
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In today’s celestial cloud world, if you don’t rely on Young Master and the others, it’s useless even if you master the strongest Battle Soul.

The blood ancestor is okay!

Eye of Despair has evolved.

But what use can Mu Tianyang three people, semi-finished product’s strongest Battle Soul?

Three Great Races has a hidden Old Antique, enough for them to drink a pot.


Mu Qing is deeply sighed. Although a little reluctant, he can only do so.

Pei Tianhong immediately summoning the madman.


After waiting for a while, the madman did not respond.

He gave White-Eyed Wolf summoning again.


The response here was quick, and the illusory shadow of White-Eyed Wolf emerged.


White-Eyed Wolf looked at Pei Tianhong suspiciously.

Pei Tianhong briefly explained the situation.

White-Eyed Wolf was stunned, with a hint of playfulness at the corner of his mouth, and said: “Let them ask brother, and brother will help them.”

Mu Qing and Mu Tianyang’s faces immediately turned black.

Dong Zhengyan also looked helpless.

Pei Tianhong simply turned the sound transmission god stone, facing Mu Tianyang three people.

“Is it so hard for you to bow your heads and beg me?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at the three people playfully.

“If you want to help, you can help, if you don’t help, you can get it.”

Mu Qing coldly snorted.

“I have personality, I like it.”

“Then you can figure out your own solutions.”

White-Eyed Wolf said, and turned off the sound transmission god stone.

“This scoundrel…”

Mu Qing is confused right now, what kind of attitude is this?

I know you are very awesome now, but you don’t need to be so unbridled!

“We have known each other for so long, and you still don’t understand the character of this wolf pup? Typical Amenable to coaxing but not coercion.”

Demon Ancestor looked at Mu Qing helplessly.

All these years have passed, this arrogant temper should be taken away!

“No help, no help.”

“I still don’t believe it, leaving them, I really can’t figure this out.”

Mu Qing coldly snorted.


“If you can, you go.”

“Anyway, I will not ask for trouble.”

Demon Ancestor indifferently said.

“Don’t you go either?”

Mu Qing was shocked.

He is counting on Demon Ancestor.

Because the Eye of Despair of Demon Ancestor has evolved, Three Great Races will certainly give Demon Ancestor some face.

Mu Tianyang glanced at Demon Ancestor, frowns saying: “You are helping White-Eyed Wolf to bully us!”

“I didn’t bully you.”

“I just want you to see for yourself the status of White-Eyed Wolf in the Sky Cloud Realm.”

“Let’s tell you this!”

“Leave them now, you will definitely accomplish nothing.”

“If you don’t believe me, let’s make a bet and try.”

Demon Ancestor lightly saying.

“Try and try.”

Mu Qing coldly snorted, immediately got up and walked away.

“It’s really won’t shed tears until entering the coffin.”

Demon Ancestor secretly sighed.

Pei Tianhong and the others simultaneously looked, quietly follow, ready to watch a play.

“Let’s check it out too!”

Dong Zhengyan looked at Mu Tianyang and Demon Ancestor and shook his head to say with a bitter smile.


Canglan Snow Mountain!

An invisible Array covers most of Canglan Snow Mountain, blocking the invasion of ice and snow.

In the past, there was already a green hills and clear water in Array, and Phoenix Clan lived peacefully here.


A silhouette breaking the sky comes.

It is Mu Qing!


Without waiting for him to get close to Array, a big middle-aged man soared into the sky, in front of Mu Qing.

Mu Qing took a deep breath and said: “Myself Mu Qing, I want to enter the Phoenix Nest and have a look, but I also hope that Brother can relax.”

“Mu Qing?”

The big middle-aged man looked at Mu Qing and shook his head: “I have nothing to look at in Phoenix Clan, please leave as soon as possible.”

This attitude is already very polite.

If you want to change to the previous Phoenix Clan, you must make a move directly.

Mu Qing expression froze, and hurriedly said: “I know Huo Wenchang.”


The big middle-aged man has already turned and left. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but stop and looked towards Mu Qing again.

“I didn’t lie to you.”

“Huo Wenchang and I are old acquaintances.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask Huo Wenchang to come out.”

Mu Qing said anxiously.

“Not good means, patriarch is not in Fengchao now.”

The big middle-aged man said apologetically.

“Not there?”

Mu Qing frowned.


“The patriarch is in the land of the burial of the gods and may not return until night.”

“Since you know patriarch, you may as well contact patriarch directly. If patriarch agrees, I can let you enter the Phoenix Nest.”

big middle-aged man road.

“Can’t you let me in now?”

Mu Qing frowned.


“Although we have an agreement between Phoenix Clan and Demon Palace, our Phoenix Nest is not your human, and you can enter if you want to.”

“We respect you, so please respect us too.”

said big middle-aged man expressionless.

Mu Qing’s face is a bit ugly.

“Let me just say it!”

“With your prestige, it won’t work at all.”

At this time.

Demon Ancestor, Mu Tianyang, Dong Zhengyan, Pei Tianhong and a group of people walked out of the Space Divine Object.

“Are you following me?”

Mu Qing raised his eyebrows.

“This is not the point.”

Pei Tianhong shook his head, looked towards big middle-aged man, and said with a smile: “Myself Pei Tianhong, I have offended you, and I hope to forgive me.”

The big middle-aged man scans a group of people.

Isn’t this Demon Ancestor?

There are Pei Tianhong and the others, who are also Qin Feiyang’s subordinates!

What do these people do in their Fengchao?



A golden silhouette, never a glacier in a distant place.

“Gold Wing Wolf King!”

The big middle-aged man looked up, his face changed immediately.

Looking at the appearance of White-Eyed Wolf, Mu Qing’s face instantly became extremely ugly.

“Aren’t you very capable?”

White-Eyed Wolf walked over and looked at Mu Qing playfully.

Mu Qing glanced at the big middle-aged man, sound transmission said: “scoundrel, don’t go too far, give me some face.”

White-Eyed Wolf despised, looked up towards the big middle-aged man, indifferently said: “If my brother wants to enter the Phoenix Nest, do I have to go through my…cough cough, father-in-law Sir’s consent?”

When it comes to father-in-law, the expression is unnatural.

“No need, no need!”

The big middle-aged man waved his hand, hurriedly ran to the front of Array, took out a token, turned on Array, then stepped aside, respectfully said: “Wolf King Sir please.”

White-Eyed Wolf was very satisfied, looked at Mu Qing, and stepped directly into the Phoenix Nest.


Mu Qing hummed secretly.

“This is prestige, you have to obey it.”

Pei Tianhong smiled hehe and followed into the Phoenix Nest.


Waiting for a group of people to enter the Phoenix Nest, the big middle-aged man flattering smile said: “Wolf King Sir, I will report to you Old Ancestor now and let them come to welcome you in person.”

“No need.”

White-Eyed Wolf waved his hand.

The big middle-aged man hearing this, standing angrily on the side.

“Would you like them to summon the clansman from Phoenix Clan left and right to facilitate investigation.”

Pei Tianhong asked in secret.

“No need.”

“If Phoenix Clan really has the strongest Battle Soul Owner, if you let them know in advance, they will definitely hide.”

“So at this time, we have to make a surprise attack so that they have nowhere to hide.”

White-Eyed Wolf’s radiance flashed in his eyes and three people sound transmission to Mu Tianyang: “However, don’t hold out too much hope, because Fengmei never told me that Phoenix Clan has the strongest Battle Soul Owner.”

“Whether there is or not, I have to check it out.”

Dong Zhengyan secretly thought.

“Then come with me!”

White-Eyed Wolf stepped out and swept toward the center of the Phoenix Nest like lightning.


While White-Eyed Wolf took Mu Tianyang and the others to investigate Three Great Races, West continent, Shen Family Village.


A powerful aura rolled out from the mountainside.

In the village.

Children are playing.

The old man in the village is also sitting outside basking in the sun.

But the appearance of the aura did not cause a commotion, and everyone seems to be used to it.

Qin Feiyang was also sitting at the entrance of the village, drinking tea with Shen Mulin and playing chess. Regarding the sudden explosion of aura, the two people ignored it.

But at this time Qin Feiyang has suddenly become a middle-aged person!

That’s right!

He is now a big middle-aged man!

The body is a little blessed, one strand of white hair can be clearly seen at the temples, and the whole person is full of vicissitudes of life.

The opposite.

Shen Mulin looked at the chessboard, his eyes suddenly lit up, picked up a black piece, and pressed it somewhere. The white piece on Qin Feiyang’s side became dead.

“Gufeng brother, admit it.”

Sinkwood forest said with a laugh.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the chess game and shook his head: “I really didn’t expect, brother Shen, your chess skills are so superb. I haven’t won a game for ten years.”

Even the voice has the magnetism of a middle age person.

He played chess since childhood, and his skills were not bad.

But in front of Shen Mulin, he is like a child, unable to withstand a single blow.

“Next time I let you win.”

Drinkwood forest laughed heartily.

After taking the eternal eternal green pill, the whole person is full of red light, and the spirit is trembling.

“How can I play chess?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.


At this time.

The mountainside aura disappeared.

In a short while.

A group of young men and women in their twenties ran out of the mountainside happily.

The leader is a woman.

Height 1.75 meters left and right, exquisite figure, although the dress is simple, but it can not hide her elegant and refined temperament.

“Xiaojia, it’s finally breakthrough, congratulations!”

Qin Feiyang looked towards this woman.

“This is not your contribution from the ancient Brother Feng brother. How could I break through so fast if you didn’t point me to it?”

The woman laughed.

That’s right!

This is the little girl back then.

The group of youngsters behind them are all the kids who followed this little girl buttocks.

Ten years have passed.

All have been grown up.

Shen Xiaojia has become a slender and elegant beautiful woman.

Even the snot-baby has become a handsome guy like a jade tree.

The aura before it was the aura that Shen Xiaojia broke through.

This is nothing unusual.

Since Qin Feiyang took out the Eternal Evergreen Pill to help Shen Mulin’s life, the people in the village have treated him like family members and have never said anything to let him go.


After so many years of getting along, no one has ever asked about Qin Feiyang’s origin.

For them, it does not matter what Qin Feiyang comes from.

Because now, they have regarded Qin Feiyang as a part of the village.

In the past ten years, Qin Feiyang has completely integrated into the life of the village. He went hunting with the men in the village, planted vegetables with the married women, and made fun of the children in the village.

Sometimes, even he forgets his true identity and thinks he is an ancient style.

The same.

The child in the village, if he encounters any difficulties during the cultivation, he will not tire of giving advice, just like the child who teaches himself.

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