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Qin Feiyang double-checked, and they were indeed just in a coma.

He couldn’t help but looked up towards the old woman and asked, “What the hell is going to happen before you let us go?”

With the power of this old witch, kill them with no difficulty.

But now they have not killed them.

So don’t be motivated.

“You are a very smart youngster.”

“You go to a place and help me find something.”

Old woman.

“Where, what?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“Land of Forgetfullness has a Grade 6 Pill Fire called Heavenly Thunder Flame. You can help this old woman get it out.”

The old woman said, old eyes are full of desire.

“Grade 6 Pill Fire !”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes shook.

Grade 6 Pill Fire is extremely rare, and to his knowledge, even at Imperial Capital there is only one.

didn’t expect, Ling Prefecture unexpectedly will!

But where is this Land of Forgetfullness?

Great Qin Empire’s section, he can be regarded as well know, but why not heard of it?

Qin Feiyang said: “Senior, can you tell us first, what kind of place is Land of Forgetfullness?”

The old woman said: “Land of Forgetfullness is an ancient vestige discovered by this old woman in his early years.”

“Ancient vestige!”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Right now!

The old woman flicked her fingers and a black streamer swept into Qin Feiyang’s mouth like lightning.


Qin Feiyang felt as if something had penetrated into him without the body.

“what did you do to me?”

He complexion changed, and quickly drew his mind into the body.

I saw one strand black air flowing in his within the body, heading for the heart!

He quickly mobilized Battle Qi and pounced on the black air.


Whether it is Purple Gold Dragon Qi, Flame Battle Qi, or Scarlet Sword Qi, it cannot smash the black airflow.

It is impossible to force black air out of the body.

“This is Black Fiend Poison.”

“It was this old woman who developed 99 extremely poisonous with 3 poisons and venoms. It took over 1 years.”

“Just one drop is enough to poison to death Battle Ancestor-level tyrant.”

“It will fuse with your heart and end your little life at any time.”

“Don’t want to use Detoxification Pill, because it’s useless.”

“Only this old woman’s special antidote can completely eradicate Black Fiend Poison.”

Old woman.

Qin Feiyang’s face turned pale.

This old witch is too poisonous!

The old woman took out a jade bottle, which contained a transparent liquid, and could have a small bottle.

“This is not an antidote, but it can prevent the onset of toxicity.”

“Every month, you take one drop to keep your little life.”

“When you come out of Land of Forgetfullness, give Heavenly Thunder Flame to this old woman, and this old woman will give you the antidote.”

After the old woman said it, she threw the jade bottle to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang held it in his hands and angry stared at her.

This old witch is really treacherous.

The old woman said, “If I were you, I would take a drop immediately.”

The voice has not fallen.

Qin Feiyang felt a strong tear in his heart.

Like the heart, all split up and in pieces!

He hurriedly poured a drop of clear liquid and swallowed it.


The heart is immediately painless.

“When Black Fiend Poison is not on, everything is as usual, so don’t worry, it will affect your cultivation.”

“But in the jade bottle, there are only 60 drops in total, which means you have 5 years.”

“If after 5 years you don’t come out of Land of Forgetfullness, you can only ask for blessing.”

Old woman.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “You are so strong, why don’t you go in yourself?”

“Because the entrance is restricted, only people below 9-Star Battle King can enter.”

According to the old woman.

She had been waiting since she found the entrance restricted.

Wait for a youngster with the ability to enter Butterfly Valley.

After all, the crisis was on the way from Perfect City to Butterfly Valley.

Those who have the ability to come to Butterfly Valley must have some means.

The greater the chance of entering Land of Forgetfullness and getting Heavenly Thunder Flame, the greater.

After listening to these words.

Qin Feiyang staring blankly endlessly.

After a moment, he said with a bitter smile: “Senior, you misunderstood, Junior doesn’t have that much ability.”


He briefly mentioned the encounter with Mountain Piercing Beast and shortcuts.

“All these old women know.”

“Mountain Piercing Beast has stolen the medicinal ingredient several times, and this old woman has seen it.”

“However, although you have taken a shortcut, it has also proven that you are excellent in all aspects.”

said the old woman, unexpectedly with a touch of appreciation in her eyes.

If this time, it was changed to someone else, and I would never have thought of asking Mountain Piercing Beast for the source of the ten Scarlet Fire Glaze Trees.

Not to mention, there is a shortcut to Butterfly Valley.

This shows that the youngster in front of me is very flexible.


This child knows that Butterfly Valley is located in the deepest part of the mountain range. There is a lot of risk, but it dares to run, indicating that it is also very courageous.

All she needs is this youngster.

Qin Feiyang said weakly: “So, I can’t escape today.”

“You can escape when you die. Do you want to die or do you want to live?”

“Of course, this old woman won’t let you run away.”

“Wait for you to come back, all the butterfly ingredients of Butterfly Valley are yours.”

“And, this old woman will give you several Perfect Battle Art.”

old woman tempted.


Qin Feiyang asked.

“This old woman never speaks falsely, but you have no choice now.”

“Bring them, come with this old woman!”

The old woman slumped to the ground, and the ground next to it moved to 2 sides, revealing a dim passage.

The old woman went in one step.

“Is there any entrance to the Land of Forgetfullness right here?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised and sent fatty and Wolf King, and Mountain Piercing Beast to Ancient Castle, and quickly followed along.

As the old woman said, he had no choice.

And frankly, he also wants to go to Land of Forgetfullness.

After all, Grade 6 Pill Fire is too tempting.

If it can be obtained, maybe he can refining 3 Pill Marks, even four Pill Marks, top grade medicinal pill of five Pill Marks!

This will help him return to Imperial Capital in the future.

Secretly thought tilted down.

After walking for half an hour, Qin Feiyang saw an ancient stone gate.

It is estimated that they have penetrated the center of the ground.

With a wave of the old woman, Battle Qi surged into the stone gate.

With a click, the stone gate opened quickly.

A magnificent imposing manner came out like a tide.

Qin Feiyang pupil shrinks.

This imposing manner is amazing.

What’s behind the stone gate?

The old woman was not surprised, the expression went as usual, and she strode in.

This is a stone chamber that can be a dozen meters left and right.

In the center, an ancient altar sits.

The whole body of the altar was blood red, as if dipped in blood, exuding a mysterious aura.

The magnificent imposing manner originates from this altar.

Qin Feiyang walked in, looked at the altar, and saw the strange light.

For the first time, he saw it.

The old woman looked at the altar of eyes, and an inexplicable radiance appeared in her eyes.


She turned and looked towards Qin Feiyang, and the radiance in her eyes disappeared.

“If you have any last wishes, tell this old woman now, and 5 years later, if you don’t come out, this old woman will help you do it.”

Old woman.

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched. Is there such a curse?

Moan a little.

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “Junior really has a last wish, just don’t know, can Senior make it?”

The old woman proudly said, “There is nothing this old woman can’t do on this land.”

“So awesome?”

Qin Feiyang stumbled and said, “If Junior dies, then please ask Senior to help Junior destroy the Great Qin Empire!”


The old woman body trembling, in one’s eyes burst out amazing cold light, saying: “Are you playing this old woman?”

“Senior, you said, why can’t you blame me if you can’t?”

Qin Feiyang was innocent.

Old woman frowned, dark face and said, “Apart from this, everything works.”

“Just let it go, and other things, Junior can do it himself.”


“Junior wants to say goodbye to two people.”

Qin Feiyang.

“No, you are not allowed to contact anyone from now on.”

The old woman refused decisively, her forefinger was facing the altar, a Battle Qi spurted out from her fingertips, and poured continuously into the altar.


The altar bloomed one after another blood light.

As more Battle Qi floods in, the blood light becomes brighter.

Until the end, the entire altar was shining.

And the old woman’s forehead is filled with beads of sweat.

Obviously, it is not easy to revive the altar.

When the altar was completely revived, the old woman 2 said nothing, with a wave of her hand, a mighty pain, rushed towards Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang rises out of control and falls on the altar.

“Wait a minute, Senior, Junior has another question to ask …”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly.


But he hasn’t finished waiting.

He felt that his body was about to be torn, and there was an indescribable pain.

Although is his temperament, I can’t help but make a miserable howl.

And at the same time, his 2 eyes were blacked out and he could see nothing.

I can only feel that my body is moving fast.

At this moment.

Every one breath is endless suffering and pain for Qin Feiyang.

I don’t know how long it has been in the past.


He felt like falling into the water, a icy cold current sweeping through.

For a moment.

He woke up, eyes opened, and a clear water came into view.

“Where is this?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

The water was cold, but it was still tolerable.

He hurried up to swim.


He felt that a crisis was approaching quickly!

He looked down and immediately saw 3 pythons.

The three pythons are more than ten meters long, have thick buckets, and long and narrow pumps are exposed to cold cold light.

And on them, they are covered with a layer of snow white!

“What kind of python is this?”

“Why never met?”

Qin Feiyang eyeball stared, Battle Qi emerged, like an arrow, wildly shooting towards the water.

3 python followers!

Also, it is several times faster than Qin Feiyang.

“Vicious Beast at Battle Sovereign Level!”

Qin Feiyang was shocked, and came across this terrible cold blooded creature, too bad luck?

He escaped into Ancient Castle without the slightest hesitation.

Fat, Wolf King, Mountain Piercing Beast, are all awake.

“Why are you so in a difficult situation?”

As soon as Qin Feiyang came in, fatty and Wolf King, and Lu Hong gathered around, looking suspicious.

As for Mountain Piercing Beast, I looked curiously at Ancient Castle.

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