
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Can I say no?”

Yun Ziyang looked at the lunatic two people.


“Who asked Princess Divine Kingdom to give you such a great fortune?”

“Now in our Sky Cloud Realm, you are a well-deserved Number One Person.”

Evilly smiled crazy.


“Since it is Number One Person, naturally we have to take the corresponding responsibility.”

Long Chen nodded.

“Can I also be a Number One Person?”

Yun Ziyang’s face is full of helplessness.

On the ultimate Profound Truth, he really wants to surpass everyone. After all, now, he holds the ultimate Profound Truth of the four strongest laws.

But on the means.

He can’t compare to the lunatic, Long Chen, and White-Eyed Wolf.

Including Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang, they can easily defeat him.

“Humility is good deed.”

“But if you are too modest, that would be Tsundere.”

The madman was grinned and looked down towards Pei Tianhong, with a trace of gratification in his eyes. He was able to find a breakthrough in the battle, which was enough to prove Pei Tianhong’s potential.

Tianhong Pei’s breakthrough is also a great improvement for Profound Martial World.

Because so far, in addition to Demon Ancestor these people, Pei Tianhong is the first person in Profound Martial World to realize the ultimate Profound Truth.

Why should we exclude people like Demon Ancestor?

Because of them, they are outsiders after all.

I don’t know that one day I’ll be coming hostile with them. Even if I don’t know how to become hostile, I will leave sooner or later.

But Pei Tianhong is different.

People like Pei Tianhong and Wang Changyuan have been tied to them forever.

bound together for good or ill.


Compared to Demon Ancestor and the others becoming stronger, he would rather see people like Pei Tianhong become stronger.


Just then.

Jiang Yunshuang pupils radiance flashed, turning one’s head looked towards Dragon’s son sound transmission and said: “Follow me.”

“What are you doing?”

Dragon’s son is suspicious.

“There should be news coming back.”

Jiang Yunshuang turned around breaking the sky and stood up.

Dragon’s son heard this, looked towards the madman and the others, in the dark sneered, and quickly caught up.

“Why are they going?”

Yun Ziyang looked at the back of the two people suspiciously.

“I must be so angry, I want to find a place to calm down.”

The madman’s face is full of ridiculing expression.


distant place.

Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang fell on a hill.

Jiang Yunshuang immediately took out the sound transmission Divine Stone.

The sound transmission Divine Stone is constantly trembling, exuding divine divine light.


As the sound transmission Divine Stone recovers, a black clothed youth emerges.

“How is your inquiry?”

Jiang Yunshuang asked immediately.

“We have found out their whereabouts.”

The black clothed youth nodded.


Dragon’s son heard that immediately a little impatient.

“North continent.”

“In a city called Qianshan City.”

“However, there is not only Demon Ancestor alone, but also three people.”

“They are all strange faces that have never been seen before.”

The black clothed youth frowned.

“A strange face?”

Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang stared blankly.


“We checked in the dark, these three people, like the original Demon Ancestor, there is no news about them in the Sky Cloud Realm.”

Black clothed youth said.

“No way!”

“Are they three low-key horror Heaven’s Chosen again?”

Jiang Yunshuang was surprised.

“I don’t know.”

The black clothed youth shook his head and continued: “As for their strength, I dare not beat the grass to scare the snake. I haven’t tried it, so I don’t know.”

“Just do not beat the grass to scare the snake.”

Dragon’s son nodded, pondered a little, and asked, “What about the other things that you want to investigate?”

“All have been investigated.”

“Half a year ago, the Heavenly Cloud God’s Storehouse in the Heavenly Cloud Realm was opened, and people of all races went to experience it, so Long Chen and the others would not let us enter the Heavenly Cloud Realm.”

“That is, we are worried that we will undermine the experience they organized.”

Black clothed youth explained.

“Tianyun God’s Storehouse……”

A hint of curiosity appeared immediately in Jiang Yunshuang’s eyes and asked: “Since it can be called God’s Storehouse, there should be many divine objects, right?”

“There are indeed many.”

“According to our inquiries, Tianyun God’s Storehouse has the epitome of the law, the inheritance of the law, various Divine Artifacts, and Divine Art.”

“It is said that the epitome of the laws of Tianyun God’s Storehouse was made by Qin Feiyang alone.”

“Other things such as law inheritance, Divine Artifact, Divine Art, etc., are the power of all parties in the sky and cloud world.”

Black clothed youth said.

Inquiry is still very clear.

“Law Inheritance?”

Dragon’s son frowned.

“Don’t get me wrong.”

“The inheritance of their laws is not the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth, but pure Law Force inheritance.”

The black clothed youth smiled.

“Law Force inheritance?”

“Can this be regarded as God’s Storehouse?”

“Did they misunderstand the word God’s Storehouse?”

Dragon’s son heard a hint of disdain on his face immediately.

“Although the epitome of the law and the inheritance of Law Force are constant in our Divine Kingdom, they are extremely rare in the sky cloud world.”

“For them, this is God’s Storehouse.”

“This may be the sorrow of the inferior civilization!”

The black clothed youth shook his head and smiled.

“Anyway, it’s a bunch of hillbillies who have never seen the world.”

Dragon’s son dismissed it and asked, “What about Qin Feiyang?”

“About Qin Feiyang’s current whereabouts, we did not inquire about it.”

The black clothed youth shook his head.


“Did not inquire?”

“How could he not be able to find out if he is such a famous person?”

Dragon’s son raised his eyebrows.

“I really can’t find out.”

“This half a month, we have been monitoring people who have a better relationship with Qin Feiyang.”

“You can listen to their conversation, no one knows where Qin Feiyang is at the moment?”

“No one knows, what is he doing?”

“It seems…”

Speaking of this, black clothed youth can’t help being frowned.

“What does it look like?”

Dragon’s son asked.

“disappear from the face of the earth.”

black clothed youth took a deep breath and said.

“How can it disappear from the face of the earth?”

“He must be hiding somewhere, comprehending the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws!”

Dragon’s son clenched his hands.

Since seeing Qin Feiyang realize Life and Death Laws, he has not been at peace for a day.

As a direct descendant of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon family, he has the purest Purple Gold Dragon Blood. He hasn’t even realized Life and Death Laws. Why can Qin Feiyang realize it?

Qin Feiyang also has Purple Gold Dragon Blood, but can it be compared with him?

And he has also learned that when the Lord came to rescue them, he had talked with Qin Feiyang beforehand, and wanted Qin Feiyang to join the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan.

A tiny human, unexpectedly invited by the Lord to enter their Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan?

This is a ridiculous thing!

But it also reflects that the country’s master attaches great importance to Qin Feiyang.


The jealousy of Qin Feiyang in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The black clothed youth looked at Dragon’s son’s increasingly vicious expression, cautiously said: “We have really done our best. Please also Dragon’s son to forgive us.”

“Don’t tell me these nonsense.”

“From now on, the person you let out, don’t go back for the time being, full power will investigate the whereabouts of Qin Feiyang.”

“In any case, find him for me!”

“I will never allow him, he realized the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws!”

Dragon’s son tightly clenched his hands, his face is extremely gloomy.


black clothed youth responded respectfully.

Jiang Yunshuang looked at Dragon’s son and asked: “Then when shall we kill Demon Ancestor?”

“Of course it is now!”

“Pei Tianhong is Transcending Tribulation, Long Chen and the others will stay on the battlefield to help him Transcending Tribulation, just to help us contain them.”

“So now is the best opportunity!”

Dragon’s son sneered, looking at the black clothed youth, said: “Give us the coordinates and we will pass at once.”


The black clothed youth nodded.


North continent.

Qianshan City!

This city is very small.

Just like Dongshang City and Heavenly Wind City in the east continent, only several millions of people live.

Such a city is placed in Great Qin, Ancient World. It must be super prosperous, but in the sky cloud world, it’s really nothing.

At this time.

On the street.

There are busy traffic and crowds.

Four young man walking on the street, glanced around, their faces full of expectation and shock.

It is Demon Ancestor, Mu Tianyang, Dong Zhengyan, Mu Qing!

Their expectation is that they hope to meet their old enemy soon.

In this way, Battle Soul can complete the evolution.

Every kind of the strongest Battle Soul has a heaven defying instinct.

Like the eye of destiny, peeping into destiny and predicting the future.

Opening Heaven Eye, see through World Source, and see World’s All Living Things.

Evil Eyes, Seven Emotions and Six Desires that control living creatures, turn them into sharp blades in their hands.

Whether it is also good or Vicious Beast, there are Seven Emotions and Six Desires, which means that living creatures in the world are not dominated by evil eyes.

In short.

As long as their Battle Soul can evolve, it will be the real fish leaping over the dragon gate, soaring into the sky, no one can stop their progress.

As for the reason for the shock, it is because of this half a month’s understanding of the Sky Cloud Realm.

In the Profound Martial World these years, they have devoted themselves to cultivation and are completely disinterested in the situation of the Sky Cloud Realm, so now they know nothing about the Sky Cloud Realm.

The human and Vicious Beast I saw along the way, the cultivation base is more terrifying!

Even Qianshan City, one of the smallest cities in the north continent, is generally the cultivation base of Inextinguishable Realm.

The living creature here, just pull one, all have the power to rule the Ancient World.

Sure enough.

One mountain has another high.

When I was in Great Qin, I felt that the living creatures of Divine Vestige 1st-Layer and 2nd-Layer were so terrifying and regarded as restricted areas.

When I entered Divine Vestige, I learned about the existence of Ancient World, and felt that Ancient World was a place to look up to. When I came to the sky cloud world, I found out that Ancient World was also just this.

The strength of the Sky Cloud Realm is already terrifying enough!

However, now, there is another Divine Kingdom that is more terrifying than the Heavenly Cloud Realm.

This makes them all unable to help but wonder, is there a stronger presence on Divine Kingdom?

“There is a restaurant in front of us. Let’s go and sit down.”

several people passing a cross intersection, Demon Ancestor saw the street on the right, there was a restaurant called Tianyuelou, so he said with a smile.

Tianyue Building is naturally Yueqing’s industry.

But Demon Ancestor and the others don’t know, because I have never seen Yueqing.

The four people walked over and were about to enter Tianyue Tower, but Mu Tianyang brows suddenly wrinkle, turning one’s head looked towards the street behind them.

On the street, people coming, people going are very lively.

At first glance, there is nothing strange, but Mu Tianyang felt a faintly discernible murderous intention.

“You finally found out.”

Dong Zhengyan secretly thought.

“Did you find out early?”

Mu Tianyang Weiwei stared blankly, frowns saying.


“I have not yet entered Qianshan City, I already know that someone is following us.”

Dong Zhengyan sound transmission, Yu Guang couldn’t help but glance at a small vendor in a distant place behind him.

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