
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Yesterday, when you and Mu Tianyang came back, I felt a little strange.”

“Because you guys have been frowning, it feels like you are in the dark communicating what?”

“Also, when you urged Dong Zhengyan to go to the battlefield, although you pretended to be calm, I found your expression, what did I seem to expect?”

“The most strange thing to me is that you repeatedly asked Dong Zhengyan to go to the battlefield, but Mu Tianyang pulled him back when Dong Zhengyan was about to be heartbroken. Wolf drinking.”

Demon Ancestor said slowly.

Mu Qing’s face became more gloomy.

“Of course.”

“The above does not prove anything.”

“What really makes me suspicious is that before you drink, you suggest that you don’t use Divine Force refining alcohol.”

“After getting along for so many years, I still know the amount of your Mu Qing’s alcohol. I can’t drink much at all, let alone drink with the wine fairy White-Eyed Wolf.”

“Without Divine Force refining, it is purely looking for abuse.”

“Besides, when is it now? The Divine Kingdom enemy is currently, and major changes may happen at any time. People with a little bit of common sense know not to get drunk.”

“So, combined with various factors, I guess there is a problem.”

“So, I told everyone in the dark to keep an eye on it. Didn’t expect finally made us discover the problem, and it doesn’t seem to be a small problem.”

Demon Ancestor finished speaking, looked towards White-Eyed Wolf, said with a smile: “You see, if it wasn’t for me today, I’m afraid I’d have to plot against him. Drink less.”

“Are you amazing?”

“Brother also found out, but pretended not to know.”

White-Eyed Wolf coldly snorted.


Demon Ancestor is astonished, said with a bitter smile: “Just be happy.”

Is it so difficult for you to admit that others are good?

Dong Zhengyan glanced at Mu Tianyang, looked at Mu Qing, the cold light in his eyes flickered, and said: “Give us an explanation, otherwise you don’t want to go out at the gate of Tianyue Building today.”

Really didn’t expect, unexpectedly plot against him.

Know it.

When I was in Great Qin, if he hadn’t dealt with Qin Yuan, Mu Qing and Mu Tianyang would have already been samsara reincarnation.


Because of him, Snow Python of Forgotten Continent…


It should be called White Dragon now.

Because Snow Python used to be White Dragon, and later cursed by Little Beast, it became Snow Python.

But behind.

She was lucky. With the help of Qin Feiyang, she took the Heavenly Pill to break the curse and restore the body of the White Dragon.

Because of this, Dong Zhengyan has always been very grateful to Qin Feiyang.

And then!

It is also because of Dong Zhengyan and White Dragon in Forgotten Continent that Mu Qing and Mu Tianyang desperately saved a drop of blood. Finally, with the help of Qin Yuan, they were sent to the Gate of Rebirth to rebirth.

It can be said.

The fact that the two people can live to this day is totally a contribution of Dong Zhengyan.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that this is the grace of regeneration!


Mu Qing is now unexpectedly coming to plot against him, isn’t this ungrateful?

How can you be like this?

Is the conscience eaten by a dog?


Faced with Dong Zhengyan’s question, Mu Qing lowered his head, panicked.

“Let me do it!”

Mu Tianyang sighed, picked up a pot of divine wine that hadn’t finished drinking, and drank it with his head up and gulps.

This divine wine is Black Tortoise divine wine, which Yueqing brought out from Profound Martial World.

To entertain White-Eyed Wolf and the others, it is natural to take out divine wine.

After drinking, Mu Tianyang put down wine jar, spit out a sigh of wine, and said: “Actually, it was the things Heavenly Dragon dust found us yesterday and talked about with us, which made him a little obsessed.

“Long Chen?”

White-Eyed Wolf eyebrow raised and asked: “What is he talking about with you?”

“Work with him.”

Mu Tianyang Road.

“Cooperate with him?”

White-Eyed Wolf frowned.

“That’s right.”

Mu Tianyang nodded, lightly said with a smile: “Simply put, he is letting us lurch by your side, and when you become hostile in the future, fortunately, you will be behind and give you a fatal blow.”

“This scoundrel!”

White-Eyed Wolf has a murderous flash.

“What is the condition?”

Demon Ancestor is curious.

It can make Mu Qing so crazy, even for life saving benefactor Dong Zhengyan take action, that Long Chen must have an irresistible lure.

“The inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law.”

“He promised that as long as we promise him, he will give us the inheritance of the strongest law and ultimate Profound Truth.”

Mu Tianyang smiled bitterly.

Faced with such a temptation, it is really hard to resist.

“It’s really great generosity.”

Pei Tianhong and the others expression stayed.

One person, one person, two people add up to two, Long Chen still hides so much inheritance in his hands?

Worthy of being the son of Ice Dragon, rich and imposing.

Mu Tianyang continued: “There is a bigger temptation, which is also the reason why I can’t let go.”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

What is more attractive than the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law?


Mu Tianyang paused for a word, then looked at Dong Zhengyan again, and said again: “Our old enemy!”


Dong Zhengyan stood up abruptly.

White-Eyed Wolf and the others could not calm down either, looked at Mu Tianyang in surprise, and asked: “You mean, Long Chen has found your old enemy?”

“That’s right.”

“Listen to him, our old enemy is indeed from Divine Kingdom.”

“And this matter, as early as ten years ago, he had already found out.”

Mu Tianyang nodded.

“Ten years ago?”

White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly, suspiciously said: “Isn’t that when I retreat and merge inheritance?”

“It was then.”

“As for how he found out, he didn’t say.”

“At first, I heard news that Long Qin appeared on the battlefield ten years ago.”

Mu Tianyang Road.


White-Eyed Wolf murmured, with a gradually radiance in his eyes, and said: “I think, I already know what’s going on, Long Qin has the ability to hear the sound transmission of others, she goes to the battlefield, maybe Just to eavesdrop on Dragon’s son and the others in the dark conversation.”

“In other words, she overheared the in the dark conversation of Dragon’s son and the others to confirm this?”

asked Pei Tianhong.


White-Eyed Wolf nodded.

Pei Tianhong and Wang Changyuan and the others simultaneously looked, really didn’t expect this woman to have such ability.

I didn’t know this before.

Dong Zhengyan calmed down, looked at Mu Tianyang and asked: “Did Long Chen say is who?”


“But before leaving, he said a word, let us not go to the battlefield.”

“From this I judged that our old enemy should be hiding somewhere on the battlefield now.”

Speaking of this, Mu Tianyang glanced at Mu Qing and continued: “This is Mu Qing’s purpose. He wants to use you to draw these people out.”

Dong Zhengyan heard, turning one’s head looked towards Mu Qing, and said disappointedly: “Well, at Great Qin back then, I also saved your life. How did you repay me?”

Mu Qing lowered his head, extremely ashamed.

“I know you are a ruthless character, but I didn’t expect you to be so ruthless.”

Dong Zhengyan let out a low sigh, feeling extremely disappointed.

It’s really chilling.

White-Eyed Wolf looked at Mu Qing, his murderous intent was not concealed, and said: “Do you think that if you don’t say anything, you can wipe out this matter?”

Mu Qing trembled, afraid to look at White-Eyed Wolf.

“I personally feel that this kind of person cannot stay with him.”

Pei Tianhong speaks.

“I think so too.”

“I don’t want to, then someone will stabb me in the back.”

Wang Changyuan is coldly snorted.

In an instant, Mu Qing became a mouse crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat.

Mu Tianyang didn’t help speak either.

Because Mu Qing’s behavior this time was really too much.

Although he was very excited, he was absolutely unable to plot against Dong Zhengyan.

As Dong Zhengyan said, if Dong Zhengyan hadn’t helped him, he would have died in Qin Feiyang’s hands.

You can hate Qin Feiyang.

But Dong Zhengyan, must be grateful.

This is the principle!

If you don’t even have principles, do you deserve to be a human?

“Then kill it!”

“It is a pity, but it is better than harming us in the future.”

White-Eyed Wolf said, one strand Law Power appeared.


Mu Qing was a shivered, finally unable to continue to remain silent, looked up towards White-Eyed Wolf, and shouted.

But White-Eyed Wolf turned a deaf ear.

But at this moment, Dong Zhengyan sighed softly, raised his hand to stop White-Eyed Wolf, and said: “Keep him!”


White-Eyed Wolf eyebrow raised.

This man has a problem with his brain!

The other party came to plot against him. Unexpectedly, they also help each other to intercede?

“To be precise, he cannot die.”

“Because he is the Owner of Opening Heaven Eye.”

“In the future, there must be him.”

“As for today’s incident, I am also considered the biggest victim, but for the sake of the overall situation, I chose to forgive him. Even if I forgive him, you should not pursue it anymore.”

Dong Zhengyan smiled reluctantly at White-Eyed Wolf.

Obviously, it wasn’t the intention.

“Are you sure?”

White-Eyed Wolf frowned.

He is very unhappy.

What Opening Heaven Eye, what is the strongest Battle Soul, in his opinion, there is nothing remarkable at all.

“I’m sure.”

Dong Zhengyan nodded.

White-Eyed Wolf took a deep breath, looked towards Mu Qing coldly snorted and said: “See you, how did others treat you? Are you embarrassed? Brother with such a thick skin, I can’t help but feel blush for you .”

Mu Qing endured this humiliation, and did not dare to show up.

Dong Zhengyan also looked towards Mu Qing and said, “But there is one condition. You must make a blood oath, not to say that it is too long. At least until the catastrophe is over, you can no longer plot against us. , In other words, you must be with us.”


White-Eyed Wolf murmured.

Hearing these two words from Dong Zhengyan again, it is hard not to pay attention.

Does this so-called catastrophe really exist?

But suddenly!

He looked towards Mu Qing again, unexpectedly still pretending to be silent, and immediately one fist patted on the table and said angrily: “Did you not hear Dong Zhengyan? Really want to die? Tell you, I don’t care about the disaster , I really want to die, I will fulfill you now!”

Mu Qing trembled physically and mentally, looked at Dong Zhengyan quickly, nodded and said: “Okay, I promise.”

Who doesn’t know the character of White-Eyed Wolf?

Don’t talk about a catastrophe that is still unknown, even if the sky is falling now, what to do is to do.

Make a decisive decision.

He made a blood oath.

In the sky that was originally sun shone brightly, a cloud of blood rushed into the sky, and the entire Cloud Sea City immediately fell into a riot.

On the street, everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky suspiciously.


In a short while.

An oath seal fell and disappeared in Tianyue Tower.

Blood clouds, come fast and go fast.

When the blood cloud receded, everyone’s eyes moved to Tianyue Tower. What happened? How come Heaven Descending Natural Phenomenon suddenly?

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