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They were filled with fear, but more were incredible.

They killed High Priest before and they were already shocked.

But absolutely didn’t expect, now unexpectedly even Chief is planted in their hands!

Chief is Battle Sovereign of Geneva!

This one man one wolf means too heaven defying!


It is at this time.

The crystal stone of Qin Feiyang appears to be moving.

Is the summoning of fatty.

Ask Qin Feiyang for coordinates.

When Qin Feiyang told the fatty the coordinates, before three breaths, fatty and Mountain Piercing Beast appeared beside him out of thin air.


“Even this old bastard, you have been abolished by you, terrific!”

When he saw He Yuan lying on the ground, tortured by Wolf King, hovered between life and death, fatty and Mountain Piercing Beast laughed strangely.

Qin Feiyang asked, “What’s going on with Liu Tribe?”

fatty said with a sneer: “ever Battle King was killed by us.”


Qin Feiyang nodded, saying: “Go and help.”

“I think so too.”

Fat laughed again and again, walking towards He Yuan as he rubbed his hands.

Mountain Piercing Beast rolled the eyes, jumped over Qin Feiyang’s shoulder, and said, “None of you is a good bird.”

“Don’t always say them, you are not a good bird.”

Qin Feiyang glanced at it.

Mountain Piercing Beast said angrily: “Don’t talk nonsense, this King is upright gentleman, these 2 goods are not at all equal to this King mention on equal terms.”

Qin Feiyang twitched his face and cursed, “Shameless.”

Wolf King and fatty are narcissistic enough, but this guy is more narcissistic than they are.

With the addition of fatty, He Yuan called even more miserable.

He both bite his tongue and committed suicide, but Wolf King didn’t give him a chance at all.

“It’s not so easy to die.”

“There were 2 idiots like you who acted recklessly to provoke us.”

“As a result, it was tortured by brother for 2 or 3 days. The taste was really sour.”

Wolf King laughed.

It is these two people that it is Wang Fei and Zheng Chuan who want to misbehave against Lu Hong.

“2 3 days!”

When He Yuan heard it, he couldn’t help getting cold in the whole body and hurriedly said, “Stop your hands, I said, I said everything.”

“Then say!”

Fatty shouted.

He Yuan said, “Purple Yang Tribe is too far from here, and I don’t know the coordinates.”

Wolf King was angry. “Don’t know you’re still pretending to be here?”

He Yuan hurriedly said: “Although I don’t know, I know there is a place, someone must know Purple Yang Tribe’s coordinates.”


Qin Feiyang.

Wolf King patted a paw on He Yuan’s lower body.


He Yuan immediately uttered a pig-like miserable howl.

Fat followed fiercely with a few kicks, and then stepped aside with Wolf King.

Qin Feiyang said, “Come on, where?”

He Yuan endured the sever pain, saying: “White Fox City.”

Qin Feiyang said: “Specific points.”

He Yuan said, “White Fox City is the only city in 1000 square meters, and the owner is a 2-Star Battle Sovereign.”


He told Qin Feiyang about White Fox City’s situation and coordinates, one after another.

Listened to it.

Qin Feiyang looked towards fatty said, “Give him a good day!”

Fat stepped forward, ending He Yuan’s life.


All around He Tribe people are sadly shouted.

“I’ll give you a word of advice, don’t want to follow in the footsteps of Liu Tribe, just be honest.”

Qin Feiyang opened a transmission gate, took fatty and Wolf King, and Mountain Piercing Beast into it, leaving a cold bitter utterance.

White Fox City!

This is an ancient city with a long history.

But not much, basically similar to Black Bear City.

With Qin Feiyang’s cultivation base, crossing White Fox City requires only a few breaths.

There is a jungle outside the city.

The jungle is covered with snow, and several silhouettes appear out of nowhere under a big tree.

It is Qin Feiyang entire group.

There were several Vicious Beasts hunting nearby, and when they saw them, they rushed up.


Wolf King suddenly shouted, terrible fierce pressure forced to leave.

A few Vicious Beasts fled and fled.

Qin Feiyang glanced all around and looked towards fatty. “Nothing is going on right now, you go to Ancient Castle first and sort out these heaven and earth bags.”

He took out those dozen heaven and earth bags.

fatty grabbed his hand and stared straight into the green light.

Although He Tribe has only one Battle Sovereign, after all, it is He Tribe’s savings for so many years, there must be a lot of valuable treasures.

Qin Feiyang waved and sent fatty to Ancient Castle.

Mountain Piercing Beast crafty-looking glanced at Wolf King and said, “Let this King go in too.”

“Don’t even think about it.”

“At once gets bigger and takes brother and Little Qinzi into the city.”

Wolf King shouted.


“This King is also Beast King. You unexpectedly made this King a mount?”

“Tell you, don’t bully intolerably!”

Mountain Piercing Beast angry.

Wolf King teased: “Stupid, not convinced? Come on, let’s fight.”

“Okay, you’re a bull.”

Mountain Piercing Beast fiercely stared at it, a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him.

It changes back to true body.

5 6 The long body exudes an amazing fearful might.


Qin Feiyang hesitated, then jumped to the back of Mountain Piercing Beast.

Wolf King stood on top of Mountain Piercing Beast, with his claws waving forward, shouted in a spirited mood: “Go!”

“Just take your time and let you look good sooner or later.”

Mountain Piercing Beast in the dark coldly snorted, taking heavy steps, ran out of jungle, making a loud noise of dong dong dong.

The ground is shaking!

And leave footprints of each and everyone deep.

all around The snow on the trees, falling from piece to piece.

Wherever I went, the Vicious Beast I encountered was like a bird frightened and fled.

“What happened?”

“Why so much movement?”

“Is it beast tide?”

Those who hunt in jungle also turn pale with fright.

Wolf King shouted: “Don’t move quietly, for fear others won’t know we’re here?”

Mountain Piercing Beast exasperated: “Can you ask for so much more?”

“Don’t dare to talk back?”

Wolf King is furious.

A paw hit his forehead, and Mountain Piercing Beast jumped in pain.

The movement is even greater.

“It must be beast tide.”

“Let’s go and see.”

one after another silhouette, rushing from all directions on all four sides.

Feeling those auras, Qin Feiyang could not help frowning.


He jumped down and landed on the ground, saying, “You two are going to stay on my shoulders.”

Once Mountain Piercing Beast was amnesty, it instantly turned into a slap, falling on Qin Feiyang’s left shoulder.

“Bastard, I made you intentional.”

Wolf King jumped up in anger, ecitedly, patted Mountain Piercing Beast with a paw, and hit a large tree, his body was almost falling apart.

It got up in a difficult situation, and looked towards Wolf King angrily: “If you do this again, this King is going to be hosting hostile!”

“Come on here. Little attendant must have the awareness of little attendant. The next time you dare to do this, brother will just waste you.”

Wolf King coldly snorted.

“I will endure!”

Mountain Piercing Beast took a deep breath, walked in front of Qin Feiyang, and jumped on his right shoulder.

Qin Feiyang frowned, and it seemed that the two Little Brats couldn’t stay together often.

Otherwise sooner or later they will fight.

Sou! ! !

It is at this time.

A few middle-aged man took the first step, came here, glanced at Qin Feiyang, and looked towards other places.

One of them asked, “brat, what happened just now?”

More and more people are full of horror.

“I do not know either.”

Qin Feiyang shrugged and left.


An aproximately 25-26 young man wearing leopard skin suddenly shouted.

“Is there something?”

Qin Feiyang stopped, turning one’s head doubtfully looked towards youth wearing leopard skin.

Youth wearing leopard skin walked to a footprint left by Mountain Piercing Beast, and looked closely for a moment, and then frowned gradually.

He looked up towards the other footprints. Immediately, he looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “You say you don’t know, what is going on with these footprints?”

“how could I know.”

“Besides, what’s the matter with me?”

After Qin Feiyang said it, he turned back and moved on.

youth wearing leopard skin shouted: “You can’t leave without saying clearly!”

Sou! ! !

There are ten several people at the moment, stopping in front of Qin Feiyang.

These people are male and female, all of them are middle-aged, with bloodstain spots and bloody smell.

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, saying: “I’m surprised, why are you stopping me?”

“Because the previous movement came from you.”

“Our prey was scared away by the movement.”

“You happen to be here, who are we not looking for?”

“Come on, is it related to you?”

All around people shouted.

Youth wearing leopard skin suddenly noticed the Mountain Piercing Beast on Qin Feiyang’s shoulder, and the pumps radiance flashed.

He looked towards Qin Feiyang again, said with a sneer: “Don’t need to ask, the movement just now was caused by Little Beast on his shoulder.”

“Yi! ”

“How so small?”

“Did they all take Body Transformation Pill?”

Everyone looked with suspicion of 10000 points.

Body Transformation Pill is very expensive, and White Fox City can afford it for few.

And this person is a raw face.

It should be someone else.

Isn’t this a good opportunity for extortion?

An azure robed old woman came out and said hoarsely: “Although the Mountain Piercing Beast is small, the shape of the hooves and the footprints are exactly the same. It must be true that they are making a ghost.”


Mountain Piercing Beast was breathless, and when I heard these two words, immediately seething in anger, shouted: “old witch, you can say it again!”

“Yi! ”

“Can you speak?”

“They took Barrier Breaking Pill!”

Everyone was stunned.

Barrier Breaking Pill is almost as valuable as Body Transformation Pill.

This youngster is definitely a big rich man.

azure robed old woman headed cold light flashed, looked towards Qin Feiyang, saying: “brat, what’s your name and where does it come from?”

Before extortion, you must ask the identity of the other party.

Otherwise, if you hit the iron plate, it will be bad luck.

Qin Feiyang’s brows were tightened, and it seems that he cannot be good today.

He stared fiercely at Mountain Piercing Beast and Wolf King. If it weren’t for these two scoundrels, he would have encountered these troubles.

Indulge in a moment.

Qin Feiyang said: “I am from Purple Yang Tribe.”


“Purple Yang Tribe!”

all around the crowd was shocked.

“Don’t be fooled by him.”

“He’s not from Purple Yang Tribe.”

“Because the Purple Yang Tribe is too far from here, it won’t be here in a few years.”

That youth wearing leopard skin said with a sneer, with a hint of irony in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards youth wearing leopard skin, differentiatedly said: “Don’t you know that there is something called a transmission gate?”

What’s wrong with this person?

Repeatedly stemmed from it.

Hatred with him?

But he has just come to Land of Forgetfullness, and has never seen this person at all. What about hate?

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