
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


Demon Ancestor took Pei Tianhong and the others to the battlefield.

Mu Qing, Mu Tianyang, Dong Zhengyan, followed the White-Eyed Wolf and hid in the Demon Palace for retreat and cultivation.

In short, now, Qin Feiyang has not been out, and the three of them will never show up on the battlefield.


There is a question. White-Eyed Wolf has been thinking about how to set Long Chen on it?

This time, Long Chen was hiding behind them, making White-Eyed Wolf extremely upset. Otherwise, he would be panicked.

He thought about sound transmission to Qin Feiyang.

Because Qin Feiyang has a flexible mind.

But after thinking about it, it is better not to disturb Qin Feiyang now.

As for Demon Ancestor!

Wait when you return to the battlefield and start the winning streak directly.

Neither Divine Kingdom’s Human Race nor Divine Kingdom’s Divine Race is his opponent.


He will not open Eye of Despair until the critical moment.

This friendly competition focuses on experience.

He also wants to realize the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law, so that he can truly compete with people like Dragon’s son.

So while honing, he was also humbly asking White-Eyed Wolf for advice.

The strongest laws he has mastered are Time Law and Death Law.

Just right.

White-Eyed Wolf has mastered the ultimate Profound Truth of these two strongest laws.

The same.

White-Eyed Wolf, although he is usually arrogant, but as long as you look for him sincerely, he won’t embarrass you with the air.

So for Demon Ancestor, White-Eyed Wolf is now like a teacher.

While he battled and tempered, he consulted White-Eyed Wolf, and his understanding of the two strongest laws, the ultimate Profound Truth, became more and more profound.

Dong Zhengyan and Mu Tianyang, naturally they will not miss such a good opportunity.

After all, they have all closed together.

It is Mu Qing, although he is with White-Eyed Wolf, but now, he really can’t hold his face down to find White-Eyed Wolf.

White-Eyed Wolf naturally didn’t bother to pay attention.

If you take the initiative to come, your brother should show kindness and teach you.

If you don’t come, Brother can’t ask for it, and you can hide quietly.


The madman has also been in retreat.

The place where he retreats is filled with a Force of Death all the time, spreading to the circle of several hundred li.

Any Divine Dragon near here, life force will be plundered by Force of Death.


Over time.

The place where lunatics retreat has become a forbidden area in the Dragon Nest, and almost no one dares to set foot.

For this, the people up and down at Dragon Race are quite angry.

Isn’t this the dove occupying the magpie’s nest and turning against the guests?


day after day, year after year.

Decades have passed.

Shen Family Village!

With decades of development, this place has become the most powerful village in the area.

The reason is of course Qin Feiyang.

The younger generation in the village almost all grew up under the guidance of Qin Feiyang.

Even many older generations have shown their extraordinary innate talent under the guidance of Qin Feiyang, shedding body and exchanging bones.

For Shen Family Village, now Qin Feiyang is not only a member of the village, but also a respected and respected old man!

That’s right!

Qin Feiyang is now an old man.

one has long hair, pale as snow.

The original sturdy body was already as thin as wood, and his face was even full of wrinkles. He looked like an old man with a declining age.

The people in the village were a little puzzled at first seeing the changes in Qin Feiyang, but after Shen Mulin said it, they knew that Qin Feiyang was already at its end.

I first got the news that youngsters like Shen Dazhuang and Shen Xiaojia were like thunder from a clear sky.

Because they all respect Qin Feiyang very much in their hearts.

Especially the youngsters of Shen Xiaojia and Nasal Baby. They were Qin Feiyang watching to grow up, so after receiving this news, they immediately spontaneously went to find a treasure for Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang heard the news and asked Shen Dazhuang to intercept a group of people on the way.

The reason is.

Don’t want everyone to waste time.

If you really want to, you can spend the rest of your life with him in a dull life.

This morning!

Shen Dazhuang and Shen Xiaojia, as usual, appeared outside Qin Feiyang’s door early in the morning.

This is what they do every day.

No one forced it.

They came to take care of Qin Feiyang voluntarily.

But this time, they found that Qin Feiyang is different from usual, and the life fluctuation has been extremely weak.

“Ancient Brother Feng brother.”

Shen Xiaojia immediately ran up and grabbed Qin Feiyang’s old and dry hands, tears could not help hua hua flowing directly.

Shen Dazhuang walked to the bed and looked at Qin Feiyang in silence, his eyes were also moist.

He is a man after all.

I’m relatively strong, and I keep my grief in my heart.

“Why are you crying!”

Qin Feiyang spoke hoarsely, intermittently, and didn’t even have the strength to speak.

“I didn’t cry…”

Shen Xiaojia shook her head.

Qin Feiyang raised his hand tremblingly, wiped away Shen Xiaojia’s tears, said with a smile: “No crying, what is this?”

“I really don’t…”

Shen Xiaojia turned her head away, looking at Shen Dazhuang, her eyes were filled with despair, as if she was saying, “Dazhuang Brother, please help the ancient Brother Feng brother!”

Shen Dazhuang also turned his head, wiped away his tears quietly, and leaned over to look at Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Brother Gufeng, where do you want to go today?”


Qin Feiyang looked at the roof, pondered for a long time, said with a smile: “Heavenly today… I don’t want to go anywhere, just go to the village entrance bask in the sun!”


Shen Dazhuang nodded, looked towards Shen Xiaojia and said: “Xiaojia, you let me first, I will help the ancient style brother get up.”

“I will do it myself.”

Shen Xiaojia cautiously supported Qin Feiyang’s back, but Qin Feiyang was so weak that he didn’t even have the strength to get up.

This moment.

He has really reached the limit.

The whole body is full of death.

“Let me come!”

Shen Dazhuang gently pushed Shen Xiaojia away, bent over to hug Qin Feiyang, and looked at Shen Xiaojia who was crying beside him, sound transmission said: “Don’t cry, Brother Gufeng most wants to see others crying in front of him, hurry up Go and prepare a lounge chair.”


Shen Xiaojia quickly nodded, turned around and ran out.

“Not good means, let you take care of my lonely old man like this.”

Qin Feiyang smiled apologetically.

“What are you talking about?”

“I said long ago that you are my brother.”

“Isn’t it right to take care of you?”

Shen Dazhuang endured crying, turned and walked out of the room.

Although Qin Feiyang is struggling to move around, but inside this small house, it is very clean.

No dust can be found.

This is the contribution of Shen Dazhuang and Shen Xiaojia. The house must be cleaned once a day to keep it clean and tidy.


Shen Xiaojia has placed a deck chair at the entrance of the village.

This recliner is made of bamboo slats, and there is a layer of soft cushion on it. Shen Xiaojia stood in front of the recliner, looking at Qin Feiyang, who was held in his arms by Shen Dazhuang, and couldn’t help it. Tears rolled around.

At this time.

Some people came out of the house.

When I saw such a scene, my complexion immediately changed, one after another put down what was in his hands and surrounded Shen Dazhuang.


A married woman said worriedly.

But before finishing speaking, Da Zhuang winked at her and motioned for silence.

The married woman closed her mouth quickly and looked down at Qin Feiyang, her breathing was reduced to the lowest level, she was afraid that Qin Feiyang would be shocked.

Da Zhuang hugged Qin Feiyang and continued to walk towards the entrance of the village.

married woman looked towards a group of people next to her, and sighed in a low voice: “It seems that the ancient style brother is not working anymore. Please go and inform everyone. Come out quickly. I will find the village chief.”


several people nodded, with sadness on their faces, then turned around and knocked from door to door.


When the married woman found Shen Mulin’s home and told Shen Mulin about Qin Feiyang’s situation, Shen Mulin’s face changed drastically on the spot, she didn’t even wear her coat, and hurried to the village entrance.


At this time.

Many people have come out of their homes.

Everyone’s expressions are extremely painful.

“A good life is not long, and it is a thousand years of harm. This sentence is really true.”


“In the past few decades, if it hadn’t been for Gufeng Brother’s careful teaching, how could the youngster in our village be so good?”

“And the ancient style brother, although his strength is very strong, but his character is kind, and he is also good, and he respects us as old men.”

“How did such an outstanding person fall to this point?”

“This is Heaven is jealous of heroic genius.”

Everyone gathered together and ran toward the entrance of the village while discussing spiritedly.


The entrance of the village.

Da Zhuang gently placed Qin Feiyang on the recliner, and then he stepped aside in silence and looked at Qin Feiyang quietly.

“Old Brother Feng brother, would you like to drink water?”

Shen Xiaojia squatted on the ground, lightly grabbed Qin Feiyang’s hand and asked.

“No need…”

Qin Feiyang shook his head, his voice was particularly weak, and then slowly looked up towards the horizon.

At this moment.

The sun is rising from the horizon, the sun is shining on the earth, everything is gradually recovering, but his life, aura, is getting weaker and weaker.


He not at all any fear.

Instead, a smile appeared on his face.

Shen Xiaojia and Da Zhuang couldn’t help but follow Qin Feiyang’s gaze, looking towards the morning sun in the sky, the pictures of the past decades of getting along with each other, involuntarily came to mind.

Finally, they discovered that they were all beautiful memories.

No matter when, this man’s face is filled with a happy smile, whether it is to himself or to others, there has never been a painful side.

Even now, he faces death without any fear.

Has he already seen life and death?

He is in this world, does he really have no attachments?

Shen Xiaojia retracted her gaze, looked at Qin Feiyang, and said softly: “Ancient Brother Feng brother, whether it was once or in the future, you will not be alone, we will always be with you.”

“Yes.” “We are all your family.”

Shen Mulin walked over, squatted on the other side, holding Qin Feiyang’s hand, enduring his sorrow, and said: “Old Brother Feng, we will accompany you to the last moment.”

“Thank you…”

Qin Feiyang has a slight smile on his face.

“Gufeng Brother, don’t talk, take a good rest…”

A middle-aged couple looked at Qin Feiyang and said softly.

It is Shen Xiaojia’s parents.

But before they finished speaking, they both wanted to slap their faces.

What is this saying?

People’s lives have all gone quickly to the last moment, what are you still resting?

Isn’t this a curse in disguise?

“Gufeng Brother, I’m sorry…”

Two people quickly apologized.

Qin Feiyang slowly raised his hand, lightly placed it, and signaled that it doesn’t matter.

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