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Qin Feiyang thought about it and said, “All it takes.”


Yan Nanshan stumbled and asked, “What do you want so much Battle Qi Pill for?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Wolf King they all need Battle Qi Pill now, I’m definitely more prepared.”

Yan Nanshan smiled bitterly.

He wants it all, what about other disciples?

Are you not afraid to cause public outrage?

“Okay, I’ll get it for you.”

Yan Nanshan got up and strode out.

“It’s convenient to have someone in Resource Palace.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

If I changed to someone else today, I would definitely not agree.



The image of crystal stone is moving.

Qin Feiyang took it out, and Battle Qi poured into it.

An illusory shadow appeared.

It’s Huang San!

Qin Feiyang asked, “How is the situation for the Lu Family?”

Although he was half retiring for a month to write Battle Character Art, he was asked to ask Huang San to help him.

“Lu Family is not only low-key but honest.”

“And even stranger, the Lu Family disciple runs out every day to do good deeds.”

“Senior Brother Qin, do you say they are convulsive?”

Huang San puzzled.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, said with a smile: “It should be!”

He can never tell Huang San that this is the masterpiece of Mansion Lord Old Master?

If Lu Family doesn’t, don’t ever want to lift the banner.

“there’s one more thing.”

“The other day, Shao Hong and Dong Cheng came to see me.”

“Ask me if Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill and Potential Pill were you refining.”

“And tempted me.”

“As long as I tell the truth, give me a normal Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill.”

“I Huang San, is that the kind of greedy and cheap?”

“So, I said nothing.”

“But Senior Brother Qin, is that what you refining?”

Huang San asked suspiciously.


Qin Feiyang shook his head.

For this Huang San, he dare not be tottaly devoted.

Because Huang San is a greedy and cheap man, he may not sell him at any time.

But from the current situation, Shao Hong two people are still very dishonest.

Huang San is also very puzzled.

Last time Qin Feiyang gave him the medical pill, which broke him through 3 small realms.

Isn’t this exactly the same as Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill of 2 Pill Marks?

But Qin Feiyang denied it, and he didn’t dare to ask more questions.

Qin Feiyang asked, “How many Gold Coins did Potential Pill and Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill shoot?”

“Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill sold for more than 1 billion.”

“Potential Pill is even worse, both auctioned to more than 2 100.”

“If these medicinal pills were mine, I would be well developed.”

Huang San was inspired.

“so tall!”

Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Isn’t this too ridiculous, completely beyond his expectations.

Counting, he has more than 2 100 copies of Potential Pill’s medical ingredient.

If you take it all for auction, even if one is 10,000,000,000, it will be more than 2 10000 and 100000000 million!

Not to mention the more valuable Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill and Advanced Potential Pill.

This adds up, the value is inestimable!

However, the capital is only 10,000,000,000, and it has earned more than 1000 times!

“I don’t do business, it’s all wasteful.”

After closing the crystal stone, Qin Feiyang couldn’t help but laugh narcissistically.

Now, even if you use transmission gate every day, you are not afraid.

Because he has money.

“What do you think? Smile so happy?”

At this time.

Yan Nanshan screwed in two heaven and earth bags and walked in.

“It’s nothing.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and asked, “How many?”

Yan Nanshan said with a smile: “It’s all here, a total of 500,000 copies.”

“Not enough!”

Qin Feiyang frowned.


Yan Nanshan almost fell asleep and fell down.

Knowing 500,000 Potential Pills is enough for fifty-sixty individuals, from Battle King cultivation to Battle Sovereign.

But this Little Brat is too few?

He wants so much Battle Qi Pill, is it really just for cultivation?

Used so much?

“This smelly brat is really invisible.”

Yan Nanshan in the dark mumbled, said with a smile: “Use it first, wait for me to buy a batch, and let people send you.”


Qin Feiyang nodded and asked, “What’s the price?”

Yan Nanshan said: “We need to distinguish between public and private. The market price of a medical ingredient is 10000 Gold Coin, so 500,000 copies, a total of 5,000,000,000, and a copper coin are all essential.”

“So expensive?”

Qin Feiyang eyeball glared.

You know, one Qi Gathering Pill is only 2 Gold Coins.

This is also the price of the finished medical pill.

If it’s only the medicinal ingredient, it’s still half cheaper.

Of course, he also knows that Battle Qi Pill is expensive, but a medicinal ingredient is 10000, which is too outrageous?

Fortunately, he is rich now, otherwise, he can only stare.

After checking out 5,000,000,000 Gold Coin and giving it to Yan Nanshan, Qin Feiyang left Resource Palace.

Although there is no shortage of money, I still can’t help it.

During those 5 years in Iron Ox Town, he was really scared.

After half an hour.

A stone pagoda enters the sight of Qin Feiyang.

Stone pagoda is ten meters high, a total of four layers, whole body pitch-black like ink, exuding the ancient aura.

Above the pagoda gate, 4 magnificent characters are engraved.

——Martial Arts Treasury!

Qin Feiyang found a no-one corner and called out fatty and Wolf King.

“Martial Arts Treasury!”

Seeing Ancient Pagoda, one man one wolf is fine God One.

Fat chuckled: “Brother Wolf, don’t be too happy, maybe there’s no Battle Art you can cultivation at all.”

“Believing or not brother tears your crow’s mouth!”

Wolf King stared fiercely.

Fat pouted: “Fat Master just speaks frankly, and prepares you mentally in advance.”

“go away!”

Wolf King was furious.

If not, see how brother tortures you dead fatty.


Fat seemed to find something, looked up towards a sheep intestine trail, cry out in surprise: “Wow, beauty!”

Qin Feiyang glanced down, his eyes glanced at immediately.

“Look at your virtue, brother still doesn’t believe it, there is a beautiful as little girl and Mermaid Princess.”

Wolf King scorned at two people.

But when it looked, the eyeball glared suddenly and exclaimed, “Fuck, it’s really a beautiful girl.”

I saw a woman in a long black dress walking slowly in the intestine path.

She is 1.75 meters left and right and looks like about 22 3.

The tender and tender skin is broken at the touch of a finger, and the tall body is concave and convex.

one Black and beautiful green silk, dancing in the wind.

A pair of big eyes are bright and clear, like a spring water, filled with an air of emptiness.

She has a black clothed youth, majestic appearance, extraordinary temperament, and imposing manner unfathomable.

It’s a handsome man.

Two people walk side by side, talking and laughing, it’s like they are in love.

“They should be lovers.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, turning one’s head looked towards fatty, and his face immediately twitched.

This dead fatty, the saliva has flowed to the ground.

“Hey hey hey, come back.”

“No matter how beautiful you are, it has nothing to do with your half a dime.”

Qin Feiyang helplessly said.

“oh! ”

“A good Little White dish, unexpectedly let one pig fall off. It’s ridiculous!”

fatty towards the sky sadly shouted.

Qin Feiyang’s face was dark and angered, “Are you careful? I’m afraid they can’t hear?”

“Fat Master just feels unfair.”

“Boss, you see, Fat Master is fat, but the facial features are still very straightforward, and it can be regarded as a great handsome guy in the fatty world.”

“You said, I don’t have a woman, do you like Fat Master?”

Fat can’t figure it out.

Qin Feiyang can’t figure it out, this dead fatty 咋 is so shameless?

great handsome guy?

I really do n’t know, how could he have the courage to say such a thing?

The top grade in the fatty world is quite suitable for this scoundrel.

As for handsome brother, it doesn’t matter at all.

Qin Feiyang shook the head, walk quickly towards Ancient Pagoda.

“Fatty, it’s not brother that hits you. You really have to look in the mirror and think about it.”

Wolf King laughed and chased Qin Feiyang.

“Isn’t Fat Master handsome?”

“Fat Master understood.”

“You must be jealous of Fat Master’s handsomeness, so you deliberately hit Fat Master.

Fat catches up, touches his chin well, and shakes his head smartly.

“I served.”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.

“Brother has taken it, and it won’t work if you don’t!”

Wolf King shook his head.

Fat looked dark, shouting at one man one wolf in dissatisfaction: “What do you mean? Again, Fat Master can becoming hostile!”


The man and woman on the opposite side of the trail, turning one’s head looked towards fatty.

The black clothed youth frowned, and said angrily, “Dead fat pig, have we got in the way of you? What’s your face?”


fatty wrong.

Wolf King and Qin Feiyang are also a bit stunned.

This is a misunderstanding.

The man and woman must have thought that fatty was yelling at them.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Sorry, fatty is talking to us, not you.”

“That’s it, then forget it.”

“Speak quietly later, so as not to cause disaster.”

black clothed youth coldly said.


“Fat Master has a bad temper.”

Fat screamed, “You so awesome, you father and mother know? Fat Master likes to speak with a loud voice, why? You bite me!”


Black clothed youth stopped, turning one’s head looked towards fatty, said solemnly: “There is a kind you say again, if I don’t abolish you, I’ll follow your last name.”

“So dragged?”

Qin Feiyang and Wolf King stared blankly.

“Fat Master said it again and again?”

“Did you get in your way?”

“Is Sacred Palace yours? What do you want to say, can you manage it?”

fatty disdain.

black clothed youth Folded his hands, his eyes exuding a strong anger.


He made a stride, spanning more than ten meters, and landed in front of the fatty, without one slight of the slightest hesitation.

“Oh, really make a move!”

The fatty is called Lian Lian. He hid behind Qin Feiyang and took out the image of the crystal stone, ready to record it.

“you are courting death !”

The black clothed youth took a swift break, and was already furious. Seeing fatty took out the image of crystal stone, his immediate murderous intention permeated.

Sacred Palace prohibits private brawls.

If recorded, even his extraordinary natural talent would still be punished.

“Get out!”

He spoke to Qin Feiyang coldly shouted, violently probing out, grabbing at the crystal stone image on fatty’s hand.

“Your distinguished self, you might be too much!”

Qin Feiyang took a look with his eyes closed, and shot it directly with one fist.


golden light suddenly appeared!

A ‘Return’ character emerges.

2 big hands, meet instantly!



black clothed youth When the next blood spit out, the body flew out, the arms were torn skin and gaping flesh, and the blood was flowing directly.

“How can it be!”

black clothed youth turn pale with fright.

The strength, unexpectedly bounced back!

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “It’s just a misunderstanding. Why is it so aggressive? How about it?”


“Dare to hurt me, you will pay!”

The black clothed youth flashed a hint of hostility, took the next top grade Healing Pill, Battle Qi emerged, and the murderous looking rushed towards Qin Feiyang.

“Wait a minute.”

The black clothed woman suddenly spoke, then stepped in front of the black clothed youth and reached out to stop him.


She looked up Wolf King up and down, and looked towards Qin Feiyang, and asked, “Are you the new top grade Alchemist Qin Feiyang?”

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