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Qin Feiyang stumbled.

He also thought that Lu Yun was blaming him, and indulged Wolf King to pee at Shao Hong two people.

It turned out that Lu Yun thought that Huang San was hit by him.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly explained, “Elder, you misunderstood, Huang San did not fight us, but Lu Ziyuan them.”

But in my heart, I had an inexplicable aversion to this Law Enforcement Elder.

It is ridiculous to draw a conclusion without asking the cause or right or wrong.

“Lu Ziyuan them?”

Lu Yun frowned, shouted: “Lu Ziyuan, at once, come out for me.”


The stone gate of Pill Refinement Room 3 opens.

Lu Ziyuan three people, stepped out one after another, and bowed, “Meet Elder Lu.”

The six Level 6 Spirit Power youth men and women also ran out of the news.

Lu Yun looked at Lu Ziyuan three people and asked, “What’s up with Huang San?”

“We don’t know!”

Lu Ziyuan three people glanced at Huang San and shook their heads, looking confused.

“The show started again.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flashed slightly.

Maybe the passage just recorded can now come in handy.

Lu Yun said, “Why then Qin Feiyang would say, you guys made Huang San like this?”

“He is venomous slander!”

“Elder, look, we still have that bastard’s pee.”

“They just rely on it and can refining Pill Refinement top grade medicinal pill, show off one’s military strength here, and don’t take anyone seriously.”

“Elder, if you don’t believe me, ask Huang San.”

Lu Ziyuan three people filled with indignation and feeling wronged.

Lu Yun glanced at Lu Ziyuan three people, and Qin Feiyang two people and Wolf King again, his eyes were full of anger.

“It’s so out of order!”

“You people, have been spoiled!”

“Today, I have to make a thorough investigation of this matter!”

“If anyone lies, don’t blame Ben Elder becoming hostile ruthless!”

“Huang San, get me up!”

Lu Yun shouted.

Huang San’s eyes were immediately slightly trembled.

If you tell the truth, you will definitely offend Lu Ziyuan three people.

If you help Lu Ziyuan three people and slander Qin Feiyang, you will offend Qin Feiyang, the top grade Alchemist.

He can’t afford to offend these two people!

He is suffering!

He’s just a nobody, why is it necessary to sandwich him in the middle to make it hard for him to do?

At last.

He simply passed out and fainted.

As long as nothing is said, then it doesn’t matter to him.

Lu Ziyuan three people looked simultaneously, a flash of irony flashed in his eyes.

“Junior Brother Huang San, don’t be afraid.”

“With Elder Lu presiding, Qin Feiyang is afraid to treat you.”

“Yes, say everything you need to say, and let Elder Lu make the decision for you.”

Three people walked over and looked down at Huang San said with a smile.

But Huang San lay on the ground, motionless, as if passed out.

Lu Ziyuan squatted on the ground and turned Huang San over.

When Huang San was injured, his face changed suddenly.

He looked up and glared at two people and a wolf, shouted: “What deep hatred does he have with you? Want you to fight so hard?”

“Well, it’s pitiful.”

“Huang San is also the same sect senior and junior brothers. It’s really too much of you to do this.”

Shao Hong two people also shook his head and sighed.

Two people and a wolf are silent.

However, if you look closely, you will find that there is a hint of fun in their eyes.

Make trouble!

Keep going!

The fiercer the trouble, the more angry Lu Yun will be when the truth comes out.

It will be more than just punishment.

Lu Yun’s brows got deeper and deeper. He took out a Healing Pill and threw it to Lu Ziyuan, saying, “Submit him, I want him to say it himself.”


Lu Ziyuan catches Healing Pill, and respectfully responds, and put Healing Pill into Huang San’s mouth.

“How to do?”

Huang San was anxious.

It seems that we cannot escape today.

He pondered in the dark, slowly eyes opened, and said, “Where is this?”

Lu Ziyuan said with a smile: “Junior Brother Huang San, you finally woke up, tell Elder Lu, Qin Feiyang, how did they torture you?”

“Elder Lu?”

Huang San slightly stared blankly, hurriedly got up, knelt on the ground respectfully, and said, “Disciple Huang San, meet Elder Lu!”

Lu Yun said, “Say, how did you get this injury?”


Huang San looked towards Lu Ziyuan three people, three people glanced at the solemn light at the same time.

Seeing this solemn light, Huang San shuddered, and looked towards Qin Feiyang two people and Wolf King.

Lu Hong said, “I urge you to stop being used.”

“what are you doing?”

“In the presence of Elder Lu, you dare to threaten him.”

“You are too brave!”

Lu Ziyuan three people shouted.

Lu Hong corner of the mouth lifted, holding a deep taunt.

Lu Ziyuan pats Huang San’s shoulder, said with a smile: “Junior Brother Huang San, don’t be afraid, we will help you, you can tell the truth.”

Huang San’s heart fell, and he looked towards Lu Yun and said, “Back to Elder Lu, it’s Qin Feiyang. They made me like this. Please ask Elder to make a decision for Disciple!”

Lu Ziyuan three people laughed.

But Qin Feiyang two people and Wolf King also laughed.

Only Lu Yun was as cold as a face.

She turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang and said, “What else do you have to say?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Elder Lu, say something bad, some people are really spoiled by you.”

“You are bold!”

“Unexpectedly dared to speak to Elder Lu like this, do you know the elder brother?”

“Elder Lu, this man is narrow-minded, means very ruthless, and must be punished severely!”

Lu Ziyuan three people bowed.

Lu Yun complexion sank, said: “Qin Feiyang, at once give up Pill Refinement Room 2 and roll back to the first floor. Within a year, you must not come to the tenth floor!”

Lu Ziyuan three people simultaneously looked, and my heart was so proud.


Continue unbridled!

Having said that, the 2nd Pill Refinement Room will return to them soon, still not convinced?

Is it fulfilled now?

This is the end to them!

Seeing Qin Feiyang being indifferent, Lu Yun completely lost his patience and shouted: “Don’t roll off!”

“oh! ”

Qin Feiyang is deeply sighed. He has no good feelings for this ridiculous woman now.

He said indifferently: “Lu Hong, let us Elder Lu, listen carefully.”


Lu Ziyuan and the others stared blankly.

I saw that Lu Hong took out the crystal stone, and Battle Qi blended in. The words recorded before, echoed clearly and void here.

“How could this be?”

Huang San looked dull.

When were they recorded?

The face of Lu Ziyuan three people was also pale in an instant, and the whole person collapsed to the ground weakly.

Why is this happening?

Obviously have a winning ticket!

Qin Feiyang at once will be beaten back to its original shape and become a street crossing mouse. Why did this change happen?

God, why are you making fun of people!

three people heart like dead ashes.

This is over.

Lu Yun will definitely act violently.

They looked up and cautiously looked at Lu Yun.


I saw Lu Yun clenched his hands, his face was glomymy, and his whole body was bitter!

“Elder Lu, we were wrong.”

“Elder Lu, please give us a chance to turn over a new leaf.”

“We must be honest in the future, please Elder leave a way out.”

Three people quickly confessed their mistakes for leniency.

“oh! ”

Qin Feiyang is deeply sighed.

If today, it wasn’t him who kept an eye on it, but I’m afraid he’s asking for forgiveness.

If you want to survive in Sacred Palace, you have to do it step by step.

Otherwise one will accidentally break their bones.

He looked down towards Huang San.

Huang San immediately lowered his head in panic, afraid to look into his eyes.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “I have made you feel good about yourself, but why don’t you just listen?”

“Senior Brother Qin, I can’t help it!”

Huang San wept a face, looked up towards Lu Yun, and said, “Elder Lu, Disciple was forced.”

“If disciple, don’t stigmatize Senior Brother Qin today, Lu Ziyuan and they will certainly not miss disciple.”

“Elder Lu, show mercy, and spare this time!”

Huang San begged hard.


This is the sadness of nobody, the helplessness of nobody.

Qin Feiyang looked towards Lu Yun, shaking his head and saying, “Did you see it? Now you still deny what the previous disciple said?”

Elder Lu face sinking like water.

These people are more than just being spoiled.

It’s simply rampant.

Even in this case, they are almost one hand shrouding the heavens at Pill Fire Palace!


“Very good!”

“Unexpectedly, I have cultivated so many Little Overlords at Sacred Palace.”

“Do you think that you are very difficult to deal with? Amazing?”

Lu Yun looked down and asked towards three people, and his anger was burning wildly.

“No no.”

Lu Ziyuan three people hurriedly shook his head.


“At once get me out of Pill Fire Palace, just outside the square, and give me kneels for a month!”

“Without my orders, who dares to get up and expel Sacred Palace directly, never step into Sacred Palace forever!”

Lu Yun growled.

She was completely angry.

Under her jurisdiction, unexpectedly such a thing happened, it was a big joke.

“Elder Lu, raise your hand!”

“We really know it was wrong.”

Lu Ziyuan three people rushed to kowtow for mercy, and there was no blood on his face, as pale as paper.

Lu Yun shouted: “If you don’t get out, I will let your family members come to Sacred Palace to receive the corpse!”



The three people were shaking like a thunder from a clear sky, and they quickly got up and ran towards the first floor like escape.

Wolf King stood on his face, waving his paw, “Run slowly, don’t fall.”

Bang bang bang!

Lu Ziyuan three people were stunned at the moment, rolled down the stairs, and screamed with blood flow.

“Wow quack …”

“Look, tell you to run slowly, you don’t listen.”

“Okay now, my face is all gone.”

Wolf King taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Qin Feiyang and Lu Hong looked simultaneously, and their eyes were full of smiles.

To know.

For the proud Lu Ziyuan three people, kneeling in the outer square for a month was more painful than killing them.

It can also be seen that Lu Yun is really angry.

The scariest thing now is Huang San.

Lu Yun was silent and seemed to be thinking, how to deal with him?

Here, a deathly stillness.

After a while.

Lu Yun finally looked towards Huang San, saying, “Go and pack up, and leave Sacred Palace at once.”


Huang San cry out in surprise.

This meant that he was expelled from Sacred Palace.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered a little, arching: “Elder Lu, Huang San, despite being wrong, was helpless, so I asked Elder to be light-headed.”

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