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Qin Feiyang was very polite.

It was so polite when facing strangers for the first time.


short youth does not appreciate it.


“You broke our good deed, wouldn’t it be an apology?”

Short youth was unreasonable, and one fist smashed at Qin Feiyang.

There is a dazzling layer of True Qi on fist!


Qin Feiyang frowned.

Pedal the Wind Controlling Step and quickly avoid it.

“Unexpectedly dodging?”

short youth stared blankly, said with a sneer: “There were a few brushes, no wonder I was so crazy.”

The words fall.

He moved in footsteps, picked up fist, and blasted towards Qin Feiyang again.


Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised.

From the very beginning, he would be polite and amiable.

Wolf King sound transmission: “Little Qinzi, he’s just a 7-Star Martial Ancestor, let brother destroy him.”

“No need.”

“He wants to be crazy, so I’ll let him see it, what’s really true?”

Qin Feiyang pupils cold light flashed, raised his hand and waved violently, without using Battle Qi, one fist shot directly to the fist of short youth.

He is now a 4-Star Battle King.

Facing 7-Star Martial Ancestor, you can crush without Battle Qi.


Short youth’s arm, immediate torn skin and gaping flesh, flew across and hit the trunk of a large tree.


Short youth spit out immediately.

Oh la la !

The thick snow fell and flooded it.

“So strong!”

See you.

tall youth and the woman could not help shrinking.


short youth lifted the snow and jumped out.

“Bastard, unexpectedly dare to hurt me, I’m going to abolish you!”

He was quite shameless.

As he waved his hand, a large iron bow and 3 arrows appeared.

He grabbed iron bow and pulled his bow and arrow!

Sou! ! !

3 arrows are fired at Qin Feiyang, containing amazing murderous aura!

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “It’s just an unexpected. Is it really that big?”

“Less nonsense!”

short youth sternly shouted.

“hmph! ”

Qin Feiyang coldly snorted.

This person is simply unreasonable.

He one fist took a picture, Scarlet Sword Qi gushed and turned into a perilous situation!

Each one strand Battle Qi is like a sharp wind blade, crushed away by Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood.

Ka-cha !

Those 3 arrows shattered on the spot.


“That’s Battle Qi!”

“He was unexpectedly Battle King!”

Short youth’s heart was terrified, and her face by little by little became pale.

In the eyes, there is an inseparable fear!


Eventually, he was paralyzed in the snow, his body shiver coldly.

The big iron bow also went away.

This person is who?

It looks like 17-18 years old.

But unexpectedly has broken through to Battle King!

Tall youth and the woman were also shocked by 10000 points.

It’s amazing that people of 17-18 years old have such battle strength!

Tall archway: “Dare to ask which Tribe your distinguished self is from?”


Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, lightly said with a smile: “Don’t hide 2 people, I’m actually just a Loose Cultivator.”

“Loose Cultivator?”

tall youth surprised.

Strength is built up by resources.

A Loose Cultivator is helpless. How can a young person have such strength?

Unless, what is Supreme Treasure on this person!


The woman walked over and supported the short youth.

“This person is unknown, but for the time being, he will wait until his origin is known.”

But in the process of getting up, the woman whispered in the ear of short youth.

short youth Nodded without traces, there was a dense solemn light flashing deep in his eyes.

Two people thought they had done it seamlessly, but they didn’t know it had been noticed by Qin Feiyang.

He could not help raising his eyebrows.

These three people seem to be harboring evil designs!

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, said with a smile: “3 people, there is something else for myself, leave first.”


He took Wolf King and went into the jungle alone.

Not that he was afraid of things.

It’s one more thing, but one less thing.

Since there is someone here, as well as Tribe, you can go find out about others.

There is no need to cause any trouble.

“Is this gone?”

Three people stared blankly, simultaneously looked, and hurried to catch up.

tall youth said with a smile: “Brother Qin, didn’t you just ask us something?”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “It’s not a big deal, I just want to ask for directions.”

Tall youth asked, “Where are you going now?”

Qin Feiyang laughed and said nothing.

Tall youth sighed, “Brother Qin, it seems you don’t believe us!”

“No, it just happened, and I didn’t want to disturb the three more.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

Tall youth said: “If it is only for this, I apologize to you on behalf of Liu Zhou.”

Short youth angered: “It is obvious that he has made mistakes first, why should we apologize?”

tall youth stared at him.

Liu Zhou frowned, then coldly snorted, and bowed his head to groan.

“Brother Qin, in fact, this is not to blame Liu Zhou.”

“You may not know, we have been following Snow Leopard for a long time.”

“If there is no unexpected, it will definitely succeed in hunting this time.”

“But at the crucial moment, you were so troubled by Brother Qin that our hunting failed.”

“In the event of such a thing, anyone will have a response qi in his heart.”

“So, please ask Brother Qin.”

tall youth said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang said: “I didn’t blame him, after all, it was really my fault.”

The woman asked with a smile: “I wonder how old Brother Qin is now?”

Wolf King smiling sinisterly said: “What? Fancy my little Qinzi?”

Qin Feiyang’s head immediately climbed up a row of black lines.

“Talking wolf?”

Tall youth three people are astonished.

Not right!

The aura exposed by this wolf is obviously not very strong.

How can it speak human’s words?

Did it take Beast Spirit Pill?

In this case, there is most likely a medicinal pill on this person!

The hearts of the three people were immediately hot.

“Brother Qin seems to be up to 18 years old.”

“There is such a cultivation base at this age. Which woman does not like it when she sees it!”

The woman’s eyes flashed, eating with a smile.


Wolf King stumbled, playing with taste: “Are you confessing?”

Woman said with a smile: “You say yes!”

Wolf King staring blankly.

It has always been skinless and faceless. At this moment, I don’t know how to respond?

It seems that it is helpless to meet a shameless woman.

The woman continued: “Since the misunderstanding has been resolved, then Brother Qin might as well sit with us on Tribe?”

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart.

Are these two people too enthusiastic?

“Forget it, lest there be any misunderstanding, there will be a period later.”

After Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he performed the Wind Controlling Step and ran forward.

See you.

A touch of hostility creeped up on tall youth’s face, coldly snorted and said: “It’s really shameless!”

The woman said: “There must be a lot of treasure in him. If we can get it, our strength can definitely be improved in a short period of time.”

Short youth’s heart was hot, and he couldn’t wait to say, “What are you waiting for, we will kill them together now!”

“Don’t fool.”

“The strength of this person is not simple.”

“And the wolf, it feels better to me than that one.”

“Looking in the direction they are going, they should pass us Tribe.”

“We took a short route back, hurried ahead of them, told Chief about the situation, and set an ambush in advance.”

tall youth said.

Liu Zhou two people nodded.


Jungle ahead.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “White-Eyed Wolf, pay close attention to the movement of all around.”


Wolf King was surprised.

Qin Feiyang said, “Three people have a ghost, what should they be planning?”

“Just they?”

Wolf King disdains.

Qin Feiyang said: “Don’t look down on anyone.”

There is also Vicious Beast in the jungle.

But the strength is not too strong, basically between Martial Ancestor and Battle King.

It also poses no threat to Qin Feiyang and Wolf King.

About half an hour past.

one man one wolf finally walked out of the jungle.

A huge mountain stronghold came into their sight.

The mountain stronghold is made up of large and small houses of several hundred houses.

Covering a mile left and right, it is backed by a snow mountain that is hungred zhang or so high.

Those houses were made of wood, and the roof was covered with thick snow.

In some houses, there are smoke rising.

There are many children on the snow, hehe haha ​​is constantly playing and having fun.

stronghold all around, there is a row of fences more than 3 meters high.

Every so often, there is a robust man guarding against Vicious Beast from breaking into stronghold.

There are 2 robust man keeping watches on the 4 sides of the stronghold door, all of which have the strength of 1-Star Battle King.

Above the gate, there is a large wooden token engraved with 4 large characters.

——Liu Tribe!

Qin Feiyang glanced at Tribe and strode over.

Wolf King suddenly said: “The short youth just seemed to be called Liu Zhou, wouldn’t it be this Tribe person?”

Qin Feiyang stopped immediately, glanced at the Liu clan, and turned and left.

Bang!! !

However at this time.

one after another silhouette, constantly jumping out of the snow all around.

There are more than 30 people!

They are male and female, old and young.

Some people are holding sharp blades, and some people are holding big iron bows, without exception, all of them look bad.

Qin Feiyang one after another glanced past.

These people are even stronger than the four people who guard tribe’s gate.

However, the powerhouse of the Battle Sovereign Realm was not found.


Qin Feiyang’s gaze was locked somewhere.

Standing there were 2 men and a woman, which was the Liu Zhou three people I met before!

“What is this?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.


Liu Zhou said with a sneer: “If it weren’t for you, could the leopard run? So you have to give compensation.”

Qin Feiyang glanced at someone, differently said: “I think compensation is just a cover. What you really want is heaven and earth bag on me!”


Liu Zhou three people simultaneously looked, all were surprised.

How did he know?

“haha ……”

Tall youth laughed and said, “Now that you know it, give it up!”

The woman followed, “As long as you hand it over, we will let you go.”

Qin Feiyang said: “If you don’t pay, will you kill me?”

“You’re smart, so you better get to know each other.”

“Although you are strong, I am Liu Tribe. Someone who is stronger than you is somebody.”

“You can’t beat us.”

The woman shook her head and grinned.

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