
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Dragon’s son pondered a little, looked at the three people and said: “In fact, their strongest method is nothing more than their Battle Soul.”

“Battle Soul…”

Human Race Paragon murmured, nodded and said: “I have heard Wang Feng and the others say that their Battle Souls are very difficult to deal with.”

“Not only terrifying, equal terrifying.”

“Long Chen’s realm of gods can restrain all the laws of Profound Truth, including 3,000 Incarnations.”

“The Battle Soul of Golden Wing Wolf King is more terrifying, deprivation rule and cultivation base.”

“Qin Feiyang’s Battle Soul Eye of God, even the ultimate Profound Truth can be replicated.”

“As for Madman Mo, although Battle Soul is also very strong, in comparison, he has the ultimate power…”

When the god master said this, black eyebrows couldn’t help but frowned, looking at the country master and asking: “Last time, you fought against a person from the Sky Cloud Realm. Have you seen this kind of power?”


The lord shook his head, pondered a little, and said: “But as far as I guess, this should be the power of Myriad Evil Origin.”

“Myriad Evil Origin!”

God Lord and Human Race Paragon bewilderement.

“Ji Yunhai fought against the blood Demon King back then. The blood Demon King seems to have Myriad Evil Origin in his hands, but the blood Demon King not at all merged successfully.”


“Unsurprisingly, when Madman Mo got the inheritance of the blood Demon King, he also got this Myriad Evil Origin and merged smoothly.”

The master speculates.

“Unexpectedly able to integrate with Myriad Evil Origin, it is really the natural enemy of my Divine Race!”

The murderous intention flashes in the eyes of the god.

The country lord looked at the god lord, said with a smile: “The power of Myriad Evil Origin, Divine Race up and down, should only be you can contend.”

“But because of your agreement, I can’t take action, am I?”

God leads the way.

The lord embarrased smiled and looked towards Dragon’s son and said: “Go on.”

Dragon’s son’s radiance flashed in his eyes and said: “Their strongest method is Battle Soul, so to deal with them, we have to start with Battle Soul.”

“Start with Battle Soul?”

The lord stared blankly.

“Not bad.”

Dragon’s son nodded, said with a sneer: “If the plan in my heart succeeds, not only will it be able to defeat them, but it will also increase the strength of our Divine Kingdom in an instant!”

“Tell me in detail.”

The three tyrants immediately generated strong interest.


Sky Cloud World.

“I’ll go for a stroll.”

After talking to the madman, White-Eyed Wolf is about to leave.

“Don’t go, don’t go.”

Long Chen grabbed White-Eyed Wolf.

“What are you doing?”

White-Eyed Wolf frowned.

“Tianyun God’s Storehouse, you know!”

Long Chen asked.

“I know.”

White-Eyed Wolf nodded.

After leaving the customs, he saw Tianyun God’s Storehouse on Tianyun Island and asked Four Great Guardian God Beasts about the situation of Tianyun God’s Storehouse.

Long Chen said with a smile: “Four Great Guardian God Beasts means that the people of Divine Kingdom can’t run to make trouble, so you have to help guard here.”

“How long will it last?”

White-Eyed Wolf is suspicious.

Long Chen thought about it for a while, said with a laugh: “It is estimated that the experience of God’s Storehouse in Tianyun will not end in half a year, so…”


Without waiting for Long Chen to finish, White-Eyed Wolf said something, before turning on for an instant, and fleeing without looking back.

Half a year?

Is it just an estimate?

What a joke.

With this skill, run outside to play, isn’t he fragrant?

Long Chen staring blankly staring at White-Eyed Wolf’s back, he really has an urge to scold his mother. How come all of them are like this?

Can you be a bit responsible?


He was helplessly sighed and had to stay, staring at the door of Divine Kingdom.



About one hour over.

one after another terrifying aura, suddenly surging out from the gate of Divine Kingdom.


Long Chen sits in the void and senses these auras. He raises his brow immediately, immediately eyes opened, and looks up towards the gate of Divine Kingdom.


A man and a woman walked out of the door of Divine Kingdom.

Two people are Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang.

And behind the two people, someone kept walking out.

These people look very youthful, and the cultivation base is in the Great Perfection ruler realm. There are males and females, fat and thin, and they are all strange faces.

“It’s really endless.”

Long Chen slowly got up, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, is he really trying to force him to follow Qin Feiyang several people and enter Divine Kingdom together?

“This is the Sky Cloud Realm?”

“What a weak essence qi.”

“Can a monster like Long Chen be born in this place? It really makes people puzzled.”

From the sound of the discussion, apart from Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang, everyone else came to the sky cloud world for the first time.

About hundred breaths passed.

The gate of Divine Kingdom, finally no one came out.

At this time, there were hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the sky.

That’s right!

Hundreds of thousands, more than before.

Someone family, there is Divine Race, and the aura revealed are deep and unmeasurable.



A terrifying divine might roared out like a volcanic eruption.

Hundreds of thousands of people looked down immediately. When they saw Long Chen, their expression was stared blankly.

“Long Chen, don’t be impulsive.”

“This time, we are not here to fight you desperately.”

Dragon’s son looked at Long Chen and said.

“He is Long Chen?”

“Long Chen who owns the realm of God?”

A hundred thousand people looked at Long Chen curiously.

Dare to stay here alone, this person is really courageous.

Moreover, in the face of many of them, unexpectedly can face doesn’t change.

Long Chen was stunned, and Aura converged slightly and asked: “Then you are here to do and so on?”

It didn’t take long for the two people to escape back to Divine Kingdom, and they brought hundreds of thousands of people there. Whoever they replaced would definitely think they came for revenge, but the result was quite unexpected.


Looking at the expressions of Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang, it seems that they are no longer as indifferent as before.

Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang simultaneously looked, stepped forward and landed on the opposite side of Long Chen.

“I apologize for the trouble this time has caused you.”

Dragon’s son apologized.


Long Chen was surprised.

Unexpectedly apologize?

Is this the sun coming out from the west?

It’s strange.

“There is a good sentence.”

“out of blows friendship grows.”

“This time, we came with sincerity, hoping to be with Brother Long, and several others, such as Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, Golden Wing Wolf King, turn hostility into friendship.”

Jiang Yunshuang also said with a smile.

This attitude makes Long Chen really adapt, and he suspiciously said: “You are cracking a joke with me, right?”

“Do you think we are like cracking a joke?”

“We really came to apologize.”

“And I promise that in the next 10,000 years, my Divine Kingdom will not kill an innocent living creature in the sky and cloud world.”

Dragon’s son said.

Long Chen looked at the two people.

Whether it is attitude or tone, it’s very sincere.

However, he really couldn’t believe it. The two people are here to make peace.

Because of Dragon’s son, it was suppressed by Qin Feiyang, and it was still in Soul Sealing Valley.

Jiang Yunshuang was also used twice by the White-Eyed Wolf Deprivation Law and the cultivation base.

How can you just say such a deep hatred?

It can be said.

Being suppressed in places like Soul Sealing Valley, even his Long Chen character will definitely be irreconcilable until death with Qin Feiyang, let alone a proud and arrogant person like Dragon’s son.

So you can’t be careless.

There must be a problem in this!

“Then what do you plan to do when you come to Tianyun Realm this time?”

“If it’s just to apologize, don’t take so many people!”

Long Chen glanced at the hundreds of thousands of people, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

Not only is there a huge number, but all of them are out of the ordinary. If you say they came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, he absolutely believes it, but apologize, then forget it!

“When I came to the Sky Cloud Realm this time, of course I had something to ask for.”

Dragon’s son said.

“Ask something?”

Long Chen stared blankly.

This gets more and more outrageous.

Can Divine Kingdom beg their Sky Cloud Realm?


“In these few fights, we have also deeply realized the power of the Sky Cloud Realm.”

“There are some places in my Divine Kingdom that are inferior to the sky cloud world.”

“So, we plan to organize a friendly competition jointly with Tianyun World.”

Dragon’s son smiled slightly.

“friendly competition?”

Long Chen staring blankly endlessly.


“Don’t worry about it.”

“Since it is a friendly competition, it must be the end of the game, not to hurt everyone’s peace.”

“We have seriously thought about it, this friendly competition, whether it is your Sky Cloud World or our Divine Kingdom, is a good deed.”

“Because everyone can communicate with each other and make progress while discussing each other.”

Dragon’s son said with a smile.


How smart is Long Chen’s mind?

At this moment, I was confused by these actions of Divine Kingdom.

What does Divine Kingdom want to do?

Dragon’s son said again: “And in this friendly competition, our Divine Kingdom will also give generous rewards to make everyone more motivated.”

“What reward?”

Long Chen is suspicious.

Dragon’s son said with a smile: “The epitome of a thousand Ordinary Laws, the epitome of a hundred strongest laws.”

Long Chen is hearing this, immediately shocked.

This is really great generosity!

“Don’t worry, it’s not over yet.”

Dragon’s son waved his hand and continued: “Apart from this, there are ten Ordinary Laws, the ultimate Profound Truth inheritance, and… the five strongest laws, the ultimate Profound Truth inheritance.”


Now even Long Chen can’t calm down.

Ten Dao Ordinary Law Ultimate Profound Truth inheritance.

The ultimate Profound Truth inheritance of the five strongest laws……

Is this Divine Kingdom crazy?

For a friendly competition, unexpectedly cost so much?

Something’s wrong…

There is a 100% conspiracy in this!

“I think Brother Long must be thinking now, my Divine Kingdom has a conspiracy!”

“In fact, we do have a little selfishness.”

Dragon’s son sighed.

Jiang Yunshuang heard this, immediately frowned, sound transmission said: “Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Our plan will definitely not be told to him.”

“But for selfishness, we have to admit it, otherwise they will keep on guarding us.”

Dragon’s son smiled secretly.

“Just know how to measure.”

Jiang Yunshuang is coldly snorted.


“What selfishness?”

At this time.

Just listen to Long Chen’s question.

“For the battle after 10,000 years.”

“I believe you also know the agreement between Qin Feiyang and the country lord.”

“After 10,000 years, our Divine Kingdom and Sky Cloud World will inevitably have a battle.”

“The so-called know yourself and know your enemy, can then emerge victorious in every battle.”

“So my selfish intention is to use this friendly competition to have a comprehensive understanding of the overall strength of your Heavenly Cloud Realm and prepare for the battle in 10,000 years.”

Dragon’s son said.

“This reason…”

Long Chen frowns.

This reason can indeed be justified.

But he has an intuition that Dragon’s son’s intention is by no means that simple.

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