
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Maintain the dignity of your Purple Gold Dragon Blood?”

“You think too much!”

Youth dismissed it and did not evade. One fist flew away lightly, but the seemingly light one fist was not weaker than Ji Heavenly Monarch.

A fierce battle began.

The lunatic and the others finally saw the true strength of youth, much stronger than them!

“He is really aunt’s child…”

Looking at the youth who was inextricably killed with the father, Dragon’s son’s complexion looked particularly hideous.

Why can a person who doesn’t even have Purple Gold Dragon Blood have such strength?

“Since he is your aunt’s child, the Ancestor in Qin Feiyang’s mouth must be him. It is beyond imagination, unexpectedly powerful to this extent.”

“How did he manage a low-level civilization that doesn’t even have the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth?”

Jiang Yunshuang’s face is also full of incredible.

If the Sky Cloud Realm has the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth, it can also be explained that this person is a fusion of inheritance.


According to their investigations over the years, the Sky Cloud Realm could not find the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth.

Without fusion inheritance, is that what he realized by himself?

What a joke.

In terms of age, as a child of Divine Kingdom Princess, who is younger than her and Dragon’s son, how can she realize the ultimate Profound Truth of the six strongest laws?

Unless this person turns on the legendary Gate of Potential.


Long Chen took a deep breath, retracted his gaze, sound transmission said: “Qin’er, you accompany everyone here to protect Shen Family Village, Brother Mo, Brother Wolf, let’s kill Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang!”


“This time, I must give them all their cultivation bases to Deprivation!”

White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes flickered cold light.

Dragon’s son?



brother let you fall from the altar today, you will never be able to stand up forever!


Just as the three people are preparing to make a move.

“The mad brother, Big Brother Wolf, look at you!”

Li Feng’s exclamation sounded.

two people stared blankly, turning one’s head looked towards Li Feng, and saw Li Feng looking at the sky with shock on his face.

See it!

Two people quickly looked up, and their expression was immediately shocked.

Long Chen and the others are the same!

I saw the surging dark clouds above the sky at this moment, gradually turning into blood red.

Countless thunder and lightning, all become scarlet one after another.

A terrifying heavenly might is gradually awakening!

“What’s the matter?”

Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang also noticed this scene, their faces full of surprise.


Follow closely.

A terrifying aura broke out above the Shen Family Village.


A group of people looked over the village one after another turning one’s head.

Is it Qin Feiyang?


At the moment in Shen Family Village, the villagers up and down all looked up at the sky in surprise.

The life energy gathered from the entire west continent is surging in the sky like a vast ocean, which is countless times more spectacular than that of Life Law.

The people in the village have been greatly improved under this energy.

Shen Dazhuang, the current cultivation base has soared to the realm of Initial Accomplishment Divine Monarch!

This is equal to that, in this short half a month, he crosses a great realm. At such a speed, even Shen Dazhuang himself feels like he is dreaming.

As for the other people in the village.

Even Shen Dazhuang, the strongest person in the village, breaks through the cultivation base of a great realm. Does anyone else need to talk about it?

In short.

All people are shedding body, exchanging bones.

One day in the future, the hundreds of people in Shen Family Village will surely become the existence of the clouds world named rewards the sky.

Even in the future, it will become a force to guard the Sky Cloud Realm.


And now!

In the surging life energy above, there seems to be a faint silhouette.

But the life energy is too strong to see clearly.


With the dark clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky, all turned blood red, and a huge vortex unexpectedly appeared over the village.

All the life energy rushed frantically towards the vortex.

In just a few breaths, all the life energy in the sky disappeared, revealing a white silhouette.

“Qin Feiyang!”

“Old Qin!”

“Little Qinzi!”

“Big Brother Qin!”

“Young Master!”

A group of crazy people expressing boundless happiness.

That’s right!

This white silhouette is exactly Qin Feiyang.

The previous vortex was caused by him absorbing life energy and reshaping the fleshy body.


Extracting the essence of plants and trees from the entire west continent, he only reshapes the fleshy body.

This moment.

His skin is like a newborn baby, glowing with treasure light.

The temperament has also become a little different from before. It seems to be fused with Heaven and Earth. He is clearly standing in front of him, but it looks a little ethereal.

“This is who?”

Looking at Qin Feiyang standing above, many people in the village looked suspicious.

But Shen Dazhuang is like thunder from a clear sky!

This face…

Isn’t it the Qin Feiyang who is famous in the cloud world?

Why is Qin Feiyang over the village?

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and looked up again. The young man in the sky had not changed at all. They were the Legendary characters in the sky cloud world!

“Junior Shen Dazhuang, met Senior Qin!”

A shivered, Shen Dazhuang knelt on the ground, his face full of worship.

“Senior Qin?”

Sinkwood and the others looked at Dazhuang in surprise.

“Grandpa, Xiao Jia, that’s right, he is the Qin Feiyang who has always guarded the sky and clouds world and protected the people of the world!”

Shen Dazhuang shouted excitedly.

I really didn’t expect to see this legendary figure in person one day.

And it’s still in their Shen Family Village.


He also finally understands why Madman Mo, Longqin, and Li Fengsheng appear in Shen Family Village one after another, all of which are to protect Qin Feiyang!

“Qin Feiyang!”

Hearing Shen Dazhuang’s roar, the people up and down in the village couldn’t help but trembled physically and mentally. It was incredible.

Today, even if you haven’t seen Qin Feiyang, you have heard of the name Qin Feiyang.

Such an unattainable great character, unexpectedly descended above their Shen Family village?

They were shocked, but they did not associate Qin Feiyang with Gufeng at all, and based on their knowledge of this World, they had already determined that Gufeng was dead.

“Kneel down, everyone, don’t be rude to Senior Qin!”

Shen Dazhuang said anxiously.

A group of people return back to his senses, immediately kneeling to the ground.

But just then.

An invisible force surged in front of their legs, and no matter what, they couldn’t kneel down.

Shen Dazhuang, who was already kneeling, was also forcibly supported by that invisible force.

Qin Feiyang slowly opened its eyes, and its eyes were black and white, and contained a palpitating aura. This is the eye of life and death.

But the expression is extremely calm.

“Finally succeeded.”

He murmured, looking up towards the blood cloud in the sky, with a smile on his face.

This is his Heavenly Tribulation!

Life and Death Laws Ultimate Profound Truth’s Heaven’s Chosen!

Moreover, it is also the Heavenly Tribulation of Death Law and Life Law Ultimate Profound Truth.

Because once he realizes the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, then he is equivalent to realizing the ultimate Profound Truth of the two strongest laws of death and life at the same time.

The three ultimate Profound Truth, the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation can be imagined, more terrifying than any Heavenly Tribulation.


There is no tension in his expression.


He slowly lowered his head, looked towards the people in the village, with a thicker smile on his face, and said: “You don’t need to be like this, it should be me to say thank you, thank you.”

After that, he bowed to all the villagers.

This made everyone in the village look dumbfounded.

What does this mean?

I don’t understand at all!



“I knew it, this brat must work!”

Profound Martial World.

brat is also laughing.

Huo Wu, Wang Xiaojie, Li Er, Wang San, Five Clawed Golden Dragon, Shadow Guard, Sword Emperor and the others all have unresolved smiles on their faces.

Of course.

Watching Qin Feiyang rebirth, the happiest ones are Mermaid Princess and Fire Lotus!

The two people grasped each other’s hands hard, crying with joy.

hong long!

Along with a thunderous sound, a bloody thunder and lightning dropping from the sky, heavenly might shock the world, and the major ruler Divine Weapon suspended in the sky, all felt a fatal crisis.

Even the Heavenly God Sword and Angel Sword, the two Middle Level ruler Divine Weapon are the same.

“Qin Feiyang, you can’t Transcending Tribulation in the Array, come out quickly, otherwise the Array will be broken!”

Ghost God roars at the throne.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, Profound Martial World returned to the center of his eyebrows, heaven and earth ring disappeared in Qi Sea, stepped out immediately, soaring to nine thousand li, instantly appeared outside the Array, standing on the major ruler Divine Weapon The sky above.

“That is the heaven and earth ring of the ancient wind brother!”

Shen Xiaojia shouted.

“Ancient style…”

Qin Feiyang muttered, this girl, don’t know yet, is he an ancient style?


Ignore it for the time being, 3,000 Incarnations opened.

“Senior Brother, White-Eyed Wolf, Li Feng, help me Transcending Tribulation!”

sound like a great bell, resounding through ten thousand li.

The madman, White-Eyed Wolf, and Li Feng heard that they immediately opened their ultimate Profound Truth.

Li rebirth and Qiao Xue looked at the old poison simultaneously, and they started their ultimate Profound Truth.

“Let’s help him, after all, it is the Heavenly Tribulation of Life and Death Laws Ultimate Profound Truth.”

Long Chen looked at Long Qin and Yun Ziyang, and the mask Asura smiled.

Long Qin was reluctant, but he did not go against Long Chen’s wishes.


With the emergence of one after another ultimate Profound Truth, the 3,000 Incarnations behind Qin Feiyang immediately opened Purple Gold Dragon Soul and the Eye of God, replicating the ultimate Profound Truth of a group of people.

“He is Qin Feiyang.”

Ji Heavenly Monarch looked up towards Qin Feiyang, muttering to herself.

Purple Gold Dragon Soul, the eye of God…

And now, I still realize the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws.

This is crazy too!

If the Transcending Tribulation is successful, even if they Divine Kingdom, they will have to be jealous in the future!

“How about my descendants?”

“Let’s enter your Dharma Eye!”

Youth glanced at Qin Feiyang, a smile could be seen on his lazy face, and then looked towards Ji Heavenly Monarch and said jokingly.


White-Eyed Wolf was astonished and looked at the youth weirdly. This scoundrel pretending Qin Batian, wouldn’t it just want to take advantage of Little Qinzi?

Ji Heavenly Monarch retracted his gaze and looked at youth.


He stepped out and killed Qin Feiyang.

“With me, don’t have these naive thoughts.”

Youth opened the instant time, and instantly crossed in front of Ji Heavenly Monarch, the terrifying divine might earth-shattering away, and forcibly forced Ji Heavenly Monarch back.

Follow closely.

The ultimate Profound Truth roared out.

Move the battlefield to the distant place step by step.

This was done naturally to prevent Ji Heavenly Monarch from making trouble.

The other side.

Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang clenched their hands and stared at Qin Feiyang. The murderous intent in their eyes was undisguised.

Never let this person, Transcending Tribulation succeed!

Desperately, kill him too!

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