing forth.

These blood are the blood stored in the Profound Martial World Western Region.

He doesn’t actually need to enter Profound Martial World, he can still absorb the blood outside.

铿 clang!

With the influx of a lot of blood, the formidable power of the Scarlet Long Sword becomes more and more amazing, and it is against the sharp and imposing manner of Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword!

“Is he crazy?”

Roared Dragon Power with top powerhouse.

To this day, he has not given up.

Until now, he still wants to defeat Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword.

What the hell is this monster?

Didn’t he really give up these two words in his dictionary?

Is this man respectable?


Does he hate it?


Because his goal is to destroy Dragon Race.

However, this spirit of dissatisfaction and giving up admired them.

At the moment, human top powerhouses like Wang Chang, and the 1000000 people who took part in Dragon Race, are extremely complicated at the moment.

For the living creature of Ancient World, Qin Feiyang has been giving and working hard, even if he sacrifices himself, he will not give up.

But what about them?

Also as human, but turned to Dragon Race to mutilate fellow people and make trouble for tigers, take the side of the evil-doer!

In contrast, they are really ashamed and unable to show one’s face!

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