
You can search “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“What is it?”

“Unexpectedly someone said, Big Brother Qin is the older generation?”

Li Feng was also very surprised.

“If you say I, your father is Old Antique, it’s okay, but this guy…”

The madman glanced at Qin Feiyang, mumbled and said: “It’s really funny.”



“It’s a bully.”

“Obviously it is an Old Monster, but what kind of youngster did you come to pretend to, do you want shameless?”

“Remember, you broke the agreement first.”


“My army of Divine Kingdom will be killed at once!”

But the blue haired youth several people believed that it was true, and couldn’t help cursing.

Qin Feiyang glanced at a group of people, the corners of his mouth twitched, and asked: “Where do you see it, I am an Old Monster?”

“The Divine Dragon sword says you are, so can there be fakes?”

blue haired youth sneered.

Qin Feiyang’s current mood is really messy.

No matter where you look at it, he doesn’t look like the older generation!

The madman shook his head and said: “Sure enough, they are a group of idiots without vision. Ask Jiang Chen and the others. They have been lurking in the Sky Cloud Realm for so long, and they should have already inquired about our details.”

several people immediately looked towards Jiang Chen, Jiang Xing, and other Divine Race geniuses.

Jiang Chen gloomy looked at Qin Feiyang, nodded and said: “He is the older generation of Tianyun Realm!”


Qin Feiyang three people expression stared blankly.

Under the blue sky and white sun, unexpectedly lie?

“Brother, what does he mean?”

distant place.

Long Qin also looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously.

“Does this still need to be thought of?”

“He has been in the Sky Cloud Realm for so many years, he must know some details about Qin Feiyang and the others.”

“The reason for lying is purely for revenge.”

“Because White-Eyed Wolf is in the Demon Palace, Deprivation of the Divine Race woman’s cultivation base.”

“The madman is also in the Demon Palace. Let Jiang Chen and a group of people run away in a difficult situation with their tails clamped, and they will naturally have resentment in their hearts.”

Long Chen shook his head and laughed.

“It seems that the people of Divine Kingdom are not so good!”

Long Qin heard that, his face was full of contempt.

“The character is really bad.”

“However, this kind of lie can only be concealed for a while.”

“After all, in Qin Feiyang’s situation, no one in the Sky Cloud Realm knows that it is known to everyone, and you will know when you just ask.”

Long Chen shook his head.

This Jiang Chen, simply is clever.

“What do you do now?”

“They killed Qin Feiyang in one bite. They are the older generation.”

“Then Qin Feiyang take action, I am afraid it is a bit…”

Long Qin frowns.

“Don’t think so much.”

“Qin Feiyang’s character, don’t you know it? He will never hesitate to take action.”

“Besides, this time, Pei Dasen almost died in the hands of these people.”

Long Chen faintly smiled.

Even Pei Dasen knows about it. Obviously, Dragon Race has always had spies lurking in the core area.


“Have you heard?”

“Even Jiang Chen said you are Old Antique.”

“Do you still want to quibble now?”

blue haired youth and the others glared at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang glanced at several people, looked towards Jiang Chen and shook his head and said: “Divine Race, which claims to be aloof and remote, turns out to be just this virtue.”

Jiang Chen frowned.


“Too lazy to talk about these useless things with you.”

“Whether I am Old Antique also good or youngster, in short, today, none of you will want to return to Divine Kingdom.”

As Qin Feiyang’s voice fell, a solemn killing aura spread out.

Divine Dragon Sword Heart sinks.

blue haired youth A group of people also immediately panicked.

Especially Jiang Chen.

I thought that he would make Qin Feiyang worry about this, but he didn’t expect it, but it was counterproductive.

Because at the beginning, Qin Feiyang only said to keep blue haired youth.

Because of the blue haired youth, I have tortured Pei Dasen.

Available now.

Even they are not going to let it go.

At this time!

Qin Feiyang said again: “Besides, you Dragon’s son, don’t you always have to challenge Qin Shaotian? I have done him well now, shouldn’t I be thankful?”

“Don’t try to touch our bottom line!”

Divine Dragon sword rage.

“Bottom line?”

“Last time you came to the Sky Cloud Realm, how many innocent living creatures were poisoned by you?”

“Take Pluto Hell as an example.”

“All the living creatures that year died at the hands of Ji Yunhai.”

“Now, do you still have the face to talk to me about the bottom line?”

“It is not that we are touching your bottom line, it is you, you people who think of themselves as aloof and remote, have been touching the bottom line of our sky cloud world!”

“Tell you, last time I let you escape by chance, but this time, it was not so lucky!”

Qin Feiyang stared at the Divine Dragon sword, his murderous intention surged in his eyes.

As the voice fell, 3,000 Incarnations suddenly shouted.


The 24,000 Profound Truth in the sky, immediately madly killed a group of people.

The terrifying aura made a group of people despair on the spot.

Especially the Divine Dragon sword.

Dragon’s son and Jiang Chen and the others have Divine Soul in Divine Kingdom, even if they die.

But it’s different.

This is its body.

If it died here, it would be completely hopeless.


It is a crazy resuscitation, trying to tear open a breakthrough mouth to escape back to Divine Kingdom.


This is the ultimate Profound Truth of 24,000.

Even if it is the superior ruler Divine Weapon, it cannot compete.


Don’t talk about fighting, there is no chance to resist.

With a loud noise from ka-cha, the moment it met those 24,000 ultimate Profound Truths, the body was shattered on the spot!

Dragon’s son’s 3,000 Incarnations also opened the ultimate Profound Truth again.

blue haired youth several people, Jiang Chen two people, and a group of geniuses in Divine Race have all opened their own Profound Truth, desperately trying to find a way to survive.


No matter how desperate they are, in front of the 24,000 ultimate Profound Truth, they are as dead as dead trees.

That is a group of tiny ants facing one giant elephant!

The giant elephant only needs to lift its feet and it can trample a large area to death.

“Qin Feiyang, just wait to bear the anger of my Divine Kingdom!”

blue haired youth roars.

The fleshy body of a group of people, all split up and in pieces one after another, whether it is Qi Sea or Sea of ​​Consciousness, were fatally hit.

The Divine Dragon sword has become a fragment!

Qin Feiyang scanned the Divine Dragon sword and Dragon’s son and the others. Qi Sea was destroyed, and Sea of ​​Consciousness almost collapsed.

The Divine Dragon sword can’t exert any formidable power.

“Stop it!”

Qin Feiyang put his hands on 3,000 Incarnations.

3,000 Incarnations waved their hands and killed the ultimate Profound Truth of the Divine Dragon sword and Dragon’s son and the others, and stopped immediately.


“Why don’t you kill us?”

A group of people are surprised.

“I said, I want to keep you.”

Qin Feiyang stepped forward and grabbed the blue haired youth by the neck, coldly said with a smile: “Especially you, don’t take care of you, how can you be worthy of your care for Pei Dasen?”

Looking at Qin Feiyang’s gaze, there was an immediate chill from behind the blue haired youth.

The madman and Li Feng also rushed over.

The madman stayed on the neck of Dragon’s son, and said with a smile: “I, your father, want to see what your father will use to redeem you.”

Li Feng grabbed Jiang Chen, slapped Jiang Chen fiercely on the face with a slap.

“you are courting death ……”

Jiang Chen roared.


But before finishing talking, Li Feng smashed Jiang Chen’s mouth directly with one fist, with a scream, the immediate flesh of his mouth was blurred, and his teeth were treated as broken.

“I am courting death, what can you do?”

“Scum like you, who dare not even tell the truth, stand on our heads behaving atrociously?”

Li Feng was full of disdain.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are full of loathing.

“Don’t worry, wait for you to suffer.”

Li Feng Jiejie smiled and looked towards Qin Feiyang and said: “Big Brother Qin, do you keep them all?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at a group of people, said with a smile: “Except for Jiang Xing, Jiang Chen, and Dragon’s son ten people, no one else is necessary.”


Li Feng nodded, grabbed Jiang Chen’s heaven and earth ring, crushed it directly, and then killed a group of geniuses at Divine Race.


One after another scream, immediately sounded.

Li Feng is like a Demon King, with hundreds of Divine Race geniuses who die without a burial site before ten breaths!

Although they won’t really die, this time is enough to leave a lifetime shadow in their hearts.

At the same time.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic also took action, crushing the heaven and earth ring of Jiang Chen and Dragon’s son and the others.

This is to prevent them from taking medicinal pill and repair Qi Sea.


The three people walked to Dragon’s son again.

Dragon’s son fleshy body shattered, blood flowed like a note, staring at the three people, blood-stained faces full of murderous aura.


“This imprint at the center of your eyebrows, why didn’t you help you repair the injury?”

The madman is suspicious.

Dragon’s son was silent.

Li Feng looked at the imprint on Dragon’s son’s eyebrows, and said suspiciously, “Are there any restrictions?”


The madman was nodded, thought a little, and looked at Qin Feiyang and said: “Then this person, can’t let him go to Soul Sealing Valley, if by any chance, he will use the power of this imprint to repair the injury. For Martial World, it may be a disaster.”

Qin Feiyang frowns.

It makes sense.

“It would be great if Brother Wolf was there.”

Li Feng shook his head.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic turning one’s head looked towards Li Feng.

“If Brother Wolf is there, he can deprivation his cultivation base, or even give him all the deprivation, so that he becomes a mortal, then even if imprint helps him repair his injury, what’s the use?”

Li Feng chuckled.


Dragon’s son’s eyes trembled.

If this is the case, it would be better to die.

“It makes sense!”

The madman’s eyes lit up and he immediately looked at Li Feng and said: “You go to the Sky Cloud Realm at once and see how long it will take White-Eyed Wolf to leave the customs?”


Li Feng immediately opened a space-time pass and left.

“Don’t you guys bully intolerably!”

Dragon’s son roars.

He panicked, panicked completely.

If the cultivation base is truly deprived, then even if Divine Soul is left in Divine Kingdom, what’s the point even if it can save lives?

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