
You can search “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Destruction Strength!”

The eleven people beside Brother Ma Shan and the old man with black beard, their eyes trembled immediately.

This Qin Feiyang, unexpectedly still masters the law of destruction?

Not many people know Qin Feiyang’s inheritance of the Law of Destruction.


People like the old man with the black beard, all year round roam around in the land, let alone know.

So at this moment, seeing Qin Feiyang activate the law of destruction is extremely unexpected and extremely surprised.


“Law of Destruction!”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

The fifth Profound Truth, destroy the giant beast!

immediately, he once again opened the Supreme Profound Truth of the law of cause and effect!



The destruction of the giant beast roars the sky.

十朵Golden Lotus, divine light ten thousand zhang!

Along with a loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the Profound Truth of Mashan Brothers and Brothers collapsed immediately.

“Don’t be afraid, his rule of destruction does not have the highest Profound Truth, insignificant fifth Profound Truth, at most the same realm is invincible, unable to bridge the gap of one small realm!”

Seeing Ma Zheng showing a panic, Ma Shan shouted quickly.

As soon as he heard this, Ma Zhengjing’s God One shook, regained his strength again, and slammed towards Qin Feiyang.

A bloody battle is on!

Qin Feiyang’s weakness is becoming more and more obvious.

The killing power of Profound Truth is also gradually weakening.

He did it on purpose.

As mentioned before, he has his own selfish calculations.

Even though Yun Zhongtian looked puzzled, he didn’t ask too much. At the same time, he worked hard to repair Qi Sea.

Time one breath passes!

Seeing the delay in taking Qin Feiyang, Ma Zheng fell into a panic again, sound transmission said: “Big Brother, this is not the way to go, wait for Qi Sea in Yunzhongtian to repair, then we will be finished.”

In fact, Ma Shan is also upset at the moment.

It is clear that this person’s aura is getting weaker and weaker. It is clear that this person’s law, Profound Truth killing power, has also been weakening all the time, but there is no way to kill this person.

Of course he knows.

Wait for Qi Sea in the sky to be repaired, it will definitely be a disaster for Brother.


Ma Shan looked towards Blackbeard old man and the others, and roared: “old man, come and help me!”


The black beard old man hearing this, looked at Ma Shan in surprise, didn’t expect this man, unexpectedly would ask him for help.

Qin Feiyang was also taken aback, and quickly looked towards the black beard old man and said: “Old Senior, you are a friend in need, you don’t help me now, it doesn’t matter, but if you run to help Mashan Brother, then you are not authentic.”

The black beard old man looked towards Qin Feiyang again.

The eleven people beside him also looked at Qin Feiyang and Ma Shan brother, their eyes flickering.

“old man, you help me, then we will divide their heaven and earth ring!”

“You have to know that Qin Feiyang and Yunzhongtian are both who, and the treasures in the heaven and earth ring are definitely not winning!”

“I’m sure, as long as we can get the treasures from them, we will definitely be able to a meteoric rise. Then we still need to take risks in places like the land of heavy domains?”

Ma Shan was seduced.

Blackbeard old man hearing this, looked towards the eleven people beside him.

“Brother Mashan is absolutely unbelievable, but we can join forces with their brother first, and after severe damage to Qin Feiyang, then take the opportunity to sneak attack their brother.”

A big person said.

They had this idea, but due to the strength of Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian, they have never dared to make a move.

And now.

Qin Feiyang had an internal injury, and the dust was given to White-Eyed Wolf, and Qi Sea in the sky was also abolished. As for the ruler Divine Weapon of Divine Palace, it has not appeared until now, it must not be on Yun Zhongtian.


This is a great opportunity right now!

Yun Zhongtian looked at the black beard old man group, eyebrows slightly frowned, said solemnly: “We have been very kind to you, and even Supreme level heaven defying Divine Artifact has been given to you, not to mention anything else, but at least, Don’t do to forget favors and violate justice!”


“dignified Divine Palace Vice Palace Lord, unexpectedly would naively talk to others to forget favors and violate justice?”

“Do you not understand the ways of the world today?”

“Naive is ridiculous!”

The black beard old man immediately made a mockery, took out the black long spear, and killed Qin Feiyang.

This black long spear was given to him before Yun Zhongtian.

When the other eleven people saw it, their faces were full of ridicule. They turned on the Profound Truth Divine Ability, took out heaven defying Divine Artifact, followed the old man with the black beard, and majestic slew to Qin Feiyang.

Looking at this scene, Yun Zhongtian immediately couldn’t help being angry.

Sure enough.

There are not many people in this world who can be trusted.


He seems to understand Qin Feiyang’s intentions, perhaps he is testing the black beard old man group.


“Qin Feiyang, Yunzhongtian, your end is here!”

See it.

Ma Shan and Ma Zheng two people laughed wildly, waiting for the black beard old man and the others to kill them, and then they killed Qin Feiyang two people together.


Looking at Brother Mashan, Qin Feiyang looked towards the black beard old man and the others and let out a long sigh of disappointment.


Within the body’s law of cause and effect, the law of destruction, rolls out like a tide.

“Stop doing unnecessary struggles.”

Ma Zheng sneered.

“I really don’t know how to describe your stupidity.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head. With the loud noise of hong long long, ten Golden Lotus appeared in void.

At the same time!

One God of Destruction came out, Destruction Strength flooded all directions, shaking Heaven and Earth.

“This is…”

Ma Shan’s expression immediately stayed.

Following closely, there was an inevitable fear in his eyes!

“It’s too late to regret now.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and the two supreme Profound Truths, like the gods descending, the overflowing heaven might, made a group of people fall into desperate abyss.

“This is the Supreme Profound Truth of the Law of Destruction!”

“The law of cause and effect is the highest Profound Truth…”

“The Profound Truth of the Law of Destruction!”

“What monster is this?”

“Brother Qin, we were wrong, don’t kill us, please…”

“In the future, we will give you a cow and a horse, and give us a chance…”

Whether it is Brother Ma Shan or old man and the others with a black beard, the previous arrogance is immediately gone, only the panic is left.

“In fact, Old Yun was already giving you a chance before.”

“Because as early as when Mashan and the others did not show up, I had already sensed your murderous intentions.”

“But along the way, your help to me and White-Eyed Wolf is really not small, especially when facing a storm. If you help you, I and White-Eyed Wolf may have been swept away by the storm. “

“Being a man, we must know how to be grateful and seeking to repay kindness.”

“So at that time, Old Yun gave you that Supreme level heaven defying Divine Artifact, in order to eliminate your greed and murderous intent.”

“However, didn’t expect, even if we make concessions, we cannot satisfy you.”

“You said, what can I do?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and sighed.

Yun Zhongtian suddenly felt in his heart.

Human, still can’t be too greedy.

Because of greed, it also killed people.

After a little while, Qin Feiyang sighed for a long time, turning one’s head glanced at the black long spear, and looked at Yun Zhongtian said with a smile: “Sorry, I deceived you too.”

The sky in the clouds smiled bitterly.

Frankly speaking, when I heard of internal injury, I was really taken aback.


When Qin Feiyang prevented him from taking out the Death God sword, he thought that this should not be what Qin Feiyang said.

“Okay, everything is solved, it’s time to collect this divine object.”

Qin Feiyang took out a Life Divine Pill and took it, looked up towards Divine Tablet, eyes full of expectation.

If it is really a heaven defying Divine Artifact that is about to evolve into ruler Divine Weapon, then this time you will make a lot of money in the land of the important domain.

Yun Zhongtian waved his hand, put away the Death God sword and black long spear, and followed Qin Feiyang expectantly to the Divine Tablet.

“Brother Qin, Mashan sneak attacked you just now, why didn’t you hurt your Qi Sea?”

After a few steps, Yun Zhongtian looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously and asked.

“When the dagger sank into the lower abdomen, I tilted my body a bit, so the dagger passed by Qi Sea.”

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Yun Zhongtian heard this, recalled it carefully, and shook his head to say with a smile: “Your instinctive reaction is a bit terrifying!”

At that time, he was also facing a sneak attack, so he really didn’t notice this detail.


In this comparison, I feel that his Old Antique, a veteran of a hundred battles, is not as fast as a youngster’s response.

“Thank you.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, walked under the Divine Tablet, waved his hand, a drop of Purple Gold Dragon Blood, swept towards the Divine Tablet.

[Chapter Three, released at ten o’clock]

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