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High Priest frowned, his face is obviously unhappy.

This youngster is too unbridled!

Let him remember long.

“That being the case, let’s refining Battle Qi Pill.”

High Priest thought.

A cluster of bright Pill Fire, a pure white pill furnace, one after the other breaking the sky.

This pill furnace also glows with a layer of treasure light.

Qin Feiyang pupils radiance flashed.

He wants to take it.

But after thinking about it, the conversation has been recorded, and I am not afraid that the two people will regret it.

“Competition has only one chance.”

“If the medical ingredient is accidentally scrapped during the refining process, it means losing.”

“Do you have any objections?”

Said High Priest.

Qin Feiyang shook his head: “No, but I want to add a condition.”

High Priest said: “Say.”

“Stake plus you pill furnace.”

“Also, during my Pill Refinement, no one was allowed to disturb me, not even to say a word.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Little brother, you really have a good appetite. Be careful to full you to the point of bursting.”

“Okay, I promise you.”

High Priest didn’t have nonsense anymore, took out a copy of Battle Qi Pill’s medical ingredient, and started Pill Refinement.

She is very proficient.

Every step is just in place.

Obviously, she is a very experienced Alchemist.

Not a moment.

A stream of light was swept out of the pill furnace.

High Priest didn’t even see it. With a wave of his hand, the medical pill turned in the air and flew towards Qin Feiyang.

Demonstrated full confidence!

Qin Feiyang grabbed it and looked down.

It was found that there was one Pill Mark on the medical pill.

Although not very dazzling, it is not very vague.


Qin Feiyang liked this.

The quality of this medical pill can already be regarded as middle-to-high.

High Priest said with a smile: “Now it’s your turn, full power, let me see, what is your ability?”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “I won’t let you down.”

“Whoever speaks big.”

That middle-aged man coldly snorted, disdainful.

Qin Feiyang’s mouth slightly lifted.

With a wave, Bronze Pill Furnace and Underworld Demon Flame came out of nowhere.


Bronze Pill Furnace landed on the ground.


High Priest glanced at Bronze Pill Furnace, frowns saying: “Are you just a Grade 2 pill furnace?”

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “Yes, Pill Fire is just Grade 2.”

The middle-aged man twitched his face and asked, “brat, do you know the Pill Fire and pill furnace of High Priest?”

Qin Feiyang said: “It’s all Grade 3.”

“You know, what do you mean by taking out Grade 2 Pill Fire and pill furnace?”

“Do you think you can win High Priest this way?”

middle-aged man looked at him strangely.

This brat is too overestimate one’s capabilities!

“No way, I don’t have Grade 3 Pill Fire and pill furnace, but Grade 2 Pill Fire and pill furnace are enough.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, take out a medical ingredient of Battle Qi Pill.

“Arrogant’s wild brat, you just wait to die!”

A middle-aged man glanced at him with disdain.

He didn’t believe that Qin Feiyang could use the Grade 2 Pill Fire and pill furnace to refining the medical pill, which could surpass High Priest.

Shua! !

However, it is at this time.

4 silhouettes breaking the sky came and landed in the hall.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head At a glance, the pump immediately contracted.

Really found it!

These four people, not others, are the Chief and High Priest of Bright King Tribe and Xuanwu Tribe.


Middle-aged man and High Priest simultaneously looked at each other, their eyes were puzzled.

How come these 4 old bastards?

And still come together?

“You are really here!”

“At once surrender Pill Fire and pill furnace, this Chief can consider, leaving you with a whole body!”

Four people stared at Qin Feiyang, all with angry look.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “What’s the matter, wait until I finish refining this medical pill.”

“Pill Refinement?”

Four people frowned, suspiciously looked towards middle-aged man and High Priest.

“He is having a competition Pill Refinement with me. What are you guys doing?”

High Priest looked at the four people puzzledly.

Luo Guang gloomy said: “He snatched my Tribe’s Pill Fire!”

“He was even more aggressive in my Xuanwu Tribe, not only stealing Pill Fire, but also stealing the pill furnace!”

Xuanwu Chief angered.


The middle-aged man and the High Priest stumbled and couldn’t get back to half a ring.

Even the Pill Fire of Bright King and Profound Tortoise Tribes are dare fight over. Is this brat too brave?

putting it that way, this brat is kind in their Purple Yang Tribe.

At least it wasn’t used to grab.

But how did this Little Brat do it?

The 2 Tribes are very strong.

Even if they don’t have certainty, they can steal the 2 Tribe’s Pill Fire.


It seems that some of the capabilities of this brat are underestimated.

“Brat, didn’t you hear me?”

“At once hand over Pill Fire!”

“Otherwise, you are waiting to be unloaded 8 yuan!”

Luo Guang four people shouted, and the murderous intention is undisguised.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the four people, looked towards middle-aged man and High Priest, said with a smile: “2 people, we just said yes, no one can disturb me Pill Refinement.”

“Did you say that?”

Two people stared blankly, think about it, really said it.


They didn’t care at all at first.

I just thought that Qin Feiyang told them to keep silent and disturb him Pill Refinement.

However, they didn’t understand it until now.

It turned out that Qin Feiyang, who was really afraid of the people of Bright King and Profound Tortoise Tribes, came to trouble him.

As a result, he could not rest assured of Pill Refinement.

in short.

This child is to use their Purple Yang Tribe as a shield.

This brat’s effort is too afraid right ?!

Unexpectedly at first set a trap for them.

Both people were a little angry.

But already said in advance, it’s impossible to change the hexagram?

You know, Qin Feiyang also has a conversation record.

High Priest looked towards Luo Guang four people, helplessly said: “Give me face, wait for me and his having a competition to end, and then resolve your personal gratitude and grudges.”

Four people frowned, successively nodded.

Although both Chief and High Priest of Super Tribe, now it is in Purple Yang Tribe.

If it gets stale, it’s not good for anyone.

High Priest looked towards Qin Feiyang, saying, “Okay, now you can rest assured Pill Refinement.”

“You’re optimistic then.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, sorted out the medical ingredient, then controlled Underworld Demon Flame and started refining.

Strains of medicinal ingredient are continually thrown into Bronze Pill Furnace.

The whole process came down without panic and calm.

The High Priest of Three Great Super Tribes was surprised.

They are all highly accomplished Alchemist.

At a glance, Qin Feiyang is a seasoned and experienced Alchemist.

Even speed is better than them!

Within ten five breaths, Battle Qi Pill was released.


Battle Qi Pill flew out of the pill furnace.

Qin Feiyang grabbed it, but also didn’t even watch it, and threw it directly to the High Priest of Purple Yang Tribe.

High Priest grabbed the palm, said with a smile: “Are you confident?”


Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Shua! ! !

Someone’s eyes on the place fell on the hands of High Priest.

High Priest stretches out the take action arm and gradually spreads out his hand.


One after another dazzling radiance, shot out from between her fingers.

“Such strong rays of light, is it also Pill Mark?”

Everyone is shivering.

High Priest’s breathing also became quicker.

5 fingers stretched out suddenly, and Battle Qi Pill immediately appeared under everyone’s sight.

For a time.

Someone was shocked.

Unexpectedly there is such a dazzling Pill Mark!

Qin Feiyang pupils radiance flashed.

With a wave of his hand, he quickly opened a transmission gate.

At the same time, the sleeves were brushing away, rolled up the Underworld Demon Flame and Bronze Pill Furnace, and the Grade 3 Pill Fire and pill furnace, and ran back without looking back.

If Luo Guang four people didn’t come, he wouldn’t do it.

But now there is no way. If he doesn’t, he won’t be able to leave if Luo Guang four people return back to his senses.


“Catch up!”

Luo Guang four people stared blankly and immediately ran towards the transmission gate.

However, one step later, the transmission gate disappeared.

Four people were furious.

One escaped without notice.

This little bastard is really slippery than loach!

Middle-aged man and High Priest are also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Luo Guang looked towards them, angrily: “It’s all your fault. If you capture him at first, he can’t run away!”

High Priest said with a bitter smile: “How do we know he is so cunning?”

“hmph! ”

Luo Guang coldly snorted, no longer nonsense, and left with a gray-haired old man.

Xuanwu Chief and the white-haired old woman did not continue, and left quickly.

After watching four people leave, middle-aged man frowned, turning one’s head looked towards High Priest, and said, “You see if the blood contract is still there?”

High Priest carefully sensed for a moment and shook his head: “The blood contract is still there, but it seems like something has cut off my connection with Pill Fire.”

Middle-aged man stared blankly, sighing: “We all underestimated this Qin Feiyang!”


“His Pill Refinement accomplishment has far surpassed me.”

“Just let’s talk to him and ask him to join us Tribe?”

Said High Priest.


“Did you not see his expression?”

“For our Three Great Super Tribes, dismissive at all.”

Middle-aged man.

High Priest said: “If he agrees, I can also give him the position of High Priest.”

Middle-aged man stared blankly, shaking his head said with a smile: “It seems you like him very much!”

High Priest said with a smile: “He is a rare talented, if he can cultivate well, his future achievements will be even higher.”

“It makes sense.”

“Okay, let’s talk to him.”

“His Pill Refinement innate talent is so high that he should be going to take the Pill Pagoda assessment.

After the middle-aged man said it, he thought for a while and said, “What if he doesn’t join us Tribe?”

“As long as he doesn’t join another Tribe, we don’t care.”

“But if he runs counter to it, then we can only get rid of him.”

High Priest said with a smile, with a surprising murderous intention in his tone.

middle-aged man looking thoughtful nodded, said with a smile: “it’s up to you!”

High Priest turned and left.

A middle-aged man glanced at a radiance, then closed his eyes and continued his meditation.

Heavenly Thunder City.

Somewhere outside the mountain range, a silhouette appeared out of thin air.

It’s Qin Feiyang!

As soon as he appeared, he bent down, his hands on his knees, and he gasped.

Don’t look at him with ease at the Purple Yang Tribe, but he is actually nervous.

Especially the moment Luo Guang four people came, his heart popped out.

Fortunately, there is no danger.


Taking a deep breath and calming down the inner emotions, Qin Feiyang swayed around 4 places and kept fighting with Vicious Beast until dawn, and then stepped out of the mountain range and walked towards the city gate.

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