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After a short chat, more than a dozen maids entered the great hall with dishes in a format.

The inner palace, immediately, is filled with a rich vegetable fragrance.

There are still a few pots of wine.

You can smell the rich aroma before you open it.

“Take 2 Little Brothers.”

Two maids served at Qin Feiyang and the lunatic left and right. As the city master spoke, immediately screwed the jug and filled the wine glasses in front of two people.

The wine glass is not large, about one or two.

The wine was sparkling like jade pulp, the wine was more intense, and the madman swallowed.

But Qin Feiyang didn’t feel much.

No matter how good the wine is, he cannot compare with the most ordinary cup of tea.

“This wine is my famous Tianshan Yulu in Fenghai City, but average people can’t drink it.”

The Lord said with a smile.

“Then I thank Senior for the hospitality.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.

The owner laughed, pick up wine cup and said: “Come on, toast for our out of blows friendship grows.”

Zhuo Tiansheng, Yu Lao, also held the glass.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic simultaneously looked, then raised their wine glasses, paid tribute to the three people, and tasted them.

“how about it?”

The town owner asked with a smile.

They simply drank it and drank it.

“not bad.”

The lunatic is nodded, a level better than Celestial Immortal. It can already be called divine wine, and immediately also sips.

But Qin Feiyang just took a sip and put down his glass.

“Brother Qin, are you?”

The city owner looked at him suspiciously.

“Senior, don’t laugh, Junior doesn’t know how to drink.”

Qin Feiyang smiled apologetically.

“haha ……”

The town owner couldn’t help laughing, and the youngster who didn’t drink was really rare!

After 3 rounds.

The city owner put down his wine glass and looked at the madman said with a smile: “Since you and Xianer have already developed this, shouldn’t you tell us the whole thing?”

“Through the bottom?”

Maniac stared blankly.

“Like your identity, your origins, and the people in your family.”

“Children are married, double Fang Family, you must know each other, right?”

The Lord said with a smile.


The lunatic went silent.

“Are there no good faith?”

Zhuo Tian frowned.


Zhuo Xiaoxian looked at Zhuo Tiansheng dissatisfied.

“You can just sit still this time, don’t interrupt.”

Zhuo Tiansheng glared at her, immediately looked towards the lunatic said: “We know nothing about you. You say that, how can I rest assured to give you daughter?

The lunatic remained silent.

Even Supreme God’s color has already climbed a trace of irritability.

The mystery of his life has always been his heart disease, he also wants to know, and someone wants to tell him.


The only person in this world who could know, the Guardian of Ancient World, no matter how much he asked, would not tell him.

So when he remembered it, he was very upset, and therefore he was very reluctant to think about it.

But now, Zhuo Tiansheng forced him continuously, and it was already hard for him to be silent because of his temper.

To change to someone else, I already shot buttocks and left.


Qin Feiyang, of course, knows the lunatics very well. He looked deeply at Zhuo Tiansheng three people and said, “Three seniors, you don’t know. The senior brothers are not at all.”


three people stared blankly.

“Don’t hide 3 Seniors.”

“Crazy Senior Brother doesn’t even know his last name.”

“Because he is an orphan.”

“From childhood was brought up by the Adoptive Father.”

Qin Feiyang.


three people stared blankly.

“What about his Adaptive Father?”

Zhuo Tian was suspicious.

“It was also assassinated many years ago and died by death.”

Qin Feiyang sighed.

The city owner looked at three people at the same time.

No wonder when this family member is mentioned, this child becomes so melancholic that there is a past event that can’t bear to look back.


Looking at the silent lunatic, Zhuo Xiaoxian couldn’t help feeling distressed.

I usually watch the lunatic cynic and think that he is a heartless person.

Who would have expected that deep in one’s heart, hiding so much sad past.


The town owner smiled apologetically.


“Anyway you will know sooner or later.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“how about you?”

The town owner asked with a smile.


Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, lightly said with a smile: “Junior is just a nameless pawn.”

“An unknown soldier has a superior heaven defying Divine Artifact? You are too modest!”

The Lord of the City said with a laugh.

“It’s just luck.”

“To this day, we all rely on the support of our friends and our own efforts.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

The town owner could not help showing a hint of disappointment.

Engaged in a half day and didn’t figure out anything.

If this child is telling the truth, it’s fine, but if it’s vague, then this city is not ordinary!

“Then if we let the little lunatics add weight to the City Lord Mansion, will you?”

The town owner thought for a while and said with a smile.

“Into the burden?”

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Since there are no family members, it would be nice to add to our City Lord Mansion.”

“After you and Xianer get married, this is your home, and we are all your family.”

Yu Lao hoarse said with a smile.

“I, your father … I have never been alone. I have a brother and a companion. They are my family.”

The lunatic said.

Yu old hearing this bitter smile, this is a polite rejection!

“That’s it!”

“It’s almost a chat, and we should do business.”

The Lord of the City is smilely smiled.

Zhuo Tiansheng and Yu Lao shivering in their hearts, Zhuo Tiansheng hurried to the sound transmission, “Would you like to support Xiaoxian?”


The owner of the city answered in the dark.

Zhuo Tiansheng immediately looked towards Zhuo Xiaoxian, said with a smile: “Xianer, you go back first, we have something to discuss.”

“What can’t I know?”

Zhuo Xiaoxian frowned.


“We promise to give you a surprise when that happens.”

“Good, obedient.”

Zhuo Tiansheng said with a smile.

Zhuo Xiaoxian glanced at the lunatic, and looked at Zhuo Tiansheng, helplessly nodded and said: “Okay!”

Having said that, he got up and left with anticipation.

The lord of the city looked towards the servant girl who was on the side and waved, “Let’s step back, too!”


A group of maids bowed and spoke, and turned and walked out in a line.

Follow closely.

The city owner waved his hand, and the gate of the great hall slowly closed.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic were simultaneously looked, and somewhat unknown.

The city owner laughed at the two people, his arms waved again, and a Divine Force Array appeared, covering the entire great hall.

“City Lord, what does this mean?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

“Because of something, she can’t let Xiaoxian know, otherwise she will hate us.”

The Lord said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang frowned.

What does this mean?

But suddenly!

He felt a faintly discernable murderous intention on Yu Lao and Zhuo Tiansheng!

This Murderous Intention is replaced by someone who does not feel it at all.

Like the madman next to him, he didn’t notice it.

But he is different, cultivation Kill Character Art, especially sensitive to murderous intention.

Despite the perfect concealment of the two people, he still couldn’t escape his perception.

It was the owner of the city, so far he didn’t feel the slightest killing intent.

It can be seen how terrifying the city mansion of this lord!

Qin Feiyang pupil light flashed a little, sound transmission said: “Senior Brother, be careful.”


Maniac stared blankly.

“They might have a great hiccup.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.

The lunatic was immediately imprinted by frowned.

“I’m really happy with you.”

“And Xiaoxian likes you too.”

“You 2 are in love, to be honest, I really don’t want to break you up.”

“But some things, even us, have no choice.”

The city owner shook his head sighed.

The lunatic frowned.

But next moment!

His face was white, a spit of blood spewed out, and the entire person was lying on the table immediately.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang was shocked, and quickly raised the lunatic, but found that the lunatic’s lips turned black.

Even the bloodstain in the corner of the mouth has become black.

this is……

Signs of poisoning!

“you guys……”

Qin Feiyang immediately looked up towards three people.

But immediately following.

He also felt weak and drowsy, and immediately burst out blood.

And that blood is slowly turning black.

The lunatic sat up weakly, looked at Qin Feiyang’s lips and bloodstain, and also immediately sawthing in anger, and shouted, “What did you do?”

“Isn’t this obvious?”

The Lord of the City is smilely smiled.


“Even if you don’t want Zhuo Xiaoxian to be with I, your father, you can just say, I, your father is leaving, why do you want to do this?”

The madman was burning in anger, and his consciousness became more and more dull.

Absolutely didn’t expect, this time the cloud world can really poison to death Inextinguishable Realm top powerhouse’s extreme posionous.

Zhuo Xiaoxian actually not at all left and stood outside the door waiting.

But Array was soundproof, and she couldn’t hear anything inside.

Instead, I was still looking forward.

“Did I just say that? I’m really satisfied with you, but there are some things that we have no choice.”

The Lord is sighed.

“Then who is going to get rid of us?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“Can’t say.”

The city owner shook his head.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “When did you get poisoned?”

“Tianshan Yulu.”

“When Lao Zhuo told the two guards to go to the kitchen to prepare food and wine, I gave them the sound transmission in the dark, and let them put a little broken soul in Tianshan Yulu.”

“As for this broken soul, it can also be regarded as the easternly famous extremely posionous.”

“Colorless and tasteless, a drop is enough to kill a major figure.”

The Lord said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang gloomy said, “Why aren’t you poisoned?”

“It’s simple!”

“Only the two pots of Tianshan Yulu you drank, let off the broken soul.”

The lord of the city held a wine glass and said with a smile while drinking.

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

The city of this person is really terrifying.

From beginning to end, he didn’t feel any Murderous Intention, and even at this moment, he didn’t feel any Murderous Intention on the Lord of the City.

Talking and laughing, killing people!

It can be said.

This is by far the most terrifying person he has ever seen in Ayutthaya.

No traces at all!

Zhuo Tiansheng and Yu Lao glanced at the jug next to Qin Feiyang two people, and they suddenly realized.

It turned out that the owner had already planned.

Broken Soul …

It’s extremely posionous, but they are very clear.

Without antidote, even if Divine Immortal fell into the ranks, they could not save them.

Qin Feiyang two people’s consciousness is getting darker.

Even though Qin Feiyang is immune to poison, he still can’t hold back the toxicity of Broken Soul.

And they also found that toxicity is not only eroding their fleshhy body, but also their Divine Soul.

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