
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


White-Eyed Wolf ran to the mountain summit and immediately hid behind the lunatic.

“Is there anyone you are afraid of?”

The madman was surprised.

“Brother is not afraid of her, brother, this is a good man not fighting a woman.”

White-Eyed Wolf coldly snorted.

Long Qin also fell on the mountain summit. Upon hearing White-Eyed Wolf’s words, immediately glare cut his teeth and looked at Long Chen and said, “Brother, what are you doing, why did you bring them to the Dragon Nest?”

Long Chen looked innocent.

Do you think I want to? I don’t want to.

But there is no way, they have to follow shameless, what can I do?

Long Qin stared at the lunatic two people and said angrily: “You guys go quickly, you are not welcome here.”

“Also include me?”

The madman pointed at his nose.


Long Qin nodded.

The corner of the lunatic’s mouth twitched, and he was really hit by the fish.

He is the fish in the pond.

“Brother Wolf, what do you want to do?”

Maniac sound transmission.

“Don’t sound transmission, I can hear it, just say what you want.”

Long Qin looked at the two people coldly.

White-Eyed Wolf hearing this, said with a smile: “It’s nothing, I just want to introduce you to a marriage.”

“What is it?”

Long Qin looked at White-Eyed Wolf dumbfounded.

Long Chen also looked wrong.

Introduce your family?

Which is the trouble again?

“In the place where the gods were buried, didn’t the brother tell Dragon’s son to introduce him a wife? Brother thinks your younger sister is very good.”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at Long Chen grinned.

When Long Chen heard this, his veins jumped immediately.

It turned out to be a joke, but didn’t expect, really helped Dragon’s son get Zhang Luo up.

And also eyeing his biological younger sister.

This dead wolf pup!

“You want to introduce me to Dragon’s son?”

“Dragon’s son of Divine Kingdom?”

Long Qin hasn’t reacted yet.


“Look, they are the biological grandson of the Lord of Divine Kingdom, getting everything one wants, and most importantly, he is Purple Gold Divine Dragon.”

“As for you…”

“The looks are okay, but the personality is too bad.”

“The innate talent is okay, but the temper is too hot.”

“In general, it’s only sixty points. It just passed. It is worthy of us. It is definitely not worthy. But with this Dragon’s son, it is still enough and to spare.”

White-Eyed Wolf touched the chin, looking at Long Qin up and down, and commenting.

I didn’t notice at all, Long Qin’s face was already pitch black, his hands clenched tightly together, his eyes bursting into flames.

Long Chen is also very angry.

This younger sister has a really bad temper, but it’s not that bad either!

“I will kill you!”

Long Qin went violently, and the baring fangs and brandishing claws rushed towards White-Eyed Wolf.

When the madman saw this, he quickly hid aside. It’s better not to mix things up, so as not to get angry.

White-Eyed Wolf, a shivered, turned around and ran away quickly.

“You stand still!”

Long Qin was extremely angry, chasing wildly.

Long Chen looked at this scene, glanced at the lunatic and asked: “Do you treat my younger sister the same way?”


The lunatic looked towards Long Chen in a staggered way.

How does this make him answer?

Say yes?

Long Chen will definitely become hostile.

Say no?

He really can’t say this kind of offense.

“Is it hard to answer?”

Long Chen frowned.

“No no no.”

“I personally think that your younger sister is still very good.”

The lunatic waved his hand quickly.

Long Chen looked at the expression of the madman, coldly snorted and said: “True hypocrisy.”


The madman chuckled and glanced at the direction where Longzun was, intentionally or unintentionally, and a radiance flashed under his eyes.


A long time passed.

White-Eyed Wolf followed the dragon and flew over.

Long Qin was proud of one’s success, and he didn’t come to the mountain summit, and went straight away.

White-Eyed Wolf fell to the mountain summit and looked at Long Qin’s back with anger in his eyes.


“What’s the matter?”

The madman looked at White-Eyed Wolf playfully.

With the strength of White-Eyed Wolf, impossible to lose!

White-Eyed Wolf sat beside the madman with a buttocks, coldly snorted and said: “Brother is looking at Xiao Chenzi’s face, so he didn’t take action on her.”

“Don’t call me Xiaochenzi.”

Long Chen climbed up a row of black lines on his forehead.

“What’s that called you?”

“Little Dragon’s son?”

White-Eyed Wolf laughed.

Long Chen looked at the sky speechlessly, and stood up and said: “You guys talk, I’ll visit mother.”

After speaking, he turned and left.

After watching Long Chen leave, the lunatic immediately put down the teacup and sound transmission said: “Brother Wolf, what do you want to do?”

“Explore the reality of Long Zun.”

White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes flicker with radiance.

“Sure enough.”

The madman whispered.

When he judged the previous aura, he already thought of this probability.

“This old witch has always been in Dragon Race, but never showed up, so Brother is curious, what is she doing?”

White-Eyed Wolf secretly thought.

“Then did you see her?”

The madman asked.


White-Eyed Wolf nodded, a dignified look appeared in his eyes, and sound transmission said: “From her, I can feel a sense of crisis.”

“Sense of crisis!”

The madman’s heart is shivering.

As far as White-Eyed Wolf’s current strength is concerned, not many people can bring him a sense of crisis.

“This old witch must have gained a lot of benefits from Ice Dragon. Her current strength…I guess it may be stronger than Long Chen and Long Qin.”

White-Eyed Wolf sound transmission.

“It’s different if you have a backing.”

In the face of this kind of thing, a lunatic can only feel that way.

If there is an existence like Ice Dragon behind them that you can rely on, then it is also getting everything one wants.

It’s a pity that I didn’t live.

“The current Dragon Race, without the Dragon King, is more terrifying than before.”

“What do Ice Dragon and Little Beast mean?”

“Unexpectedly let Little Qinzi destroy Divine Kingdom.”

“With their strength, can’t it be done? Let us take action?”

White-Eyed Wolf frowned.

“Ice Dragon’s strength is not clear, but Little Beast’s strength…”

“I remember Snow Flower and Blood Blade mentioned at the beginning, many years ago, Little Beast swallowed a world in one bite. It is conceivable that this is a multi-terrifying method.”

“If even they can’t solve it, then the ruler of Divine Kingdom, I’m afraid…”

Speaking of this, the madman is worried.

The road ahead is long and there are many crises!


2nd day!

Not only Long Chen, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf did not go to the battlefield, nor did Dragon’s son.

There is only one person keeping watch on both sides, Yun Ziyang and Jiang Yunshuang.

Although everyone is confused about this, no one dares to ask.

But just one day after half a month, Dragon’s son finally appeared, and ten several people came with him.

These dozens of people are all out of the ordinary.

Several faces are very familiar.

It is Jiang Chen, Jiang Xing, blue haired youth and the others.

As for the other faces that have not been seen, there is a Divine Race imprint on the center of the eyebrows, which is obviously Heaven’s Chosen of Divine Race.

“Why is Yun Ziyang alone?”

A group of people came to the battlefield and looked at the Heavenly Cloud Realm. Only Yun Ziyang was the only one keeping watch, and they couldn’t help but show their doubts.

“I don’t know.”

“This half a month, Long Chen and the others have not appeared.”

Jiang Yunshuang shook his head.

“He is the only one…”

Jiang Xing murmured, with resentment in his eyes, and said: “not equal to me, take this opportunity to entertain him!”

Although it has been so long, the scene of being suppressed in Soul Sealing Valley is still vivid.

Thinking about revenge all the time.

“Give me peace of mind.”

“I don’t want to have any extra branches.”

Dragon’s son scans Jiang Xing and Jiang Chen, with a hint of cold light in their eyes.

The two people pupil shrank, bowed their heads and fell silent.

“Be natural, don’t let Yun Ziyang discover your anomaly.”

Dragon’s son swept to other people, especially the five people among them, and looked emphatically.


A group of people nodded, and then stood behind Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang in silence, silently scanning the living creature in the sky cloud world.


About hundreds of breaths passed.

“Dragon’s son, Goddess, no.”

“I didn’t find it either.”

“Me too.”


The five people who have been focused on by Dragon’s son have summoned Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang in the dark.

“Not found any of them?”

Dragon’s son frowned.


five people in the dark responded.

Jiang Yunshuang looked towards Dragon’s son, sound transmission said: “Is it a judgment error?”


“Since our Divine Kingdom does not have one, we must be in the Sky Cloud Realm.”

“Don’t worry.”

“There are so many living creatures in the Sky Cloud Realm. The ones who have come to the battlefield now are just the tip of the iceberg.”

“Wait slowly, one or two will appear sooner or later.”

Dragon’s son secretly thought.

“One or two is enough for us to come back.”

Jiang Yunshuang is mumbled.

“It is better to show up your old enemy.”

“In this way, your eye of life can evolve, then we are equivalent to having an Undying Body. By then, facing people like Long Chen, we must be invincible!”

Dragon’s son smiled secretly.

Jiang Yunshuang heard this and his eyes were full of yearning.


The opposite.

Yun Ziyang glanced at a group of people with a trace of suspiciousness in his eyes.

Why come so many people at once?

And looking at their expression, it seems something is wrong?

It seems necessary to talk to Long Chen several people.

When Long Chen received the news, after pondering for a long time, his eyes suddenly brightened.

“Qin’er, come see me at once.”

The sound resounded over the dragon’s nest.



Long Qin came to Long Chen’s yard and opened the door directly to walk in.


“Give you a task.”

Long Chen smiled slightly.

“What task?”

Long Qin is suspicious.

“This is a task that only you can complete.”

“You go to the battlefield now to help Yun Ziyang, but not to help him deal with Heaven’s Chosen of Divine Kingdom, but to use your Battle Soul…”

Long Chen whispered a few words in Long Qin’s ear.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Long Qin suddenly realized, confidently said with a smile: “This is too simple for me, I promise to complete the task.”

“Then I will wait for your good news.”

Long Chen laughed, opened a time and space pass, and sent Long Qin away. After the time and space pass dissipated, Long Chen’s eyes immediately showed a strand of radiance.

These Divine Kingdom Heaven’s Chosen, I only saw him and White-Eyed Wolf, lunatic, Qin Feiyang’s Battle Soul, but as everyone knows, his younger sister’s Battle Soul is also terrifying!


Soon, everything will come to light.

The battlefield.

Looking at Long Qin’s appearance, Yun Ziyang immediately greeted him and said suspiciously: “Why are you here?”

“Brother asked me to investigate one thing.”

Long Qin secretly thought, his eyes swept across to Dragon’s son, his eyes filled with disdain.

What’s the joke?

Is this virtue worthy of her?

“What’s the investigation?”

Yun Ziyang is puzzled.

“The purpose of their organization of this friendly competition.”

Longqin sound transmission.

Yun Ziyang stared blankly, stunned: “How do you investigate?”

The friendly competition organized by Divine Kingdom may indeed have some ulterior purpose.


These secrets are hidden in the other’s heart, how does Long Qin investigate?

Can’t force them to speak!

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