
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Deserve it!”

“Let you unbridled!”

“It’s better to kill with a sword!”

The people up and down the Dragon Race are all taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune watching the White-Eyed Wolf running away.

Long Chen touched the chin, and was also looking at White-Eyed Wolf and Long Qin, but the expression seemed a bit intriguing.

“Does it feel that they match up well?”


A voice sounded.

Long Chen stared blankly stared blankly, turning one’s head. Looking at it, I don’t know when, Demon Ancestor stood beside him. At this moment, he is also laughing at the chasing White-Eyed Wolf two people.

“cough cough!”

Long Chen gave a dry cough and shook his head: “Don’t talk nonsense, Golden Wing Wolf King is already a famous flower owner.”

“It’s okay to marry another one.”

Demon Ancestor said.


Long Chen looked at Demon Ancestor in amazement.

Demon Ancestor said with a smile: “It’s really a couple. If they really get together, it would be a good deed for us.”

“The more you talk, the more you go.”

Long Chen’s face turned dark.

“Isn’t it?”

“Although we don’t have much contact, I know that you don’t want to investigate the past.”

“No way.”

“This is not what you can make the decision.”

“You must consider your mother and your younger sister.”

“So, as long as we are related by marriage, your worries will naturally be solved. I don’t believe that your mother will force you to kill her son-in-law in the future.”


“If related by marriage, the gratitude and grudges between Qin Feiyang and your father can also be alleviated.”

“Look, what a perfect ending this is.”

Demon Ancestor hehe smiled.

Long Chen staring blankly looked at Demon Ancestor. After a long time, he shook his head and said with a smile: “It’s really didn’t expect. The person who knows me best in this world is unexpectedly you.”

“The so-called authorities are fans and bystanders clear.”

“Qin Feiyang they can’t see through you completely because they value you too much.”

“But I am different.”

“In my eyes, what is the difference between you and other people, not at all.”

“There are troubles, pains, helplessness, and goals I want to pursue.”

Demon Ancestor said with a smile.

Long Chen was stunned and asked with a smile, “Then what do you think I want to pursue?”

“The world is peaceful.”

“Family reunion.”

“Plain life.”

Demon Ancestor speaks.

Hearing these short three sentences, even Long Chen couldn’t help but admire Demon Ancestor, unexpectedly he could see through all of them, nodded sighed: “Yes, this is what I want. This is not much, right? Don’t be too much, but to me, these are all extravagant hopes.”

“They are all the same.”

“Look at Qin Feiyang, this is what he wants.”

“But many things in the world make us involuntarily.”

Demon Ancestor sighed.



Long Chen is nodded.

“Consider my suggestion!”

“This method is definitely more effective than persuading your mother.”

“It is more useful for Qin Feiyang.”

Demon Ancestor faintly smiled, and went on to help investigate Space Divine Object.


Long Chen muttered.

Looking up towards White-Eyed Wolf and Longqin who are still chasing, a smile gradually appeared on their faces.

Don’t say it.

Looking so seriously, it really has several points of a good match.

wait a minute!

What do you think?

As a man, how can I sacrifice the happiness of a biological younger sister in exchange for a comfortable life?


if by any chance, they really look at each other, they like each other…

In this case, it is not a sacrifice!

Instead, find happiness.

When the time comes, how can Huowu solve it?

Demon Ancestor’s words made Long Chen’s mind very confused.


A moment passed.

Long Qin walked over triumphantly.

White-Eyed Wolf followed the covered in dirt, staring at Longqin’s back, his eyes were full of anger, as if he was saying, “If you have the ability, you can put down the ruler Divine Weapon and fight the brother .

“Enough trouble!”

Long Chen converged his mind and looked at the two people helplessly.

“Who has trouble with him?”

“If it wasn’t for your face, I would just abolish him.”

Long Qin looked disdainful.

“Speaking like you are very awesome.”

“If it’s not because this is the domain of your Dragon Race, let’s see how Brother rubs you on the ground.”

White-Eyed Wolf rubbed the big meat bun on his forehead, coldly snorted and said.

This big meat bun is naturally made by Longqin.

“Will you try?”

Long Qin took out ruler Divine Weapon again.

White-Eyed Wolf took a leap, hid behind Long Chen, and said angrily: “Xiao Chenzi, don’t care about your younger sister? Just this hot temper, no one dares to post it.”


Long Qin gnashing teeth.

“Stop it.”

Long Chen rubbed his forehead, turning one’s head looked towards White-Eyed Wolf and said: “Do you want to check her Space Divine Object?”

What is going on with these two people? Pinched as soon as they meet, never calm down.

“Of course.”

White-Eyed Wolf nodded.

“That’s not enough.”

“Dignified a man, how does he compare with a woman?”

Long Chen said weakly.

Long Qin was unhappy again, looked at Long Chen displeasedly, and said: “Brother, listening to what you mean, how do you feel like I am making trouble without reason?”

“No no no.”

“You are right, it is no problem to complete.”

Long Chen quickly appeased.

I’m tired!

White-Eyed Wolf rubbed his forehead vigorously and looked at Long Qin and said, “Hurry up, don’t waste everyone’s time.”

Long Qin reluctantly puts away the ruler Divine Weapon and takes the White-Eyed Wolf into the Space Divine Object.

“It may be possible.”

Long Chen is mumbled.

The fiercer the noise, the more I will care about each other in the end.

This thing is difficult to detect as people involved, but it is easy for others to see.


A blink of an eye.

A few days have passed.

All Space Divine Objects are finally checked.

Mu Tianyang three people are extremely disappointed because they have not found their old enemy.

Dong Zhengyan said: “It is basically certain now that things are developing in the worst direction.”


“The person we are looking for is most likely in Divine Kingdom.”

Mu Tianyang nodded.

“The worst direction?”

White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly, what does this mean?

“If our old enemy is in the Sky Cloud Realm, even without your help, we can grab it with our own current strength.”

“But if it is from Divine Kingdom…”

“At the time when we are robbing Battle Soul, we will also be in a big crisis.”

“Because Divine Kingdom is too strong.”

Dong Zhengyan sighed.

“This is also true.”

White-Eyed Wolf nodded, turned the eyeball, looked at Long Chen and said: “Forget it, your mother, everyone has basically seen it in Ancient World, but Dragon Race Little Princess, I must go and take a look.”

“Do whatever you want.”

“But you can’t offend my mother, this is the premise.”

Long Chen said.

“It’s really troublesome.”

White-Eyed Wolf snorted from the nose, and led Demon Ancestor and the others to fly towards the mountains in the distant place.

“It’s all gone!”

Long Chen looked at the clansman who was all around and gave an order. He also took Longqin and chased after White-Eyed Wolf and the others.


Most people turned and left immediately.

But there are some people, turning one’s head looked towards White-Eyed Wolf and the others.

Two Princess and the others are among them.

“I’m really not convinced.”

“Why can they ride on top of us behaving atrociously?”

The Prince of the Blood Dragon clan has tightly clenched hands, and his brows are full of hostility.


“It depends on their strength.”

“If you have the strength of theirs, you can be so unbridled.”

“In short, we and them are no longer a world person.”

Two Princess sighed.

“Isn’t it all to blame some people?”

“If he hadn’t lost to Qin Feiyang back then and let Qin Feiyang’s eyes evolve, could Qin Feiyang be heaven defying as it is now?”

The Prince of the White Dragon clan sneered, and glanced at the Dragon Race Eldest Prince in a distant place next to him.

The voice was not lowered either, and it fell into Dragon Race Eldest Prince’s ears clearly.

Dragon Race Eldest Prince looked towards several people, indifferently said: “Since you are so powerful, why did no one kill them in the first place? When you went to deal with them, it seemed that Qin Feiyang’s Eye of God hadn’t evolved yet Come on!”


Each great prince and Princess glared at Eldest Prince.

“Things are already like this and cannot be changed. Rather than blame the gods and accuse others, it is better to cultivation and try to catch up with them.”

“Look at our little sister. In the blink of an eye, she has already established a relationship with Long Zun.”

Dragon Race Eldest Prince glanced at several people, then turned around and walked away quickly.


A group of Prince and Princess looked towards where the dragon is located, their eyes are full of jealousy.

This woman really has a hand.

The top secret won the favor of Longzun, and was even left with Longzun. He didn’t know what good fortune he had now.

At the same moment!

Behind the crowd.

Silver Dragon patriarch looked at Long Zun’s residence, expressions were full of worries, muttered: “exquisite, don’t let them see your Battle Soul.”


A small stream winds down halfway down the mountain.

The stream is clear.

On both sides, lush vegetation and pleasant scenery.

Just by the creek, there is an antique loft.

At this time.

On the terrace of the attic, sits an elegant and poised married woman.

This person is Long Zun!

There is a round table in front of her with an incense burner on the table, with one strand of blue smoke floating, and a faint fragrance.

Next to it.

There is also a teacup, the fragrance of tea overflows.

She sat on the bamboo chair alone, squinting her eyes, seeming to be recuperating.

“Long Zun Sir is so laid-back, which makes Junior a little envious.”

Along with a chuckle, White-Eyed Wolf led a group of Demon Ancestor and fell in front of the attic.

Long Zun not at all eyes opened.

There was no response either.

As if not hearing the same.

Long Chen and Long Qin followed closely and landed on the terrace.


Long Chen was about to say something, Long Zun raised his hand to stop him, slowly opened his eyes, looked down towards the White-Eyed Wolf below, and a cold light appeared immediately in his eyes.

At this moment, Demon Ancestor and Pei Tianhong and the others all felt a faint oppression.

But White-Eyed Wolf just didn’t feel it. He stepped out and stepped directly onto the terrace. He glanced at the bamboo chair that was sitting on the opposite side of Longzun, and then sat on the bamboo chair with buttocks.

“After so many years, you are still so impudent.”

Long Zun looked at White-Eyed Wolf sitting opposite, the cold light in his eyes slowly converged.

“After so many years, you are still so strong.”

White-Eyed Wolf flashed a ridiculing expression in his eyes, looking towards Long Qin and said: “Why are you so naive? The guests are already sitting here, why don’t you hurry up and pour tea for them?”

Long Qin rolled the eyes, pointed to the stream next to him, and said: “There is water there, you can drink as much as you want.”

“Long Zun Sir, look, look, your treasure daughter is really bad, I’m all worried about her future lifelong major event.”

White-Eyed Wolf sighed.

“scoundrel, don’t talk nonsense in front of my mother!”

Long Qin stared fiercely.

“Don’t tell the truth yet?”

White-Eyed Wolf haha ​​smiled, glanced all around, curiously asked: “What about Little Princess? Why didn’t you see her?”

Long Zun picked up the teacup on the table and drank slowly before opening the mouth and said: “Is something wrong with exquisite?”

“Long Zun Sir, isn’t this asking you knowingly?”

“Besides, if it’s okay, brother would dare to disturb your cleanup? Anyway, you are also an elder!”

White-Eyed Wolf grinned.

The two words elders came out of his mouth, it was not like this at all.

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