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Some time passed.

Outside the Canglan Snow Mountain, the sky floats with big heavy snow fall, and the earth is snow-capped.

Within an Ice Valley, Vice Alliance Lord stood with his cane in his hands, squinting his eyes, standing silently.

One after another cold wind whistling, the cold current pierced bone marrow, but the Vice Alliance Lord was motionless like a rock.


I don’t know how long it has been.


A dark shadow fell inside Ice Valley, standing opposite the Vice Alliance Lord.

The man was wrapped in a black robe and looked extremely mysterious.


Vice Alliance Lord eyes opened, looking at the black robed man, no fluctuations in his eyes.


black robed man nodded, asking, “How did Demon Palace respond?”

The voice seemed deep and hoarse.

Vice Alliance Lord said: “Chu Yun said personally that they will not intervene in the younger generation.”


“As long as they don’t show up in Fenghai City, they have the opportunity to kill Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo.”

black robed man said.

“Be that as it may, but this Eminence also has concerns.”

“Although they say not to intervene, what if they hide in the dark?”

“When you come to Fenghaicheng, I’m afraid it’s not good for you or me.”

Vice Alliance Lord frowned.

“You don’t have to think about it, we will make arrangements and never let the last thing happen.”

black robed man said.

“Last time …”

When Vice Alliance Lord heard this, a flash of immediate anger appeared in his eyes, and Gloomy said: “Last time, it was because of believing in you that I let Hara die in their hands!”

“There is no way.”

“At the time, I was hiding in Fenghai City, and I was going to take an action to kill them, but anyone who wanted to fire was hiding in Fenghai City.”

“But this time, we really have planned it.”

“Just let Ye Tian find a way to force Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo out.”

black robed man said.

“It is best.”

“If something unexpected happens to Tian’er, this Eminence will never give up.”

“Besides, don’t forget your promise to give this Eminence to ruler Divine Weapon of Qin Feiyang.”

Vice Alliance Lord gloomy.

“Relax, all we want is Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo. Ruler Divine Weapon is not interested.”

black robed man husky smile.


The Vice Alliance Lord’s eyes were a little stunned, and frowns saying: “Even ruler Divine Weapon is not interested, is it possible that Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo are more valuable than ruler Divine Weapon?”

“This is not something you should care about.”

The black robed man’s tone sank slightly, and immediately opened an altar and left.

Looking at the back of the black robed man, there was an inexplicable rays of light in the bottom of the Vice Alliance Lord’s eyes.

Follow closely.

He took out the sound transmission Divine Stone.


Not a moment.

An illusory shadow appeared, it was Ye Tian sitting over Fenghai City.

“Tian’er, go to Space Divine Object.”

Vice Alliance Lord said with a smile.

“it is good.”

Ye Tian was nodded, when even disappeared.

“Yi! ”


A blink of an eye found Ye Tian disappeared, and the people in the city immediately climbed up in surprise.


Space Divine Object.

Vice Alliance Lord asked, “Did they show up?”


Ye Tian shook his head.

Vice Alliance Lord said: “Then find a way to force them out.”

“How to force it?”

Ye Tian wondered.

Vice Alliance Lord said: “Use your younger brother’s means.”

Ye Tian frowned immediately and shook his head: “grandson disagrees.”

“Then when will you wait like this?”

“Tian’er, grandfather knows that you are kind-hearted and don’t want to hurt innocent people, but sometimes we have to do it.”

“This thing is really important to grandfather, you must do it.”

Vice Alliance Lord pleadingly looked at Ye Tian.


Ye Tian frowned.

Vice Alliance Lord’s eyes were cold and shouted: “It’s nothing good, but within six months, you must force them out!”


Ye Tian nodded.


When Ye Tian appeared again, looking at the people below the city, there was a sense of intolerance and hesitation.


He sat in the air again, closing his eyes.

A Heavenly …

2 Heavenly …

5 Heavenly …

Ten Heavenly …

As the day passed, his heart became colder, and a bit of cold current filled his body.

People in Fenghai City can clearly feel that the aura over the sky becomes a little different.

One day after 3 months.


Ye Tian fiercely opened his eyes, sweeping down the city, shouted: “Where is the Lord of the City!”


The three silhouettes immediately rushed out of the City Lord Mansion, fell in front of Ye Tian, ​​and bowed down, “What did the Young Master command?”

It was the city owner, Zhuo Tiansheng, and Yu Lao.

“At once, post a notice telling Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo that starting today, if they don’t show up for a day, I will kill a baby in Fenghai City.”

Ye Tian spoke.


“Kill the baby?”

Three people’s eyes shook.

Ye Tian looked at the three people and asked, “Do I need to say it again?”

“no, I’m fine.”

“But we are concerned that you will anger Demon Palace by doing so.”

“The bottom line is that this has a bad impact on our Loose Cultivator Alliance.”

“After all, your younger brother Ye Yuan, those things you did in Fenghai City have already caused people’s anger. If you do this again …

Three people are worried.

“Then you tell Fenghaicheng people that this is not what I want to do, it is Qin Feiyang who forced me to do it.”

“If you don’t want to be involved, go to Qin Feiyang for them.”

Ye Heavenly Dao.


Three people helplessly nodded.

Kill the baby?

This is crueler than Ye Yuan!

This matter cannot be neglected.

Otherwise, the Loose Cultivator Alliance will inevitably become a street-crossing rat in the east. Everyone hates it and everyone shouts.


as predicted.

When this notice came out, immediately triggered a tempest in Fenghai City.

“Didn’t expect Ye Tian is unexpectedly the same.”

“Do not!”

“He is more inhuman than Ye Yuan, not even letting a newborn baby go!”

“Don’t complain?”

“Hurry up and find Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo, otherwise you don’t know how many children will suffer.”


Feng Haicheng’s people dispatched in search of lunatics and Qin Feiyang.

Some couples heard the news and immediately wanted to transfer their children out.


4 big city gates are all blocked.

Everyone else can leave, but babies alone cannot leave Fenghai City.



“Isn’t this acting willfully?”


white haired old man sitting at the desk, hearing the reports from the people below, immediately angry.

“Now there are many people around the door, asking us to take action in Molou.”

“Do you say we care, or don’t care?”

Standing opposite the guard, asked.

The white haired old man groaned a little, and said, “This is not something that old man can make the decision. You have to ask Miss Yun for it. You go out first. If there is any situation, please report to me anytime.”


The guard responded respectfully and turned to leave quickly.


“Loose Cultivator Alliance …”

white haired old man eyes flashed, take out the sound transmission Divine Stone.



Chu Yun’s illusory shadow appears.

“Sun Zhengzhong, met Miss Chu Yun.”

white haired old man got up saluted.

“Is there anything in Ye Tian?”

Chu Yun asked with a smile.

“How do you know?”

Sun Zhengzhong stared blankly.

“Let you always give me summoning in person, what else can there be besides Ye Tian?”

Chu Yun shook her head.

“Miss is having an incredible foresight.”

“It’s really Ye Tian.”

Sun Zhengzhong nodded, and briefly explained the situation.


“These people are heartbroken!”

“They’re not afraid, they really become the malignant tumor of East Continent. Everyone casts aside?”

Chu Yun was instantly angry.

“I think these people have long forgotten the original intention of the Loose Cultivator Alliance.”

Sun Zhengzhong sneered.

Chu Yun groaned a little and waved her hand: “We don’t care about this.”

“Regardless of?”

Sun Zhengzhong looked at Chu Yun in shock.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter for the time being.”

“We let the Loose Cultivator Alliance continue to toss, and when everyone really spits out, we will come forward.”

“By then, the image of our Demon Palace in the world will immediately become the savior of East Continent.”

“The Loose Cultivator Alliance will be flattened by then, and it will be justified.”

Chu Yun said.

“so that’s how it is.”

“Miss Truly brilliant.”

Sun Zhengzhong said with a smile.

“What Gao Ming is not Gao Ming.”

“To be honest, I don’t want to sympathize with these people at all.”

“Because everything they ask for now.”

“Think about it.”

“Our Demon Palace, as the sole ruler of East Continent, they felt that our Demon Palace had occupied all the resources, it was very bad for them, and they wanted to support the Loose Cultivator Alliance.”

“Well now, the Loose Cultivator Alliance has finally grown up with their support, but how does the Loose Cultivator Alliance return them now?”

“So, after all, today’s situation was created by them, so they naturally have to realize the consequences.”

Chu Yun said differently.

“That’s true.”

Sun Zhengzhong is nodded.

If the Demon Palace had been guarding the east continent, the east continent would have been engulfed by the west continent, the north continent, and the south continent.

As for resources.

Since Demon Palace wants to protect East Continent, naturally it is necessary to work hard to strengthen yourself, otherwise what to protect?

Can you clap your hands?

Definitely not.

To grow Demon Palace, of course, you need a lot of resources.

But as a result, what did they give in return? Instead of being grateful, he was full of hostility towards Demon Palace.

In the face of this kind of thing, who has no feeling wronged in my heart!

After all, not everyone is Saint, selfless dedication.

Not to mention how to pursue Demon Palace, at least it should pay a little respect!

“Just do what I say!”

“Let these people open their eyes and take a good look, who is the one who is really guarding East Continent?”

Chu Yun said.


Sun Zhengzhong answered respectfully.

That night!

After the early morning, Ye Tian really killed a child.

Looking at this bloody picture, everyone immediately realized that Ye Tian was not joking with them.


Everyone is in danger and desperately searching for Qin Feiyang two people.

“How to do?”

City Lord Mansion.

Zhuo Tiansheng three people were sitting in a private room, all anxious.

They want to inform Qin Feiyang two people, but they are worried about the safety of Qin Feiyang two people.

After all, Ye Tian is not Ye Yuan, this is a real monster!


“I can’t really let Ye Tian act such will willfully.”

“Otherwise, let’s not say the Loose Cultivator Alliance, even the three of us will be shameless in the future.”

The town owner suddenly looked up and looked towards Zhuo Innate Dao: “at once to Qin Feiyang they were summoning.”

“it is good!”

Zhuo Tiansheng hearing this, also clenched the teeth, took out the sound transmission Divine Stone.

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