
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

One day and two days.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passes.

In half a month, this situation has spread to the entire western continent.

That’s right!

Today’s western continent has become a desolate continent.

Except for human and Vicious Beast, all the flowers and trees withered.

between Heaven and Earth, full of lifelessness.

With such a big movement, the news can’t hold back.

Alliance Leader can be said to be doing their best, but he is really powerless.


The matter of the west continent spreads to the east continent, the south continent, and the north continent.

Even the major restricted areas.

Countless living creatures poured into the west continent to get a closer look.

Among them are Huo Lao, He Zhongtian, and Tiandian Giants.

There are Hegemons such as Feather Emperor, Blood Progenitor, and Little Bunny.

When they found out about the situation in Shen Family Village, they all ordered immediately and tried their best to suppress the news.

Mermaid Princess and Fire Lotus are both worried.

I thought that this situation would not spread far, and a little blockade would be able to hide it from the people of the world, but didn’t expect that the situation would develop to this point.

Sure enough!


This news spread to the battlefield of the Burial Land.


“Such anomaly happened in West continent?”

“Hurry up and send someone to investigate.”

“Such a big thing, there must be something strange.”

Late night.

core area.

Dragon’s son looked towards 姜云霜 said solemnly.


Jiang Yunshuang is nodded, and is about to turn around and leave.

But suddenly.

Dragon’s son called Jiang Yunshuang again, frowns saying: “Let Wang Feng and Jiang Chen go. They are familiar with the sky cloud realm, and they are strong enough to cope with sudden changes, but must adjusting one’s head and turning one’s face, and let Jiang Chen and the others conceal Divine Race imprint.”


Jiang Yunshuang waved his hand and three silhouettes appeared. It was the blue haired youth Wang Feng, Jing Chen, and Jiang Xing.

Sure enough, he didn’t return to Divine Kingdom.

Hidden in Jiang Yunshuang’s Space Divine Object.

As Jiang Yunshuang confessed a few words, the three people immediately adjusted one’s head and turning one’s face, concealed their identity, and went to the west continent in secret.


At the same time.

Qi Shaoyun, Long Chen siblings, also received the news.

“Which trouble is this again?”

Three people are all puzzled.

“Teacher, please go and investigate it yourself.”

Qi Shaoyun looked at the white beard old man and said.

“Qin’er, you have to work hard this time.”

Long Chen also looked towards Longqin and explained.

The two people also set off immediately, heading to the west continent.


When I entered the west continent, whether it was Wang Feng three people or Long Qin two people, I couldn’t help but set off a perilous situation.

Everywhere I went, there was lifelessness everywhere, as if I had come to a Purgatory Death Prison.

What happened?


The methods of these people, of course, needless to say.

Soon, they investigated that the root cause came from a place called Shen Family Village, so they went to Shen Family Village one after another.

When they rushed over, they discovered that the giants of the various powers in the Sky Cloud Realm, and even the Hegemon like the Feather Emperor, unexpectedly gathered here.


Long Qin and Baibeard did not hide their identities, but appeared directly beside the emperor Yu and the others, asking in surprise: “What’s the situation?”

The emperor and the others looked at two people, eyebrows slightly frowned.

Even Dragon Race and Phoenix Clan have already received the news, and the place where the gods are buried must have already heard about it.

“No way.”

“You must be prepared!”

“Girl, you quickly summoning White-Eyed Wolf and the lunatic, and Demon Ancestor, be sure to let him come to help.”

The Emperor Yu watched Mermaid Princess and Fire Lotus sound transmission.


two people nodded.

Seeing that no one answered him, Long Qin raised his head and scanned the sky above the Shen Family Village, gradually revealing a hint of surprise in his eyes. Although he did not see Qin Feiyang, there seemed to be Qin Feiyang’s aura.

Is this all related to Qin Feiyang?

The old man with white beard, adjusting one’s head and turning one’s face, Wang Feng three people hiding in the crowd, all noticed this, and they were very surprised.

“Yuhuang Sir, what the hell is going on?”

Wang Feng suppressed his cultivation, pretending to be an old man of seven Old Eighth ten, looking at Emperor Yu and asked.


The Emperor Yu shook his head.

Wang Feng heard this, frowned without a trace.

It’s okay, there will be such a big noise?

And you people, all gathered here.

Who should I ignore?

There must be a major event.

wait a minute!

Could it be that…

Qin Feiyang is now facing the critical moment of the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws?

Over the years, they have been guessing where Qin Feiyang is? And has been investigating Qin Feiyang’s whereabouts.

I have also thought about where Qin Feiyang might be hiding, comprehending the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws.

So now.

He couldn’t help but think of this.

Because of this situation, it’s too weird.

The essence of plants and trees in the entire west continent is completely pulled away by Qin Feiyang.

Except for the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, he really can’t think of other reasons.

“Hurry up and inform Dragon’s son and Goddess!”

Wang Feng’s calm sound transmission.


Jiang Chen, the two people answered, turned around and left quietly.


But at the same time.

Long Qin glanced at Wang Feng.

It is faintly visible, one strand of weird rays of light glowing in her eyes.

Actually, she opened Battle Soul in the dark to eavesdrop on the sound transmission of Emperor Yu and the others, but didn’t expect to hear this conversation.

Notify Dragon’s son and Goddess…

Speaking of which, the old man who asked the Emperor Yu before must be a person from Divine Kingdom.


She not at all said.

I glanced at Yuhuang and the others, then turned around in silence and left.

When the white beard old man saw Long Qin leaving, he also turned and left, obviously to inform Qi Shaoyun.



“I have found out that the situation of West continent was caused by Qin Feiyang.”

Not a distant place.

In the mountains.

Long Qin looked at the illusory shadow of Long Chen and said.

Long Chen said suddenly: “It turns out that this guy, it’s no wonder that the madman suddenly woke up from retreat before and left without a word, but what is it because of?”

“I haven’t checked this out yet.”

“When the Emperor Yu and the others in the dark exchanged before, the reason was not mentioned.”


“I guess it should be related to the Ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws.”

“Otherwise, I won’t make such a big movement, and let the emperor Yu personally come here to keep watch.”

“Even, let the madman go out.”

The radiance flashes in the eyes of the dragon.

“Life and Death Laws Ultimate Profound Truth!”

Hearing these words, Long Chenjing God One vibrated.

“How do you look like you are still happy?”

Long Qin frowned.

Know it.

If Qin Feiyang really realizes the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, it will not only be a great threat to Divine Kingdom, but also to them.

“Of course I am happy.”

“Because this is exactly what I expected.”

“As long as he realizes the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, then we have the capital to compete with Divine Kingdom.”

Long Chen said with a smile.

“Then you are not afraid that he will deal with you in the future?”

Long Qin frowned.

“What’s next, I’ll talk about it later.”

Long Chen shook his head and laughed and asked, “Are there anyone who found Divine Kingdom?”

“I really convince you.”

Long Qin stared at Long Chen angrily, nodded and said: “Yes, and at this moment, I am also informing Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang.”


“They move so fast?”

“Then about this, did you tell Emperor Yu them?”

Long Chen was surprised and asked quickly.


Long Qin shook his head, his face full of discomfort.

“You are confused.”

“For this matter, we must help Qin Feiyang unconditionally.”

“You give me a coordinate, I at once, and you also at once go to Yuhuang and them and tell them about the Divine Kingdom.”

Long Chen has a command tone that cannot be violated.


“I listen to you!”

Long Qin was furious, and gave Long Chen a coordinate, then put away the sound transmission sacred stone, turned around and flew towards Yuhuang and the others.


At this time!

The madman has descended in the sky.

A terrifying aura made all the living creatures present tremble.

“Crazy man, we are here.”

Fire Lotus beckoned.

The madman stepped down beside Fire Lotus and Mermaid Princess, looked up at the sky above Shen Family Village, secretly thought: “What’s going on?”

“Big Brother Qin is comprehending the critical juncture of Life and Death Laws, so I need your help.”

Fire Lotus sound transmission.

“Sure enough!”

Long Qin just flew over, in the dark, when he heard this, he was immediately angry.

This scoundrel, have what skills and abilities? Can comprehend the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws.

The madman heard this and said angrily: “Why didn’t you tell me earlier on such an important matter?”

“At first we thought that we could control the situation, so we didn’t want to disturb you, but we didn’t expect, we will eventually develop this point.”

Mermaid Princess sighed.

“What about Brother Wolf?”

The madman asked in secret.

“Also notified, and Demon Ancestor, they will come soon.”

Fire Lotus nodded.

“That’s good.”

“If the people of Divine Kingdom really come to make trouble, with my own strength, I really can’t handle it.”

The lunatic relaxed.

As for the feather emperor, blood ancestor, little bunny, no matter what happens, they can’t take action. This was agreed in advance, and it is no exception now.

“It’s not if, it will definitely come.”

At this time.

Long Qin fell next to several people and said in the dark.

“Are you eavesdropping on our conversation?”

The madman raised his eyebrows.

“If I don’t overhear, can I spot the people of Divine Kingdom?”

Long Qin in the dark coldly snorted.


“Have you found the people of Divine Kingdom?”

The Emperor Yu was surprised.


“I found it before.”

“But as far as I am concerned, I don’t want to tell you at all, but there is no way to say that my big brother is a nosy person?”

Long Qin’s mouth is narrow.

“yes yes yes.”

“Can I thank you siblings? Hurry up and tell us where they are?”

The madman sound transmission, scanning the crowd.

At this time.

Jiang Xing two people have also returned to Wang Feng’s side, three people mixed in the crowd, head to ears, whispering.

“The three of them.”

Long Qin alluded to three people.

The madman glanced intentionally or unintentionally, in the dark said with a sneer: “It’s a courting death!”

Long Qin sound transmission said: “Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang will definitely come immediately after receiving the news. Before they arrive, we will kill one first!”

“This time, we thought of a piece.”

The madman laughed in the dark jié jié, sound transmission said: “Emperor Feather, blood ancestor, big brother, when I take action, you must take the living creature here and quickly move it elsewhere, so as not to accidentally hurt Them.”


three people nodded.

“Then make a move!”

The madman jié jié smiled, and a violent aura suddenly rolled out like a tide.

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