
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

West continent.

A remote mountain village.

There are dozens of households living here, with a total of more than two hundred people.

In places like Tianyunjie, such a small mountain village, no one pays attention at all.

At this time.

Outside the village entrance, standing on a youth wearing linen cloth, quietly jumping in the sun.

His looks are very ordinary, and aura is also very weak.

The exit is not a distant place, there are more than a dozen youngsters playing, and they will glance at youth from time to time, with a hint of doubt on their childish face.

“Big brother, why are you standing here in a daze?”

There is an eleven-twelve-year-old young woman who mustered up her courage and ran to the youth side and curiously asked.

Youth retracted his gaze, a smile appeared on his calm face, looked down at the young woman, and said: “I am not in a daze, I am in the sunset.”

“You can see the sunset every day, what’s so interesting?”

The young woman slumped her mouth, hehe said with a smile: “Big brother, I know, you must be missing your family.”


Youth froze.

Other youngsters also ran over, surrounding youth.

“Big brother, it’s been two months since you came to our village!”

“We still don’t know where you are from?”

“And your name, I never heard you mention it.”

“Big brother, who are you?”

One by one is naive looking at the youth lively.


Youth hehe smiled, looked at a group of youngsters, and said: “My name is Qin Feiyang, do you believe it?”


“Are you Qin Feiyang?”


“Don’t think we are children, you can fool us.”

“Senior Qin, although we haven’t seen it with our own eyes, we have heard of it, and I have seen a portrait of Senior Qin some time ago.”

“You don’t look like him at all.”

A group of children immediately chirp chirp twitter twitter said.

And when it comes to Qin Feiyang, everyone is full of admiration and admiration in the big eyes.

“Big brother, it’s not good for you to pretending Senior Qin like this.”

“Be honest, you know?”

The young woman is also akimbo, teaching the youth like a Sir.


youth stared blankly, touching nose.

He has become the Senior in the eyes of these kids?


This youth is Qin Feiyang.

But before he came to this village, he had already adjusted one’s head and turning one’s face.

“Have you heard.”

The young woman saw that Qin Feiyang did not return, and scolded.

“I heard that.”


“I shouldn’t pretending Qin Feiyang Senior.”

Qin Feiyang nodded smiled and rubbed the young woman’s head, really a cute child.

“That’s right!”

The young woman clicked nodded with satisfaction and asked: “Then what is your name?”

“Ancient style.”

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.

“Ancient style?”

The young woman stared blankly, lowered her head for a little silence, and shook her head: “It doesn’t seem to be the name of a great character. It seems that you have no pretending this time.”

Qin Feiyang smiled wryly.

This little girl movie is too real!

A 7-8 years old kid asked: “Ancient Brother Feng brother, where is your home?”

“My home…”

“My home is far, far away.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“How far?”

The child is curious.

“Very far away.”

Qin Feiyang smiled.

“Okay, don’t ask any more, it will definitely be uncomfortable after the ancient Brother Feng brother.”

The young woman scolded a group of youngsters.


Qin Feiyang was stunned, and said suspiciously: “Why am I uncomfortable?”

“Daddy said it before.”

“Generally speaking, people who are very far away mean that their family members have passed away and have no home.”

The young woman looked at Qin Feiyang seriously and said.

“Is it this way?”

Qin Feiyang laughed blankly.

“Old Brother Feng brother, don’t be sad, anyway, you came to our village, and the village chief grandfather also let you live, you can live here with peace of mind!”

“In the future, we will be your family.”

young woman laughed.


“Thank you.”

Qin Feiyang is moved.


At this time.

Qin Feiyang seems to have a feeling in the heart, looking up towards the front void, and seeing a black silhouette coming from breaking the sky like lightning, landing at the entrance of the village.

This is a youth robust man, almost 20 years old, with a slightly dark skin and muscular body, like a wild beast, full of sturdy air.

“Strong Brother.”

The young woman ran over quickly, her face full of joy.

Other youngsters are also swarming.

Youth robust man shaved the young woman’s nose, said with a smile: “Xiaojia, is it naughty again?”


“I was just chatting with the ancient Brother Feng brother.”

The young woman shook her head.

“Ancient style?”

youth robust man stared blankly, looked towards Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “So you are called Gufeng!”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

It has been two months since I came to this village. Although the people in the village have taken him in, I don’t at all communicate with him. After all, I will be wary of facing a stranger.

“My name is Shen Dazhuang, you can call me Dazhuang.”

youth robust man said.

“I know.”

Qin Feiyang nodded smiled.

Shen Dazhuang is the grandson of the village chief, and the only person in this village who has a breakthrough to Battle God. For the people in this village, Shen Dazhuang is someone’s hope.

Although he didn’t communicate much before, he, who has read countless people, has long seen that this Shen Dazhuang is honest and honest. Although the innate talent is not good, his personality is very simple.

Shen Dazhuang asked: “Gufeng, you have been in our village for two months. If you don’t go back for so long, won’t your family worry about it?”

young woman hearing this, hurriedly grabbed Shen Dazhuang’s hand, and whispered, “Brother, Dazhuang, don’t say it.”


Shen Dazhuang was puzzled.

“The family of the ancient Brother Feng brothers all passed away.”

“Can’t remind him of these sad things.”

young woman said.


Shen Dazhuang was taken aback, looked at Qin Feiyang and apologized: “I’m sorry, I don’t know about this…”

“It’s okay.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

This little girl, unexpectedly, really takes it seriously.

Forget it.

I didn’t bother to explain.

“Da Zhuang, you are back.”


A hoarse voice remembered in the village.

Everyone looked and saw a gray-haired old man covered in stains, walking out with a crutch, skinny and staggering, as if the wind would fall down.

This old man is the village chief of the village.

The cultivation base is not strong, 9-Star Battle Emperor.

Qin Feiyang came to this village, and when he first saw the old man, he had already discovered that the man was approaching, and it was only a hundred years old at most.

For a cultivation base like 9-Star Battle Emperor, if you can’t step into Battle God, your life will come to an end sooner or later.


Shen Dazhuang quickly greeted him and supported the old man.

The old man walked up to Qin Feiyang, hoarsely said with a smile: “Little Brother, are you still used to living?”


Qin Feiyang quickly nodded.

“Don’t mind. After all, you are a stranger. Everyone dare not communicate with you. But just now, the old man was in the room. Seeing you talking to these children, it didn’t feel like a bad person.”

“If you really have nowhere to go, you might as well listen to Xiaojia this girl and live here.”

Old man said.

“Thank you old fellow.”

Qin Feiyang smiles gratefully.

“No thanks.”

“The youngster nowadays is under great pressure and not easy.”

The old man waved his hand.

Seeing the end of the conversation between the two people, Shen Dazhuang hurriedly looked at the old man and said: “grandfather, I was in the city today, and I heard good news.”

“What good news?”

Before the old man spoke, a group of children asked first.

“It doesn’t matter with you, let’s go play first!”

Shen Dazhuang waved.


“We are going to listen.”

A group of youngsters shook their heads.

“Be obedient, or the strong brother will get angry.”

Shen Dazhuang immediately stared at a group of children.

“You are angry, we are not afraid.”

A five or six year old snot baby, mumbled said.


Shen Dazhuang was surprised.

Qin Feiyang couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed.

These kids, it’s not okay for people to dislike them.

The old man also shook the head and looked towards the young woman and said: “Little Jiajia, take everyone to play!”

“Can’t I listen?”

“I am twelve years old now, and I am considered Sir.”

young woman said.

“Sir is twelve years old?”

Shen Dazhuang helplessly, urged: “Go ahead, another day when Brother Dazhuang goes to the city, I will take you with you.”


“Don’t lie to me.”

The young woman immediately beamed her eyebrows.

“Never lie to you.”

Shen Dazhuang nodded guarantee.


The young woman was nodded with joy, turned around to look at a group of children, and screamed: “Sir said something, what is the fun of the children? Hurry up.”

Don’t say it, it really works.

This young woman is the child king in the village.

Shen Dazhuang looked at this scene in astonishment, said with a bitter smile: “Is this a bit of a failure as a person? Even a little girl film is more deterrent than me?”

“Did you know?”

The old man shook his head and smiled and asked, “What the hell is the good news?”

Shen Dazhuang looked towards Qin Feiyang again.

“I avoid it.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, turned and left.

“Don’t use it.”

“This may also be good news for you.”

Shen Dazhuang quickly said.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, stopped and turned to look at Shen Dazhuang curiously.

Shen Dazhuang said: “As soon as I went to the city today, I heard a news that we, Tianyun Realm and Divine Kingdom, are going to hold a friendly competition.”

“friendly competition?”

old man stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang also has a flash of surprise in his eyes. It started so soon? It seems that Tianyun God’s Storehouse’s experience is over.

“I heard that in this friendly competition, the rewards are very generous.”

Shen Dazhuang looked at Qin Feiyang and the old man, and spoke with joy.

After listening, the old man also looked shocked.

The epitome of the law and the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth are completely beyond his cognitive category.

“grandfather, I want to participate in a friendly competition.”

Shen Dazhuang suddenly said something that shocked Qin Feiyang.

What a joke.

Just you, Battle God’s cultivation base, went to participate in the friendly competition. What’s the difference between it and courting death?

“Da Zhuang, are you sick?”

The old man froze for a moment, then returned back to his senses, touching Shen Dazhuang’s forehead with a look of surprise.

“grandfather, I am not sick.”

Shen Dazhuang gently pushed away the old man’s hand and sighed: “I know, with my strength, even the cannon fodder is not even qualified to participate in friendly competition, but I still want to try one’s luck.”

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