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Wolf King eyeball glared and shouted, “The attitude is really bad. Brother will complain to you later.”

Zhou Xi was furious, rolled up his sleeves, shouted: “believing or not old man now skinning you?”


Wolf King glanced at him dismissively and escaped the great hall as soon as he smoked.

“Really scoundrel.”

Zhou Xi scolded, looking towards Qin Feiyang two people, saying: “You better watch it, don’t let it mess around at Sacred Palace.”

“Disciple understand.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, and I was a little annoyed.

This ruffian wolf, no matter where you go, it will not calm down.

It seems to be honest only if you put it in Ancient Castle.

Zhou Xi looked towards white clothed old man, said with a laugh: “Old Brother, you are watching here, I will take them to the Cultivation Room.”

“roll roll roll!”

Zhou Dong waved impatiently.

“Cultivation Room?”

Qin Feiyang frowned, hurriedly: “Elder Zhou Xi, can you arrange a Pill Refinement Room for us?”

“Pill Refinement Room?”

Zhou Xi stared blankly.

Zhou Dong, who had just sat on the chair, suddenly got up, and looked at Qin Feiyang two people in surprise.

“what’s wrong?”

Qin Feiyang two people are puzzled.

“Are you still Alchemist?”

2 old men asked at the same time.

Qin Feiyang two people nodded.

“haha ……”

Zhou Dong, who had a bad face earlier, laughed immediately.

Zhou Xi, who was so proud before, was bitter.

Qin Feiyang two people looked at them strangely.


Zhou Dong also realized that lost self-control, laughed, said with a smile: “Are you guys very confused, why is my reaction with Zhou Xi so strange?”

two people nodded.

Not strange, it’s strange.

“Well, I’ll explain it to you.”

“Sacred Palace is divided into 2 camps, one is Pill Palace and the other is Martial Palace.”

“The nature of Pill Palace and Martial Palace, I believe you need to know without me.”

“Although Zhou Xi and I are both Deacon Elder, I belong to Pill Palace, and Zhou Xi belongs to Martial Palace.”

Zhou Dong said with a smile.

“so that’s how it is.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, and asked, “Does your clothes also have any special meaning?”

“Even if you realize this, you are really attentive.”

“Yes, in our Sacred Palace, Martial Artist wears black and Alchemist wears white clothed.”

Zhou Dong said.

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized.

At this time.

Zhou Xi coldly snorted and said: “Zhou Dong, don’t be too proud. Although they are Alchemist, their Martial Dao innate talent is even more amazing.”

Zhou Dong heard it, and immediately frowned.


Two people stepped into Battle King at a young age. These innate talents are called as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

I’m afraid Pill Dao talent is hard to match!


“You can’t make a conclusion so early, test their Spirit Power first.”

Zhou Dong mumbled, take out a big slap crystal stone, said with a smile: “This is the Spirit Stone, to test your Spirit Power.”

Lu Hong said, “Elder, don’t test, I’m just Level 5 Spirit Power.”

“Level 5 ?”

Zhou Dong was disappointed.

Level 5 Spirit Power, placed in Yan County, can also be regarded as first-rate talented.

But in Ling Prefecture, which has a lot of talents, it’s nothing at all.

“Hearing is false, seeing is believing, you can test again.”

Zhou Dong was unwilling.

Lu Hong was a little helpless, reaching out and pressing on the Spirit Stone.

Weng! ! !

Spirit Stone trembled 5 times in a row, and Lu Hong felt faint and hurriedly retracted his arm.


Zhou Xi laughed, turning one’s head looked towards Zhou Dong, proudly saying, “It’s time to give up now!”

“Well, God!”

Zhou Dong sighed.

But next moment, he looked forward towards Qin Feiyang.

“Don’t try it, his Spirit Power is certainly not high.”

Zhou Xi pouted.

It is absolutely impossible to appear in the world. Martial Dao and Pill Dao are both monsters.

“Take care of your trifling matter, talk up.”

Zhou Dong stared at him and looked at Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Come and test.”

“Do you really want to test?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“of course.”

Zhou Dong without the slightest hesitation, expression is quite nervous.


Qin Feiyang nodded, reach for Spirit Stone.

Weng! ! !

Spirit Stone immediately trembled.


2 times.

3 times.

4 times.

By the 5th tremor, both old men were staring closely at the Spirit Stone.


On the 6th tremor, Zhou Dong’s old eyes blinked immediately.





Here it is.

Qin Feiyang hasn’t felt syncope yet, and the spirit is full.

“Should you let go?”

He hesitated.

Zhou Dong said with a smile: “Okay, well, Level 9 Spirit Power in Ling Prefecture is also a well-known figure.”


“Level 9 Spirit Power is just a well-known figure?”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised.

Sure enough to continue testing.


After the interest rate.

Spirit Stone, the tenth tremor.

“How can it be?”

Lu Hong pupil contracted.

Isn’t Qin Feiyang the only Level 9 Spirit Power?

“Unexpectedly is Level 10 Spirit Power, and there are only three people in our Sacred Palace!”

Zhou Dong exclaimed.

“Three people?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

There were countless thoughts in my mind.


He put his hands down and pretended to be dizzy.


Zhou Dong stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang rubbed his head and apologized, “Elder, I’m so sorry, Disciple has only this talent.”

“No no no!”

Zhou Dong quickly waved his hands, said with a smile: “Level 10 Spirit Power is already as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.”

Zhou Xi shook his head: “No, although Level 10 Spirit Power is hard to come by, it is still not as good as his Martial Dao innate talent.”

Zhou Dong said angrily, “What about you? I tell you, if you dare fight over people, don’t blame me for becoming hostile on the spot.”

Zhou Xi scorned: “So excited, I’m just explaining a fact.”

“Need you to elaborate? It is is meddlesome nosy.” Zhou Dong coldly snorted.


Zhou Xi immediately became furious, but immediately corner of the mouth lifted, and said, “I’m too lazy to be nonsense with you.”

He looked towards Qin Feiyang and Lu Hong.

“While the final choice is in your hands, I would like to remind you that bite off more than one can chew.”

“Don’t waste your Martial Dao innate talent for Pill Refinement.”

“If you choose Martial Palace, old man guarantees that you will definitely enjoy the best treatment and focus on training.”

“But if you choose Pill Palace, what is ugly will only become a stepping stone for others.”

“Especially you Lu Hong, Level 5 Spirit Power, will not be taken seriously at all.”

Zhou Xi said, can be described as bitter.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “I still choose Pill Palace.”

Lu Hong followed: “Where he goes, I’ll go.”

Zhou Xi’s face was dark, and his heart was extremely angry.

Dare to say so much for nothing?

“haha ……”

“Zhou Xi, don’t waste your time.”

“They have innate talent, but they still choose Pill Refinement. Do you know what this means?”

“This means that they have full confidence and will not delay cultivation.”

“In other words, they don’t need your Martial Palace to train at all.”

Zhou Dong laughed again and again, with a touch of ridicule in his eyes.

Zhou Xi said angrily, “Will you die if you don’t speak?”

Zhou Dong smiled proudly and said, “Qin Feiyang, Lu Hong, go, old man take you Pill Refinement Room.”

Zhou Xi shouted: “Wait a minute, what about that wolf? It must have entered Martial Palace, right?”

“Messy Old Man with a bad attitude, is Brother familiar with you?”

“Why go to Martial Palace?”

“Are you asking for brother?”

“If you ask for brother, brother will give you a face.”

Wolf King, who was hiding outside, walked in vividly and looked at Zhou Xi with a playful look.

Hearing these words, Zhou Xi was furious and rushed to Wolf King, shouted: “wolf pup, watch old man don’t strangle you today!”

“The wind is tight, withdraw!”

Wolf King shivered and escaped the great hall.

“Zhou Xi, the strong twisted melon is not sweet, you still calm down!”

Zhou Dong glanced proudly at Zhou Xi, and led Qin Feiyang two people, stepping out of the great hall.

Immediately waved, rolled up two people and a wolf, rushed into the air, and flew behind the great reception hall.

All the way down.

Lu Hong and Wolf King looked dumbfounded.

Sacred Palace is too big.

Almost half of the area of ​​the Central City District.

Everywhere, there are tall palaces.

distant place also has a mountain range, like python, lying on the ground.

Even the turquoise lakes, the rapid rivers, and the towering ancient trees that ten people cannot enclose.

It’s almost like an independent Tiny World!

In a city, unexpectedly there will be such a place, simple and too shocking.

great reception hall.

Zhou Xi is like an ant on a hot pot, walking around constantly, his face full of anxiety.


“You must not let them all enter Pill Palace.”

“But this is their will. What should they do?”


“Go tell Law Enforcement Elder and the Palace Lord and let them go to the Pill Palace major figure.”

the thoughts got to this point.

Zhou Xi turned into a stream of light, flew out of the great reception hall, and flew towards a great hall in a distant place behind.

at the same time.

Zhou Dong took two people and a wolf and landed in front of a small square.

Opposite, there is a huge Ancient Castle, whole body pitch-black like ink, exuding the ancient aura.

Directly above the gate of Ancient Castle, 3 large characters are engraved.

——Pill Fire Palace!

From time to time there are some youngsters that come in and out.

There are two big middle-aged man keeping watch at the entrance of Ancient Castle, all dressed in white clothed, and aura is unfathomable.

The arrival of two people and a wolf, the disciples on the square, immediately stopped and looked curiously.

“Are they new to science?”

“How could there be a wolf, wouldn’t it also Pill Refinement?”

Everyone was puzzled.

Zhou Dong took two people and a wolf, walked to the gate, said to the two big middle-aged man with a smile: “old partner, old man brought you again.”

2 big middle-aged man looked at the same time.

One of them suspiciously: “It looks like you can’t smile to your mouth to conceal one’s happiness, is there a good seedling?”

“of course.”

Zhou Dong pats Qin Feiyang’s shoulder, said with a laugh: “This brat is called Qin Feiyang and has Level 10 Spirit Power.”


“Level 10 Spirit Power!”

Two big middle-aged man stared.

The disciples next to it are all incredible looking towards Qin Feiyang.

“Disciple has seen 2 Elders.”

“I’ve seen senior brothers and senior sisters. I’m here when I first arrived, and I ask you to take care of me in the future.”

Qin Feiyang archway.

With a sunny smile on his face, he was approachable and polite.

“Junior Brother Qin, you are too humble.”

“Yeah, it’s up to us to care.”

Those disciple said with a smile.

It seems that the new genius Junior Brother is not an arrogant.

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