
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The place where the gods are buried.

All races have always arranged spies to lurk in the interior area of ​​the Burial Land.

Because of this, we can immediately grasp the trends of Divine Kingdom.

“Be careful.”

A place in the interior area.

The silhouette of the Five Paths lurking in the mountains.

They are all middle-aged.

They are the spies of all races.

The middle-aged man who reported to Qi Shaoyun before, is inside.

They converged on aura, cautiously hiding in the mountains, their eyes all looked at the same place ahead, and they didn’t dare to make any movement.

Void ahead!

A large group of people came majestic.

Led by Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang!

The faces of the two people are extremely gloomy.

Especially Dragon’s son.

Ten years ago, he was suppressed in Soul Sealing Valley, and it lasted for fifteen 10,000 years. For him, it was a stain that could not be washed away in his life.


Although the Lord of the Divine Kingdom, the Divine Dragon sword, and the red-haired old man have deliberately concealed this matter, how can there be an impenetrable wall in the world?

So later, it spread slowly in Divine Kingdom.

In the past ten years, I don’t know how many people laughed at them behind their backs.

Every day is suffering.

The hatred for Qin Feiyang has naturally become stronger.

Originally, this time, the Lord didn’t let him in the Sky Cloud Realm, but he really couldn’t swallow this bad breath and insisted on coming, just to wash away the shame!


A group of people came to the sky above the five people and flew straight over.


Five people are relaxed.

Fortunately, they were not found.

Otherwise, just the anger of Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang, I’m afraid they will be cut off.


But suddenly.

A suspicious voice sounded in the sky, and he saw a Divine Kingdom youth, looked down at the mountain, and immediately found the five people.


The five people’s complexion changed drastically, and without the slightest hesitation turned and fled.

Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang stopped and looked down towards five people.

“Unexpectedly, dare to spy on us here?”

“courting death!”

Dragon’s son sees immediate murderous intention violently.

Now, as long as it is a person in the Sky Cloud Realm, he will be the target of his anger.

As the voice of Dragon’s son landed, a black clothed youth next to him immediately stepped out and chased the five people.

Five people are not slow.

Because now, there is a mortal danger to be a spy in the land of the burial of the gods, if there is no certain means and courage, the giants of all parties will not dare to send them.

These five people are the cultivation base of the Great Perfection ruler.

They also have the highest Profound Truth.

There is also Supreme level heaven defying auxiliary Divine Art.

With this kind of cultivation base, coupled with this level of Divine Art, if it is not unexpected, escape is definitely not a problem.


The speed of black clothed youth watching the five people is quite fast, and a wave of Law Power emerges within the body.

This is Time Law!

next moment!

He stepped out in one step, and his speed skyrocketed in an instant.

It is the supreme Profound Truth, in an instant!

With just a few blinks, the black clothed youth caught up with the five people and ran across the front.

“What are you going to do?”

“We didn’t take action against you, why chase us down?”

“The two armies are fighting, don’t cut it!”

Five people are terrified.

“The reason is this, but there is no way. Now Dragon’s son is in a bad mood. I can only blame you for bad luck.”

The black clothed youth smiled coldly.


five people roar.

One after another, the supreme Profound Truth turned out.

Each one has two to three kinds of supreme Profound Truth.

This can be regarded as a mainstay in the Sky Cloud Realm.


The black clothed youth on the opposite side is full of disdain.


With the emergence of a law of earth, a ten thousand zhang giant peak emerged, suspended in the sky, like a divine iron cast, rays of light ten thousand zhang, divine might be monstrous!

“I don’t even have the ultimate Profound Truth, and dare to come and monitor our movements.”

“Aren’t you courting death?”

“It seems that Heavenly Cloud Realm, surely not so good?”

The black clothed youth contempt smiled, and the ten thousand zhang giant peak came down.

With a loud bang, the supreme Profound Truth of the five people, like a rotten dead tree, collapsed instantly.

“Divine Kingdom…”

“You bastard who are conscientious, wait, sooner or later you will die!”

Five people’s roar, eyes full of hatred.

Hearing this, the black clothed youth’s complexion immediately became cold, and the ten thousand zhang giant peak exploded with a world extinguishing aura, blasting towards the five people.


But just then.

Along with the emergence of a passage of time and space, a white clothed youth stepped out in front of the five people. With a wave of his hand, a Star River fell and the ten thousand zhang giant peak shattered.

“Space-Time Laws Ultimate Profound Truth!”

The black clothed youth’s complexion also changed slightly, and he was quickly retreated suddenly.

“Long Chen Sir!”

Five people are looking at the back of youth, expressing boundless happiness.

That’s right!

The person here is really Long Chen!

At the same time.

Dragon’s son watched Long Chen appear, and cold light surged in his eyes.

“You guys stay away.”

Long Chen looked at the black clothed youth and said to the five people behind him.


“Sir, be careful.”

The five people responded respectfully, then turned around and fled away like lightning.

Long Chen’s murderous intention flashed in his eyes, and he looked up towards Dragon’s son and said: “The Lord has made a blood oath. From now on, you can’t kill innocents in the Heavenly Cloud Realm. But looking at your current posture, it seems that you intend to Kill all directions, don’t you fear that the Lord will be obliterated by the blood oath?”

Dragon’s son hearing this, said with a sneer: “These few ants came to monitor us and affected our mood. Is this killing innocent people?”

“If you want to say that, you are also affecting my mood, then can I kill you too!”

Long Chen waved his hand, and the Star River hovering in the sky immediately turned into a torrent, rolling towards the black clothed youth.

“you dare!”

The black clothed youth turned around and ran away.

“The ants are also worthy to yell at me?”

Long Chen was coldly snorted, Star River hiding the sky and covering the earth left, the black clothed youth screamed on the spot, divine shadow entirely extinguished, and then Star River returned to the sky above Long Chen, exuding destroying heaven extinguishing earth aura.

“Kill well!”

The five people who ran to the distant place to watch, watched this scene, shouted immediately, and the expression was extremely excited.

But Dragon’s son, Jiang Yunshuang, and the tens of thousands of Divine Kingdom Tianjiao all suddenly sank.

“To be honest, I am really not interested in taking action with you.”

“Because no matter how many times you kill you, you can rebirth again.”

“This kind of battle has no meaning at all.”

Long Chen shook his head.

The words are very plain, and there is no meaning to look down on anyone.

But it fell into the ears of Dragon’s son and the others, it was an undisguised humiliation to them.

It seems to laugh at them, keeping Divine Soul in Divine Kingdom forever, not dare to have a real life-and-death contest with the Tianjiao of Tianyun Realm.

“That’s right.”

“If you have the ability, don’t stay in Divine Kingdom. Leave Divine Soul in advance to save your life.”

“Do you dare?”

“It’s ridiculous that you still call yourself Divine Kingdom Tianjiao, do you deserve it too?”

“Look at our Tianjiao, Long Chen, Long Qin, Qin Feiyang, Li Feng, Madman Mo, Golden Wing Wolf King, and never bother to do such things.”

“They are the true proud son of heaven.”

“You guys?”

“At best, it is a group of rats who are greedy for life and fear of death, and have no bones and courage. They are not even worthy to carry shoes.”

The five spies were not as polite as Long Chen. They made insults and laughter constantly, which made the Dragon’s son group hate gnash the teeth.

Long Chen didn’t stop either.

He didn’t humiliate Dragon’s son and the others because of his disdain, but he would not object to the humiliation of others.

Because these people have wonderful faces and are of great appreciation value.


“You guys really act recklessly!”

One of the youths couldn’t help but glanced at the five people.

“We are act recklessly, but we are also stronger than those of you who are greedy for life and fear of death. At least we still have the courage to come here to monitor you.”

“Will you be replaced by you, do you dare?”

“I’m afraid you are so scared to pee your pants!”

“Don’t stare at us like that.”

“If you really have the ability, then take back the Divine Soul who stayed in the Divine Kingdom, and fight to the death with the Tianjiao of our Heavenly Cloud World.”

five people sneered.

youth extremely angry went mad, stepped out in one step, a Slaughter Law rolled out, turned into a wave of blood covering the sky, and rushed towards the five people.

Long Chen waved his hand, and Star River went upstream, accompanied by a loud bang, and the blood wave immediately vanished.

Follow closely.

Star River roars, as if one is too ancient giant creature, rushing towards youth.

Youth paled immediately, and backed away in fright.

“Look, see, see.”

“Things that bully the soft and fear the hard, can only show their prestige in front of us. If you encounter Longchen Sir, it will be the same as a cat seeing a mouse.”

“Divine Kingdom genius?”

“I think Divine Kingdom trash is right.”

five people laughed again and again.

It’s too hateful.

Fortunately, there are people like Long Chen and Qin Feiyang in the Sky Cloud Realm.

Otherwise, who can fight Divine Kingdom?

Just like these people in front of you, anyone can control the ultimate Profound Truth.


Seeing that youth was about to be submerged by Star River, Jiang Yunshuang stepped out and landed in front of youth. Time Law’s ultimate Profound Truth opened, and he slashed away with a sword.


The two ultimate Profound Truths suddenly met.

A wave of world extinguishing, like a tide, surges in all directions.


The five spies pupil shrank, then turned and fled away.

Because they have a hunch that the great battle between Long Chen and Divine Kingdom Tianjiao is about to explode, if you don’t quickly slip away, it will definitely become a drag on Long Chen.

Because when Long Chen fights, he has to take care of them.

Although it can’t be said to be strong, it cannot be a burden.

“Since you don’t want to fight with us, let the Golden Wing Wolf King come!”

Jiang Yunshuang stared at Long Chen.

“Qin Feiyang!”

Dragon’s son also stepped down beside Jiang Yunshuang, staring at Long Chen with expression sharp.


Long Chen Weiwei stared blankly, shook his head and said: “I want to find them too.”

“What do you mean?”

Two people frowned.

“I contacted them before I came.”

“Can’t be reached.”

“At first I thought they were taking time off.”

“But now, I finally understand.”

Long Chen sighed.

“What do you understand?”

Two people are suspicious.

“It’s obvious.”

“They don’t want to fight with you.”

Long Chen sighed.

“Are they afraid of us?”

There was a youth woman sneered.

“Afraid of you?”

Long Chen was astonished, looking at the youth woman weirdly, how could he say such ignorant words? He shook his head and said: “You should never say this in front of Qin Feiyang and Golden Wing Wolf King, otherwise they will definitely laugh at you with a ‘brain’.”


Youth women have eyebrows and eyes.


“They are not afraid of anyone, they simply don’t want to play with you.”

Long Chen shook his head helplessly.

It’s really meaningless to confront these arrogances of Divine Kingdom.

Desperately kill the opponent, but not long after, the opponent appeared in front of him again and again.

This kind of battle like playing house is meaningful?

“Fighting with us is a joke?”

The tens of thousands of people in Divine Kingdom were shaking with anger when they heard this.

In this case, the killing power is very small, but it is extremely insulting!

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