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“Scoundrel, have you made enough?”

at this time.

A roar exploded inside Treasure Pavillion.

I saw Qin Feiyang, like a furious lion, rushing out of Treasure Pavillion and kicking on Wolf Buttocks with a kick!

Ao wu !

Wolf King wailed.

Like a kite with a broken line, it flew up into the air and crossed an elegant trajectory.

At last he slammed, head down, buttocks up, one smashed the street floor, and his head plunged into the ground.


Everyone is wrong.

Who is so brave, dare to sting this ruffian wolf?

Afraid of being caught by it, the whole family suffers?

The white clothed young woman and the group of big black clothed men are staring blankly and watching Qin Feiyang.

what’s going on?

The enemy of pervert?

“haha ……”

“How many people have you offended?”

“Wow ha ha, deserve it …”

white clothed young woman akimbo, smiling with trembling flowers.

A big black clothed man whispered: “Miss, the court is wide, pay attention to the image.”


The white clothed young woman coughed, nodded and said, “Yes, this Young Lady wants to be a little bit reserved.”

With her hands on her back, she jumped up and down in front of Qin Feiyang, and the man praised him: “You did a good job, come here, and reward him with a few Gold Coins.”

A group of big black clothed men followed.

One of them took out 5 Gold Coins and threw them to Qin Feiyang, saying: “I’m not grateful to Miss Reward.”

Qin Feiyang grabbed 5 Gold Coins and was a bit stunned.

“Is it the first time I have seen so many Gold Coins?”

“Aiya, don’t hesitate to put it away. Who is this Young Lady who is in a good mood now?”

white clothed young woman waved broadly.


Qin Feiyang stumbled.

5 Gold Coins?

How did she take the take action?

How sorry to say this generous expert?

Let him thank him?

When is he asking for beggar?

Lu Hong standing behind Qin Feiyang is staring blankly.

Looking at the appearance of this girl, it should be 15 or 16 years old. Why is she so stupid? So naive?

Someone in the crowd whispered: “If I remember correctly, they seem to be with the ruffian wolf? I saw it with my own eyes last night.”


Immediately next made a snoring gesture for someone.

Meaning, don’t bother.

“Is Miss Lu Family?”

Qin Feiyang after returning to his senses, weighed the Gold Coin in his hand, looked up to Miss Lu Family, said with a smile: “You should keep these Gold Coins yourself!”

He shoved 5 Gold Coins back into the hands of the white clothed young woman.

white clothed young woman stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang ignored her and pointed to the group of big black clothed men behind the young woman, saying to Lu Hong, “These big brothers have been chasing for so long, and they are all tired, and reward them with a little money.”


Lu Hong nodded smiled Yingying, waved jade hand lightly, a gold coin appeared in the mid-air height of ten meters.

Like a golden rain, pouring down.

“Wow, a lot of Gold Coin!”

“Less than a few hundred thousand!”

“That’s called ostentatious!”

“Compared to them, Miss Lu Family is really stingy.”

all around the crowd was immediately loud.

Miss Lu Family and those big black clothed men also looked up at the falling Gold Coin.

Each Gold Coin smashed on them was like an invisible slap, fiercely fanned on their faces.

No dignity.

They felt like they had acted like clown.


With a loud noise, Wolf King 2 claws exploded towards the ground.

Dust and smoke are pervasive.

A huge pit immediately appears.

It climbed out of the pit in a difficult situation and shouted, “Who is the brother?” Is it tired?

But when it burst out of the dust and saw Qin Feiyang, the pump immediately shrank.

“I’m just tired, you have the ability to move me?”

Qin Feiyang stared coldly at it.

“That one……”

“This one……”

“Ahem, this is a misunderstanding, well, yes, it is a misunderstanding.”

Wolf King embarrased said with a smile.

Lu Hong rolled the eyes, blaming: “You really act willfully, do you know how worried we are?”

Wolf King said, “It’s like this. Brother was too busy last night, so he went out for a walk, absolutely no trouble.”

Qin Feiyang glared, pointing at the white clothed young woman, shouted: “No problem, then what happened to her?”


Wolf King is indifferent.

A pair of dark eyeballs, the thief glanced at all around, as if preparing to escape.

“You two don’t run!”

It is at this time.

Another group of big black clothed men rushed out of Treasure Pavillion.

“It’s Miss!”

When the group of big black clothed men came out, when they saw the white clothed young woman, they couldn’t help stared blankly, and bowed in unison: “I’ve seen Young Lady Tingting.”

Lu Tingting said: “How are you here? Lu Feng’s stupid lack of birds?”

“Stupidness without birds?”

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched.

I really do n’t know, should Lu Tingting be willful? Still lack roots?

And those big black clothed man also smiled wryly.

One of them pointed to Qin Feiyang, angrily: “Young Master Lu Feng was pitted by that brat, now he is detained in Treasure Pavillion.”


Lu Tingting stared blankly and asked, “How did you pit?”

The big black clothed man said: “That brat used the radical method and asked Young Master Lu Feng to use 200000000 Gold Coin to bid for a top grade Bliss Pill.”


“Are you overwhelmed by the money?”

“200000000 Gold Coin to buy a Bliss Pill, is a wasrel!”

“If he were my son, I must have struck him alive!”

All around is discussed spirited, with a look of contempt, and deplores.

The white clothed young woman is also dumbstruck.

When she returned to her mind, even when she was angry, “That stupid lack of birds, what do you want Bliss Pill to do? It’s an idiot.”

Qin Feiyang, Wolf King, Lu Hong looked at each other in blank dismay, could not help but wonder, are these Lu Tingting and Lu Feng biological siblings?


“Miss, pay attention to words.”

A big black clothed man behind Lu Tingting, glanced at the weird expression of the crowd all around, bowed his head and whispered.

“That was 200000000 Gold Coin. If he goes on like this, he will sooner or later lose Lu Family.”

“When he was born that year, father should have strangled him directly.”

“I haven’t seen such a mentally retarded person, and all of Lu Family’s faces have been lost.”

Lu Tingting said angrily.

“Young Lady Tingting, that’s not to complain about Young Master Lu Feng.”

“It was the woman who kicked Young Master Lu Feng there.”

2 big black clothed man wry smiles.


Lu Tingting looked surprised towards Lu Hong.

Lu Hong laughed at her nodded.

All thought that Lu Tingting would definitely act violently and take revenge for Lu Feng.

But the result was not.

She unexpectedly gave Lu Hong a thumb and said, “This elder sister, you are really good, but you are too light, and you should kill him directly.”

Lu Hong looked dumb.

Qin Feiyang is also stupefied, and his jaw is about to fall off.

These Lu Tingting and Lu Feng are certainly not the biological siblings of a female compatriot.


“Even if he is no longer useful, he is also the family of this Young Lady, so …”

Speaking of which.

Lu Tingting’s eyes stared blankly, and her slender arms waved, shouted: “Give them this Young Lady!”

2 Dial big black clothed man and immediately jump towards two people and a wolf.

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “Prefecture City has rules and ca n’t fight. Do you dare we try it?”

The group of big black clothed men stopped together, with cold sweat behind them.

I was extremely angry, and unexpectedly forgot this.

Lu Tingting was not surprised by black eyebrows.


It is at this time.

A black clothed old man, like a lightning, fell in front of everyone.

“Meet Steward Lu.”

A group of big black clothed men bowed saluted.

Steward Lu nodded, looked helplessly at Lu Tingting: “Miss, you are worthy of a body worth a thousand gold, so running around, what kind of system?”

“Would you care? Go away.”

Lu Tingting stared at him unhappyly.

Steward Lu’s heart is bitter, this little master is really difficult to serve.


There was a flash of cold light in his eyes, and he looked up towards Qin Feiyang two people and Wolf King, and said, “Patriarch has 3 people, please go to the Lu Family.”


Qin Feiyang in the dark sneered, I’m afraid once they enter the door of Lu Family, they don’t want to come out alive again.

“Sorry, we are not free now.”

“In addition, we are just unknown soldiers, and we dare not disturb the Lu Family.”

“Thank you for your kindness, Patriarch Lu. Goodbye.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile and turned around with Lu Hong and Wolf King away.

“Want to go, I’m afraid you can’t help it today.”

Steward Lu grinned and waved, “Stop them.”

A group of big black clothed men rushed up and surrounded two people and a wolf.


“Steward Lu, is this going to be lying on power?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at the big black clothed man who was standing in front of him, and said without looking back.

“Have it?”

“The old man is sincere in inviting you to be a guest.”

“So 10000000 don’t get me wrong.”

“Looking at them, I’ll take Young Master Lu Feng out.”

Steward Lu commanded those big black clothed man and turned to Treasure Pavillion.

“Little Qinzi, what?”

Wolf King said with a soul sound transmission.

“Isn’t it all good deed you did?”

Qin Feiyang fiercely stared at it, and whispered: “Lu Family must not go, Lu Hong, see what happens.”

Lu Hong’s nodded.

She also knows that in the eyes of the people, the Lu Family people dare not treat them.

But once I entered Lu Family, it was probably bode ill rather than well.


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and suddenly looked up towards the sky, shouted: “Look, Mansion Lord is here!”

“Mansion Lord!”

Everyone on the street was startled and hurriedly looked up.

Lu Tingting and those big black clothed man are the same.

As a result, none of the ghost shadow children saw it.

The same moment.

Lu Hong opened a transmission gate, two people and a wolf swept in lightningly.

“Not good !”

“be cheated!”

“Stop them!”

Lu Tingting first reacted and hurriedly shouted.

But it is too late.

By the time the big black clothed men rushed up, the transmission gate had dissipated.

“It’s a cunning man, but it’s too early to escape Five Fingers Mountain from this Young Lady.”

Lu Tingting coldly smiled, shouted: “Let’s go!”

“Young Lady Tingting, don’t you wait for Young Master Lu Feng?”

A big black clothed man hurried.

“This Young Lady vomits when she sees that stupidity.”

Lu Tingting, coldly snorted, left immediately, and those big black clothed men who followed her hurriedly followed.

The big black clothed man following Lu Feng stayed in place, bitterly laughing again and again.

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