
You can search “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Repressing inner joy, Qin Feiyang sent the Human Sovereign sword to Profound Martial World and entered Source Land for repair.

Because of the fracture, it will take time to repair.


Qin Feiyang looked towards Madman and Li Feng.

Two people grasped nose attentively and unanimously.

See it.

The red-haired old man thought, is it so exaggerated?

Although the Lord of Divine Kingdom had told him about the experience of Dragon’s son and the others, he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes after all, but in case if by any chance, he also held his breath calmly.


As Qin Feiyang waved his hand, more than a dozen silhouettes appeared in the void ahead.

It is Dragon’s son and the others.

Qin Feiyang three people took a few steps back decisively, their faces full of disgust.

Because with the appearance of a group of people, a pungent stench swept over, like a dozen huge pits in front of you, and you can feel the smell when you hold the nose.

The red-haired old man saw the appearance of ten several people with his own eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

A whole month.

Five thousand years a day, this is fifteen 10,000 years.

Soaked in that place for fifteen 10,000 years. It is conceivable that the smell has penetrated into the bones.

If you want to get rid of this smell, you can’t do it in a short time.

Even if you get rid of it in the future, you will definitely leave an impression for a lifetime.

This is killing people!

The method is extremely vicious.

“Old Wu, kill him!”

When I saw a red-haired old man, Dragon’s son and the others immediately expressing boundless happiness.

At the same time.

The angry inside also broke out uncontrollably.

Profound Martial World has been fifteen and 10,000 years. For them, every day is a day drags past like a year, which is worse than death.

The red-haired old man is also burning with anger inside.

Dignified a group of Divine Kingdom Heaven’s Chosen, unexpectedly suffered this kind of humiliation?


He didn’t dare to really make a move.

took a deep breath, calm down the inner anger.

But with this deep breath, it made him nauseous on the spot, it was too smelly and disgusting.


A terrifying imposing manner broke out.

“right right right, kill them!”

Jiang Chen roared.

They thought that the red-haired old man wanted to take action on Qin Feiyang three people, and his face showed a strong hatred.

Qin Feiyang three people think so too.

The results are available!

The goal of the red-haired old man is Dragon’s son and the others.

With the roar of the horrible imposing manner, a group of people broke into pieces on the spot, skeleton doesn’t exist!


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

The madman and Li Feng were dumbfounded.

What is this?

“You are ruthless.”

“Killing kills the heart first.”

“Even if they escape this disaster, they will become the laughing stock of the world.”

“But the old man tells you that you have to pay a price if you do something wrong, so do it yourself!”

The red-haired old man looked at Qin Feiyang three people coldly snorted, then rushed into the gate of Divine Kingdom without looking back, and disappeared without a trace.

“You pay a price for doing something wrong…”

Qin Feiyang muttered, looking at the door of Divine Kingdom, said with a smile: “I agree with this.”

This is also a sentence he often said.

“This Little Old Man is cruel enough.”

The madman return back to his senses, eyes show a trace of restrained fear.

“I admire him on the contrary.”

“If Dragon’s son and the others return to Divine Kingdom in this way, it will definitely cause a sensation, and also have to find a way to remove the stench of their within the body, is this much trouble?”

“So, it’s better to just kill it.”

“Anyway, they all have Divine Soul in Divine Kingdom, it’s nothing if they die.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, and then regretfully sighed: “It’s a pity that White-Eyed Wolf hasn’t left the customs for a long time. Otherwise, the Deprivation will lose their laws, and even if they are released back, it will not pose any danger to us. “

“Speaking of Brother Wolf, what is it doing on Tianyun Island?”

The madman frowned.

Even if there is any good fortune, it doesn’t take so long!

If White-Eyed Wolf does not come out, they have been unable to implement their plan to enter the Divine Kingdom.


The reason why it has been delayed for so long is to wait for White-Eyed Wolf to exit.

But a whole month passed, and no news came back.



At this time.

Along with the appearance of a time and space passage, Huo Wu and old poison came out one after another.

Huo Wu’s face is very calm.

But the old poison expression is very excited.

“What made you so happy?”

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.


“Have you not seen how miserable this month is for Phoenix Clan’s Old Antique group.”

old poison laughed.


“It’s been a month.”

“How are they doing now?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

I almost forgot the existence of Phoenix Clan.

“You can see it with your own eyes later.”

old poison evilly smiled endlessly.

Qin Feiyang, a madman, and Li Feng simultaneously looked forward, and they all looked forward to it.

About half an hour passed.


A dozen silhouettes came into sight.

These people are the hidden Old Antique of Phoenix Clan.

But at this time, everyone is extremely in a difficult situation, not only the spirit is withered, but also riddled with scars, almost all of them are rotten, like a group of walking corpse.

They supported each other, limped, swayed, and even struggled to walk.

expression, also full of despair.

It’s hard to imagine, how did they get here?

“old poison, you are too cruel!”

“Looking at them, they are almost losing hope in life.”

The corners of the lunatic’s mouth twitched.

“Not fast.”

“I have lost hope in life.”

old poison smiled triumphantly.


“This is the core area, right?”

“Look at it!”

“Someone in front…”

A group of people slowly entered the core area and looked around all around vigilantly. When they saw Qin Feiyang and the others ahead, their eyes lit up immediately.

“It’s Qin Feiyang.”

“And Huo Wu.”


“We are there.”

He Fa old man cried out.

“No more.”

“I can’t hold on anymore.”

As soon as one of the Old Antique words was finished, people collapsed on the ground weakly.

“No way.”

“Just a little bit.”

“Grit your teeth and hold on!”

The white-haired old woman yelled vigorously, but even when she ran out of full power, her voice was not loud, revealing an inevitable weakness.

“Neither can I.”

However, before the voice was over, two more Old Antiques collapsed to the ground.


Huo Dahong slowly raised his head and arms, looking at Huo Wu feebly, his fleshy face was full of helplessness, and it seemed extremely pitiful.

But Huo Wu just watched this scene indifferently, without any reaction.

Huo Dahong also weakly collapsed, already reaching the limit.

“I can’t walk anymore.”

Several other Old Antiques also collapsed on the ground one after another, looking at the dim sky, thinking of Phoenix Clan’s experience now, thinking of the torture and feeling wronged this month, immediately felt sore, and old tears burst into tears.

“Let’s take a look!”

Qin Feiyang opened his mouth, leading several people, and walked to a group of people.

“Brother Qin.”

“Crazy Brother.”


The white-haired old woman and the crane-haired old man looked at a group of people, feeling like a world away.

Although it’s only a month, it’s as long as dozens of centuries have passed, and a tear can’t help falling from the corner of my eyes.

“Can you now feel Huo Wu’s feelings wronged?”

Qin Feiyang spoke lightly.


two people nodded, their faces are full of apologies.

“Dance, it’s grandfather, I’m sorry…”

“The grandfather is wrong…”


Huo Dahong collapsed on the ground, looking at Huo Wu standing aside, his face full of self-blame.

Huo Wu heard that turning one’s head looked towards elsewhere, the eye sockets were also a little moist.

It’s not that I’m sad to see these people look like this, it’s because these people finally know how much feeling wronged she is.

“Wu’er, we don’t dare to expect you to forgive us anymore. We only hope that you can see clansman and give us Phoenix Clan a place in the sky and clouds.”

“As long as you agree, I am willing to pay my guilt with death.”

The white-haired old woman spoke hoarsely, and her weak tone was extremely firm.

“Really willing to apologize with death?”

The madman smiled.


White-haired old woman nodded.

“Okay, you can stop by yourself now.”

“If you dare, then I, your father promises, I will find you Phoenix Clan a place to recuperate immediately.”

The madman sneered.

“it’s a deal!”

White-haired old woman clenched the teeth, within the body immediately, a devastating aura emerged, which is to self-destruct fleshy body!

“Are you really afraid of death?”

The lunatic stared blankly, one fist crushed the white-haired old woman Qi Sea, and the self-destruct was forcibly cut off.

The white-haired old woman spouted blood and looked up at the lunatic suspiciously.

“Now, you are quite brave.”

“When Huo Wu was bullied by the Queen of Phoenix, why didn’t I see you stand up and speak for her?”

The madman sneered.

The white-haired old woman gave a wry smile and sighed: “We are afraid, afraid that Feng’s postscript hates us, of course we don’t deny it. We also had selfishness at that time.”

“So people like you who don’t even distinguish between right and wrong are not worthy of sympathy.”

The madman snorted from the nose, turning one’s head looked towards Huo Wu.

Huo Wu was silent for a while, looking at the lunatic and said: “I said, I respect father’s decision.”

The lunatic looked towards Qin Feiyang again and said: “Then call Huo Wenchang out, after all, this matter will be resolved sooner or later.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

With the thoughts move, Huo Wenchang appeared before him.


Huo Wenchang was also retreating in Profound Martial World, and suddenly appeared outside, instinctively a little confused in his expression, but when he saw Huo Dahong a group of people, he immediately raised his brows.


“It was our fault before, we apologize to you here, please must forgive us.”

“We will kneel down for you.”

He Fa old man and white hair old woman looked towards Huo Wenchang quickly, and they really made a puff after they said they knelt in front of Huo Wenchang.

Huo Wenchang was silent, scanning a group of people, suspiciously: “What’s the matter with them?”

“This was done by the old man.”

“It is also a test for them.”

old poison speaks.


Huo Wenchang stared blankly.

After careful consideration, I understood a little bit.

At the same time.

A group of white-haired old women, when they hear old poison, their expression cannot be stared blankly. They dare to be Qin Feiyang and the others, deliberately torturing them on the way?

“Your performance is not bad.”

“Even in the face of life and death crisis, I did not back down.”

old poison jié jié smiled.

A group of people hearing this wry smile, do they still have room to shrink?

In order to survive, no matter what danger you face, you can only brace oneself.


The white-haired old woman looked at the old poison and said suspiciously, “Is it you who went to block the exit?”

Because old poison turned their backs to them, and when they left, they didn’t show their face, so they saw old poison’s back all the way.

“That’s right.”

old poison nodded.

“At that time, you also saved us?”

said the white-haired old woman.


old poison asked rhetorically.

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