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Follow the big middle-aged man, walk to the end of the corridor and turn to the right.

Just turned.

Qin Feiyang saw that there was an iron gate in front!

entire body black, exuding a hard, heavy texture!

In front of the iron gate, there are 4 guards.

The imposing manner is very strong, it is 4 8-Star Battle Kings!

Qin Feiyang couldn’t help secretly speaking.

If it weren’t for this idea, it would be harder to mix into the warehouse than scaling heaven.

“I have seen Miss.”

When they saw Lu Hong, the four people were saluted.

big middle-aged man said with a smile: “Miss is going to the storeroom, please open the door for 4 people.”

He is the steward of Business Pavillion, but the warehouse is not under his control.

four people stared blankly.

One of the guards waved to the big middle-aged man and Qin Feiyang: “You go down first.”

big middle-aged man nodded, dare not make any stay, turned around and strode away.

But Qin Feiyang didn’t move.

He didn’t worry, let Lu Hong go in alone.

The guard saw Qin Feiyang motionless, frowns saying, “Did you hear me down?”

Lu Hong black eyebrows froze, and said, “He is the close guard of this Young Lady. This Young Lady has not spoken. What qualifications do you have to order him?”

 € ¢

four people simultaneously looked 锛 岀 洰  笉 鐢 锛 岀 洰  笉 鐢 埇 璧 埇 璧 竴 竴 竴 濆 珘 濡 掍 箣 鑹 濆 珘 濡 掍 箣 鑹

Become a personal guard of a lady, and you can usually get a lot of benefits.

This person is not good-looking and not strong, so why is she so lucky that she was fancy?

Lu Hong shouted

The guard hurriedly said, “Dare not, but the lady should move lightly, don’t disturb the old Patriarch.”


Qin Feiyang pupil shrank.

Did the old Patriarch retreat in the warehouse?

I am a lamb in a tiger’den 钖 楋 纻

Lu Hong

濡 傛 灉 鏄  互 鍓 嶏 纴 鍙 戠 敓 杩 欑  绐 佸 彉 锛 屽 ス  畾 浼 氭  畾 浼 氭 NAN 畾 浼 氭 draft

But since following Qin Feiyang, I have experienced too many things, and the temperament has also changed unconsciously.

Regardless of planning strategies, it is still possible to stay in trouble.

揩 灏 蒙 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 鎱 岋 纴 蒙 鎱 岋 纴 蒙 鎱 岋 纴 揩 灏 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 锛 岀 敤 掋 掋€

“The umbrella is rich to serve 灏 忎 €

The four guards were helpless.

鍏 鍏 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜  纴 鍙 栧 嚭  纴 鍙 栧 嚭  纴 鍙 栧 嚭 鏋 歵 鏋 歵 n 唴 銆


Threshold Discrimination Edition

“Miss, please come in.”


four people 阃 € 鍒

寮 € 寮 Tart

Even if they knew that the old Patriarch was in retreat, the two people could only enter by brace oneself.

锲 犱 纴 闾 

杩 涘 叆 搴 撴 埧 钖 庯 纴 闾 uard


Qin Feiyang two people 涔 焛 n the dark

搴 撴 埧 鑳 wasabi 100 meters left and right 銆

鍦 鍦 笂 锛 屾 暣 each and everyone

Threshold and heaven and earth bag

Chain link

medicinal pill

The medicinal ingredient is also unified on the other three iron frames.

笖 锛 屾 朵 笖 锛 屾 虫 猦 avenue and earth bag

Eve and earth bag

Qin Feiyang two people

杩 欓 噷 镄 勮 存 瀵 岋 纴 绠 € 鐩 鐩 ° 秴 涔 庢 兂 璞

According to their initial estimates, there are at least a few 100 heaven and earth bags.

杩 檚 imply

Lu Hong after returning to his senses 锛 屽 皬 澹 伴 死 锛 气 € 灭 幇 鍦 ㄥ mine make a move 钖 楋 纻 ”

 急 1 镄 勫 chips 纴 鍙  湁 two people

“No, the old Patriarch is here. As soon as we make a move, we are done. We must first figure out a way to trick him out.”

Qin Feiyang whispered.

Lu Hong frowns saying 锛 气 € 沧 病 鐪 嬭  浠 栧 晩 锛 佲

At a distance of 100 meters, two people have an unobstructed view, and indeed no other people are seen.

But those 4 guards definitely won’t lie.

Qin Feiyang carefully glanced at the 4 walls again.


浠 栫 洰 鍏 夐 瀹 argon

Zirconium chain

鍙  兘 鏄  殚 闂 ㄣ €

two people

two people 晢 璁  竴 鐣  纴 € 晢 璁  竴 鐣  纴 晢 璁  竴 鐣  纴 Hong Hong


Read the following questions: ashamed key, companionship view

Lu Hong 涔 栧 valve 済 randfather 锛 屾 槸 鎴 戙 € 傗 €

“It was the little granddaughter of the old man.”

Husky laughed.


The door opened, and a white-haired old man came out.

He glanced at Qin Feiyang and looked towards Lu Hong said with a smile: “Is there anything to find grandfather?”

Lu Hong said: “grandfather, father invites you to the main conference hall.”

Old man frowned, wondering, “Did something happen?”


Lu Hong nodded.

Qin Feiyang archway: “Old Patriarch, 2 months ago, a man named Qin Feiyang came to our White Fox City, repeatedly confronted our Meng Family, and killed many of our Meng Family.”

“Qin Feiyang?”

The old man bowed his head and groaned for a moment, frowns saying: “I have never heard of this number!”

“We haven’t heard of it.”

“Originally, Patriarch didn’t want to disturb your old fellow retreat.”

“But that Qin Feiyang has the ability to go without a trace.”

“He has been in the City Lord Mansion for the entire 2 months, but no one can find him, Patriarch is entirely incapable.”

“So, you can only ask the old Patriarch to go out.”

Qin Feiyang said indignantly.

“It’s impossible, unexpectedly dare to make trouble in the domain of my Meng Family!”

The white-haired old man was furious, and said, “Go, meet the old man and meet him.”

Lu Hong said, “grandfather, I want to stay here and pick a few weapons for defense.”

“Stay here also good, lest you accidentally hurt you when fighting.”

White hair old man laughed, looked towards Qin Feiyang shouted: “Protect me this obedient granddaughter, if she loses one hair, old man will not forgive you!”

Qin Feiyang bowed down, “Subordinate must swear to protect the Miss’s thoughtfulness!”


The white-haired old man was nodded and was about to leave, but suddenly looked towards Lu Hong.

Qin Feiyang eyelids twitched.


Lu Hong was also a little flustered, forced to calm down, and wondered, “What’s wrong, grandfather?”

“Obedient granddaughter, wasn’t it 1-Star Martial Ancestor when you came last time? Why did you break through so quickly?”

White hair old man surprisedly said.

“That’s because you granddaughter and I’m innate talent. Why, envy!”

Lu Hong smiled mischievously.

“Old man envy you?”

“Little Missy, you really don’t knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, do you know how strong my grandfather is?”

“But you can see that you are working hard to cultivate now.”

“Go ahead and don’t let grandfather down.”

White hair old man said with a smile.


Lu Hong is heavily nodded.

“So obedient?”

Old man stared blankly, said with a smile: “My obedient granddaughter has finally grown up and is sensible.”


With a reassuring smile, he turned and stepped in front of the iron gate, darkening a black button next to it.

The iron door is immediately opened.

Then, the white-haired old man strode out.

After the iron door was closed, Qin Feiyang immediately gave thumbs up to Lu Hong, said with a smile: “Depending on your current temperament, it is enough to stand on its own.”

Lu Hong blushed and said, “If you weren’t with me, I would have exposed the filling.”

She is not flattering.

Because of her current relationship with Qin Feiyang, there is no need to flatter.

This is the truth.

With Qin Feiyang by her side, she felt particularly secure.

Qin Feiyang laughed, glanced at the heaven and earth bag on the iron frame, and said, “make a move!”

While talking.

With a wave of his hand, he held Fatty and Wolf King out.

As for Mountain Piercing Beast, he doesn’t have that trust yet.

If by any chance, he stole a 2 heaven and earth bag, didn’t he lose a lot of money?

“I depend, so much!”

“Get rich, get rich.”

Looking at that each and everyone heaven and earth bag, Wolf King and fatty are like taking stimulants, jumping up and down, and frantically searching!

Qin Feiyang turned around and walked into the secret door.

Inside is a Cultivation Room, which can have twenty-thirty meters left and right.

And on the left, there is a door.

He walked in and saw that it was a Pill Refinement Room.

Pill Refinement and cultivation are here, simply is the private treasure house of Old Guy!

“pill furnace !”


He glanced up and walked to the pill furnace on the stone platform.

A closer look, however, caused a little disappointment on his face.

pill furnace entire body black without any treasure light.

Note that this is just the Grade 2 pill furnace.

“Yi! ”

He also noticed that there was an adult slap iron case next to the pill furnace.

He opened the iron case, a cluster of fist flames, and immediately came into sight.

It’s Pill Fire!

This Pill Fire is nothing like an ordinary flame.

It seems that the grade is not high.

But every Pill Fire is extremely rare.

Therefore, he did not include the slightest hesitation into Ancient Castle.

He also took it away from the pill furnace.

Although the grade is the same as Bronze Pill Furnace, you can also reserve it!

Last time at the Sea of ​​Despair, it was because of the lack of a spare pill furnace that I was wasted for months.

Otherwise, I am afraid he is already 7-Star Battle King or even 8-Star Battle King.

“Boss, it’s all looted.”

At this time.

fatty, Wolf King, Lu Hong, and happily walked into the Pill Refinement Room.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Is there any Battle Art?”

Lu Hong said, “I haven’t had time to look at it.”

Qin Feiyang groaned a little and said, “Lu Hong, you take all the heaven and earth bag to Ancient Castle first.”

Lu Hong slightly stared blankly and asked, “Don’t you need to hide your identity?”

Wolf King waved his claws, indifferently said: “All the treasures are in hand, and what is the identity?”


“There is no need to hide it now.”

Qin Feiyang pupils cold light flashed and sent Lu Hong to Ancient Castle.


He took out a Restoring Appearance Pill, regained his original appearance, and threw away the animal coat.

“Let’s go and rob the medicinal ingredient on the second floor.”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, he strode out of the Pill Refinement Room.

You should know that there are many precious medicinal ingredients on the second floor.

Such as Nine Yang Flower, Fire Ginseng, Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill.

These are all wealth!


When Wolf King and fatty heard it, immediately followed with a treacherous laugh and chased Qin Feiyang.

Going to the iron gate, Qin Feiyang pressed the button, and the iron gate quickly opened.

“Miss, you are out.”

The four guards turned and looked.


When I saw Qin Feiyang two people and Wolf King, my face changed dramatically.

“Why are you in the warehouse?”

four people shouted, imposing manner burst out.

“Are you a pig?”

“you still need to ask?”

“Of course we are here to rob.”

fatty with a sarcastic face, at the end, grinning at the four people, full of provocation.

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