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2nd day.

Little bunny appeared, throwing four jade slips to Qin Feiyang and the lunatic.

“So fast?”

Two people looked at it in surprise.

“Is this fast?”

“All 5000 years have passed.”

little bunny took out a bottle of Black Tortoise divine wine and said while drinking.



Two people looked at each other in blank dismay, is n’t this just one day?

Did you say …

Somewhere on this island, there is a Time Array of 5000 years a day?

“As you think, how about it, envy it!”

Little bunny looked at two people with pride.


Two people’s hearts immediately set off a huge wave of waves. Time Law of 5000 years a day is too ridiculous!

You know.

Even the blood Demon Pagoda, the Peak period is only 2000 years a day.

Now, Profound Martial World is only one thousand years old.

If I could cultivate here, would n’t it be better to twist the results for half the effort?

“Big brother …”

The lunatic eyeball turned and smiled at the little bunny flattering.


But before waiting for the madman to speak up, little bunny waved his paw and said with a black face: “Don’t pay attention to my Time Array.”

“Do n’t you say when you worshiped yesterday, you have to be blessed and shared, is it difficult to be the same? Why do n’t you recognize people in a blink of an eye!”

The lunatic held his mouth, his face full of sadness.

“Do n’t tell me what happened yesterday? Think of Lord Rabbit and get angry.”

Little bunny fiercely stared at the lunatic, immediately looking at the two people weakly, saying: “Comprehend Law Profound Truth, it does n’t matter much with time. You need good luck, you can understand it in minutes, if you are not lucky Well, do n’t say 5000 years a day, even if you give you a time array of 10,000 years a day, it does n’t make much sense. ”

“This is true.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“So, the most important thing is to go and see more.”

“The simpler it is, the more likely it is to hide truth and mystery and observe it with care.”

“Okay, hurry up and practice these Divine Art, maybe it will bring you unexpected surprises!”

little bunny mysterious smile.

“Unexpected surprise?”

Qin Feiyang two people simultaneously looked, and quickly entered Ancient Castle to retreat.

“Purple Gold Dragon Blood, Evil Power …”

“Interesting, interesting …”

Little bunny looked at the place where the two people disappeared, with a playful smile flashing in her eyes.


Profound Martial World.

A thousand years have passed.

Jianhuang and Black Winged Sovereign ’s injuries have also been completely recovered.

Looking at my former companions, such as Xia Yuan, have already stepped into the Great Perfection Inextinguishable Realm, and they are all traveling around, comprehend Law Power, impacting half-step ruler, and I feel a thousand times in my heart.

Time is passing fast.

Especially the achievements of Qin Feiyang and Madman now make them stupefied.

Same thing.

They already have a comprehensive understanding of Tianyun Realm.

It was the departure of Qin Batian and Lu Zheng Yang that made them feel sorry.

As for Profound Martial World, they are of course no strangers. Demon Ghost Land has not changed much, but things have remained the same, but people have changed elsewhere.


In the unfamiliar place of Tianyun Realm, Profound Martial World is undoubtedly a home belonging to them.

Come here and settle down in a moment.


Demon Palace Palace Lord, Huo Lao, Chu Yun, staying at Profound Martial World with peace of mind.


They are far more curious about Profound Martial World than Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang’s talent is very good, but an independent world attracts them even more.

Sometimes even thinking, if their Demon Palace also has such an independent world, how good.

As for Ye Tian.

At first staying at Demon Ghost Land, he still resisted a bit, but after a long time, he gradually got used to it.

If you can’t do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it!

green-clothed woman After waking up, I learned that this is an independent world, and a pair of eyeballs are also staring at Boss.

This is amazing too!

Where are you from Qin Feiyang?

An independent world, not to mention people like her, even the older Peak characters, dare not think about it!


Ye Tian ’s two people ’s residence is adjacent to Huo Old Third ’s residence.

Because of this, both sides often encounter.

At first, when I saw the fire, the Old Third was unexpectedly here, and the two people were really taken aback, and they were very cautious when they got along.

But getting along slowly, they found that the Fire Old Third person had no shelf at all, humble, polite and amiable.

And they can still feel that three people are just like treating them as their own Junior. Sometimes they talk to them, talk about life philosophy, and even teach them cultivation.

So, gradually, two people are also happy and accepting three people.

In short.

The atmosphere of Demon Ghost Land is very harmonious.



Time passes day by day.

However, insignificant five days, east continent, west continent, north continent, south continent, legends about Qin Feiyang and lunatics have appeared.

Especially east continent!


“Qin Feiyang and Madman are Mo Wuyuan and Mo Wu regret?”

“My God, what did they do? Not only did they sneak into the Loose Cultivator Alliance, they also became the Direct Disciple of Vice Alliance Lord and Palace Lord of the Hall of Fame.”

“I heard about their rumors before, and I still feel a bit exaggerated, absolutely didn’t expect, and there is more exaggeration than this.”

“I am completely convinced of these two people. I do n’t think there is anything they ca n’t do without them in this world.”

“What is this?”

“I also heard that in this exchange of Great Competition, Qin Feiyang and the lunatics are the three genius monsters in the blood-cutting hall.”

“It is said that Qin Feiyang ’s opponent not only masters the fifth Profound Truth of the Three Grand Law, but also Supreme level heaven defying auxiliary Divine Art, and even two Supreme level heaven defying Divine Artifact, but the result is still dead in Qin Feiyang’s hands. “

“I also heard about it. This Qin Feiyang holds the fifth Profound Truth of the law of cause and effect, which is so simple and outrageous.”

“The most important thing is that before challenging the two people, the Blood Palace also laid down an unequal rule that does not allow two people to open Battle Soul, and what … what is it, I ca n’t think of it …”

“right right right is 3,000 Incarnations and Killing Domain …”

“Although I do n’t know what these are, it is enough to let the Blood Palace set this unequal rule. It is enough to see that the Blood Palace is very afraid of it. It must be a killing move of two people.”

“But even with this unequal rule, the blood palace’s genius monster is still defeated by two people.”

“Imagine how strong these two people are.”

“Even at the end, Qin Feiyang and the madman greatly showing divine might challenge all the disciplines of the Blood Palace, but as a result, no one dared to really fight.”

“The two great big shots of the blood palace, with the following discipline, fled back to the western continent in a gray way.”

“Although I have not witnessed it with my own eyes, but just thinking about this picture, I am unable to bear the blood boiling.”

“They, this is the battle fame, sensational sky cloud realm, as for the blood palace, haha ​​… that no doubt becomes a joke in our sky cloud realm.”


Such discussions are all over the sky.

As for the person disseminating the news, it must be the three parties power of Demon Palace, Heaven Temple, Divine Palace.

Because this is a good opportunity to suppress the Blood Palace.


“Shameful things are a bunch of useless rice buckets!”

West continent.

A great hall, Old Hai stands inside the great palace, flies into a rage.

The power of the Blood Palace is spread throughout the sky cloud world, so it is immediately obtained from each continent.

Although I was mentally prepared, I was still unable to bear.

As for what he said as “useless rice buckets”, it means that the Blood Temple went to participate in the Core Disciple of the Great Competition this time.

Especially Nie Ziyang, he became more and more angry.

Give him so much Supreme level heaven defying divine object, unexpectedly still died in the hands of Qin Feiyang.

This is replaced by Qin Feiyang, it is estimated that even if only the cultivation base of the early ruler environment, relying on these divine objects, it can also defeat defeat.


“Everything has happened, what’s the point of being angry?”

“Contact Wang Shan quickly and ask if these two people are returning to Demon Palace now?”

A bloody old man sat on the top, watching Old Hai appease, and looked towards the Great Deacon next to it.

This man is the Palace Lord of the Blood Palace!

Great Deacon takes out the sound transmission Divine Stone, but at the next moment, his body is stiff, and his face gloomy with him.


Bloodcoat old man looked at him suspiciously.

“The contract bridge between me and Wang Yuan disappeared.”

Great Deacon swallowed saliva and said, looking up towards towards the blood-haired old man.


The Palace Lord of the Blood Temple raised his eyebrows.

Old Hai nodded, an amazing murderous aura flashing in his eyes, coldly snorted said: “This Eminence personally went to East Continent this time!”

After Old Hai left, Palace Lord of Blood looked towards Great Deacon and said, “You are going to transfer Merman Sovereign and White Winged Sovereign to other places now.”


Great Deacon is suspicious.

“Qin Feiyang has a secret art that can read memories. This Eminence is worried that Wang Shan will fall into his hands.”

“If it really falls into his hands, with his mind, he will surely find a way to read Wang Shan’s memory. Then, will he not know where Merman Sovereign two people are held?”

“So, in case of if by any chance, it is best to transfer.”

The Palace Lord of the Blood Temple.


Great Deacon nodded responded, and then turned and strode away.

“Qin Feiyang …”

“Madman Mo …”

“I do n’t believe this Eminence. With the power and status of my blood temple, I ca n’t beat you two yellow-haired brats!”

The Palace Lord of Blood murmured a flash of murderous intention in his eyes, then got up and disappeared without a trace.

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