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Two people and a wolf appeared again at the door.

The fatty thief said, “Boss, did you hear that, Sacred Palace Head Palace Lord and Treasure Pavillion Head Pavillion Lord, as if they are still a sister flower?”

“What do you want to do?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, and frowned at him.

“No, just a little curious.”

“Listen to their voice, it should not be very old woman.”

“Listening to their conversation, it is estimated that there are no men, otherwise they would not say such words as” boring. “

“Boss, you just show the charm of men and get them.”

“In this way, a few of us will be able to walk sideways in Prefecture City in the future.”

fatty insignificant said with a smile.

“This can be.”

Wolf King nodded.

The next group of guards are dumbfounded, is this one man one wolf too insignificant?


Qin Feiyang was a little embarrassed, and he gave a shudder directly to Wolf King and fatty.

“Nonsense, tear your mouths!”

Fiercely glared at them, Qin Feiyang smiled at those guard embarrased, and turned into the great hall.

The decoration inside the palace is simple.

There were no other decorations on the walls except for a few murals.

On the ground, there are only 6 seats, with a coffee table beside each seat, all carved from the most common wood.

Beside the several stone pillars, and at the four corners, a pot of green potted plants is placed each, which is full of vitality.

I am afraid that the entire great hall, everything, these potted plants are the most valuable.

It can be seen that Mansion Lord is a very cheap old man.

Mansion Lord starred blankly slightly, wondering, “Why are you here?”

After waiting for Qin Feiyang’s answer, Mansion Lord said, “But just right, old man wants to tell you something.”

Qin Feiyang came to Mansion Lord and wondered, “Is it about the Lu Family?”


Mansion Lord shook his head, said with a smile: “I want to ask, what do you think of Wushuang?”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, nodded and said: “Sister is good!”

“Wow ha ha …”

Wolf King rushed up, wondering with a smile: “old man, do you want to match Little Qinzi with any little girl? Let me tell you, my little Qinzi has a well-known owner.”


Mansion Lord stumbled.


Fat also came in and coughed, “Brother Wolf, you are wrong. It should be a master of grass. Boss is not a flower.”

Wolf King chuckled said: “It doesn’t matter if it’s a grass or a flower, anyway.”

Qin Feiyang jumped up.

Are these 2 scoundrels clear about the situation?

You know, this is in front of Mansion Lord!

If you mess with this Old Master, they don’t even want to be safe.


When he looked towards Mansion Lord, Mansion Lord was not at all angry.

Mansion Lord looked at Wolf King and fatty, and finally couldn’t help shaking his head and laughing.

“You think too much.”

“The old man just wanted to ask you guys, do you think Shuang’er and Lu Xingchen are a good match?”

Mansion Lord said.


Not to match Qin Feiyang and Ren Wushuang, but to match Ren Wushuang and Lu Xingchen?

What kind of joke?

“It definitely doesn’t match.”

“That idiot is worthy of being a little girl?”

“Old man, don’t push any little girl into Fire Pit, be careful she hates you forever!”

Growled Wolf King.

“Fire Pit?”

Mansion Lord stared blankly, looked towards Qin Feiyang: “What do you think?”

“Of course not.”

“Although I haven’t seen that Lu Xingchen, my sister mentioned him to me, and I heard that it’s different.”

“And every time I mentioned him, my sister looked disgusted.”

Qin Feiyang without the slightest hesitation.

“This is troublesome.”

Mansion Lord frowned.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang is puzzled.

Mansion Lord said: “Did Shuang’er not tell you that she and Lu Xingchen are engaged?”


two people and a wolf looked at each other in blank dismay.

They really didn’t know that Ren Wushuang never said it.

Wolf King angered: “Old man, is there anyone like you who is a grandfather? Do n’t ask her what she means, she will hate you sooner or later.

Mansion Lord’s face was full of bitter smiles and sighed: “In fact, as soon as they were born, they ordered the engagement, also known as the arranged betrothal of minors.”

Wolf King scorned: “So small, you sell the granddaughter, and you are really wonderful.”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, shouted: “Don’t talk nonsense.”

“it doesn’t matter.”

Mansion Lord waved his hand and said, “To be honest, this family relationship was not set by the old man, but was Shuang’er’s parents.”

Mansion Lord stated that Ren Wushuang’s parents had a good relationship with Lu Xingchen’s parents.

Shortly after Lu Xingchen was born, Ren Wushuang was also born.

At that time, Lu Xingchen’s father proposed to set up an engagement for the two children so that they could kiss each other.

Ren Wushuang’s parents also readily agreed.

Originally at first, Mansion Lord was also very satisfied with Lu Xingchen and was very clever and sensible.

But when Lu Xingchen grew up and became a top grade Alchemist, his personality gradually changed.

arrogant, proud and rude wait a minute.

Mansion Lord also slowly began to disappoint.

But engagement has been set, as the master of a state, it is naturally impossible for him to regret marriage.

Seeing granddaughter, a reluctant look, he couldn’t bear it again.

and so.

He is now also if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, at a loss.

Wolf King sound transmission: “Little Qinzi, let’s just help him, anyway, we have offended Lu Family, and we don’t care about offending again.”


Qin Feiyang hesitated.

Wolf King said: “What a little girl is your sister, so you plan to let her Little White dish be arched by Lu Xingchen’s pig?”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

He will certainly help Ren Wushuang.

But know that Ren Wushuang is the granddaughter of Mansion Lord. As long as Lu Xingchen marries her, Lu Family’s status in Ling Prefecture will be more stable.

How could Lu Family easily let go of such an opportunity?

Wanting Patriarch Lu to give up, simply is whimsical.

Moan a little.

He looked up towards Mansion Lord, said with a smile: “You’re not good at it, so let’s face it!”


Mansion Lord stared.


Qin Feiyang nodded, lightly said with a smile: “After all, she is my sister. Although she is not a biological sister, she is really nice to me. I don’t want her to be ruined by Lu Xingchen’s pig.”


Mansion Lord repeatedly nodded, got up and walked in front of Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “If you can really solve this problem, old man will be rewarded.”

“What’s the reward?”

Wolf King stepped up, chuckled.

“Temporarily confidential.”

Mansion Lord mysterious smiled.

fatty Said with a smile: “Brother Wolf, you don’t want to think about it, will the reward given by Mansion Lord be bad?”

“That may not be.”

“If you look at this, the most valuable are those potted plants, which are even poorer than Little Qinzi was in Iron Ox Town.”

Wolf King disdains.

The Mansion Lord face twitched and exasperated, “I said you this wolf pup, is it because the old man is so good at talking, is it so impudent?”

Wolf King pouted: “Don’t threaten brother. Brother is very stingy, and offends brother. Brother doesn’t care about the little thing of little girl, you have a headache yourself.”

Mansion Lord.

Has he been threatened?

Obviously this ruffian wolf is threatening him?

It’s so outrageous!

Think of him as the Dignified Lord of the State, who saw him not respectfully?

For the first time since becoming a Mansion Lord.

Threatening by a wolf is the first time in his life.


With the character of this ruffian wolf, and the cleverness of Qin Feiyang, maybe he can really destroy the engagement.

Thinking of this, he was too lazy to care about it.

He looked towards Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “Are you coming to me for something?”

“By the way, I almost forgot about business.”

Qin Feiyang slaps his head and looks towards fatty: “Take out the evidence.”

fatty nodded, remove the image crystal stone.

Battle Qi surging, rays of light 4 shooting room, void in front, a video, quickly emerged.

In the picture!

Guard Chief entered the prison, opened the prison room stone gate, and went in to punch and kick Yan Nanshan.

And at the same time, he also scolded some offensive swear words.

Mansion Lord asked, “Why do you show me this?”

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “You don’t know him? He is Yan Nanshan.”

“Yan Nanshan?”

Mansion Lord groaned a little, and said suddenly: “It was him, old man has heard of it, but never seen it, it seems that Wang Hong is in charge.”

“never seen it?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

But think about it, it ’s true that Mansion Lord exists, and the average person will never meet.

Even more how, Yan Nanshan is still a guilty prisoner.

“Last time, Commander Wang Hong and I had already said yes, and Yan Nanshan would be released a year later, but I didn’t expect it, then the Guard Chief treated him like this!

Qin Feiyang now details the whole sequence of events.

fatty is on the side, adding a few words from time to time, pouring oil to the fire.

Listened to it.

Mansion Lord immediately became furious.

As a Guard Chief in prison, unexpectedly using power for personal gain is simply not irritating.

“Come on!”

He screamed angrily, and a guard ran in immediately, bowing, “What did Sir tell me?”

Mansion Lord said, “Go and call Wang Hong.”


The guard responded respectfully and turned and ran out.

Guard just left.

Mansion Lord turning one’s head looked towards fatty, and the old eyes flashed inexplicable radiance.


fatty was seen as guilty.

Mansion Lord said: “It’s only been more than half a month to get such evidence, and your mind is not easy!”

“You flatter me, far worse than Boss.”

fatty embarrased said with a smile.

Mansion Lord said, “Did you buy another guard?”

“This one……”

Fat was alert at once and said, “If you promise not to blame me, I will say.”

Mansion Lord waved, “Okay, no need to say it, old man already knows the answer.”

no doubt.

It must be a guard, bought by this fatty.

He also knew that such a thing was very common.

But it’s so easy to be bought, aren’t these guards too tempting?

What a shame!

At this time.

Wang Hong strode into the great hall and bowed, “I’ve seen Sir.”


Mansion Lord nodded, saying, “fatty, let Wang Hong see what kind of goods he has cultivated.”

“What do you mean?”

Wang Hong frowned.

With a wave of fatty, that image reappeared.


After reading it, Wang Hong was furious and bowed down: “Sir, it is the subordinate’s misconduct, please Sir to punish him.”

“What’s the use of punishing you?”

“That Guard Chief, it’s up to you!”

“As for Yan Nanshan, after listening to Qin Feiyang, he is not bad. He already knows repentance, so let it go!”

Mansion Lord instructed.


Wang Hong nodded and asked, “Should he send him back to Yan County? Or should he stay in Prefecture City?”

Mansion Lord asked, “How is his cultivation base?”

Wang Hong said: “8-Star Battle Sovereign.”

“The strength is good, so don’t send it back.”

“Did Sacred Palace just drive out a group of people? Arrange him to Sacred Palace!”

Mansion Lord said.

Two people and a wolf are overjoyed, Yan Nanshan is finally suffering!

“Okay, let’s do that.”

Wang Hong bowed, and turned and walked outside.

Wolf King hurriedly said, “wait a minute, we will go too.”


Wang Hong glanced at two people and a wolf, looked towards Mansion Lord.

Wolf King anxiously said: “old man, we already told Yan Nanshan that we would pick him up in person, but you can’t let us break our word!”

Mansion Lord glanced at two people and a wolf and waved, “Just take them!”


With a wave of his hand, Wang Hong rolled up two people and a wolf, flew out of the main conference hall like lightning, and flew towards the jail.

“These three Little Brats are all incredible!”

Mansion Lord sighed.

Buy Guard.

Suppress Lu Family.

This thing, even an old Antique, may not be able to do it.

But now, it happened to several youngsters.

He even had a hunch. In a few years, I am afraid that no one will be the opponent of these two people and a wolf.

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